~8O Kribs Electric Wa, ianish Washday Dru N o0rieed now to rub and scrub- the' life out of clothes and the a back-breaking wash-board. You, can now have an elect vantages at a, cost within the means of every, housev Washer is just as efficient as other machines that cost two or soon pays for itself in saving clothes, time and labor. The Kribs -Electric Washer works with a half-turn movem( a Robbins & Myers motor, which will last for years. It is als< safety release wringer, which releases at both ends instantly when the spring is pressed. This feature is a big advance over the old style one-end release. The cut, gears on the Kribs Electric Washer, are so s'uperior over the cast gears usually used' on- low-priced washers that comparison quickly demonstrates the acivantage., It, washes, a tubful'of clothes in a surprisingly short time- washes them thoroughly-and costs only a few cents an hour for operation. The price of the machine is only $80.00. 14 Daysl Free Trial During November only, we are introducing a/Y limited number of these machines on a Fourteen Days' Free Trial. Upon request a Kribs Electric Washer will be placed in your home, with no ex pense to you. No obligation to buy. Do your regular washing for two weeks. If-it doesn't prove its worth many times over in saving timeand labor and its efficiency in washing blankets, woollens, tablecloths, every. thinig down to the flimsiest lace-we don't want you to keep it.» But, we are sure you will be sopleased with the washer that you *ill want to keep it-then-we can arrange an eazy payment plan for you. Eai sy Terms Arranged During this demonstration saleeasy monthly payments to suit every pur- chaser can be arranged.. In fact, you can pay for the machine out of its actual1 savings. You have ail its advantages free. We want to place as many of these machines as, possible this month. The easy terms wiIl suit you fine. Offer Good Till Novenler 30 OnIy We have been allotted only a few washers for thisspecial sale. Therefore we are limiting the sale to November thirtieth. Cali immediately and inspect one olf these machines. Then have one placed in your home. You can make no mistake in giving a Kribs Electric Washer a trial. IlydrÔ Electric Power Commission of Ontario Thie Mydro Sliop the profiteer. But in many cases high prices still prevail.0 I have now opened a mearket to help the people, and if- they ielp me I can help themn by quick sales smaîl profits and quick returns. 1 can bring your. goods ho you fresh and you can depend on what you are bùyitng. "CA Penny saved isa ponny earn- I 1arn handling ail kinds of Fruit Vegetables and Fish. 11He Special sale of Fish on Tifums- days and Fridays.1 j Ail I ask, is a fair trial. i Id I arn with the people ho put are1 down the high cosh of living. and "lLive and let'live" is my motto. appq ctoi J. rHarristi Old Standard Bank Building m Wholesale and Retail Fruit and J. Ve getable Dealer, Bowmanville 58C PàppendÎcÎtis Ig es, on, Stomach Dimorders, aenic"t'aand IKidney Stones often caused by Gall Stones, àmislead people until those 1attacks of Gall Stone Colic ear. Not one in' ten Gall ne Sufferers knows wbat is trouble, Marlatt's Speciflc I cure without pain or oper. OU. or Sale at aIl Druggists, recom- lnded by jury & Lovel, Drug- ts, Bowrnanville anid Osbawa. BOW-MANVILLE, N-V. -20, TaCNAINSÂTSÂ ndTs» wua. R N - ILLF EIS are publiýh5d everY Thursday and Friday mOrniDg. respectively, at TEE 'STATESMÂN(Fo teXes Do not suffu Offie, James Block, 26 and 27 1ingssk West, Fo thNe$ another day with Bowyanvile, Ontario, Canada. DI. A. james a Mr. F. J. Hall has commenced work On tchi n oe.B eed.. ons, Publishers'and Proprietors, 5± 1.50 pet o n ai n 0 is n w r s d n e Ing, orl Potrd. annum, payable lu advyance; 89.00 alter firt three oudtoofhsnwridce PIE - ericls o leoN t. Mrs. Fred Sisson, Toronto, is visiting at atILionl required.be husbanid's moth er's. Dr. Chaae's Ointment will relleve you at once Pieased t erta rJeHnyi and as oertaxnly cure toou.r b0c ra Jb0xHeaili dealror Edmanon, Bae. Co., -iltedgettfllg back to good health. ToP.rno ampebxfeei o enint Mr, and Mrs. L. W. Gamsby recently vape anencoseS. samptopa potag. Cr am Vaned! visted tbejr son Bob in Toronto, Crea M 1yyailltefl FankStoddard bas gone to take a pos- W'oo 'ah0o0hod5,=ei ition in a Toronto Wholesale House. The 0",e Engliel Rme Mr. Wilson of C. N. R. was a gnest Tones and invigorates the whoii Prices of Cream are high. Sunday ait Mr. C. G. Armstrong's. niervoue systein, makes new BloodMrLavreCoradbieae 'n oid Veins, cures Nroes We nav goodprices frgood M of Mvr nd MorsaGeo.Cooer Dbii iitp, 3ental anci Braise Worryj. Despýr7 odfo guesta fM.adMs.Go opr decVj, fLss of Energy, Palpitat ion of ýil, rYoungople, hiA a' rcednei Heari, Faîling Memory. ,Price $1 par box ppe pacceanei foI5 Oewll please, six -wil cure Sk u eem T at yus the Town Hall, Fia vnn druggists o mailed in plain pkg. onreceipt(i Miss Laura Allin, Toronto, recently prc.News pamphl et maiiedfrele. TH£ WOD M FDICINE Co., TORONTO, ONT.(FsuyWur If we fail to cail on you we visited her father, Mr. D. T. Allun. __________________________l Mrs. Wm. Edwards, M anilla, is visiting i would appreciate a phone her aunt, Mrs. AIf. Chapman. 1' Sho. sH. Junker, Wallace Sisson and Miss S ,os epaireu cali or write us. Lenora Williarnson visited Toronto U t*.friends. - While Y ' là it !m. Wm. Harrison hbas returned from I arn now in- a position Orono Creamery Co, Edwards, where ber mother bas been ii *ogv luqik service Evaporator, flot a few of the womnen tangivestofquk anhc ro ocorning from Trenton. and est f w rkni.nsip O onoAlex McNeil, living here with bis t as I have two assistants. __________________ brother-in-law, W. J. Sfutt, bas bought a Work Boots lFor Sale become a benedict, tbey say. 'ha susa ilfarne ruap, soen ofsMr.t t:s b 1 have a Iimited stock of J F. Lorrirnan, here, now in British r f oo w rkrecentîy at Penticton. No doubt the Bi boots for men. Also ser- pleasure was mutual. an viceable shoes for ladies Robert Morrow, Toronto, was operated and hilden t reson Fai an WJi ter on recently at one of the city hospitals and hilden a reaon- all nd W nter for a bad case of bemnia. Glad to learn s able prices. that Bob is doing well.. G j()VeSCattle 'brought big prices .at Mr. W' N. Geo. timp c,çeBucklev1s sale. Bidding was lively and 12 Oco.Hum ageG l vesdairy cattle bougbt $2007, an average of * W. J. Martyn-bas moved to north ward Prïces:in a part of Miss Carscadden's residence. I ibe splendid -new -residence- vacated- by hirn wilI becorne tbe -Manse, to be occu- 1ralid Trunk Railway 25cupte 3.pidMr. J .Re KMr Jas.'R.,.Fowier bas bought tbe The Double Track Route splendid McFeetzrs farmn of Ioo acres, * north of Bownaanville. We congratulate between M.Fwe nscrn hsslni Montreal iH. Elliott Estate M- r.oer o ecrn ti pln TorontoNews was received Sunday bvMr.A. Detroit Hampton Leigh tbathis son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mns. John Steel, had been ser- v &iously injured at Ragged Rapids, Parry, * Chicago Sound district, in a railway smash: Unexcelled dsning cae eervice. High .Scbool stLdents and staff gave a very enjoyable Hallowe'en party atwbich * leeping cars on night Trains and ex-pupils were the igueats., For the most 'arlor Cars on the principal Day original costume, lady, Miss Wilson, Prin- cipal of the Public School, was awarded raîin. the prize, and for gentleman's costume Floyd Cutteil carried off the honor. A 'uli information from sny Grand nc uc a evd 'runk Ticket Agent or C.E.,Horning, '- ON SALE EVERîWHEFRE.-.Thern ay >strict Passenger Agent, Toronto. jjn Lt 11£' be country mechnt hodoer eep J. H. H. JURY, Towm Agent, Dm, Thomas' electmic 'O01, though they E ?hoe 7 ~ wmavile OU re ntreseli te Hgh are few and far between, and these may y ?hon 78Bowmnvile Coa reo Liin. upste yth ad g suggest that smre other ou is< just as ______ofLiving._Suppose________ good. There is notbing so good as a à _________________________ o replace your bouse or the con- liniment or ais an internai medicine in tents of it and buy everything over certain cases. Takre no other. The again. You would need double,'as delland for it shows that' it is the onlyE mucli money to do it as in' Septem.. popuiar Oiî. V MU ber 1914. Everythinàg bas goneÊu The purchasing power of the dolla"; Ha!lowe'en today is flot of the old- is about 47c compâred witb Sept- 1 boe ruhbuse order. Frida'y nlu hr a hagdsicl o ember1914.the better, girls and boys paraded the ______________ Buldig cots f al kids ave streets, dancing, and singing the 'latest nearly doubled; ilothing is going up popular airs, orne of the formerg every day; boots and sboes, furnit- masquerading in maIe attire, serenading lire, carpets, food, fuel,-everything business places, -most of which responded [~I~ r3T ontsmore wont ~witb the "ireats". Everybody enjoyed it, idjér'y- cýýFire may destroy your entire pamticularly the singing. property any minute. Your$10 Eyery careful and observant mother happnes outof dayon haicyto- wot buy HALF knows when ber child suffers from worms. happnes ou ofa dy-onWha itwoud treeyears ago. So She also knotvs that if smre remedy be ýric washer with ail its ad- you need more insurance. Only not speediîy applied' mucb barm -will re- i vîfe Th Krbs lecrucone thing in the world bas flot in suIt to the infant. The best application wif. Te rib Eecticcreased in cost. that is insurance that can begot is Miller's Worm Powders three times as niuch, and the tbing you'iîeed mont. 'Tbey drive worms from the systemn and In short, wbat you mont need set up stimulating and soothing effect, s0 in the cbeapest tbing you can bui that the cbild's process tbereafteris pain- tin.And je operated by Protectionl. You need the best less and satisfying. en.kisid of protection ton. You c an Sna o.2M.JýR opr oequipped witha special bave, it. The'best coes no more garage was entered and a new Chevrolet than the womst. car, witb ugs, cusions and, wraps, 'val- I Phone us how mucb more cover ued in ail at about $1100 stolen\ AUl , you require and we will put it on police centres were notified and also the today, or we will caîl, value your Detective department, Toronto, who re- property and give you the necesary ported tbey were-deluged witb com- protection, plaints of like losses. No trace bas yet been found of the lnissing car. Thus J. J.,MYA.SOIN country seems to, bc infested with tîvs cbicken thieves, stock thieves, store and s Insurance Agent Bowmanville bouse besides auto thieves, and no man's poperty is any longer safe despite locks and bars, IMPURITIES OiF THE BLOQI) COUNTER- ACTED.-Impurities in the blood corne frorn defects in tbe action of the liver. B wm n ile e pl ey are revealed by pimpîes and unsigbt- treated inwardly, and for this -purpose thel'e is no more effective compo nd to be used than Parrnelee's Vegetable Pilîs. N o tice ! Tbey act directly on the liver and by N 0'tic esetting up healthy processes bave a bene- A Beeted 100% Plure Sugar Carte bolases Guaaaat.ed MOST ECONOMICAL F00O) FOR LIVE STOCK s been fed, for years b>' the foventset live stock feeders and )reeders and dairymen in U.S.A. and Canada. -Fverybarrel is ga anteed. It Will Iniprove the heaith Jol un'Stock. It ta OT remedyor prepared Stock food. ItIs not beet ïnoianses or Louî -siana l1ack Strap. It ie 55% Sugar-wifl produce more min:i and flesh than iy other metbod of feeding. DON'T ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE med for frec sample and book on Reonoîriiesi eediog, stating nurnbo >stock you feed. 24 GOOD LlVE AGENTS WANTED BVzarYWHitEa CANE MOLA CO. OF CANADA, LAMITED 18 ST. PAUJL STREET - - - MNRA -Local -Di-stributoris' -- 'Clellan & C;o. Ltd. Bowmanville This is a ,"'GIad" Iron-0 T HI of the urber of trnes yoU lift the Old- à tâashnld Irons and the extra pressure you mut m put on heavy liens 1 And then the re ile i troublé of watcbing theni, of warining theni just So, * end- ofwalkiig bark and forth t. the stove for heurs. Wero they'aot w;ll amed «Iuadl irons? Get Electrie Trou, ma y«%flrcilize why mmy «ONL« 091ii s modern gaver of a lim ai extergy the «"gui» ires. Mi stq*a-no fueming over, a liot eteve -ne lifting at au-ne vaxing-nefraycd, nerve&--and heurt eut eut of your ironing he highly polished, irening sur- face of the -Canadien Beauty gliges esily ever the beaviest Linen. Once wefl licita, you una chtut off the current and con- tinue iroing far a white withoic* lt---. well does this iron retaiab ,The tUp t. extra. hot à >Andlest a beautiful iran as wcll as a 'glad"i ron. You'l be a prend eofit.à W. aise sell the famous Canadian Beauty Tbrcm-fleat Grill and the Canadian Bcauty Electric Toaster. Ciii and laapect sur à uuequallud dlsqpliy'oi Electricil Appliances. The ilydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario The Ijydro ShopN )ouvenir Cast Iron Rangre wi"th Reservoir TeSouvenir Range le a guarantecd baker and heater. WilIl give every satisfaction and with care wiIll Iast a Izfehime. SpecialFeatures : Nickel- plaeci Base, Glass Oven Door and1 Thermomneter. Bread, cake, etc. visible whl aking. Thermo- rneter telle exact Lient in M. Removable nickel edge for easy cleaning, Porcelain âmcl Back full widtli of warming çloset, emoke pipe Yp back. 9 20-18' x 18" oven as iilustrated, price $84.5ô Without warming closet, $65.50 9-22-thé saine'Range but 'with 20" x 20' >ven, $89.50. Without warmingcloset, $ 70.50 SOLD BY ovci Enai the]1 No. No. .c THÉ HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER CO., Limnitad Successors to THE GURNEY TILDEN CO., Limîted HAMILTON -CANADA "SVNT-IV EARS 0F SUCCESSFuL Me2ý4UFA,1ýCTrUri1, ý" 2 J use, only thre' level tea- spoonfuls for five cups REDR oiE TIE good tei Sold only In s.aJ.d packaffl . àmmRýý