£ A JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $1.50 a year in advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER g0 1919 VOLUMI.LVN,4 CaS and Suilts, ThatRadi*ate Snr e' It, formerly wae the general opinion that if a Coat or Suit was warrn and cozy and com- fortable it couldn't also be smnart. We have cbanged that, however Our Coats and Suits give te maximum of comfort yet they have that chic, lovely style. They are beautifully made, the colorings 'are delightfuland they have a youthful air that maked a tremendous appeal to every woman. I*-you wan;t a Coat or Suit of bigh quality, that are both--practical. and- handsome, -ours are the ones you need. Men's Suits and Overcoats Why not get the f ull season's use 'out of, what you are& going to buy sooner or iter? A ~Corne in today and let us mensure you 'for a Suit or, Overcoat.ý You'll find our' styles the ~ latest and best valuesin town. Bowmanvllle Poi 0 Hlere They -rAgainL The beautiful1 littie Gold Fish that 'brighten the home and gladden-the hearts of the chiidre.' 01 dFish F re e Saturday Nov. 22 In order to introduce the famous Rexall Fanmily Rem- edies into new bornes we will give 2 of these smnll Gold Fisb free to every custôrner who purchasa 50c worth of hexal Remedies next Saturday. (Not mnore than 2 Fish to any- customer.> We have nîso obtained a number of printed direction slips on the care of Gold Fish and one will be given to-every customer asking for one. Graduates of {Chicago Ophtbalrnic College i NewYork Sehool of Opties Detroit Optical. College Canadian Opticai College THE EDITOR TALKS. NEW U. F. O. CABINET. I BOWMANVILLE HIOSPITAL V-ICTORY LOAN Premier Drury ie meeting difficulty t63MLIN Premier and President of Council-E. $10,000 WANTED To ERECT A NuR.sEs' -- ila fiuding seats- for bis OCabinet CDuy RESIDENcE Canada 'subscribed $6,73,oooooo to the jmn isters who have been chosen out- C'Duy side of elected membere. It le even Minister of Agriculture - Manning (Offcially Reported P~or The Press) 1919 Victory Loan. ýiîx hundred and rumredtha Liera meber hàe Dherty.fifty millions were asked. Good for ruoedta Lbr eb er dveDoety.Annual meeting of the BoWma-nvîllis Canada .l -Durhamrn -county -subscribed- been approached to resigu to allow Minieter of Education-R. H. Grant. Hospital was held Oct, 29th, Mr. C. $2,049,8iO, going nearly, 54 per cent over U. F. O. minîsters to qualify. This Minister of Lande n oét-eihRhei h hi.teojcie vr uiiakt inn rumor is very bard to believe,. how- Bwa.- aqFret-eihRhe uteCar h bdtveeymncplj inn ever fo natraly Ho. M. Drry' Bowan.After routine and reading of reporte a Prince of Wales Flat. This amount tii.e 5everifoinauralyoHf. M. Dury Works-F. C. Riggs. Mr 0. Rehder referred to the smal. Of monev in band wili enable Canada t [t, r ollhep hi oumblhe onereaous tshf iiterfMie-Hr1Mii. nesand unsuitablenese of the Nursese' pay obligations and give credit to tiadjustin ieoutiegisatieeiu skof Minister of Lao n HaMlble erResideuce and suggeeted that citizens Eurooean counitries who _buy Canadian adjutinhi Leislaivemaeiney Miistr o Laor ad Halt-Waterhave the privilege of voting on a By- goods on a promise to pay withiu a for action. Rollo. I aw o n the firet of January at th, reasonable time., Attorney.General-J. E. Rainey, K. C., municipal elections, to give the Hos- The iooner Premier E. C. Drury and Prov. Secetary-H. C. Nixon. ptal $10,000.00 to assiet lu the erectio N O UPOTN hie Cabinet adopt a mnore -geirlad rvnilorauefee m a suitable residence for the 'nurseseIE~ acceptable naine for the Goen u ibu oifloL.Cl XCr the one at present occupied to be used IIYD*RO-ELECTRJC BY LAW than United Farmérs of Ontar4i the .mb - D.forMthe.Laudry equipmnt. Dr. H1elen' «better.'-There ie to be no cînes legisla.. D.S.-O.SM., McMurchy,- Inspector. je always coin- tion they say. -,Then the naine they churches plaining of the present Nurses' reeid- Actual recordseRlectric euergy used bear now is a mienomer. They are Stinday, November 3o is Go-to-church- ne.luHyvdi'o Muniilpalities-Irom 1911 to iflot The People'e Party- because both Sunday, Everyone lu towu or country - r Mi.Jme oedeeode auay1 91,sowtedretsv ýConservative and Liberal candidates supposeedto attend, at least, oneservice. i . ae mvdscnddýngtoli ,9lsowtedrctsv recive moe vte thn te U F.Goandinvte ourneghbr 'cegowiby b~Mr. William Trewin, that a hearty 'n olghting users only of over recive moe vte, tan he j.p. o ad ivie yjurneihbr t * o wthvote of thauke be tendered to the $18,5ffl,000. O*s. Why iiot offer a $100 prizei for you. Women's Hospital Auxiliary for the- Hydro Electrie service bas given the the most snitable naine f or the iYrury Sunday, Dec, 7, is annual Thank-offer- splendid work it bas dons in, the past people of Ontario power and light at party ?~ No naine carrying with it the ing Sunday im Bowmanville Metfrodist vear ln lookiug after the equipint of actual cost and bas given better< idea of class or partizanship seuld be Church.* Rev. S. Sellery, M. A B. D., the Hospital. Mrs. B. M. Warnica1 service than under private manage- adopted. Toronto, a former pastor, wîll biefthe and Mrs, J. A McClellan responded, ment. preacher for the day. Choir ie prepari19 referriug to the need of a better Nur- By meane of these Railways, muni- Automobiles have corne into gener- special imusic. ses' Residence and hoped that some- cipalities eau be eupplied with Power lal-use -in-about4f-1 eare--Flarrntrac- .-Salvation Ar-myint-euc-hoding-a-bazaar thing-would be-doue- f0 -improve -cou- froin Five tui Fitteen tolrsprH.- R t ors are now comîng into popular in the Salvafion Army Hall on Thursday, ditions less than under the present systein by favor and like the auto will develop Dec. Iifh. Concert in the evèning. Par- .Speaking of the great value- to thie the addition of a railway load.' I rapidly. Indeed, one million tractors ticulars later. -town îand community tifthe-Hospital The profits of these, Railwa s' will is the 1920 estimate. Every large ________ Mr M. A. James referre d f0 the high belong to the People of they Muni- farmer is eventually going to use a, standard of efficiency that is maintain-cplte in proportion to the amount tractor. "The World do move" and ',R A L O S ed at the Hospital and to the goo of their guArantees. I t I neyer faster industrially and agricul- OL naine that the Hospital bas lu thetH roleriRawaswlbete j Iurally than now. The labor problein commuuity. He said that this'higli p o anecatomobalwswie, he bsie h 1 or a's'unmble he'usns î working miracles in the country as Another of the delightful gatherînge standard 4vas Iargely due to the utr men's necessity, and will bring the well as lu cities and towus. Labor- of D. O. B. Club, was held at the home of ing efforts of Mrs. Floreuce Smyth and man ten 'miles froin towu within aý,ving d.evices and machines are find- Mr. and Mrs.' J. J. Hoidge, 5 Whitney ber efficient anti obligiug staff. Tfhis twenty minutes of bis market. inig a ready market and will continue Avenue, Toronto, on Friday evening Iast, was, ou suggestion of the Chairman, Evnatr h ylaws are carri ed to be popular. a very large number being iu attendance. put in the form of a motion and in a therod anterbte buitwthu h Dr. J. L. Hughes, presîdent, was in the corroberative speech was secouded by cousent of the Goverimnt, so by What sanewomen desires to be old? chair. After the minutes were read, Mm. Mr. W. B. Couch. these means we are doubly safe- We mean considered oid or spoken of Thomnas Yellowlees, called attention to Mrs-. Florence Smyth, Superintend- guarded, as ld.Theruîngpasionconinusthe recent death of Mr. H. J. -Hoidge, Of eut, replied and stated that the mostr as ld.Therulngpasionconinu',Lindsay, n brother of the hast who was of the praise wae due to the Nurses-lu- The people of Canada have given too. tili death translates thein to that eofetainng the Club, aesuring him of the traning because they were aîways $231, 000,000, and ?and greater than ahl blessed clime where the inhabitants deep sympathy of the members in hic loss. wihtepfet hra h ol the Maritime Provinces, to Railwaý neyer grow old.- This though't cornes The Setmetartientinstmuctedhf convyoîyseda nai ato brf . Corporations. They have made mil- f0 ne on reading this comment in the f, the widow the regrets and sympathy with the patients., It le the nurses lionaires out of promofers and con- ýNinetiefhBirtbday Number of Theoftemmrs The program consisted woral nk h optl tract ors, and this is the first tirne they Chritia Gurdin: esà of songe, by Miss Vera Hagerman, ac- Ellection of officers followed. Mr. C.hv vrhdteopotnt ovt Barkwell, Port Hope, was 'boni opne yMs(rý1 .Elo for themeelves a.nd be their owun pro- Bj mavlhoruhau uty in copan ,eied nby Mrs. (Dr. ) . . oRhdermoved, eeconded by Dr. J. C., moters, contractors, an~d operators, as yeare ago corne December Stb, 1919, Mgrlow. -Dr. Eliotf favored thie cmp Dvitt, that MrJ.WAeadth tepolewl tal herfisrm living after ber marriage on a farni any with corne "Echoes from the past,"i donor of the Hil-spital aud grounds be jtais road and fheywili get service uorth of Port Hope, now living in reading the miles of the old Hampton made Ilouorary President in perpetu- such as 'they have not had before. fers to be thought of as young, and on the part of ifs, members, fines were Trewin, seconded by Mr. W. B. Conch Limited. remniode ber visîtors that "I a o moe agn ail h a îo hee that the Boaird of Directors be re-eîect- THE WOMENPS AUXILIARY ninety yet-only 89"-even tho' the pence t0 a Yomk shilling. ,Mm. Preston L. e.Crid 9Oth birfhday is only a few da-yedis- Tait, an enthusiaetic mountain climber, Mr. Rehder explainf-d that there Au exceedingly valuable. organiza- bta (y tbe 91, sf P MShe ened gave -an- interesting address and exhibited, were two vacaucies on the Board. Mr. tion is the Women's Auxiliary Board her91s P he n-treo hfe aliargenuàimber of excellent viewe of Mt. Thomas Tod moved, seconded by L. A. of Bowmanville Hospital, organized, onbr first birthday Dec. S, 1829- Robson, which he had secumed personally Tole that Rev. D. W. Best, who takes on July 23rd, 1912. Ho o aeEd i toW STATESMAN.) at the risk of both lite and limb.. The considerable interest lu. the bospita l Is special duty is f0 see affer the Ho o Caenxmetn ilb held at the esidence be nmade a member. Carried. Move neces&ary requirements as shown. every dparmentn eitereet of Road,Tont. hak were exfended M.Nra .B James that the Rev, fions f0 the. Hospital a published i For Gold Fis a h epopleanicte raeedeficeuy of Mm. tssan h, a.RW.ngd allWhoamsem by 0.Mre W. A ender se rced by ournalmetChtrei ta s oftosa- -E -Dàâ. -Geat--,cangs- n-th-prgram -o -moiowuf-M-r.Ê- CaTTed.-P-v.-MýM-ore-ade shot -hu-frieds n th contr The came of Gold Ficl isle o simple thaf posed and a monster procession'of un- Fielding, and Principal S. H. Jeffery. address on the efficiency of the Hos- have aliso been received annually. anv chiid of 6 or 7 vears of age can look necessary civil servante are soon to be Affer refreehinente were semved and a pifai and thanked the cifiz&eus for Owing to liberal contributions .Jaet after fhem. A i5e package of Food wihl seen leaving the Parliament Buildings. deljghfful social hour spent, IlAuld Lang electing hir n the Board. year f0 pafriotie and other worthy hast 2 ficli over a yeam and the fish get s0 Cotemporary with this proposed Syne" and "God Save the King", bought' Mrs. Florence Smyth, Snperiutend- appeals, the Obristmiae offépings felI friendly that fhey wiil comne fû the surface housecleaniug is a peculiar anomoly. the proceedinge f0 a close, eut, wae called upon f0 offer sncb re- behow former year. For example, the os the watemr àad eat frorn yaum fingeme. Premier Drury le adding au extra ________ marks as the spirit moved ber to say. surn receîved lu 1916 was $067,95, in We are giving our customers another minister fo bis Cabinet-salary $6.000 She replied that the most dire, neces- 1917 was W48.88 and in 1918 only $s91.- opportunifoge soti oftfoe iget - corneas ddiofal fheesceU RDlitt9thBeTD--whichf curemeaausw urssdditi29oTenalii officeskees chilrens faories ree n Sturdy nxt ore ecrtaris, tengrapersanddence but failing that, she fhought. lookout for needed supplies and, re- *Nov. 22nd. (See big advf.) fvpewriting machines, clerks for- that the purchase or the i'efting of' a ports f0 the Auxiliary. Thefoloin Rxaî Rme ls refy'ling, etc., and a general increase in afweksChitanGadln fh ral earby 'cottage was the next THE OPPICERS 1919-20. Th fllwig exllReei overheaded adoterneandr e- other' neceiaesarynth bstthng ex-poai ws ibes sold nnder a positive guamantee. Youm penses. As our readere are probably organ of the Methodiet Chumch in Canada efhn.brpopsawadics Election of officers wae beld October imoney will be handed bac k cheerfully if awr1h rme a xae the celeljmated ifs ninefiefh birfhdav Was if sed at sôrne length, finally at the sug- 3,d wif h this result: von are not pleased with recuite. uew office of Labor and Healfb and not. really ifs 91sf. birthday ?-fhe 9oth gestin of r. M.A. Jaes ifwae d Rexall old Crem A, fieDpor-esident-Mrs. Tho. Todeklr RexaliCold reanidivided that of Lands, Foreef s and anniverai. fif ifdy Afn o-cd~to laes.0teBad f i-1fVc oMr.E .Snir~ Disappeariug Creain Mines so thaf the latter becomes. a trait-of Rev. Egerton Ryereon, D. D., ifsetrs 2nd Vice do-Mrs. A. E. McCready Toilef Powder separafe portfolio. As the Parlia- firet editor, appeare on the firef cover -Me..C. Rehder iutroduced the. euh- Rec.Secrefary-Mrs. J. A.McClellan Nail Bleach meut Buildings were too emaîl before Page. The precent editors-Rev. W, B. ject of Dominei Science, thinkinig thisCr-c-rs F. J. Manning Talcuin Powder uecessifatiug the reufiug of severa i Ceighfon, B. A, D. D., editor-in-chief, a favoI'ýible fiMe f0 discuse the organ- Treas.-Mrs. A. L. Nicbolle "Toofh Paste buildings near bv. Now it wiîî secin and Rev. Willian McMullen, B. A.,-have ization of classes. -Mr. W. J. Morris- Representatives f0 Board-Mre. L. A. bair Tonie to be , tecessary f0 ereef a large new very madesfly refmained ýfrom indicating on, B A., Principal of the bigh School Tole, Mre. P. C. Trebilcock, Tooth Powder deparfinenfal building to accommo- fhe progrece made and the supeior ex- thought that if would be of great ed- Auditore-Mre. B. M., Warnica, Mrs Complexion Powder date these new offices. One, uaturally cellence of the present journal. ucational value fo the studeufs of the E. R. Bouneall. Witch Hazel Creain inquires why,-is if necessary now to To the witer who bas been an inter- Scbool and also f0 outsiders who might ectv Comfe-fieea Shaving Lotion mulfiply offices. Ontario is the saine ested eader of The Guardian for about ot ih ls.b aidaoveMies Allen, Mesdames Bounsal IlShaving Stick l'old banner Province" fhat if bas 5o yeams, the contributions of Dr'. W. H. , xedfr wsbreb owler, Jewell aud Tole. Glycerine-Soap ever been. Hincks, Dr. A. C. Crewe, Mr. John Municipaiit, nhwa balance* by the tteOt 7hmeigapooa Beef Iron & Wine Nelson, (Vancouver, B. C.,) Mm. J. Lewis'the Goverumty, n hea of opinion that AtheO.lthm tigaposi Cherry Bark Congh Syrup Soeyeragacowsiniad Miligan of The 1 oonto Globe, Dm. a comînitte should be formed and bave was made that a piano be provided for Syrp o byopospife hyfme ers aotof O s ntal t aoihRihre. lbn m.J an lw tafhorough investigationi as f0 ifs the Nurses' Resideuce and met wifh Carp f hypJeIl is y fres -Otri Maels ihad issE lbet W Fen leetvalue. 9 general favor. If was also decided to, Otrrh ele25, cmniddlemen. The campaign waS ODîy Ms miv . Wcaver, Exeter Hall, have a Chrigfmas Collection as usual. Ordelie, 25, 5c, $.00partially successful. Goverumeut Edward Treiawney, Rev. Dr. Geo. J. Mr. Morrison took the opportunity "Dyspepsia Tablefs action seems f0 be uecessary fo hel1 Bond and Camill a Sandercon make in- f0 express bis appreciation of the kind- At the Annual Meeting of the bos- " Wif Pnean Tr p ensely interesîing eading. nese of Mrs. §myth and the Nurses pifai Board the report of the Treasurer 0 White Pine and Tarthe efforts of the people f0 get fair uighsifesils ateHop-wsprendbyM .A.LNbls Hydrogen Peroxide play and a sqjiare deal. 0f course, we The several editors have been Edgeton drn i iesileea h opf a rsue yMs .LNcoi Tasteless Cod Liver 011yro amsRcadon pri ] as folhows: Kidny Pilehave had commissions- galore, food Ryren, JnameRRchmdonIEhrimaI j ine 'LakP ion confroller (misuomer) and Board of 1Evas onathan Scott, G. F. P14yfem Mr. W. B. Coucb suggested that Balnc i REcE..I........ $ 89 Larkspr Loton Comercebut te peole ofthisG..R. Sanderson, J. Spencer, Wefflingtn Principal Morrison be ernpowered to Baaembr Bank......... 15 VegetableCompoundCommev re sibu the peopleaofthes J.ffers, E. H. Dewamt, A. C.,Coumticemake the investigation îiud report t%Memrises...èci.. ...........il 50 Seiditz Powders riiddle-men ouly are blained,forsooth, Geo. J. Bond and W. B. Creighton. th or.CrsmsJliciu....312 oToilet Soap th lb dtra ~ ago firmnhvebe soit n e BoarE 'sANULREOT Donations.,................... 25 5 PuaGoeerfumes odyagod Ohrme aebe ascaean iESC TR' NNA EOTInferest ......................i1 00 1 Thrf Gges story is told that involves the refail assistant editors whose work is ceeu but Mr. H..R> Jollow, Secretary-Treasur-, Bowlers' Club................836 00, Aroaficatr 01 merchaut. It appears thaf a Quiebec neyer recognized by their readers, This er,,presenfed bis report as follows: Tag Day....« ................ 213 68 j rmteCso î shoe manufacturer saw in a Toronto sket ch is -given: Duning Mr. Ryerson's1 The President and Board o Directors oBaby Congh Syrup store window shoe made ln bis own first t ermi in office'he w as ascistc.d by Rev. of Bowmanville Hospital.$698 j "White Liniment factory wbich bad been supplied by F. Mefcalf, wbo seeme f0 have been given ETEE A oobtdyyuEPNIUE beainig Salve the jobber f0 fhe retailer at a trifle the dignity of an associate editor At GETE NAsuduedy ouXENIUE Rubbig 011over haîf the price asked of the eus- the turne of the union of the New con- aealaa-,ti ste6hauulS .Msn&Su....$ 6 30 j "Carbolie tmr Th mauatrrwenenxonbdwthte elynCuch, meeting of Bowmanville Hospital Couch, Johnston & (Jrydermau 17 47 Mentholine BaIn made inquiries as fa the reason for the Rev. David Savage was edîtor of the *oad*ndc«sier-g heinrese*u c*rfy- C ..........5 73 Ecxema Olineuf The high price,, was told thaf the cost Evangelical Witness, the cýfflial rices of al Hospital supplies we bave C. M. Cawker........57 Ecem Ltinof raw material was the chief element of fthe New Connexion. Onunuin the ad a very active year.- M. A. James.,..........2 50 Lauxbervoebirfhs tisofeQrilni8eof-- e-&-Ca......... - ....7 80 Jury & Lo eli inaiproesse, th manfactrerthe anadan Cristan Àvoeae, b. whch 2 aremaIe and16 fmale WarStame.................4 1 i., lâl