G. W. V. A. DANCE Orono G. W. V. A. are holding a big Christ ï,as danýce in the Armouries, Orono, on1Mo day Dec. 22, to raise funds for theCl. Retreshiments served. Double tickets $2.00; Single tickets bl 00 Further particulars ma v be obtained from FRED PEARSON, Secretarv-Treasurer, Orono. See our opening play, then corne every night, Parker's Peerless Players'; sea ts on sale, Mitchell's Drug Store. BLACKSTOCK Mont;ity meeting of the Victorien Wornen's Institute witl be held at the home of Mrs. J. J. Robbins, Btackstock, on Weduesday, Dec. 3rd. at 2.30 p. m. Everybody welcome. Lunch to be served. Port Hope council bhas granted $Ion to the Northumberland and Durhamn Poultry and Pet 5tock Show 10 be hetd lu Port Hope. Now Ready For C--hristmiasCoôking It isn't too early to think about p reparing, for Christmas Cookig-PIum Pudding, Mince Pies, et.I have just received ashipment of fresh fruits including: Seedies Raisins, per lb 25e Seeded Raisins, per lb 23c Choice Currants, per lbs 30c Mixed Peel,. ..per lb 60e Also Turkish Figs, Dates, Mince Meats, Sheiled Walnuts, Almonds S5pecial This Week A few 25 lb boxes of Seedless Raisins, 6.00 per box Farm Produce-Wanted As usuaiJLarn paymng highest prices for ail kinds of farm produce. -+Phoe 1&6Bo-wmanvllie TisWeek Only At', E dmondstone 's SmokedBreakfast Bacon by the piece ................... . Boneless Cottage 1{oils, from 2 to 4 lbs. each ............ Pickled Rlocks............................................... Pickled Pienic Hams...................... ..........1....... Smokect Picnic llais ..............1.................. ...... Pure Lard in 1 lb prints, 3 ibs for $ 1.00 4r ............... Back Bacon by piece ................................. ...... Fresh Tripe ................................................ Oleo Margarine ........1.................................... Easifirst. ý............................... Pork Heart%, Kiducys, Spane Ribs, Tenderloin. lome Made Sausages, 20e lb *Watch Our Windows For Specials G. A. Edmondstone (One door east of Levi Morris & Son's)' Phone 21 Bowmanv ille .45c lb .34c lb .15o lb .25e lb .28c lb .35e lb .55e lb .10e lb .38e lb .35C lb a a a J'OýWMANVILLE,,, NOV.» 27, 1( 1 1 MAYDON Visitors: Mr. J. E. Elliott, Mr. %and Mrs. Win. Trewin, Bowmanvitle, at Mr. R. Slemon's; Mrý. J. Creeper visiting hier daughter in T'oronto; Miss Rhoda Avery at Mr. A McNéil's. Our League visited Enuiskilten on Fri- day night aud sp-ant a very sociable even- ing .... .Several of our Leaguers attended thé convention hetd at Bowmanville."*1 Repart of the S,S. onvention held ln Toronto was given on Sunday morning by Miss Hilda Graham and deserves spécial mention, for it was full of valuabte information in every line of S. S. work' ...Mr. Russell Crossman and Mn, Cecil Slemon.are detegates to the Boys' Con- ference to be hetd in Peterboro, Fifte'en to twenty children wilt sing unden direction of Prof. Laughen at En- niàkiltcn on Monday eveuing. The aunuat missionarv services wilt be couducted next Sunday. Collections and% subscriptions in the interest of the general fund. MVAPLE GROVE M r. and Mrs. WiIl Hocken and son. -ewcastlc, Mr. and Mrs. Will Buckteyl sud son, Orono, spent Sun ay at Mr. Fred.* Hocke's. ..,. M r. J. D. Stevens, R. R. Stevens, MIr. and Nrs, L. Wood motor- cd to Peterboro to visit thein brother, Mir Geo. Stevens, Peterboro. . .. Miss Nellie Burgess bas neturued from visiting friends In Port Hope,, accompanied by iýljss Mabel Haskill. ... Miss Aura Rundle recently visited friends in Peterboro.... Division meets Mouday, Dec. i .. .. Mr. Chas. Aldsworth is home with bis bride- Congratulations!1.. .. Mr, W. J Snowdenr lost two valuable colts on the C. N. R. track last Wednesday.. .. Messrs. R. L. Worden and Alex Lawrie returned last week from their deer bunt, brnging home a deen each .. . .Don't forget the Farmers' Club meeting on Tuesday cvening, Dcc. -2ncF.--Election-of ufficers sund ot-er fl-- portant business Every memben re- qucsted to be present. ENNISKILLEN Several from bere attended Epworth League Convention in Bowmanville.... Haydon Leaguers visîted our LeagueL Friday evening and gave an excellent: program which wVss cnjived by ail after wbich a social time was speut . ... Misses Marie and Hazel Werny, Tyrone, Miss Olive Bellman, Bowmanvilc, spent Sun- day at Mr. H. J. Werry's.... Mn. sud Mrs. Chartes Wenry and Miss Audrey.I Oshawa, visited at Mr. J. A. Wery's.... Miss Margaret Stewart, /Oshawa, was home rcceutly. .. . Miss"Grâce Slemon is visiting with Mrs. E. Whbite, Bethcsda ...Dr. Stemon sud family, Reta and Maude Ashton and Eva Vannatto motor- cd to Toronto iast week .. . .Glad to sec Mr. [-erbent Rogers, Medicine Hat, Atta., who is visitiug old frieuds..Mr. WilI aud Miss Flossie Brunit, Onono, visited at Mr. Levi Brunt's....Mr..sud Mrs. Wui Stainton visited lu Toraht. ...Mn. sud Mrs. H-. J. Werry visited hier mother, Mrs, A,.'ramblyn, Orono. Prof. Lsugher sud company, Bowmian- ville, with his' orchestra, will present a bumorous children's progrsrn of songs, necitatlous, etc ,lu the Metbodis t Cburch Enniskillen, on Monday, Dec. i at 8-p.rn. Admission 30e sud 20C. Everyone corne out sud hear the children sing. Reserve Tuesday, :Dec. 23, f or Christ- mas concert uudcr suspices of Suuday Scbool. SOLINA Visitors,: Mr. C. H. Scott at Toronto;; Mr. Herb. Rogers of North Dskota, calling ou oid fricnds; _:Mrs. McRoberts an d daughter Marjary, Lauder, Man., visiting ber brothier, Mr. C. D. Pascoe; Mr. Cecil Pascoe and bis sister at Whitby; Miss Elva Vice, Enfield, at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's, and Miss Bernice Werry and Misses Gussie and Olive Luke, Kedron, st -Mr. S. E. Werny's; Mr. Nelson Reynolds, Tonontn, st borne . .. Mrs. S. E. Werry sud Miss Anuie Williams are both improving at Bowmauville Hospital after operations. ... Mrs. T. Baker is im- provixîg fror n attack of- erysielas-... No preacbing at Eldad last Sunday. Sun.- day Nov. 3tb is go-to-church Snnday s0 everybody core.... Mr. andMrs. W. J. Langrnaid, Osbswa, at Mr. J. G. Lang- rnaid's.... Miss Lyda Taylor bas been visiting Miqs Mileta Hoar, Providence, .... Mr. A. T. Stainton, Zion, gave a good address at League Monday- nigbî ...Mr. sud Mrs. C. A. Lander' and sou Ralph, Oshawa,' speut Sunday at Mr. H. Argue's'. . .. Messrs. B. G. Stevens aud A. L. Pascoe and Miss Edua Reynolds attend- cd Grand Division at Toronto, Mr. Ji. G. Stevens being elected Grand Chaplain... Mr. S. G. Chant was ai Webbwood lu New Ontario ou a business and hunting trip bringing home a fine buck weighing about i8a pounds ... . Mr. Sarnuel Bush bas a new Victrola. TYRONE GtoEuuiskilleu ext M1oday even- îgto hear th" hidruprograrnundler FRPIDAY, NOV. 28-Mr. H. N. Scoti, will sei u loý t 2, cou 6, Darlingtoui, five or sx acres of rixed standinlg tîmber in lots luIui purchasens., To Apnil i, 1921, to neov ttber. Sale ati Ip.rn Sec buI-s for terrns. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer., AUTUMN WIEDDINGS KIRKENDALL-ROWLES. - A quiet weddiug took place on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Beal, 76, Clinton street, Toronto, when lis Rose Rnwles was uuited lu marriage wîth William Francis Kirkeudall, Rev. Lawrence Skey officiating. The bride, who was given awav by fier brother,, Mr. Sydney Roivles, wore à eharîiqing gown of navy satin and beaded Gxeorg-, ette aud carried a shower bouquet of white roses, aud was attended by ber sister, Miss Ada, who woçe taupe satin, sud earried pink roses. Mr. Geo. E. Kirkendatl, brother of the groom, was best man,snd the wedding marefi was- played hy Nliss Muriel Drain. Af ter the reception. Mr. and. Mrs. Kinkendali tefi for sasteru points. On1 their return' they wiii reside ai.57 Salem-ave., Toronto. The groom is1 a sou of Mr. and Mrs. F. W Kirkendall, Bowman ville, Congratu- lations! PHILP-WIGHT. On Weduesday afteruoon Nov. 19, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wight, Bowmanvilte, was the seene of a pretiy autumu wedding. when their daugbter, Effa Gertrude, be- came the bridE. of Mr. Harry Pbilp, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Philp ut Nestletori. The ceremouy was per- forrned by Rev. W. T. Wickett of Tyrone, hetween floral gates erected lu front of au cmbankmerkt of paluiis aud feruis, lu the presence of about sixty guests. The bride, who was given away by fier father, looked charming lu white embroidered georgette with bridai veil caught witb narcissi sud 1cm, and carrited -white roses. Miss Ella May Wight, twin sister of the bride, atteuded her and tooked very pretty, in pink georgette aud satin and carry ing pink mums, wbîlthe groom ïWas aWtebnded by-his brother, Mn. Howard Phulp, late Lieut. R. A. F. lu uniforin. Luhen- grn's wedding înarch was played by Miss-Ina Baskervitle of Toronto, who also furnished other mnusic as the guests assernbied. Dnniug the sigrl- ing nf l he register Miss Lena Taylor of the Vietonian Order of Nurses, Ton- onto, sang "Because" very sweetlv, sud by request sang 111 did not know". The groom's gift to the bride wa~S a suuburst of pearîs, to the bridesmaîd _a go'd bracelet, to the soloist and pianist peani pins, and to the grooms- man a peani île pin. After a sumpi.. uous wedding suppen the happy couple lef t for a short bnueymoon f0 Ton- onto, Arthnr'asud Guelph, the bride travelling lu s suit of navy blue tricotine with bat 'to match and Isabelle fox furs. Irnmediately af Ler the- ceremouy congratulations wsere received from the bride's sister, Miss, Ada L. Wight, Edmon ton, Alfa. The bride sud grmî<m wene the re- cîpients of îniaoy etxýLly and beautiful presetits si b1e 1"-liesteenm iu which they Uiî i.lpontheir te- tuèra they7 wil reside ",i the bome- stead, "Willowgrove I'srm", Nestle- ton Amoug the out of town guesis whnS stfended the weddiug were- Miss Lena Taylor, Miss Ina Basker- ville, Mrs. T. A. Anderson, Miss Cors Bruce, Mr fHoward Pbilp, Rev. H. S. Cobb, of Toronto; Mr. Henry Philp of Arthur; Mn, and Mrs. L. B. Gnoss- kurth of A.maranth. HA bMPTON Mrs. A. C. TrulI sud Miss Madeline bave returued from. seuding a pleasaut trne with Mn. and Mrs. Byron Taylor, London . .. .Miss M. Pascoe,, Toonto, speut the weck end with fiends; Mn. sud Mns. S. Rickard, Newcastle, ai Mn. W. Fra yn's . ... Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Jenniugs spent a few days witb Toronto frieuds ... Rev. J. O. Totton aud Mn., T. Satter lu Toronto .. . .Be sure sud attend cburch Sunday evening "Go to chureb Sunday". Special music bv a maIe choir. Don't miss hcaring Prof. Laughen sud bis' Company at Euuiskillen Monday eveuing. -Junior League gave the prognam- at Senior League Fîiday eveniug. Open- ing chorus "'Tbere's a Rainbow lu the Cloud for yiou" was given by a number of the Leaguers. The topic 'Character Building" was well given by Miss Louise Johns. Miss Rpby Clatwortby piayed a piano solo. "'Incidents of Pioneer Lifç!", wene well given by several of the Juniors. A pretty duet "Alone" waà suug by Misses Mildred Souch aud Ruth Johns. The Juniors did their parts wetI. ,Au old and respected- resideut passed away ou Friday lu the person of Mr. E. G. Groat, -wbo bas nesidcd with bis son, Mn. F. J. Groat for a uumber of vears. The funeral on Suuday was largelv attended. service beiug couducted by bis1 pastor>5 Rev. J. O Totton. Intermeut ilu the Methodist cernetery. Mn. C. Groat,j Bowmanvillé AUCTION SALES. TUESDAY, Dcc. 9-Mn. lames Stanley, Kingston Rd, West, Bowrnanvile, will scîl alI of his farm stock, imptements, etc. Sale at 52.30 P rm. Sec bills. L. A. W., TOLE, auctioneer. WeDNESDAY, Dec. ie-Mn. Robent Wounacott, lot 25, cou. 6, Danlington, will scîl al bis stock, imptements, etc. Sec bills. Sale at 1 p. m. L. A. W. TOLE,, auctionee.r. Séec additional list of Auction Sales ou Page 3. àDSoes Géve Shoes For, Christmas What git can be more practicabie than shoes ? We have a very complete range for ail ages. Pumps in Black, Grey or Patent for evening wear; suitable buckles attached to any pnmp, Spats in ail shades priced f rom $1.25 Up. Pumps in patent leather; Boots in black, brown, or patent on ail the popular lasts and priced from $5,50. Up. A complete range of rub - bers and overshoes on hand ev-ery onie te be numnber Shoe Storec Phone 104 EBENEZER' Ebenezer Choir Concert, December 3, ai 8.15 P. rm., Sec membens of choir fo" tickets on get them st the church- aduts 35c aud eblîdren 25c. 'Mn. Gom bas ho 'gbt the Wm. Pick- 'ard residence in Newcastle Sec our splendid values lu aIl wool skints. Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman Ltd Don't miss Parken's Peerlcss, Players, ait new pisys, 5 acts of vaudeville. Scats on sale Mitcbcli's Drug Store. Limlted, On ýýat rday, Nov. 15, deatb remove d an aged woman -in the person ot Mrs. I hos. I forue, wbo for the past few mouths bas been living lu Whitby at the home of bier daugbter, Mrs. Levi Sher- herd. Mrs. Thorne, who wss 82 years of age. had becu lu failiug YLealth Ion a considerable time. A few days before ber deatb she suffened a stroke, whicbi hastened the end., She is survived by two daugbters and two sons. Funeral wss beld Sunday afternoon, service bcbng couducted bv 'Rev. Harvey Meirnitt, pastor of the Baptisi Churcb. Interment took place in Zion Cemetery, T.anton. U, ShoulId C' Big Stock of Men's and Boys' ---earingAppatel. -Prices Low - -Quýality the Best - Suits that fit and satisfy PReady Made...........****'$18:00 to $50-00 Tfailor Made ..............$25.00 to $75.00 Fali Overcoats............ $15 00 to $35,00 Buy now (prices will be higher) Suits, ail sizes and styles, prices.rea sonable Boys' odd Bloomers,-$1.25 to $3.00 Biue serge Bloomers, a bargain at $2.50 Furnishings Shirts r'Neck\vear -Hosiery - Garters Coilars - Suspendiers - Sweater Coats Ail goodj valuies. See thIese. Where YouGet Most Value For Your$ UOur Mail Order Department at your service. Lehligh Valley Anthracite Coal. Telephone 152 and say, "Send a.ton of coal. right away te Mr. Wants-it-in-a-hurry" and see if we don't do it. You'll find the quaiity right and the price within reason. We are agents for Purity Canneil Ceai. John A. 'Holgate &Son Bowmanville Queen gald Division Sts Dont Kick About High Prices Shop at F. O. Mason' s 5 Perfection Oit Stoves, regular $7.5oa for $650 Large Electrie Majestic Heaters, regular $Io.oo for $9.00 Coats' Crochet Cotton and Sewing Thrcsd at pricts that will surprise you, Grapitwvare and Household Utensils at very tow prices. Fuît liue of Soaps muchi cheaper than you bave been paying. flarness, 2 Sets Team and 4 Sets Single at $xo.oo below today's prices, Horse Btankets, about 50 of thé old stock bargain blankets left. Brooms, just reccivcd, a choice lot at mach reduced prices. 13 dandy Brooms for 65c W-heelbsrrows at, a low price. Phonographs and recordIs at pr'ces that will astonish you. Coma~ in and sec and hear ilhcm. Predigest Beef scrap $4.50 per cwt. Oystcr Sheli and Grit. Chicken Chowder and ail kinds o- Chîicken Supplies. Fur Coats and imitation fur away below today's prices. Mtsand Gloves at 2 Ycars--ago( prices. Hockey Skates3 from 75C Up. Phone131. Open Day adNiý!ht. Bw ani, Coats aqd, Suits That Radiate Sm nartness It formenly was the general opinion that if a Coat or Suit was warm and cozy and com- fortabte it eouldn't aiso be smart. We have changed that, howýever Ounr Coat3 and Suits ,-ive the maaximum of eomfort yet they have * that chic, lovely 'style. They are beautîfully made, the colonings 4are delightful and they have a youthful air that make.s a tremendous appeal to every woman. If you want a Coat or Suit of high quality, that are both practical and handsorne, ours are the. ones you nced.' Men's Suits and, Overcoats Wy fot get tw-f ulI -Season's use out of what you are going to buy sooner or later? Corne in today and let us measure yon for a Suit or Overcoat. You'Il Sud our styles the ~ Iatcst and best values in town. Coeluch, Joâ-hnstôn"] & C'rydrmtajn, This