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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1919, p. 5

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~B ïïy 4resnf ILE . I lviears *At Sti ckle's We now-have Fres-h Meats of al kinds at oui- store. Prices as usual, w ill bel lower than the lowest. Only,.one class of meat will -be handled and that the best, Give us a trial order, along with your order- for Groceries or Hardware. Goods deiivered to ail parts of the Town. A. W. C Scke & Sonsf (Sucessor to J B. Martyn) {broceries and Hardware Bowmanville lu Yont Dont Need A Flying Machine To Reach Oiw Prices, Last week we gave soine good bargains and we were well repaid by the extra business. This week we have a lot mûre Furniture of all kinds to show. Ail we ask is to have y ou get -our prices before you send your money out of town for 'auythiDg in our If w e cannot seil as cheap or cheaper titan others yen do not have to buy. Just, give us a chance. This Week Only Brass Bed, 2in. post, reg. $30.0......... $22.75 Iron Beds, somne at,,.......... ,...... . 5-75 Window Blinds, standard size ........ .75 Curtain Poles .......................... .25 We have an Ambulance or Invalid's Carrnage at yor service always. UNDEIRTAKING Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention without any extra charge for distance. WIL LIAMS aCALvN Furniture For PHome and Office Ph,,,one 58 or 15,9 'Bowmanvfile IL -f ibe difficultv of obtaining return pas- sage. Mr. Shearer lias secured a position witb the National Surety Company of New York City and Mrs, Shearer (nee Irene Holland> left last week te join her busband in New York. Tbey will reside for the present in East Orange,. New Jersey. FU OD ARR SALE-IngOnd rnnning con- dition. Aply to rLEýWIS IRwiN, Phone 276, Bowlravle nEGîSTERED SHRtOPSHIRE R PAM F'oR 5ALE-APIY to CLÂRENI7E ý"WOODLEY.ýty orne, Phone 1)4r 5, 44.,w. STEER IOST-Red steen, Yearling, missirg since abont Oct. 27. Send informnation to ýl'àýU ý- SI.- P ne1 83-S-1. Local apeà Otherwise, Mrs. Dur -n Be-ith) is on a visit te Tforont tens Miss Nellie E. Pattinson, Toronto, Sundeyed ai home. Miss Murmel Truil visited Darlington friends on &unda y.-- Reserve Moniday Nov, 17 for the Progressive Euchre, Mr. Frank Tayîior, Hamilton, visited friends here recenîfly. Messrs. E. Reddick and E, Colgan hlavea gone to Moreisburg. Miss E. C. Hanna, Torocte, is visiting l her sister, Mrs. F. Knox. Mrs. Eleanor Bale, Oshawa, was Sun- dag guest of Mrs. Jas. Corîice. j Miss Murmel Bradley, Newcastle, récent- ly visited Mrs. W. J. Williams, High-st. Mrs. E,. V Osbsorne recently visited'her sister, Mrs. Geo. Alexander, Port Perry. Mi. and Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, Osha- wa, spent Sunday at Mr. W. B. Pinch's, 1 Miss Marion McDoffgall,'Toronto, visit-1 ed ther sistçr, Mis. J. D. Carruthers. Misses Ia and Ella Bale ', Oshawa,j visitedtheir cousins Ifhe Misses Painton over Sunday. 1 Miss Hiattie Philp, Rose Glen, Port4 Hope, «ad Mi. Bimo Watt, Toronto, ai Mrs. Richard Clarke's. e Woman's Hospital Auxiliary intendj holding a bazaar in Council Room oni Nov. 26th. Partieulars atear. 414tf. Messrs. Alan Luxton, Percy Mutto, Jaok Bird and Russell Varcoe, Toronto, ca-me down for the week-end. Lomne te the Bazaar, Supper and Enter- tainmeni in St. Paul's Lecture Rom, Fîriday, Nov. l4th. afternoori and evening. Just arrived at Hampton Fleur Mils- teeo tons ef feed including American Ceorn, Old Manitoba Oats, Mixed Chop, etc. Phone 129r6. Dr. H. W. Rigs, of Vancouver, B. C., recently visited his-sister,--Mis. W._H. Carruthers, afier attending the medical1 congress at New York, Bazaar in St. Paul's schoolroom on Fri- day atternoon will open ai 4 o'Ciock. Stipper frein 5 o'clock, entertainment alt £ ,p.m. with goodprograin. Comne., Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. W. Jamues arrived home on Sa-t rday last frein their honey- moon spent in New York, Atlantic City and Philadelphiýa. Our Foreman -angh1t cold at Ne-.. c asile District MNeeting and is in bed wit an attack ef tonsilitîs, hence several articles arehe)d over. Mr. and Mr%. -,J. . Masoni, Mrs. F. A, Haddy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mason and daughter, lieiein, motored te _ Toronto and rpent Suniday with r,.ltvs 1A Progressiive Euchre will, be held in 1. O O. F. Hall on Monday Nov. 17 at £ ,p m. Evertybqsdy welcome. 45-2w. Adjutant Gertrude Holland was àu town last week visiting ber cousin, Mrs. D. W. Shearer at Mr. and Mrs. Moses Hiolland's. Miss E. E. Haycraft is spending a week WnToronto with Mrs. J, J. Croskem and other relatives and attending the Provin- cial Convention of Women's Institutes. Miss M, M. Arniour and Miss Ethel L. Van Nest were among the guests at'an afternoon tea at the- lovely home of Dr. John Hoskin, K. C, Toronto, on Saturday Nov. 8th by invitation ef bis niece Miss Carpmuael. Mr and Mis. Herbert R. Titley, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mitchell and Miss Marion Tilley, Toronto, were in tewn on Thurs- day at the presentation te Dr. W. E, Tilkcy, a report ef wbicb fonction will appear in oui next issue, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Reid and daugliters Gladys and Hazel, Newtonvil]e, guests ef Mr. and Mis. W. J. Williams atîended the Women's meeting in Methodist Church Sunday' evening and were charmed by what they saw and heard. We hear that Mr. J. B. Neale of Toron- te bas bought Mi. lames Stanlev's horne fa ri et some 8o acres-one of the best farms in Darlington and close te this corporation. We congratulatè Mr. Neale on bis goed choice. The price is net revealedyet. 1Miss Reta R. Cole was ini Bîigbton-lasi Sunday assisting the choir ai the anniver- sarv in the Methodisi Cbaircb, singing soles at both, services. Slae was very pleased to meet her former pastor, Rev. John Garbutt wbo delîvered two excellent sermons te delighted audiences. Mi. and Mrs. R., H. Allen, "Pleatarnt View", Oreno, Ont., announce the en- gagemýent of their only danghter, Marîlta Eva Theresa, to Mr. Iîwin R. Bragg, only son ef Mrs. and Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Bowmanville, Ont., the marriage te take place on November the twenty- sixth. Annual meeting of Cildren's Aid Society will be held in Council Chamber, Port Hope, on Tbursday, Nov. 20, at 3 P.M., for hearing reports, electioni of efficers and'transaction ef other business. Rev. F. J. Sawers, M. A., Cobourg, and3 Phone 83 Bowmanville, ::CAN ANY REASON BE SUFHICIENT ~ te cause you to delay, remodeling the old bàthroomn? IS Il PRICE? We can furnish a guaranteed bathroom outfit at a price within the reach of every home owner, JSN',T IT REALLY JlJST CARELESSNESS t You have intended to get a modern set of fixtures ail along but that old thief Procrastination hâs, made you lose the daily conve- nîence, the protection to health, the satisfaction oft possessing abeautiful modern bathroom. ,:: Let us estimate NOW. AINBT 'CLAItINÏ555T .4,,e & C.10 . ......... ................. ................ ......... * ,,................,~..,.,,:,:.iIiIIInhIIIIllhIII!IrI "-'-4-,' . 500Pitchers! A Great Clearing ýSale' 1 have made a speuiai purchIase of 500 souvenir pitchemr beau- tifully designed and of good -wearing material. They are being offered to my customers this week at, great savings: Regular SO50 e s. ....0 -Regular 40G pitchers........25 Regular 30e pitehers, .....-....,,. 20o Dort Overlook The China Dept. But Look It Over. We haveo the largest assertment of China in Bwavle 11 will be worth yourw tie t visit our store a-t an early date. Ar eh Tatt PHONE 65. Prompt lDelivery. Bowmanville. Il Can You Tell Whilch Way the Wind isBlowing? You don't have to see an entire strawstack rolliýg_ across a field to see which way the wi nd- is blowing. The contiuued and remarkatbly increased sales of our choice meats iîs very signiificant of the trendof popular taste and choice. There's a Reason if you are noêt already one of our reguflar customiers give us-tt trial for the next month andI you'will understand why our business is increasing. Wilbert J. Dudley£« llorsey Block Phone 225 or 272 Bowmanvile THE LADIES'STORE Speciats This Week! Ladies' Voile Waists Assorted sizes and qualities, sizes 32 t o 44, your choice, 25 per cent oh .regular price. Ladies' Silk Poplin Skirts Ail the desirable colors and latest styles. Regular $6.75 for $5 07 - Regular $7.50 for $5 63 Regular e8.25 for $6.19 Regular $9 00 for $6.75 Regular $12 75 for $9-57 20 Ladies' Coats We have placed on sale this week 20 onîy Ladieýs' 1918 Coats at a reduction -of 1. off regular price for quick clearance.' These are wonderful value'at the prices offeèred. New Christmas Goods New goods for Christmias presents are arnr,,ing andi are on sale. Se e our INew Wîinter Coats-unsurpassed, in the trade for Style, Quality advalue. SW. Mason& Son Across f rom Standard Bank Telephone 106 J5owmanville Notces of Blrthis 80 cenkts; Mlasrtager 'W cents; Deaths, go centts, eacls lwsert1oft, Whoe si nnoaI car4s are ptigte4e it tuts office. insertion feoe. BIRTHS. MORGAN-1r In Clrke, Oct. 28, te Mr. and'Mrs. Allie Morgan, a son, HoPE-In Bowmanyilte, Nv 7, te Mr. and Mns. Roy Hoover. a son. Mrs. R. M. Tipper, Whitby, a, on. RICsAuRDS-In Bowrnanville, Oct. 2S, to NIm. anod Mrs. Thos. Richards! ,4 dagli. SaORT-InU Dairingtoa, ')et. 25. to 'Mm. and Mrs. Blake Short, a son, {LSeRo.y Br 1 SNOWasa-In Darling ino ov,1)lth,, hoMr. and Mn,. L. C. Snowilert. a son (Robot thona G~LLOn Nverhee-il-Amisice a-a BrockLville, te Capta-to and m.RoetJ Gui Bowmanvileý, a dehe-aln aSn MARRIAGES Wýoodiaewn-ave., Toronito. by Rev. W. J. Sith.l Miss Hennrietta Agnes Hneno yonngest cantghter of Joh Hnrsnni£Maýple Gmove anS MnJ. Michel Law,'snce Lenihardi ocf Tononto. PATrN-At Ra, Nov. 4, Margaret Tanz Patton. FAs.s.S-AIt Prince Aibent, Oct. 16,, Cha,,rles paslis. in histSîsb year, RENNI-At Port Penny, N\ýy. 4, AleXant1r Bennie, in is 7th Vear. G1LDE1-In omnyle Nov. 7, Geor-jgiua Rowe, belov;ed wife of AIbert E. Gild4ers, agea 44 yeare. McKrnL,yE-In Clarkes, Oct. 30, Hlaaaah Nihloreliet of the late John McKelvey, aGged 89 years. FORmBEs-At Il oiole Gardens, Tononto, Elizabeth Forbes, younge;st danghter of the laie Hl. J. G.,Forbes, Pont Hope. BaRÀDEx-At AUnhnrn. Washington. U. S., on Nov. 1. Thomas R. Brnadley, aged 62 years, son ot the late Thornas Bradley. Dalingion, Ont. 1BASSETT-In Toronto. Nov. th, at home of hiem parents. 71 Macdonell avenue, Lena Mande, yoogstdaghenof Mr.and Mrs, James Rasseit,i in hem 22,ndL yean, formerly of Bowmanvihle, -IN MEMOR-IAM NsdaOLs-In loving rnory of SnsallNchl who died Jannary là, 1917. V, , oved Omr dear mothen, AnS 'our hearta arefilled with pain, And the golden gaies wene open For the sweet voices to corne. Jnst three years ago she left ns Oh,liow we miss lier face,- AnS she lefi ns k, rernmber No one shahl take lier place. Sadly missed by h er danghters and sona. ý 1 -, BLAKE SHû--ý, ---- - -- ý 1,ýl. ýý . 1 -F Hams! Hams! Hams!! Your big op)portunity to save mnoney 92, to 11 lb Hams Take your choîce this week at $3.95 each Lots to choose fromn Mc-Murtryu & Co. Ltd. -1 A- -F ,MÈ WATRDGoo waes.BowanvllejOALý AND ýFLOUR FOU SALE-I noW have work THS. MNLE. & Plenty of coaî lai he C.N.Rl. station, Tyroe, SBridge. Apply at or.THS Also on band a qnan)titvý of that 'failons Five SOM t.Roses Flour. Phonie l146-3or 181-12. AppîT to R.' H. Collacutt, Bowmianville, S8 FEITURE BOIJGHT-I arn prepared te boy; a'ý ilN kinds of nsed lerniture for whlb1I paY _____________________ lsest prices. Notify me before, diposi ng of yenr old furniture, Write or phlono :;a, B. iARM FOR SALE-13l acres, lot 9, con 1, in. WAR MNER, E41. King st West, Oshawa,ý 44-tf t township of Clarke. Gond Clay loam i îab!& for mixed f,'arniing. C.N.R., station on ta'n1 Chnrch and school wîthin hait a mile. Two Rn -fXREAsoi07 lc hunse ad bais an t located on a paýved sýtreet in Toronto. Prie orchardjnst staeting to bear. Good roada sd- $E,ý000Ù, Rented! at $41ý00 per iionith iniI ex> fanil. For fnrther particnlars apply 10 F.-C chanlge for Bowmianville honuse, of simlaLr vine. 17/itche1l Royal Bank, Bowxnanville or to W.H ReaLty Service Comnynv 15 To00ronto street. Tlel- Giddiy, Prvt EHope, o)rto T. J. Ballagk -Starkville, ephoe main 1944, TUoronto,. 4-WJTrustees 8S - the Shop Tat ead Be Prepared For Cold Weather 1 With Furs, We 'Have: Hudson Seat Coats Huidson Seal Caperenes Alaska Sable Setts Aust Opos Setts Red Fox Setts Black Fox Setts Natural Wolf Setts Far Bjelow Toronto Prices No Trouble To Show Our Goods We Are Expert Furriers G.1-4N . T URST>M-4ON I BoD,ýwmanville's Up -to-date Haberdashiery and Fur Shop., P O7UTRY AND JUNK-A. Dilllck pays Iighiest cas8h pnice for ahl kinds of aPoniitr nk. Phone 9 or call at hi s residenrce î77 Ontarin) FP ORSALE-SI thoroughbred W Mhite Leýgborn rons-ters,,April hatched, imported1, beanties, ,fil.5O el. on sale one w-Eek. C. W. STAMP.11 Ty rone.41-wt W ANTD-Byelderly gentleiman, a bed sitting W i,rniWith board i n ivate fauly, elderly peo(ple "preforred. Apply to DRAWER B, Bowmaville4-3wt GUIODGENERAL SERVANT WANTED)-fnr fanilyof tw.Modem home., hcovn lenees. R ighest wages ý-Appiy MRS, J.1H, BÂON SKing-st. W., Oshawa. 433wt P IlO(PERTY FOR SALE-2-storey brick honse, P roonis. bathronie and 2 kitchens. combia- ation fnrnace. j nere land. Appl y to MaRs. 1OUSE FOR RENT-New brick seven roomed house, hath.fnrmace, electriclighted. garage. gond water. Apply to Mas. TROs. JAMES, near Nnrsery Corner,, Bowman- ville. 4.lw t. C OWSzýTRAYED-Came on lot 13, con. 5, Dar. lmigton, abont a week ago. Owner may have sarpe hy proiug property and paying expens. es. NELSON BRAGoG, R. R. 6, Bowmanville- phone 237.13. 45-tf. OUS15E FOR SALE-Frame bouse containing 6 roonis, also woodshed, 1 acre land on which 'are frnit trees and sojaîl fruits. For ternis applyono the promises to MRS. TROC. NORTON, Ann-ot., Row manyille..46tf. MILLINERY BUSINESS FOR SALE-1W00 stock for $i090O ,a gond nillinery bnsiness in smnall prosperons town, no opposition, rent of bnilding ýstore and residenco above at $'10 per month. Apply to Drawer B, Bowanan- ville.46-lnt C OTTAGE FOR SALE--On Liberty-st., Bow- inanville, a framo cottage cnntaioing 4 rooffis An.d sommer-kitchen; elect rie light, water and! seworage; 4 acre land on wich- are fruit tree and chieken bonse* Priue 810,10, Pos- session Dec. 1, 1919. JAMES RIDGE, 258 SoraUren Ave., Toronto. t5-S M' *KIFý

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