&RCIIÂRD ON TEN ACRES 0F LAND1 FOR SALE IN BOWMANV1LLE. '1e McMNIrtry property. l, mile east of.NLursery o,,, ltsjning about ten acres, inootly covered *e e earing o cohard. The handeome ý1,r aeaut 70000 brick suitable for rbjd .1' 'rseneva noe oen ie s,ao1 uid ic.Ier, are a, large barn with coefonnda- (~unet.stabes nderneabli, and a shed in fairly Soo coditon.'bie property N w cl ituated ne L e îld o vto asy terme. For further ax',olae sply oiE~.L. Ooodwill, barrister, oteboro 1sf OT JCEfl baoned a bTanch office à.n thieI Lot Block, Hampton" adsolicitýs your business. J. A. McCL,-ELAN, Manager1 Dated at Hampton, a per Hanging Painting and IDecorating -l h Knddone te your satisfact- on -nu at reasonable prices by Lewis Rowe ,Suecessor M John M_'RnwejA s ICaLil at bis residence cor. Ontario and iDurhami-sts., next door south ofMr. John Grigg's. 13-tf %ood Notice For Mr. j. Rosenvald, haýs open. ed a retail feed anid far'mera' pro- duestore in Toronto. Mr. Pike is hi Bowmneville agent and is j~hi~he~piieesfor ail sorts, Zf grin hy ad farmners' produce. 1ýh ay is pressed and thie press- ing -hree of charge. ?lease phonoi 289 Bowînanville bEefore dis"posing of your -goods. Notiace To utoOwners The jamieson Brosý. are busy do.,ing.ail kinds of tire3 repairing. BIrîng in your old rires and have tbmre-tread if they atre worth t.We will tel] you estraight if thýey are worth doing. Bring in those spare tubes and have them repaired. We repair punctures and biowouts at short~ notice, Be sure and get our prices en New Tires before yon buy. We handie only the best makes. Côrner King and SiIvêr sts. MBowmanville Phone 193 1W Insurance Agency siz e Strenigth Li berahity The SUN LIFE 31,ASS URPANCE COM3NPAINY of Cainada,.vith over $34000,000 of busi'ness in force, ha it the adv antages thaýt size can bngto a life company. ',""th assets of over $97,000,O0 and surplus of over $8,000,0O, it hedecided strength and sýafety. Its policy condit'ins and divid- ,nd record bave earned for it an -,o.ivïable reputation for liberality, whîi.le its record for fair dealing is Fýullest information ats to cn tracts can be obtainied fromn Companies - Service 1Rates are of the best hen-3ou iinsurwihý NINA E. NEADS Insurance Agent." Phone 162 Office Wellington-st Bowman-ville Entr Ay ~ay Inue of hasBusiness Schools, Toronto, for a 'ours that insures ern- ploymncnt aï a2.o salary. Write for fr. e i-epcus . H.haw, Presi- dent, 395 Y',onge;St.,- oronto. Alý'an M0WilIi Vî 11a ms~ Funeral D îrct _'- mbalmer~ No extra charge for-id'smance in couïiîry or to city or outside plaýces., Embaim- ing doue in the most scientific manne r. Charges reasonable as my expe ises are Phone 58 or 159 4 3 6 m F urn iture B ouglýht I arn prepared to boy ail kinds cf used furniture for which I pav highest prices. Notify me first before dispos- ing of vour old furniture, Write or, phone 271. B. Warner 541 King St., West Oshawa Phone 208 When you Require the Services of an Expert Electrician' G. PARKIN Silver & Church Sus. Bowmanviile iMr. [armer!. Have YOU 'Enough Insurance This is the time of the year when farmers shouid put on more Insur- It is important te have the best. My predecessors4 Messrs. <.ann and Bingham, with yeard of experience, had the choice of ail the compan- ies and seiected the best, and it is these best companies which 1 now represent. Wby take the risk cf placing your insurance in otber companies when yen can have the best at the same premium or even less? The companies I represent pay the funil value of the loss. I haye settled for over 30 fire lusses dur- ing the last 2+ years and witb complete satisfaction in e'«ery ine se You insur e for protection-be sure your poiicy protects you. I make it my business to assist YOU. J. J. MA5ON Insurance Agent BRowmanville Grand Truok Railwýayi1 The Double Track Route between D et roiît Unexcelled dinin1g car srie Sleeping cars on igh Train n PEarlor Car-s on the picplDayý Trla-,n's. Fu'! inorato fomay ,Gr"and Trunk Ticket Agýent or CU.E. Horning,' D)itrict iPassenger Agent, Toirnt. J. H H. URYTownAgen, ['hone ï B0anife BOWMANVILLE, OCT.16, 191t9 --RURAL SCHOOL FAIR._ PRIZE WINNERS Ar ENNISHILLEN FAIR. CLASS i POTAIQES Peck from pio-Henry Watchorn, Wesley Little, Alma Oke, Donald Davey, Harry Hatheriy, Richard Gibbs; singe- Harry Hatherley, Aima Oke, Wtesley Little, Richard Gibbs; peck,, 19t8 seed CyriliAvery. CLASSES 2 AND 3-VEGR-TABL-ES. Mangels -Leone Moore, Ellis Griffin Frank McGill; single- do, do, do; turnips -Arthur Richards.; singe-do; beets- 'Merle Ashton, Gordon Cowling, Charlie Staintor,, Carlyle Ashton, Fred Gooedman, Eari Thompson; single do-Charles Stain- ton, Eari Thompsun, Merle Ashton, i'red Goodman, Mabel Beech, Carlyle Ashton; carrt-Agnes Wright, Stuart Ho -ey, A Ashton, Gordon G. eer, Florence Avery, Kathleen MçCa.uiough; single do-A-gnes Wright, Wilie Vannatto,Florence Avery, Meta Ashton,' Gordon Greer, Kathleen Mc uliough; unions - Claude Smth, Jeasie Hooey, Kathleeu Gibbs; single do -Jes1sie Hooey, Kathleen Gibbs, Claude Smnith; parsnips-Elva Gr i'fin; single do -do, CLASS 4-CORN Sweet corn-James McPhail, Marjrsrie Smith, Stella Strutt, Albert Donneliy, Thomas Watchorn; single do-Marjorie Smith, James McPhaii, Norman Stinson; field corn - Lawrence 'Avery; six stalks- do.1 CLASS i-GRAIN. Barlev-Louis Wrîght, Cyril Avery; sheaf do-do, do. CLAss 6-FLOWERS. Sweet peas-Ruth Lowden; asters- Margaret Moore, Kathleen McCuilough, Verna Coulter, Kathleen Gibbs, Merle Ashton, Amy Ashton.; 'phiox-Meta Ashion; bouquet, mixed-Kathieen Mc- Cullough, Wesley Luitte, Ted Woodyard, Levi Annis, Kathleen Gibbs, Herb Ash- CLASS 7-ApiPLES AND PEARS. Spies-Ted Woodyard, Cora McFad- den, Levi Annis, Hazel Werry, Marie Werry, Dean hodgson.; snow-1"Hu'4h Ovens, Dean Hodgson, Marie WrY? lieZ7l Werry; any faed variety-Levi Annis, Grace Virtue, Milton Srainton, Kathleen Gibbs, Frank Stevens, Henry Watchorr; 3 venutes 5 eech-Le.. .An..i.. Eleanor-Thompson., Jessie Hooey, Frank Stevens, Thomas Waicborn, Leone Mloore; pears-Vera Coulter, Eleanor, Thompson, Frank Amsbary, Levi Annis CLASS 8-POULTRY, PLYMOUTH-!RocKs Cockerel-Dean Hodgson, Fred Ashton, Sebert Hall, Giady s Hooey, Gordon Beech; puliet--Dean riodgson, R Gibbs, Cledys Hooey, Sebert Hlall, Eleanor Amsbary, Harold Donneily; trio-Dean Hodgson, Sebert Hall, Fred Ashton, Reta Ashton, Eleanor Amsbary; pair-Rich- ard Gibbs, Eleanor Amsbery; barred rock hens-Myrtle Amsbary, Levi Annis, Gordon Beech, CLASS 9-LivE STOCK. Draft cot-Erneat Werry; dairy caif, beifer-Orvilie Ashton. CLASS 10-M ANUAL TRAINING. Wooden maliet-John Hatherley ., See- bert Hall, Milton, Stainton, Cyril .Avery; miodels, paper-Grace Virtue, James Me- Pha.!, Henry Watchiorn, Rowena Avery. CLASS T T-NA.TURE STUDY. Col. Weeds-.Meta Ashton, Lueila Moore; do weed seeds-Meta Ashton, Reva MeGill, James McPbail; do insect- Verne Trewin, Rowena Avery; dowbrk of insecta and diseases-James McPheil; do wooda showing bark and grain-Ern- est Werry; do leave-Kethieen McCul- iough, Mildred Avery. ,CLASS 12-DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Bread-Myrtle, Bruni, Verna Davev, Meta Ashton; ginger cookies--Jemes Mc- Phail, Myrtie Amsbary, Meta Ashton, Marie Werrv,Grace Virtue, Lelia'Rahm; layer cake, light-Albert Dennelley, Ethel Vanatto, Maud Ashton, Loverne Griffin, Gladys Siainton, Myrtie Amsbary; layer cake, dark-Verna Devey, Reta Ashzon, James McPbail,,Marie Werrv, Eleanor Anisbary, Helen Argue;,school lunch- James McPhaii, Reva McGill, Verna Davev; meple cream-Verna McCoy, Blanche Parkin, 'Verna Davey, Mautd Ashton, Eiva Griffin, Hazel Werry; sepple pie-Reta Ashton, Helen Argue, Myvrtle Bruni, Herbert Waterbouse, Meta Ashton, Grace Virtue; dozen eggs-LueJia Moore, Dean Hodgson, Hezel Werry, Irene Fer&Euson; tee apron-Loverne Griffin, M4eta Ashton,, Grace Virtue, Myvlrile Amsbary, Agnes Wright, Eleenor Ams- bav; darned sock-Meta Ashton, Loverne Griffin; hemsîitched bidkfs- Meta Ashton, Eleanor Tbompson; duat cap, Eleenor Amsbary; guest iowel- Meta Ashton. CLASS 13 MISCELLANEOUS. Drawing, ferm scenie-MyrtIe, Ams. cary, Florence Avery, Mvrtle. Vice, Gordon Cowling, James McPhail, Lueila Moore; -drawing 3 fruits-Grace Virtue, Florence Avery, James McPhail, Doroiby Pacoe, Blanche Parkin, Myrile Vice; design, book cover-Meta Ashton, Luella' IMoore, Grace Virtue, James McPbail; design, "Hurrah for our School Fair"- Meta Ashton, James McPhail, Blanche Parkin, Myrtiem Vice,,Dorothy Pascoe; ,McPbaii, Hazel Werry, Glgdys Siainton, Grece Virtue, Margaret Moore; wriîing, "Tile Squïrrel"'-Heien Argue,, Verna Couiter, CLASS 14-CONTESTS. Public speaking'over i0 years-Grace Vi'-tue, Hazel Werry, Orville, Ashton; i;u-blic speaking u 'der Io ve ---K'lau1le'en McCullough, Ray 'Ashton, Mlora Mc- Rneî;girls' sewîng comp - Grace Virtue, Meta Ashton, Loverne Grîffin, ,Re' va McGifi, Reta Ashton, Florenc e (Templton, 142 1(1k West, Toronto). We mnal T.eR.C. 's aywhere on receipt of hi.04. Sole Agents for Oshawa and Bowman ville Messrs. jury & Loveil, Druggists andOiticians. Noice To Creditors IN THE MA TTEIRIOF th e ES TATE of C A 11ERBON L ÀSTE R M UNSON late of the Town of Bowman ville i the County of Durham, a retired contr actor, deceased. -NoTICE jehereby given pursnant tO 5ec. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. O., 1914, that ail pereons hav- 'n laia or demnandeagainet theestate of the slid Caneonisjter Munson, deceased, who died onr or about thew4onrth day of September, 1919. are reqniredi to send by post prepaid. or deliver te the undei siged D. B, Simson, Solicitor for Jobn Perev, Uic expector of the wjll of the eaid Caineron Lister Muiisom . deceased, on or befoýe the seveintieday of Novemi er, 1919, their chrietian and sesrnames ced-aldree 1ePwhthull particulars in writing of .c..e e tement of their acrounots and t1. nature 1 the1 .illitieqe(if any) ie]ld by thens duly veriOeýd LyLettnov declar- ation. 'ND TAKE NOTICE that afiter the said eiev et daypf November, 1919, the eajd Executor wjll proceed to djstrjbute the aseete of the, eajd dieceaeed au- lng the parties entitled theýreto riavjnR: regar. onto tuthe claine is fwhjch lie shah) thee ave notice, and the said Executor will not lie I'ablfor, ejd aeeete, 0or aoy part thereof. to aoy pereoni or persane of whoseecfaim notice sbajj not have been recejved by hlm or his said Solicitorat the turne af auch distribution. Dated this seventh day of October, 1919. JOHN PERCY, Execotor of the wilaf the eaid Cane ron Lister Mun- son, deceased. D. B. Simopson, Ký C., Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the saed Executor. 41-4 Bar gainH Boots Balance of'stock on hand wîi be sold at old prices up to time of arrivaid of Our new stock when prices 'will materiaUly advance. Prices now range from $1.25. to $7.oo. Hl. Ellidltt Estate Hampton HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Four BIg Fiavori'tes Graham Flour Whole WhVleat Flour P'oYal Fbour for Bread If you canniot secure these popuflar grades of Flour from otir grocer order diîrect from us. Chopping Mili feed chopphng (don-e Nwh-i!ieyou wit Y'our pationagesohmtd dsat'isfaýction uaated Cwhas. Hon cHam.o nihono 129 PSla Avery; girls' hemming comp.-Bessie Donneiiy, Adfer Trick; girls' driving con- test-Marie Werry, Loverne Griffin; boys' driving contesi-Ernest Wery, School Parade- Tsi Tyrrene, Miss Bessie Muilin, teacher. 2nd Enniakilien, Miss Alice Werry, teacher. 3rd Uaion No. 17, Miss Lvc4a I. Taylor, teacher. The cover paînting on the October Rod and Gun is bound t0 evoke the ad¶- mirationi of lovera of the great out of doors who have seen a pertridge in its native ha un ta. To accompany tbis won- derful painting, F. V. Wiliaîms tbhe artiat bas written a graphic story entitied,1 "When Leaves Turn Brown.,' A beautj- fui nature story. i"Under Canvas witb Muses" by J. Livingstou tells of Muses Missabi, an Objibway' guide in the Tumagemi Reserve and bis cheerful Indien, philosophy. Rod and Gun is pubiished by W, J. Taylor, 'Limited, Woodstock, Ont. 24 Years the saime . 4good " tea 8oli only in oeaked M RIEEDr;A FT7ER4 SUERI ,V INE 5 MAN CONYVIOTEDOF NEGLEUT E& EMAKOZPATED APTM NEWI A' case whicn deserves mueli thoughtful consideratâon is that of Wm. H. Barron,'103 Morgan Street, Benningt-on. For tea yera Mr. Bax- ron suffered the agonies caused by ltheumntism. At times ho was bound hend, and foot by the grip of Rheu- matie pains. On the advice cif a friend he stood f or a new triai andI used T.RC.s. Eteed what lielbas te sey,- "I haýve been a soffererfrom Rheu- matisin Thr ton yoars. Have been so, hied et tîIimea I eould net move band or foot for months. A friend advised me to) tryTempleton's Eheumetie Cap- isuies, and I have heem thankful ever sic.The- worked wonders for mne, and I hiave nover felt any retura of it "s prec-tlcelIly Impossible to obtein evidencee stronger then this Iteati- nionial, and a wo-èrd-to the wiso is- alweys siefficient. Tf you suifer., ,» a new trial-use I.RC.'s. Issiued hy Canada's Victorv Loaan Corimiîtee, lu co-operation wîîh,ý,r; M i'îl" ~ne of tise Doinhin sxi h.i 412 A s ~eseil his frnace it hehould beudonc. Tllcy bave Seventy a guaranteed heiating y ears of exple4rleot guidie themi; tem. Wen intallation ig fdters~ie otyuntig plannd by our engieers, WC Adopt their plan and you gxe aaaured IdlVerx-ct1y wmat yount- d a t o imfortably hcae oe m Com fort la your homo, durable eooLC-al ang Iamt If you aetgoing torta lafta n e st uai:*tOI 7@U fl O ut tie A* 01u is ITLE DAF-Sold JBy MàAN d tt e=the.. t adrat -~ (reenaway & Ellioýtt -1- -1-1 1 11 1 ;;ý 1 gmmwid . E V ER Y o e o-h -nlioi a d a als b c i e st Caniada's Victory Bnskosie. dcnsi -Every one who boughitCadasVtoyBns a ireceived e11 per cent.inreteranm adtwea year. Over haif a millionCaaanwhbohtaad5 Victory Bonds on the inst-aLIment 11plan Sa ".cdInoly i they would not o ctherwi&e have savei, The guarantee back of Canada'à Victory Lo', i the same as the guarantee back of a One Do7a or a Dollar bill. 7hristidifrmeho vrha. o get interest on the Victory Bonds'and you doý'n't Ont0.. One or Tvvo Dollar bill. Canada's Victory Bonds will'always be ccetdas security for a lan. Banks are ready ta loan rnoney on Canada's V:ctory Bonds., Carfàda's VictoryBonds may be turnediîo cash at any time. There is no other way in which'you can invest your moneyýwith such absolute security-paying such a good rate of interesàt. Canada will soon give her citizens an opportunity to buy Victory Bonds igig. It will probably be the last chance t'O buy Canada's Victory Bonds, on such favorable terms. IÇepare to buy as mzany Victory BondstA $in* as. you now wish you had- been able to buy the last time clic Crit sa .14 lit