uJa~ a BAND atthe RINK Tuesday Thursday And Saturday RAIL WAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE. GRAND TRuNK RAiLwAy COING EAST GOING WEST Express 8.52 a,.ni. Local 9.45 a.tni." Express 1.30 a.mniPass'ngr i56 p.i.* Passenger 3.28 p. mi.* Pass'ngr M.6 p.m. Local 7.14 P- --* M*ail 9.58 p. ni. Dafly except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIVIC RAILWAY Goure 3Wuat Goure HÂer 1' BOWMANVILLE, FEB 5, 1920 ~THE EDITOR TALKS Talk about the dînity of farmiîng, even tbhe Pi ince of WPales bonght a big sec-,tion of Can)adidun land wben out here pad since his return bas been elected Pretsident of the Royal Agricultural Socxeky of England for 1920., It is the noblest calling lu the world. Once more we say, produce more,1 economize more, spend less on luxuries and frills and work ten houis a day. Higb prices in Canada are assured as long as the urgent deniand for food and clotbing continues in, Europe where people since the war are bungry, baîf1 clotbed and wiîll pay îwo or three prices for the necessaries of existence. It will be years before Central Europe will bave enough men to carry on in industrial and agricultural occupations as tbe countries did before the war. Our practise for years haà been'about this time of vear when duties of most farmers are ligbtest, 10 advise theni 10 procure their seed grain or next season's sowing. Preferablv tb buy froni or excbange seed w,îh other farmers. If tbey prefer to use seed of their own growing. let theni make a proper use of the fanning mill wîth right sieves and screens. If once fannng isn't enough,i put jt Ibru twice or even three times. Blow out ail tbe ligbî. inferior kernels. It pays big divîdends t0 sow only good dlean, plump seed that will germinale Well. As in the animal kingdom, so in Cwanadian Foresters Entertini Returned Soldiers Rich Feast JolIy Songs Instead of holding the usual annual "IAt Home" wbicb bas been tbe customi for years, Court Bownianyillt, No. 964, Canadian Order of Foresters, Ibis year adopted the bappy and commendable plan of entertaining the returned soldiers to a social evening and banquet, so 'on Tbursday evening the Foresters excelled theniselves as bosts wben about 100 veterans and a few other invited guests assenibled in the S. O. E. Hall witb the niembers of the local court. After a social baîf bour, the men gatb- ered around the festive board about 8.30 P. ni., wbere a verv tempîing repast was served by the Refreshment Comniittee wbicb put ail in good bumor for the prograni. of miusic, oratory and song which followed. Mr. F. C. Pebhick, in bis genial and affable manner, miade everybody feel at ease as he dispen'sed the duties of Toast- master. Mr. C. A. Jobustoni in prosing the toast to "Canada and the Empire", said be was' proud to be, a Canadian and hoped tbis great Dominion would neye r îbink of sev- -Good Speeches amonîng to 5816,800 bad been paid. A commendable feature was the carryîng on of the insurance of these without cost to themi. Assessmenîs were made on tbe menibers at home to cover the premiunis and deathb daims and after this beavy draft on the fund the Order was still in a most satisfactory financial condition. The C. 0. F. bad set out to give inýur- ance at cost and at the'sanie lime put it on a sound actuarial basis. Membership for 1919 increased -2,500 Mr. Van Som-. erm, wbo is a returned mian, in closing his splendid address, gave some sound tiniely advice to his conirades in their continued duty of service 10 their country. He counselled theni to look at tbe various problenis wbich confrouted theni in a sane and reasonable way. The reward of wbat bas been done is a' s -use of duty performed. The Higb Secretary resunied his seat amidst great applause. Mr. Pethick in proposing a toast to the vetemans, feit that words were inade- quate to express our gratitude to the soldiers for wbat tbey had ýdone-action is the tbing needed. He regretted that notbing bad been accomptisbed Iocally ln the way of erecting sonie tangible memorial for the soldiers. He would I "I NESTLETON The Nestieton Presbyterian Choir are having a box social and enter- tainnient St. Valentine's eve, Friday, February 13th, in the basemnent of the new church. Ladies with boxes free. Corne and brIng a box. Plveryhody cordially invited to attend. 3-3w. $5 daily the year, around. Send for yearly contract and saniple case iree. H. V. Martin, Windsor, Onta io. Al Ladies' Clotb Coats selling off at 25% discount and any of last years Coats at haîf price at Couch, Johnston & Crv- derman's Liniited Notice of Registration of Dy-Law. Notice is heîeby given that a By-Law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Dar- ington on the 29th day of Deceniber, 1919, providing for the guarantee of Bonds of the said Corporation to the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario to the amount of $429,680 for the construction, equipment and operation of an Electric Railway under «'The Hydro E!ectric Railway Act, 1914," and aniencL. nients thereto and that such Bv-Law was registered in Registry Office of tbe West Riding of the County of Durbami on the 141h. day of January, 1920. Any motion to quash or set aside the sanie or any Part thereof must benmade within three Phone 64 ,Bowmnanville 'j I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ï eovinl! A Iri r,3 C fe-n tv "v~e-h ars cnqo m.sn u aIre SOC %werv' mîîcb tc F eqi tb hle&aou<tyti Ïmn ear-h mI w4in -we-4 iod dlte a }ae ENJ OY When you want meat, meat that you can eat and enjoy, cal] or phone your order to the O!d IRe1iable Meat Shop. C. M. Cawker& Son IPurveyors 'i I Y