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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1919, p. 8

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BOWMANVILLE, SEPT.] 8, 1919 HAYDON C.Epworth League service on Tbursday night was in charge nf, our Missionary Vice-president, iiss Lena Sîsmon. After devotional exercises, Mr. Cecil Slemon led in the Scripture lesson. The topie was taken by Miss Vera MonntjDy. Master John Sîsmon of Enniskiilen sang a solo. Missionary readings were gîven by Misses Reta Amsbury and Vera Slemon League closed wîth the Mizoah Benedic- tion. . ...Girls' Sunshine Class v'as enter- tained at the home of their te ýcher, Mrs. Theron Mouitj.,.y,oti Thuîsday afternoon - The class was called to order and Dora Mountjoy read a, nicely worded address to two of the class, who are leaving our midst and as the proper time, Misses Agnes. Wright and Meta Aslbton, present- ed Miss Annie Churcb and Miss Reta Am'sbury each witb a Metbodist Hymn ~Book. The recipients made very suitable replies, after,.wbicb ahl enjoysd a eocial time ... . Mr. and Mrs. H. Raynor and son Frank visited relatives at Pontypool.... Glad to welcome Miss Denike, Norwood, as our teacher this terrm. _ g', RURAL SCHOOL FAIRS. Blackstoc k, Tuesday, Sept. 16tb. Orono, l'burstlav, Sept. s5tb. Enniskillen, Friday, Sept. i9tb. Hampton, Monday, Sept. 22nd. Mapie Grove, Tîsesdav, Sept. 23rd. TYROGNE Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. J., Gay and Miss Lear, Courtice, at Mr. A. E. Ciemens'; Miss Eva McCutchson, Tor- onto, guest of Mrs. J. Lord; Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Irwin, Oshawaj at Mr. W. R. Clemeus'. Rev. A. M. Irwiui, B. A., B, D.,Oshawa, preacbed a vsry belpfui sermon bere Sunday morning and deiivered two ex. ceptionaily interesting addresses at the l-arvest Home services at Long Saut.... Missionary Sunday Scbool Committes bas arranged for five montbs' program, Mr. A. F.Annis taking the first Sunday giving a very instructive address. . Rev. and Mrs. W. T. W ickett were aS Oshawa on Sunday, he taking the services as King-ss. Meîbodist Churcb. Women's Institue' meets Wednesday, Sept. 24 as Mrs. Thos. Woodley's. DARLlNGTON Miss Elva Van Dyke spent the week- end witb Miss Neya Allun, Oshawa... Mfiss Lillian Short, Taunton, bas returned home after a pleasant visit with ber brother, Mr. Blake Short.... .Miss Pearl Metcaif was a recent visitor witb Miss Nellie Guy, Oshawa . .. .Mrs. W. W. Allin and Mrs. John N. McDougall, Town, were recent visitoi s witb the former's cousin, Mr. W. H. Woo.... Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Downey attended Oshawa fair. . .. Raliy Day at Base Lins Sunday School, Oct. 5. Special values in boys" school suits at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Ltd. SOLINA Mr. Richard Pascoe recently visited an sys spw. ialist in Toronto with no unmed- late hope of improvement ln bis sight.... Mr. A. J. and Misses Lula- and Edca Reynolds visited Toronto friends.... Rally Day in Eidad Sunday School next Sunday .... Elias Ashton is busy flling silos witb bis new International 'corn blower .. .. Mr. Alan- A. Bowerman of British Columbia visited friends bers on bis way to Ottawa to secure a patent on an invention.Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McLaugblin and cbildren, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Miss Audrey and Mr. Richard Stevens, Oshawa, m otored out and visited friends bers Sunday. . .. Mrs. A. J. Balson is improving niceiy at Bow- manville Hospital. Her sister. Miss Lena Taylor, District Nurse, Toronto, was witb ber fok a week.. .. Women's Instituts and, Farmers' Club wiil meet at Sons' Hall on District Reps'esentative, wiil entertaini with bis moving picturocs. Watermelons for refresbmenls. Everybody welcome ....and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. W. Van Nest recently visited Mr. J. Ger row, Scugog Island .... Mr. and Mrs. Tremeer, Frank and Ila, Marîposa, visited as W. IN Pascoes. .MrW. Pse is visiting in Mariposa ... Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker visitec: at Mr. W. J. _Bragg's,_ Pro- vidence...-.Mr. R. Miller and son, Bar- stow, Miss Harding and Mrs. T. Miller, Stouffville, Mrs. Acy Rundîs, Courtice, and Mrs. E. Rundle, Meadville, Pa., were recent guests aS -Mr _T.-Baker' s. M- r. and Mrs. Everett M. Hardy,Bowmanville, as Mr. Arthur Millson's . .. .Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Snowden, Maple Grove, at 'Jas. Hogartb's. . .. Sorry to hear that Mr, Robt. Fowier bas to undergo an opera- tion for appendiciis.. .. Mr. Thos. Baker recensiy soid Sbortborns to Mr. R. Miller, Seouffville, as good prices. . .. Miss Mary Reynolds is home from Toronto... .Glad tco hear that Mr. Normasq Yellowlees' baby is mucb improved. MVAPLE GROVE YOUNG FARMERS' OUTING. Mr. John Henderson and grandson visit- ed, at bis daughter's, Mr. Vernon Coulter, NEýWTONVILLE JUNIOR FARMERS' IM- Brighton .... Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Ras, PROVEMENT ASSOCIATON ON TOUR.- Orono, recently yisited bis sister, Mrs. - John Henderson. .. . Miss Olie Cromsbery, Members of Newton ville junior Farm- Simcoe, us visiting Miss Viola Stevens and ers' Improvement Association spent a other triends ... . Sunday School Rally in very succsssfuî day recsntly judging Live the churcb, Sunday, Sept. 28tb at 3 P. m. Stock at several farms, (new time) ... ,Miss Ethel Brooks, Cour- ArcitrlRpeettv .A tics, was a Snnday visitor with Miss Viola WAgicuslteur ep resettivcG.a.h Stevens, ... Scho ol Fair will be held onWibiasy s ecurked a o tormtrukoad M esss the Sch'ool grounds on Tuesday, Sept. 23 A.oy.wreakeln t'onthe Far sorse, ...Mr. anci Mrs. Tbos. Snowden attend-AwJ.stamlynS. odn, o; J.F. Oboe, J ed the funeral of their cousin, NMr. Georg ecater, S. nowadnmith&owmcarisoen, MTaBaker, Solina;nan.SrnithandRichardson Taylr a Hamton... r. nd r. .Columbus, wbere classes of Dairy Cattie, C. Snowden and two daugbters were Be ats wn, he n oss Sunday visitors with lier sister Mrs.james1 efCtl.SiShpanHos, Hogarth, Solina, on Stbnday.7 respectively, were judged. Prof. J. P. Sackville, O. A. C., Guelph, and W. J. ALL NIGHT WITH ASTHMA. Evervone Gardhouse were the judges. Three prizes knows bow attacks of asthma often keep were offersd in books for the best work their victim awake the whole night long, la ail classes&ofjndging. Morning flnds hlm. whollv unfltied for aj One bundred points were given for day of business, and yet, business must eacb class judged. Boys were given still be carried through. Ail this nigbt twsnty minutes tà place the animnais and soffering and iack of rst can be avoided write their reasoris. by the prompt use of Dr. J. D. Kellogg ' Floigisarpr f cr ae Asthma Remedy, which positively does Mlo- tpeOrn,36 ilr driv awa theattaks.Lockhart, Clarke, 343; George Finney, Port Hope, 33o; Henr3 Haw, Orono, ý26; AUCTION SALES. Arthur Walker, Port Hope, 320; Bruce --!Whitney, Newcastle, 320; Wellington WEDNESDAY, SIEPTEMBER 24-Mr. Thos. Adams, Newcastle, 313; Sidney Lockhart, &.Hardy wiil seii his Clydesdale horses, Newcastle, 303; Robert Wragg, Orono, Shortborn cattle, choice dairy co ws,265; Theodore Stevens, Port Hope, 256; Leicester sbeep, and -a full equipmet Beverley Mlîson, Orono, 251. of farm machinery and impiements on -_______ lot 25, con. 2, Whitbv Tp., jusS north of Worms cause fretfuiness and rob the Whitby town. Mr. Hardybas disposed infant of sleep, the great nourîshment. witbout reserve. Six monhs' credit; or clear the stomacb and intestines and rest- twelve months'credit by paying interest ors bealtbfulness. on iast six montbs. See large buis. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp-new time. WM. MAw, auctioneer. 37-2- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27.-Mrs. Thos. ,Howard, ne -Susannah-Onstan, ywitl seli- as ber resîdence, Ontario-st,, South Ward, Bowmanville, ber household furnitutre-and -furnisbings consisting of bedroom suites, springs, mattresses, stoves, curtains, carpets, etc. Terms cash Aiso the framne bouse and 4 -acre land., Terms easy., Sale a Ses bills. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TUESDAY, Sept 30.-Frank T. Guy & Son wifl seil by auction at lot 24, con. i, near Darlingson Station, ail their farm stock and 'implements, inciuding 12 Registered Ayrshire cattle, 2 grade beifers, I jersey cow, 3 driving horses broovdraw y and r e i s oun heavdrwafdit syre 5 yars old E sows, suitable for breeding, hens, gesse, fartctles nrsereat, is osoldSe u g fartols, n rsepreatr ssoe boseo catalogue of sale. Sale at i p. m. old _____ _____ _ - iRf- + . fAs. BIIhflP. auct..-.e. pal. D Sornething More Than Raising the Temperature- The air must be pure as well as warrn. The health of' your family demands it. An odor of gas is flot "only unpleasant but is a menace to the health. Fine 'coal dust flojating in the air is just as bad. The HECLA Furnace is a-bso1utely gas and dust proof. The Joints, wbich ia other Furnkces are made with boits and, cernent, are fused in the HECLA. This process weld,ï the east-iron and steel into a sôlid one-piece co n- struction, Expansion'and contraction cannot spread the fused joint. Even after 20 years of service, the joints in the HECLA will be found perfectly tight. The fumes frein the fire cannot find an .opsning. The air in the living rooms îs always pure and healthful. HLECLA FURI,%NACEr- For Coal and, Wood. This healthful heating costs less than ordinary warm air heating. The fire- pot of the HECLA is steel fibbed tô radiate the heat rapidly. This, by actual, test, makes a savin g of 13 3 per cent, or one ton of coal in seven. Let us estimate your work. W. H.1 DUSTAN -plumn&hig - Tinsmithiung - Ha-rdwa r e Phone 74 BowmanviiIe e - CUT RATE HIARDWARE Bargains, Galore Fair Week Only Castile Soap 5e dbl bar reg 10Oc Lux, 2 pkg for 23c, reg 15ec pkg Creonoid Flychaser, $1.25 gai,,reg $1.50 Paints, (a fcw shades) reg $1.50, 95e qt Bon Arni, 2 for 23e, reg 15c. Brooms 20 % off. Gaivaniized bushel ]$askets, reg. $1 50 for $1,25. Overalis and Smocks, reg $2.75 for $2.25. Galvanized aod enamel ware at reduced prices. Threshinggoggles from 10o up. Majestic Electric beaters. Perfection 011 beaters. Sewing Machine, reg $60.00 for $37.00. Stoves of ail kinds. Man's Bicycle, reg $57.00 for $48.00. Lady's Bicycle, reg $55.00 for $46.00. Phonographs frorn $27.50 Records, regular 90c, for Fair week only, 75o 3-burner 011 Stove, reg $30,00 for $24.00 Gilson Ensilage Blower, ree. $300.00 for $260.00 Massey- barris Blizzard Blo*er, reg $300,00 for $125. (second hand) i m 1 ii i . . - 1 -- . . Hi- - 1 1in b L--L-- No. 7 Plows new, reg $2Î3,00 for $20.00 Ail kinds of Roo04fing and Roofing Paints bTarnessqý-a fuUl lns at very iow prices. Also ol Ag-ent for the famous 1900 Gravity- Washting Machines. FX O.--1 1,/e 1a CDn Phone 131. Open Day and Night.1 Bowmanville Visitors: Mr. A. B. Cryderman and Miss Hilda Cryderman at Bro9klin and Columbus; Miss Lillie McLean at Mr. Howard Cole's; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and Master Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn and Ernest at Mr. J. B. Horn's, Peterboro.... Miss Mary Souch is attending Ontario Ladies' Colege, Whit-. by.... .Miss Frances Clatwortby is attend- ing Peterboro Normal .... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pascos, Miss Margaret Pascoe Mrs. Aif. Hogarth and Mr. J. J, Virtue motor- ed to Brooklin Monday and attended the funeral of the late John Westaway, a former -highly esteemed resident of this village .... Mrs. I. L. Brown passed away on Monday after a very long illness home from Bowmanville Hospital wbere she underwent an operation for appen- dicitis. She-is doing nicey. Ms onCwîghsrtre Thefuneral of the late Geo. Taylor took place on Wednesday and was very largely attended. Service was conductsd by Rev. J. W. Totten. Besides his widow, he leaves bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. Taylor, one brother Thoifias and sister Ida. The floral tributes were very beautiful. Among the relatives present from a distance were-Mr. Lewis and Miss Myrtle Pascos, Mrs. C. J. Pascos, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hartnell Cole, Geneva, and others. (Received too late for last zssve.) Visitors: Miss R. R. Cole, Bowmanville, at Mr. C. W. Souch's; Mrs. Duna and ,Miss Dunn, Toronto, at Mr. J, Clat- worthy's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Beckett, Kemble, spent the week-end with friends; Miss N. Horn visiting friends in Toronto; Mrs. Boyd and Miss G. Stevens, Toronto, at their father's, Mr. E, Stevens; Mr. C. E. Brown, 'Maple Creek, Sask., re cently visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Brown. Mrs. Brown is very sl.. .. A very interesting service'was held on Sutn- day evening, Rev. J. O. Totten after tell- ing a story for the cbildren gave an ex- cellent address on the Referendum also explaining the ballot. The male quartet rendered two splendid Temperance' selec- tions ... . The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. G. Taylor and other relations in the death of Mr. Taylor which took place early on Monday morning,. Mr t-and Mrg. J H MithelLand-MrlI Percy and the Misses Percy 'recently vis- lted Mrs. J. Cooledge. CARD 0F THANKS. Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Hampton, desîres to thank the many friends and neighbors for the' kindness and sympathy sbown ber during the illnsss and death of ber bus- band al1so for the beautiful floral offerings Balance of stock on hand will be sold ae old prices up to time of arrivai of our new stock when pri1ces will materially advance, Prices now range from $1.25 to SATURDAY, Oct. 4-Mrs. Thos. Hardy wiII sell by auction -t her residence, Libertv -st. Bowmanville, the whole of the household effects consisting of parlor, living-room, dining-room, bed- roorn and kitchen furnishings. Also! garden tools, bicycle, wood, etc. Sale at i p.m. See bis. Terms cash. L. A. W. FOLE, auctiyieer. 37-4w. SATURDA'Y, Oct. 4--Mr. Ei. MilisonI, lot 27, con 7, Darlington, will seli his entire herd Of 35 Grade Durham cattie dr.aft horses and pigs. See bis Sale at 1.30 P. m. sharp. GEO, JACKSON, auctigneer. 38-3w, OronFýýo Fair! You are invited to becomne an Exhibitor at Orono Fair on Thursda.y, Sept. 25 Friday, Sepmt:.,26, To ses the advancement ip Agri- culture where the best of every- thing is shown in Live Stock, Foui- try, ilorses in Harness, Horse Races, Stock Judging Competitions Parade of Prize Animais. Also the exhibits of Fruit, Vegetables, Grains, the eream of the countrys produets, Ladies' Work, etc. Ses the Baby Show. -Hear the 48 Ilighlanlders'ÉBand of Toronto. Ses the Play "Safety First" in the Opera House Fair Night. Plan at GilfilIan's Drug Store. Special rates on C. N. R., F. W, BowENx, President. ADOLPH HIENRY, Orono, Sec-Treas.. auJLppers Wornen who foiiow the fashions and dress their feet in accordance with the newest ideas find all man- ner of dainty effeets to suit their fancies among our new evening slippers. Ia plain black, kid- as above, priced from $1.25 to $7,50. Ia black patent as above priced frorn $4,25 to $7.00. Grey Suede in Colonial etecet with beaded ornarnent, fi1.00. Black Patent Colonial, with or without ornaments, $7.,50. Ses our range of boys' and girls' sehool boots. Ir irI Shoe Store Phone 120 - Bowmanv vile B"usiness ¶I take this oppor,!unity of inforrning the people within the purchasing area of Bowmanville that I have acquired the Furniture Business of Mr. Alan M. Williams, King Street West, (adjoining Hotel Bowman) The services of Mr. Williams wiil be retained and he will continue the Undertakîng and Embalming business as formerly. ¶Since securing my discbarge from the Canadian Expectitionary Forces it has been my desire and arn. bition to locate in business in my native town. In )î choosing the Furniture Business I do so realizing that this particular line of business is nov overowded in Bowrnanville, ¶A large sbiprnent of new Furniture of the very latestjýdesigns and- varying--qualifies-to -suit--every f-aste and purse is now in transit and wili be on display in the course of a. few days-by Fair Day, T hope. Corine on in anyway on Fair Day and let's get acquainted., Inl asking for'a share of yodr patronage I do 110 with the confidence that I wili have Furniture that wilI make your home more cornfortable and attractive -this combined with real genuine value8 and service will eventually make you a regular custorner, ¶Come ia and look around any turne. jHARx-OLD"T"GALVN Furniture For Home and Office Phone 58 <Bjotwmanvýtle' SU Should C Big Stock of'Men' s and B oys' Wearing Apparel. - Prices Low - uality the Best - F:Zor Nien Suits that fit 'and 'satisfy liedjFade .........T$I8IJWto $5O00 Tailor Made........$25.00 to $75,00 Fail Overcoats ............$15ý00 to $35,00 .Buy now (pricesw~il1 be higlier) FqDr E8cy2; Suits, al sizes and styles, prices reasonable Boys',odd Bloomers, $1.25 to $3,00 Blueserge Bloomers, a bargain at $2.50 Furnishing-s Shirts - Neekwear - Hosiery Garters Coliars - Suspenders Sweater Coats 'Ai oûo vaue. Seete. Whers You Get Most Value For Your $ 0OUr Mail Order Department at your service, Heain AHome Properly Is - ----- Meats and Provisions We are weli stocked with ail Linds of Cooked and Smoked Meats: English Brawn Jellied Hock Roast'Beef Bologna Cooked and Smoked bains . Bacon Cookea bam Roast Park Loaf Pressed Hamn Mac oaroni Loaf New England bain T ry Our Jilome-Made Sausage A wh olesome -food and easiiy cooked, 25e per lb. Choice Fresh Beef, Veai, Spring Lamnb, Early Moýrning Dielivery Order pour meat in the afternoon .ami I will- deliver it t0 your home next mornîng before S olclock. G.A. Edcimonds ton e (On e door ea-ýst of Levi, Morris,& Son's) Phoneo 21 Bowmanville w -n ivi r- lm ,I-P-n£mv-evening n, 1. 1 j ili lu 1 -'T -L ---HLHR- ïft

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