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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1919, p. 7

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I CARD 0F THANKS. Mr.Wr. Woodley and family of (Fr4 Auctioneer _ Having securedi a license as auction- e er 1 amn prepared to take a limited number of sales. For terms and dates apply to I THEO. DM. SLEMON R. R. 6, BOWMAN VILLE Phone 239-r-1-4. 3-m FOR S ALE BY McCLELLAN & LO. LÏITED Bowmianvl le OVERLAND 4 has been tested as nio car lias ever been tested before. 250,000 miles of mountain traila, desert sand, heat, cold, mud and dust, demon-à strated the quality of every part Df the car long before we began manufacturing. This remarkable test showed conclusively that Thrèe-Point Suspension Springs, exclusive with Over- land, are the greatest impovement, in riding comnfort ince the introduction of pneurn aile tires. f Phone 248 or OS HA WA 'om The Ontario Reformer.) Diagonal attachment of the iliree-Point Springs azboth ends of a 130-inch Spr*nbase gives the rond ateadiness of the heavy car of 1ngwlieelbase. Equip ment is complete from Auto-Lite Starting and Lighting System to Demountable Rims. The longer you ride in this car the better y ou will ý!ke if. Corne and sec this car. Ask for Bookiet,, 1Overland 4 Touring, $1195; Roadster, 1195; Coupe, 1845; Sedan, $1995. Prices f. o. b. Toronto, War Tax included, subject to change without notico. A. W. Pïckzard, EBcwmnan ville' V'<ICOE RELIEF Srgt and Darlington friends for their kindness and sympitby sbown at the funeral of a dear husband and father. Mrs. Jobn Standen, who bas been vis- iting at her father's, Rev. W. C. Wasbing- ton, and with other relatives in Ontario, bas returned to ber home in Penticton, B. C., after a pleasant visit bere., when he flrst uad.e this standaýrd inedli. dune, that whiskey aad morphineý, are in.. jurious, and an e Ls alaskepftihem ouf of bis rc7eeies. Women who tak. this sanad emd ko'iht in Dr. Pierce's Fvrt Peci tio hey are getting a saf e wcman'a tonis angon)d th drugist evryweremliif-, in liq9id cef ï,be Orm, -Iven tfiree L- -Lý 7hard Labor for tý,,hefîtoftools. Mike Kamul!ia was fined $200 and costs Opinionîis divided about voting for by- FM' law on Toronto and Eastern Railway. --- October report says 41 cases of in- iOfP8OTetetia fectious dîseases were reported, mnstiy evs r*fin'DoIe If smail-pox breaks nut here the UUIJI WUI agricultural building will be tuîrned mbt WA5ING, ONT., an isolation tiospital. "I bad an affack of Weepiig Mr. A. D. Thurston of Soutbam Press, .&.rema so baqd tha tmDýy lothes would Tor onto, bas joîned the Reformer staff as be wet fhmough at time.s. Superintendent of Printing.FooumnhIsfeetrrby Dr. McKaysys Oshawa water is as rfould geths, surelef ute Iirîed gond as ihat supplied in 'any Ontarioa ,cudgtr el-1 ni 're municipalitv. The M. H. O. says -Keep "«Fruit-a-tives" and "Sootka-Salva"». your eye on the water supplyt'. Why Alfogether, I have used three jWhether the corn be of old or new boxes of "SoothaSaiva"e and two of growtb, it must yield to Holloway's Comn 4rnù--t[ se- ad iCure, the slimp1etand-best cure offered t-a4i2 , ndP ar en1r to the public. wll." G. W. HALL. IRev. aid Mrs. W. T. Cherry, of Singa- Both these favorite, remedies are pore, Straits Se ttiement, visited witb Mr. 5o1& by dealers af 500. a box, 6 for and Mrs. W. H. Wigg, Sr., and their $2.50, or sent on reeeipt of pricesby cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Wigg. last Fmit-a-tives Limifed, Ottawa. week. Mr. Cherry is manager of the j Fuîatvsl Ieptu Methodist Mission Press and is home on j i i--îe"isas u pi twelve months furlough. He is a native trial size whieh sells for 25c, of Bowmanville. Fire breaking nut in the dry kiln de-! partment of the Oshawa Bvaporator and TO VISIT SON'S GRAVE Cider Mill on Saturday. not -only destroy-1 ed the mill but a great quantity of dried1 Hon. G. P. Graham wiIl make a trip t apples stored in the second storey of tbe I England and Europe for twn monîhs, bu?"lding. The property le owned by sailing from Quebec last Saturday. Dàvid Clark of Picton and operated by While abroad the ex-Minister of Rail- bis son Percy Clark. ways and Canals, and Mrs. Graham, wbo MOTHERS VALUE THIS OIL.-MO thers accompanies bim, will view the grave of *who know bow suddenly croup may seize their son, Captain W. N. Graham, wbo their children and how necessary prompt was kîlled on the battleflelds of France, action is in applying relief. alwavs keep where he served witb great distinction, *on band a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclec- wnîng the Military Cross, wbich was tric Oil, because experience bas taugbt presented b bhis voung widow by the tbemtha tbre e n beterprearaIo Prince of Wales on bis vieil 10 Brockville j10 be bad for tbe treatment of Ibis ail- ladt week. ,ment. -And-the-y are Wise, for-its, varionus uses render il a valuable medicine. C LN IS O N I E,1 A quiet - but prelty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, the first of jNovember, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. December session of Counties' council G. W. Parker, 46 Drew-st., Oshawa, flac been called bv Warden Henderson wben' their eldest daugbter, Mildrecd 10 convene Monday evening, Dec. i. Luella, was united in marriage b I Mr. This le generally the session at wbicb George Clinton Solmes of ýToronîn. prospective candidates for the Warden- Rev, Gen. Yule was the officîating clergy- sbip feel oui their chances. Next vear *man. Only immedisie relatives of the the honor comes to ,Northumberland conîracîing parties were present and ibe_, county, and, we understand, there are young couple were unattended. two already in the field for ibat honor, wildieReeve M. E. Maybee, Murray township, Mller's Worm Powders wl rv who was beaten by one vote in 1918, and worms from the system wiîhout iniurv 10 Reeve Edward Quinn, Cramabe township, 1 the child. The powders are so easy to wîîb the prospect of one or, two dark take thit even the most delicate stomace borses coming nul-i' f tbey a?'e re.elected. can assimilate thern and welcome tbem as -Cobourg ,Sentinel-Star. speedy easçrs nf pain, because they prom- ___ ptly kili the worms that cause the pain, Many mothers bave reason 10 blees Moio andIbu te sffrin ofIb che e rl-tber Graves' Worm Extermînator, be- ieved. Witb an sterling a remedy on~ cause ih bas relieved the littie one ot band no cbild should sufer an boum fromn suffering and made tbem bealthy womms. DIDN'T SEE THE PRINCE, B . R. 1- the Prince of Wales bas passed three tîmes' ibru Bowmanville on C. P R. but failed to give citizens> a peep at bis cheery.,face. Wednesday forenoon town schools were dismissed and scholars and scores of citiz n-rs rushed up to see the Royal Train at 10:40 o'clocit. But the Prince came not forth to be seen. The Star said that day: Sleeping, the Prjnceof Wales came irito Toronto two days ago, and sleeping, he leit it. The C. P. R. Royal train puled but of North Toronto station at 9 30 tbis morning on the last Ian of is îoooo mile j .urney with the Prince stil) ahed. The curtains were, ail drawn on the pslvate car, "'Killarrney". Even the three feathe rs on the side had a sleepy, early-morning sort, of look about them, despite the briglit- 0es f the sunshine and the clearness of the air. -Not-a-sign-wa.s made-_ toidic,2teÂ-htj the heir to the throne was'ieaving Tor- onto. Not a cheer was heard, not a sound to disturb the slumbers ni the boy within, When hie wakens up he will ne well on bis way te Ottawa and bis final farewell to Canada. It was on Augusi 15 that he Ianded at St. John, N. B. HeI will have spent almost three months in Canada wben he says gond-bye. No, sto was made at Government House siding. Perhaps the Lieut.- Governor's household ton were stili abed. Tbev had had the Prince with tbemn until i, a.m , wben he went aboard the train, aiîd they knew he would ont be up HOW MRSU DOYD AVOIDED AN Canton. Ohio.-"I suffered froma female trouble which caused me much suffering, and two J doctors decided that I would have tu go tbrougb an opDeration before 1 could get Weil. "MIy mother, Who haid beon belped by LydiaE. Plâkham's Vegetable Com- Pound, advised me ~: to t'y i thefore siib- :1 ittingto an opera- tion, itrelievedmo froro ny froubice ano I can do rniy bouse work viithout any difficulfy. 1 advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles f0 give Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable CCcm.- Pound a trial and if will do as much f or tbem. "-Mrs. MARIE BOYD, 1421 fth St., N. E., Canton, Ohîo. 1 Sometimes there are serious condi- tions where a hospifal operaticm is the only alternative, but on the other band so many womnen bave been cured by this famous moot and berb remedy, Lydia E. Pinltbam's Vegetabie Compound, aft-r' doctors bave said thaf an operation was necessary -every woinan who wantsý to avoid an operation sbould give if a fair trial before submaifting fo sucb a ""If cmplcations exist, write f0 Lydia E. PinkbamMedicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. Tbe resulf of many years experience, le at your service. THE PENNY B ANK. The scholars of public schools in this Province are encouraged to deposit their savings in the PenÛy Bank. Most of the cities and towns have adopted this metbod of saving with capital resuits. Bowmanville bas 232 scholars with ac- counts and theyihave already to their credit in the B3ank 81,637.25. Port Hope has 31o depositors who have to their credit $2,236 99. Campbellford 269 ac- counts and $2,086.(>8 10 their credit. Newmarket bas 402 children with $2,471.76 and Lindsay 467 with $1,565.95 on deposît. Gait has 1290 chîldren's ac- counts with 88,379--52 to their credit. Reports of these towns suffice f0 show bow the Penny Bank is appreciated in the schools. Bowmanville depositors aver- aged 37 cents per head for May and June which ila a big average. Port Hope's was 25e per pupîl and Lindsay 16c. Bowman- ville's deposits in Mav was $15 1.76 and June $106.27. Wen The Day lu Ovei When ,the i\. \household worriea of everyday iE 1 Ï ÏËZý- _L, , 1you down. 43-3m m.e t e T estéd 250,000 Miles' Three-Po 'int Suspens ion Springs Greatest -Imp 'rovernent-Since-- Pneumatic Tires '0ê*,,.o,..Sp....,,.e.....e..,a,,. .e .,,,n,,,., 6OCt**e OCG*,C,,C,,SeeeSae.eGtflee,ê.e.,.,,,.,,,, Beit lolck, Simcoe St-. Soufh Pone 725 and 93Ô HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Four Big Favorites, Graham Flour XXX Pastry Flour Whole Wheat Flour Royal Flour 'for Bread If you cannot secuýre these popuilar grades of Flour ý fromn your grocer order direct from us, Chopping Mill feed chopping donie while you wait. Your patronage solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, C'has. Horn, lHaîvnptonl Phone 129 VlES M ANY towns and villages i Ontario that were flot provided the advjantages of electricity previous to 1912, now enjoy the comforts and conveniences of Hydro Power. Electricity generated in individual plants was flot available for these placës. Hydro develop.. ment placed electricity within their meana. In numerous Ontario towns and villages old- fashioneci, unsatisfactory lighting gave way to modemn, economical electric liglit. Now that electricity is no longer a luxury, i4.l the aim, of Hydre te help the people cf this Province secure the best resuits f'rerm the current they use. For the most satisfactory s ervice in home- lighting the Commission recommends HYDRO Quality Lampe. H YDRO Quality Lamps are tested in the> Cmnmission's electri;cal lIcÂraorie-îhe mast compnpletin Canada. The brilliancg. long usefzlneupnfd low currrni consumplion Of HYDRO Qualiiy Lamps are assuyed. H YDRPO Quaiity LaMPS may be had eti ihe Hydro Shop. HYDRO - ELECTIRIC POWER COMMIïSSION FOR SAD1 BY 0FrONTARIO ASOZ S IN YDR SAMUBIi-SCMHWARYT Th1e Store For The Ladies If you want a good, up-to-date Coat, Suit, iDress or Blouse you wili get it at my store. I keep only high-class Ready-to-Wear clothing for ladies and always keep the best of styles and qualitie-, to satitf the people. Also have a large stock, of Ladies' and Childreni's Stocldngs, Ladies' IJnderwear, Huse Dresses, Aprons and Sweaters and other articles too numer- ous to mention. We have a large stok to seet £romn and it is always a pleasure to show our gonds. It will be woýrth yCr hie~evisit-this- store.- A call will -convince Yeu. Samueill Schwartz Oshawa

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