Drop In Prices!l Again we take the lead in lowering the cost of living. It bas always been my policy to keep the prices as low as possible. For tl4s week- you will save money on Smoked Breakfast Bacon, per lb 50e Smoked Pioie Ram,' C35 Piekled Picnie Han), ""340 Easifirst Shorteninlg, s 5e Smoked Boneless Baek Bacon 60o Canned Salmon, reg. 23c, per ean 20e Sardines, while they last, per tinr 10c Early Morning Delivery Order your meat in the afternoon and I will deliver it to your hom*e next morning before 8 o'clock. Gil A. Edmondstone (One door east of -Levi Morris.& Son's) Phone 2Bowmnanville Satisfy the Whole Fam'ly With Tod's Home Mlade Bread. Father, Mother, Sister. iBroh everyone ini the family-'eiijoys Tod's Horne-Made Bread because it is so delie- ious. Its puire ingredients make it whole- some and nonrishing. The grain is al ways fine-the crust i's nieely browned, 10e a loaf at store, lIc aloaf delivered. Thomas 1Tod Baker and Conifeetioner Bowmanville Get Vour Furnaces, Stoves and Plumbhing Put in Shape for the Winter We have a full stock of Pipes and 'Elbows,- Galvan- ized Iron and Repairs. We repair and supply parts for ail makes of furnaces and stoves. Prompt Service by expert workmen-- and our prices are moderate. Greenaway r& Ellt Division Street, Opposite Goodjrarilotel Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal. Telephone 152 and say, "Send a ton of coal right away to Mr, Wants-it-in-a-hurry" and see if we don't do it. You'11 fi nd the quality right and the price within reason, We are agents for Purit-y Canneli Coal. John A. Holgate& Son Queen amid Division Sis. Bowmanville G. C. BONNYC'-ASTLE' DR. J. C. DEVITT S.D ., D. D. S.9 ETS Honor Gradate in Deatistry Graduate of Royal Dental College, Of Toronto University. Toronto. e of the Royal College of Office: King-St. East, Bowmai.vi'le Dental Srgeons of Ontario Office Haurs: 9 n.m. to 6 p.m. daily Office King-st - Bowinanvillei except Sunday Office Phonie 40. HOUSe Phone 255 Phono 90a House Photne 90b HOW TO VOTE, THE REFERENDU\M MYOST 1IMPORTANT, D)o not write your naMe Or any other word, letter or sigil on ballot, but make four X's understise four Noes. Go ta polis next Monday as early as Possible after 9 a.m. Ladies are request- ed to vote in forenoon. Everybody -who can wralk ta polis or go by own rig, please go early as possible. Thsis will aid workers very mnucis. Neyer before were there so rnany votes ta be polled in anc day. Go early or you may fail ta record vours. Your vote la wanted. Let nothing but sickness or deatis prevent you from re- cording your vote on Monday in favor of te mperance. A WORD FOR MR. BRAGG Mr. W. J. Bragg is the Liberal and farmer candidate. He is well and favor- ablyý known in tise sautis part of West Durhsam as a worthy supporter of every good cause and public enterprise. He la a Metisodist and bas been an active work- or and supporter of Sabbath Scisool and Churcis and so bas every member of bis family. Besides couducting bis' farm aperations ihe has co-operated witis farmers and orchardists in exporting apples, spending many tisousands of dol- lars among tise residents of West Durhsam. Mr. Bragg is an excellent business man- tise rigist type of citizen ta go ta tise Ontario Legialature. He neyer fails ta command tbe respect of ather mon wiîh whom ise works or bas dealings. No one will bave occasion ta regret voting for ii and sending hlm as West Durham's representative in tise Local Hfouse. A lite-long Conservative is aur autisority for thse statemfent tisat Bowmanville electors will give Mr. Bragg a majority. He stands four-square on Prohibition and shoukld-ave tise support-of ail temperance alactors. POLITIC AL POINTERS W. J, Bragg is the people's' candidate. Go into politics or go out of farming- Farmers' Sun. Farmers, W. J. Bragg will wortisily re- present yau in tise Legislature. Elect W. T. Bragg and ise will came back from tise Legsature and tell you wbat was donc there., Hearst Government is face ta face witis its day, of judgment, and it seems ta drcad tise approacis of that day. June, 1914, tise parties stood as follows: 84 Conservatives, 25 Liberais, anc Inde- pendent Liberal and one Labor member. What is a rep1resentative ? A man wso keeps in toucis with tise people ise represents and cames back tateli themj isow he represented them. In bye-elecions tise Conservativeslbat eigist seats and Liberals gained five.ý, Labor gained twa and tise' United Farmers secured twa. Nominations reported in- clude 45 Conservativea, 47 Liberals, and 57 United Farmers. W. . Bragg will get around ta sce bis constituents a few times between sessions ta excisange ideas on public questions. Wouldn't vou like a representative to do this? Tisen vote for iim. He'll tell you wisat tise House doca., Many bornes of working men are now provided witis comforts and luxuries sucis as were unknown in days of licensed bars, when.tise' pay-envelapc was regularly turncd over ta tise ruddy, rotund man. beiind tise bar.-Belle ville Ontario.1 Speaking at Ottawa on a recent oc,- casion, H. H. Dewart, LiseraI leader,' made bis position on tise prohibition issuei unmistakably clear, saying I'Liberals will flot stand for tise restoration of tise bar iný Ontario. Neyer again, sa fat as tise LiberaIs are cancerned, will tise barbe I restored in tisis province".s WHERE TO VOTE BOWMAN VILLE No 1 West-Council Rootp. No 2 West-Jamnes . Ryan's House, No 1 4orth-Martyn's Block, 'Divi- sion-st. 1 1 No 2 North-Walter Souch's rosi- ilence, Wellington-st. cor. Queen and Brown-st. No 2 South-South Ward School. DARLiNC-TON No 1-School House, Providence. No 2-Sons' Hall, Tyrone., No 3-Sons' Hall, Maple Grave. No 4-Town Hall, Hampton. No 5 Orange Hall, Enniskillen. No 6-Sons' Hall, Mt. Cas swell.- N o 7-Sons' HIall, Enfield. The quality goes in MR. DEWART HERE FRIDAY. A meeting- in interest of W. J. Bragg, tise People's Candidate, will be bield in Opera House, Bowmanville, at 2 P. m. (aid time) Qn Friday, Oct. 17, wisen 'Mr. Hartley Dewart, K. C., Liberal Leader, and otiser speakers will address electors of West Durhia on question of the hour. Corne ta isear Mr. Dewart for yourself. Every elector cordially invited. Ladies especially. LADIES VOTE TWICE Ycs, Ladies, certainly you vote for Candidates, too. When you go to poil on Monday next two ballots will be handed you-ane for your Referendum vote on whicb be sure you make 4 X's, one under cacis word No, and on tise other ballot you make only one X after tise narne of your candidate. It you vote for tise People's Candidate- mark-yourballot like tiss William John Bragg Xý f UR ex.ýperienced, Optomatrist V can be depended upon to spec- ify the lenses that you noo 'd to correct youir troubled oyes and to adjust them il, the manner that will bring you real eye comfort. Opto]metry is an exact science and our study of the subject is a com- plote oneý. Our charge is moder- ato. It is batsed upon the kjnd of lenses you need and the quality of mountinig.syou prefer. R. M. Mitchell & Co, Druggists and Optometrists Phono 92 Bow manville Niglits or Snnday Phone 280 Farm Produce Wanted! I will pay the highest market prices for all kinids of 'farm pro- duce. Potatoes I have a carload of very fineý New Brunswick potatooý>s which I will deliver direct ta your collar at $2SOper bag-- Whnwaning ý,fresh futor vegtalecal at My store Old Standard Bank-,Building JHarris Wholesale and Retail Fruit and Vegetabl5e Dealer, Bowmanville - ~ before the name goes on Christie's Bread Eivery famnily enjoying normal good hleailh makes bread an important part of the daily "ittta the bread be good is imppertive-so tht n the sel- ection of so commonplace:, a table need as the 14fami1y loaf" it is absolute that it contain the ma-xiiimm of nultriment and wholesomjenless. YVou get tue best when you ecat Christie's Bed Hlow miany loaves todlay? The Cash & Carry Bakery PhIlone 97é -Bowrnan-rille p Carpenter Work Ladders Made Saws Sharpened W. P. MOSES Bradshaw-,st Bowmlaniville 40-lin Cream Wanted!1 Prices of Crearn are high. We pay goodl prices for good cream.' We want pours, If we fal to eall on youi we would appreciate a phione eall or write us, Orono Creamery Co., Orono Just Arrived! Paper-Wtiite Narcissus. Two cases of French :Paper >Whites-- for delivery now. ORDER AT ONCE and, have extra early fiowers. Good well-ripened Bu.lbs at 50e per doz.c Fresh Lettuce Froin now on we expect ta have' fresh crisp lettuce at ail timies at - 5c per bunch. S. . Jackman & Sons Florists and Growers Bowmanville Phone 801 WRWORK' or aia gve Iu men 0$ - il out ibu.tions tart ptot 5 i 50per Cctl. t Caraswar Coxetttei f tttt tar int cd1 theglu Itupll ht uropeatugu sold -icluLodo-I u Pans;omad Trt offoo r-ad gus tontevter (liiead tts or thy pnaritjc ob4,464.000; tin 19os i wseotha 27(Ae3.Tis s name eOu Itie rrIuud wlhut er cernr et ithtaxotion Tu 1904 mth, -anse o Ont' a b' 4464000 30lu 118 tth;, $9, aectcmlsle ithnte sortug o drec tauator hoavueatb etund lat-ged and ample grants have ,enaled prtu pubic duties t10 be under. taLcen. "His Master's Vloice" Records 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided l'm Forever Blowing Bubles-Waltz- and--Bunmah Moon-Fox Trot Wm. Fckdln's Strand Trio That Tumble-down Shack in Athlone-Waltz-crnd- Oh! Helen-One-Step Win. Eckdlein's Strand Trio Eyes That Say "I Love You"'-One-Step-and-Mandy -Fox Trot Wm. Eckstein's Strand Trio I've Got My Captain Working for Me Now-Murray--aOnd-- And f'hat Ain't Ail Arthsur Fields, Coo Cao-Fox Trot-and--Who Did Wt.-One-Step. Josephs C. Smith's Orchestra General Pershing-March-Vklor Band-and-Repasz Band-March Con way's Band Ev'rybody Shimmies Now-and-Miy Cairo Love- Fox Trots AH Star Trio 216061 216060 216(#64 18604 18601 18607 1 g02 -Red Seat Records at Grealy- Reduced P rices 64821 Tango (Violin) 2!Miseha Diman $IM2 64820 'La Traviata-Sempre Libera Sprn) Gafli-Cura lm12 64822 Carmen--Prelude to A& 1 Phifadewpha Orchee6lm12 SPECIAL! ILR.H. the Prince of Wales Souvenir Record 120410 (God Save the King and God lesG the Prince of Wako 10-mn. Band M Hl.M. Coldstream Gm*d 90c. (Rule Britannia Band of H,MÇoldstream Guards Victrols fromn $40 tsp to $680) (sold on easy psy- ments, if deaired). Aak for free copy of our 620. page Musical Encydlopedia listing over 9000 "1-lis Matera Voire" Record--. Hear them at any "His Maeer's 'V'oice" dealers Maaufaduired by BerIIn.sGram-o-phone Co., Linlted Montresi 19251_- EDUCATION Ountario'S oducatienal syotcm is desigued te 4ieav de tei.nst-efficient traininsg possible for the bo ys and girls who are to bceorne 'the future citi- zens ut the state. Under tîte leadershîp 'ut the !Miistcr oft Ldstcation no nied to accotsplish Ibis P"rpose. Cencrsois grauts have heem made for agri- c iltural. te cîsucal sud vocational training; re- tururd -soldets are en- couraged te enter the tea.ch1,iung profession; teacb rs' salaries bave ben raised sud a super- anuutiou schettse iuaug. urat-d: This year eiearly $4000,000 will be speut on education la Ontario. HIGHWAYS Coud roads add weallb aud conifort te rural lite. The lighway improve- meut prog'ramme of the Ontario Coverumeut tla app lied te boib urban sud rrtaI districts. A com- picite syftem of roads. lu- rlu:dtug provincial roads, proviucial rouuly roads, couyroads suýd town- shproado sshauiae -f 12,500 mies as been o re ut sdwill bc cons-ttactced. The entire muiter licuse revenue, mitb a large anseunt ad ed!, îll be spet anu2 on11Ibis work. HYDRO-ELECTRIC Ilydro 1'. to-day the Most extensive public- owuersluj, ent-erDrAse--mL its kind lu the wirld. Stuce its inceptionHîydro- Electrie bas saved ta the cunsumners eot electrie potier iu Ontaioia vec ftftv m11itns of dollar., It iodisplaces auuually F y Iro develops sud dis- tt butes 350,000 herse power ta 0v-r 230 munui- ct;taities, 175,000 do- use tic consurners sud 6,000 c istomers fte r power. The Queunston- Chipc 5St5undertakiîsg viii provide au ecenomi- cal developtueut et 400,- 000 horse pewer, and the prospective ultimate de- velapusent la the whele Province is ever 1,000,000 herse pewer. LABOR Outarie's industrial lead- ership la Canada bas bren maiutaitned by broad sud effective labur laws. TSî- der the Workmneu's Com- pensation Act $10,000,000 bas been paid out la awards. Special safe- gî.ards bave been previd- ed fer femnale and cbild labar. A fuinimutn wage lu Ontario la assured, sud a direct re-preseutative of Laber wil1 it lu, the Cab- inet. Frece enpluymneut ageucies bave hem e- tabli hed, and techuýicaI educatian labas hem ena couraged. AGRICULTURE Thse agricultural lidus- duotry iti (Salaria ta in a __r osîerous sud thirviug cQndiîh'ý. Atproriatieus il, ,l104 aua îted te $475,000; ilu 1', $16,7 5,. 000. LasI v ar th, valuec of the ta-u:p- tts -ut au d the %,il t1 of theco in- oe rand a halitbillion dullats. W ithita tbe last thtjo c rs tets tbausaud tritmot g ages hbav e broun paid off. Enceur- agemeutbas eem extead- , d te every brauch of' the iud,'stry, educatien lias bren tostered, sud social conditions bave bren improved. Agriculzo turebas recelve the "car- aest sud uuremnittiug at- tention et the Coverui- Menut.- HEALTH Oetar io's pub);clie altbi service is net exelîd o the ceuinnlt. Publie h al1tb edulcatin, child( ueltare, sauiitary- engin- (uiug serývice, sund the frer d(isîihtian ef anti- toxin sud seruias bave eueedlite 'and pre- vecntedepidd ae. A seheme 1et'Ifp-essinfer mothers i, te be estalb. lisbied. Tbe Previncial Board of lHealtb saapplied ail the typhoid vaccinie used by the Canadian treecp5 ilu the war. Th'is feat1ure et tbie warklbas braugblabot a saving of ever $100O,000 a year to thse people oftIbm Pro. As a war meure the Ontario' Temperance Act was so passed, suspend iag for the duration of the wa r the retail sale of liquor. The promise was given thsst as seon as the war was over the wbole question of the character of the iîquor legisiation cf Ontario would be submitted ta the people by Referendumn, and the will of the people would prevail. T'hispromise isanom beingftijiIIcd. PROMISE Grentest passible assistance ta5 iultr-Fibn enforcement of the Referendum-Support of Hlydro. Electrie; cbeap light aýnd pow,ýer for the farmner-Convert railway brantch lines ina Hydro radiats-Coçod road5 in every part of Oaitario-State pension fond for mothers-Direct representatiort of Lahor in thse cabint-A minium ae-Holfusing aicco;mn6dation. Legisiatioýn implemeating thse indings of tiae National Inidustrial ConfeenceConsderaiôt returned soldiers witb Cabinet representation-Edneatioaal proigress, techiniôal andagrcisturl i~trctin Iproedtransport-ation in Northern Ontarie3-Timber caevto-nor agemuent in mining development-Eiiiargement of Ontario'.î frec public healtis serviee, 2~W. H. HEARST. Ps Let- Ontar'o 's, Golden Era Continue PROGRESS-ýPERFORMANCE-PROMIl,,ý.SE IFwe bave given wortby service during the trying timeý of war, may we nout be relied tapon to Serve the nation faithfully and well in bastening the time of stil greater prosperity and bappiness P A. we have begun, so we vill continue; fearless in the diFcharge of duty and ever alert in the service to the people., Coniscious of our shortcomings, and gratef-ol for the opportunities we bave bad to serve our Province, W. submit aur record witb confidence te the electors tor thear consideration . and approval, and ask from a united people a mandate ta curry oU the Government of this Province. 1 INO 1 ;tý es, -reslaence-eft 1-U --e-Tf