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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1920, p. 3

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Cold Weather Spejcials Scranton Coal For your Furnace and Range; Cannel Ceai for the Fire place, Oharcoal and liard and Soft Wood for Lightrng. For Your Poultry and Hogs Predigest Granulated Chieken Food te keep your liens in Condition and make them Lay in Cold Weatberý Predigest liog Masb te fatten your liogî and fit them for market in from four ta six weeks iess tirne than or- dînary feeding., 5> Grain and Seeds W We are in the market for Buckwheat. Barley, Oats, Peas and Fali and Spring Rye; aiso Red Ciover, Sweet Clover Alsike, and Timothy Seed and wil pay the llighest' Mar- kfet Price for each and ail of these prod nets, We bave a special miii for cieaning al kinds of loyer and Timothy seed, and shall be pleaied ta chean up seeds for any who wisli to have the work doue properhy, whether we buy the seed or flot. Bring lun your seed and have it cieaned properly se, that vou can get the higbest price. A ,,ood supply of Building L aterial a]ways on I and t reasenable rates. McCIelIan & Company Limited King Street East Bownîanvil]e Office Phone 15- Resideuces 228 and 274 Are You Gorng to Build- or remodel this season? If so, let tis advise you regarding your plumbing equipment. lt is one of the most important elements of the'home, and should receive -4 II ~BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 5, 1920 ~ADOPT MILK DIET. Ti,,, MILicY WAY IS THE HEALTHY WAY. In our last issue we gav~e Our ewn testimony te the value ot a bread-and- milk diet. We were induced te do itfor two reasons ist. Because a member of our famîily, whe is a very hard worker and the picture of rebust healtb, used milk very extensively at bis meals, we observed,and, 2, because of the old adage, Once a mac and twice a cbiid a truism in Nature, We reasoned thusiy. Milk is the naturai diet of cbiidren and as we had then reached near to "tbree sc Pre and ten vears", a whoiesome cbiid's diet should be adopted by ail old persons. The resuit in our experience bas proved the correctness of our reasoning, hence we advise every body-eid, young and middie-aged te use miik as a regniar daiiy diet and drink ail the butter-milk te L~e obtained, tee. It is a grand stomach and liver tenic,-EDITOR. PEOPLE SHOULD USE MORE MILK. Here 'is an authoratative testimony te the great food value of pure mik. t appeals te us as a very instructive article and worthy ef the cars fui consideratien of every parent or bead ef a bousehold. We believe every statement made and suggest the adoption ofthte suggestions it contains, THtE MILK, WAY LUE HEALTH WÀY. -Milk Way is the Heaith Way,» says Inspecter Shain, a food inspecter. "Iu Chicago, more money is spent annualiy by the city in tbe transportation ef milk inspecters than it cests the city et Hamii ton te maintain its entire bealtb depart- ment. Milk is a nourishing food, net a beverage. It ' is rich in body building substances, it aIse supplies energy whicb enables the body te work. The building materials are pretein and minerais, sncb as lime and phosphorais. At no price at wbîch milk is erdinarily eold is it neariy as expensive as other animal foods ef recogrnzed value.- Milk is the eue food devised by nature fer'the grewth and deveiopment ef the youcg. Teachers, doctors, preachers, professienai men of ail sorts, wbo bear the burden of a busy, sufi'ering werld, may obtaîn relief fromt cervous strain by eatîcg bread and milk, The man wbo labors witb bis hacds cac ficd co better refresbmeut for bis tired body thana supper whicb begins witb bread and milk. t is oce of Nature's best gifis te GOODYEAR SALESMEN VISIT BOWMANVILLE GOODYEAR FACTORY Hardly a day passes that yeu de net read of great strîdes and improvements in science, medicine, surgerv, industry, busi- ness, etc. Scientists are even propbesying uow tbat tIîey willseen be communicat- ing with Mars, and possibly the moc. Next tbey wîil be spending a week-end re- cennoittering sister-placets seeing what geeds Mother Earth eau lurnisb its inbab- itants. We venture te say that befere sciectists blaze the trail te Marsvilie you'il ficd a Geodyear Salesman tbere firat selling the Marsenians Neolin Soles. Be that as it may, tbat was the impression we formedi ef tbe 40 odd Goodyear Salesmen as we mingied witb them oc Friday wbile tbey were "doing" the big local Goodyear Fac- tory. Tbey were a clean-cut, keen-eyed, active company of voung fellows, mani- festîng individually au abundance of icît- iative, ability, determication and pep. They came from points bere aliltbe way from Vancouver on the Pacific Coast te Halifax ou the Atlantic, te increase aud broaden tbeir knowledge in the manufact- ure of rubber geods, tbat tbey migbt be the better fitted te serve their patrons and seil more inteiiigentiy the Goodyear pro- ducts. Tbey were receîved at tbe factory by Mr. A M. Hardy, Superintendent, who atter kindiy welcoming tbem turned tbem over te Messrs M. A Neal, D. R. Morris- on Jr, and Elgin Varcoe who conducted the party tbrough the various depart- ments and explaîned each process and answered questions fired at tbem as they inspected the several departmects. As competitioc in every line bas be- come keener, se, too, has saiesmacsbip be- come moere ýscientific, exacting, and the job for experts., Reaiiz'ug this tbe Good- year Ce. establisbed a Sales Scbool for its sales forces about three years ago. Tbe system bas passed beyond the experiment- al, strages and is now on a sound practicat business basis, tbe resuits. of wbicb speak for themacîves in greatiy increased Good- year sales. It is censidered tbe most amn- bitieus sud up-to-date, sales scbool lu Canada teday. Tbree classes of two weeks' duration are held once a year in whicb the order desk sa!esmen, service deparîment assist- anis and travellers attend from the Good- year chain of service-stations and branch- es stretcbing across ibis Ibroad Dominion. The party came froci Toronto on Fri- day, Jan. .3o bv speciai C. P. R. coach on 10.2 a.M. train an<rtur dhv a, Mnail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed te tbe Postmaster General will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Frîday, the 5tb1 March, 1920, for tbe cor'veyance of Hîs Majesty's Mails, on a preposed Contract for four years, six times per week on tbe route BOWMANVILLE R. R 2 from tbe ist Julv 1920 next. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank ferms ef Tender may be obtained at tbe Post Offices, ef Bowmanville and at the office of the Post Office Inspecter, Toro.nto. Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, Tan. 23, 1920., A. SUTHERLAND, 5-3 Post Office Inspecter. For February MîIail otract Mail "contrýýact. SEALED TENDERS, addiessed ote SEALEU TE~NDERS, addressed te the Posttcaster Getîcral, will be rtrceived at Postroaster Generai,' wîil be receîved at Ottawa unait nen, o~n Frîday, the 5th Ottawa uctil Doon, on Fniday, the 12th March, 1920, for the conveyauce etfIlis March 1920, for the cenveyauce et Hîs Majý.sty's Mails, on a preposed Contract Majesty's Mails, ou a proposed Connract for four years, six times per week on the for four vears, six limes per week on the route, route, BOWMANVILLE R R. 3 via Courtice) BOWMAN VILLE R. R. 4 frem the tirst July îC)2o next. tram the ItIuy 1920 ueXt, IPrîntcd notices coutainîng tnrtber ini Printed notices containing further in. formation as te conditions et preposed I formation as te conditions et proposed Contract may be seen and black forms 0of Cocîract'may be seen aud biank forms et Tender may be obtained ai tbe IPo-t Tender may be obtaîned at the Post Offices et Bewmauvil]e, Courtîce, and at0 Offices et Bowmacvillieacd at ibe cfficeý th- office ai the Post Office Inspecî,,.i. et the Pest Office inspecter, Toronto. Tor»onto. Post Office Icspecter's Office, Troute, Peat Office Inspector's Office, Torontoý, Jan . 27, 1920, iUIHRLN an.. 23rd., 1920. A SU rHERLANDA, SUTHERLAND, 6-3 Post Office 1.pctr - Post Office Inspecter.

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