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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1919, p. 3

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Now You Can Have an Eleci Many atine as you buckled over the wash board, rubbing and the joy out of a day, you had thought how nice it would be1 0f course, you knew you couldn't afford one--they coat so nm afford it" excuse is out of date. Now you can have an electrie wa- for the price of a rnibs Electric Washer is within the means of 8OKribls E le-tCtr'i Wa Whlle, most eiectric washing machines cost between $125.00 and $200.00 the Kribs Electrie Washer is sold for $80.00. And we guarantee every machine to wash clothes perfectly. The Kribs Electric Wlasher is supplied with cut gears which makes it practically noiseless when compared with other washers whose cast gears grind and growl throughout the washing. The Kribs, Electi WVasher is also equipped with a safety release wriuger which instantly releases bot/i ends of the wringer in emergencies-this'is the moat effective type of safety wringer made. The power isa supplied by the famous Robbins & Myers electric motors, used on the moat erpensive machines. 1l-4 DA YS'9 FREE fi Until November 3th only, we are makîng a special 14 day houeewife should'take advantageof the offer and iearn how t] banishes wash-day drudgery. Give the machine a thorough under no obligation to buy-you can make no mistake by çx] Easy Terms Arranged if at 'the end of two weeks you, are corrpletely satisfied with the way it washies blankets, tableclotha, curtains, everything dlownv to the flirnsiest lace-if you are cornvinced that it saves many times its cost in time anid labor, you can pay for it out of your actual saving. Easy monthly payinents to suit every purchaser can be arrangedl. Offer Good Thii We have L machines on har offer good onl/j November. We select your mach ly demonstrate t The Hlydro EPectricý Powoer Commissions of Onta The Hydro Shop BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 13, 1919 A IFIS PY W L D o n ot snffr*Offie, .1au e Block' 26 and 27 Kn-t et another day wth Bowmanvilse ntro Cnd . A-tme &Prpae '" Ithn leed. ons, Publisher n rpitrs, at $1.50 per Nw tosarvest and .ý in rlirotrud.1 nm payable in dane$00 alter flrst threeSorRotCps P ILES ng ilesN ionths. SoeRo Cos !Jt Chses Ontentçý111reati.n require:t D~ Cae' Onmet il eieve Yeu at oncegm Mixtures and Methods of MaIdng and as certainly cure you. 60e.anx i dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & C., Liitead, Bread Wîth Flour of Varfong [Toronto. SamnPle box free if you mention th5(lralGais P&allr and enclose 20. stamp to pay postage,. ra i Voa td Cnte r aibyn,ÎDpr~et. -r'he & a egUisttemedp;. Mr O the general farmer whe -11- a1uesdvijorates the whiole rces of Creami are hingn growsgo*ri o ed rrosysteni, makes new Blood W$go riMo ed ra ld Vens, cures Nr'reous Tfo d l t thé specialist in garden Drbran rtAjnee ne raies Worry, Despon- vve pay Q'OOu prices fo go d1e1, ,,'l - f IEverLop, Palpitation o the ceand truck crops, 'and Par- Bec?,Fai ig Mmop.Price $1per box, ix ra for 6ý5. O-Ue will Please, six will cure, Soldhy ailcea.WTe want yus ticularly to the live stock man thse dreeggste or imsiled ine plain pkg. on recipt of ntlPar ferya ourtniy.I pre Nev,epmphetmailedf e. THEWOOOar fesanoprunt.ýI MEODICINE CO.,T RONTm(fsnserIy windsor.) If we fa il to cali on you we Pays to advertise and the Fair la thse ____________________________place where the people see the goods, would appreciate a phone produced, and seeing la belleVlng. Shoes Repaîred call or write us. Mcreover', the papers report tlewn: nings and through these the exhibi- While Y u Waittor gets a large amount of advetis am an now in a position Orono Creamery Co., gfeewihwol thriecoAt to give o quick service Wlnning In'close competitions under and eïs ofworinanhipOro o a competent .iudge adds dollars te and est f woktnashipthe value of stock shown, and In- asI have w assistants. creases the Market price of any com- as twomodlty as well as giving the exhibi- Wovk-Boot ForSaletor a standing flot only in lis owu Work ootsFor ale ommunity but over a section et I hae alimiedstok ofcoutrycorresponding to the size andl I hav suanid sok Inflenceof the show at which prizes good subtantal orkare won. The Fair is a good place boots for men. Also ser- to make sales, Prospective buyerà vicebleshos fo laiessee the goqd exhibits made and en- viceble hoe forladis qire about the breeding stock at and children at reason- Faîl and W inter home, Stockmen show at.Pairs large- able to make sales rather than to -,vin ~abl pries.prizes although the latter is a factor in the sales and they are not dis- Gèo. unjpge Gl'vesaPpointed as evidenced by -the grow,' Geo.Humpge " G lo es ng iuterest in the Eall Fair. Show- ___________________________ at the Pair, coupled with a judi- Prïces --eous -ne-wspapex! advertising--policy, which should never he neglected, is gond business. The two go together Grn Tu k alw y 2 45 C'ap to 1$10OO Let others know of your good stock. The Double Track Rol!te FaIl Fair-Prof. Wade Toole, O. A. betwen l. Eliot Esate College, Guelph. Montreal Hints on Harvesting Root crops.1 Toronto ia ptnRçot cropa should be taken Up be- DetroitHapo fore the weather becomes too wet and &1111 disagreeable in the faîl if in any Chicago quantity. Lt is slow work at any time and becomes much more so un- Unexcelled dining car service. der cold damp conditions. Lift the Sleig-cr nngtTrains and roots wlth 'a dîgging fork, and twist off the tops, puttlng them lu piles Parlor Çars on, the priheipal Day_________________ and covering with the tops. If a Trains, large area is to be lifted, and oeeta expert with a sharp hue, hieecau very Full information, froua any Grand quickly remoye the tops, but th07 Trunk Ticket Agent or O.E. Horning, will not keep quite'as well. -Thse District Passenger Agient, Toronto. ii U atce i roots should be ploughed out, tisrow- J. H H.JUR, TonAgnt,. an 0 lng ithem as much as possible on tise P .Hono -U78 own le YU r itretl n Lh igh top. Bina with slatted sides and Phon 78Bowmnvile YU ae iterete in he igh bottom should be used for storage Coat of Living. Suppose you had where possible, as this gives the to replace your house or the con- roots a chance to sweat. If the stor- teutLs of i t and buy everything over aero eprtr saoe4F again. You would need double as cover them with sand. Carrotsshould mucl iimoney to do it as lu Septem not be deeper than two feet In a b1am' ber 1914. Everythiing has gone up. others may be four f eet. Where cel- The purchasing pow er of the dollar lar storage is not available use1 pits. YT Jis about 47e comapared with Sept. fric W asner em ber 1914. Theseshould be three feet wide, twe or thiree feet high- and of any length. thelie ot f te lotesBuilding costs of all kinds have Runfthe pîts unorth and south where the ifeout f teclohesnearly doubled; clothing is going up possible, and have them on wcll- tohae n lcticwaheeve-ry day; boots and shoes, furni.iL drained ground. Put a layer of straw urhv, carpets, food, fuel,-everything ls costs ore. 9 on the ground andl cover fitwitis .uch. But now the "can'tcosmr, straw 6 Inches deep then 6, incises Fire may destroy your entire earth, and as the frost gets. harder sher and ail its advantages, property any minut e. Your' $1000 cuver wIth fresh strawy manure. housewife. ~policy to-day won't buy HALE aevniaoseey1 r2 et 1every hu-'ie.what it 'would three years agio. $0 ae aîl roos et in storg eTese you need more insurance, O snlyoossea nstrg. hs one hingin he wrld as lotlu May be filled with straw during cold creased in cost, that is inaurancepros the thing you need rnost. ' Ail roots should be as free fromn dirt as possible when put in storage. sh eriOc t h r need t lis oft:n aclvisabl: to leave a e Prte ction. Yhiou ec thebst days in small piles so that at tise kind o! protection too. You cau removed.-A. H 1. MacLennan, B. S. A. have it. The beat costa no -more Ontario vegetable Specialist. than the worst. _________ Phone us how much more cover CeelGan frBedmkng. you require and we will put it ou oelGan o ra-a today, or we will caîl, value your On this continent and lu Europe. property and give you the uecessary we use wheat in muich larger quan- protection. tities than any other grain. This la because the flour made froua wheat ZZI~1N conltains the coustituents uecessary Je J5 LV1Aào J1'r gluten. Rye coutains a simi- Insurance Agent Bowmuanvlille a substance to a lesser entent, while the other grains do--not have any o! this material. Gluten is a tougb, elastie, teuaciouis substance, capable! of conisideratble expansion. Conse-J quently, wheu the. gas liberated Bowm nvile Penie through the action of yeast seeks t'O miake its way 'out of wheat flour K, dough the gluten expands, retaining the gas and causes the dough to rias. IWhen the bread is baked the gluten N 1o t i ce ! la "set"' or coagulated, and this sc- li counts for the lighit porous structure able features of bread. Sîlkiiness o' he washer at any time. T texture an-d wbiteniess o! crunib were J. Hrarris couinted points o! excellence in tise trio breadà i)f tfre old high patent flour,, but ,under the present conditions cl Old Standard Bank Building longer extraction ,o! the' wheat grain andi the intro.duction o! substitutes, Wholesale and Retail iFruit, anid it is wron)g for the consumer to place; Vegetable Dealer, Bowmianv'lle a bigiE valuation ou these points- Prof, a. Harcourt, O. A. college, Now sold in a new cpaxecl boar package - a great improvernent overthe old Iead packageli TEA~Sgood te£ Sold onky i ealed packages but a beautiful skin is possible only when the liver and kidneys are active, and the bowels functionate properly. The secret of beauty as w7ell as of health is to maintain perfect dige:stÀ ionadelmntin h 1- o preserve eauadmaitain hcalLih, 7because the'y influeCnce liver, -kidneysb, skZin and stomach to fuinctionate in harmSiny and efficiently. Worth aGie. a box. SoId everywhereinecanada. In boxes, 25c., So. * \O you enjoy starting a lire just to cook light N 13 Meals? 0f course you don'*. ha was ail very IN well when it was flot possible te secure the splendid comforts of The New Thr~-eatGrll It's no trouble at ail to do light cooking withi this up-to-date Electric Grill. Just turn on the current and your heat is ready. 51 *For the unexpected guest, for a quick bre-akýfast or a hurried meal at any time, no Cther household applianice gives so much 9 conveeience and satisfaction for the money. * Presently you find yourself preparing entire meals with it- bacon and eggs, toast and fried potatoes for breakfast. Fori * dinner, a broiled steak or chops. * t prepares food to perfection! It costs but a trifle for electri. City. You use wlxat current you need - high, medium or 10w * beat. Accept our cordial in- vitation, to cali and U see our splendid stock "', reýof Electrical Appi- ances, izcluding- the M Canadian Beauty Ele- trîc iron and Electric Toaster.i Ailydro Electrtç Pôwer Commissio n The Ilydro Shlop Souvenir CstIron Rcange White Porcelain Enamel Back, Pipe up the back. This Souvenir Range ls a ncw and plain pattern, pleasing Io thec eye, and easy Io keep 'cean. Gives the same satis- faction as Souvenir ranges have âî,lways donc> only a new desigu. Everq range carrnes our guar- antee to be a perfect baker., Glass oven Joor entables thec user la sec fthc baking ini operation. Thermomeler re.. fiable and teils flic aven heat at al limùes. Lu1l1 width of warmi-ng closet. Nos. 8.20 or 9-20--18" x 18" oven as illustrated, $74.00 WÎthout warming closet, $55.0o Nos, 9-22-the Same Range but with 20" x 20' oven, $79.00. Without warming closet, $60,00. SOLD BY RI1C E & CO. Bowmanville, Ont, There le a "ov~i"dealer i". your 10w" i f yucannaI l'cate .3 jrtei4 or his name, THE HAMILTON STOVE & IIEATER CO_, Limitad Succe0ss o THE ýGURNEY TILDEN CO., Limited, HIAMILTON, -CANADA GZSEVENrTY,-F!VE YVEARS 0F SUCCESSFUL PNAMUFACTUFING."

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