j he Shop iThatLeas GETTING THE HABIT Pe ople just naturally corne to our store now when they want dependabIe fus They realize that it pays to buy from a practical furrier. THE SHOP FOIR MEN! Men who dernand the iatest styles and best quality in Haberdashery are finding ont that we serve thern best. G. . TURSTIONI f Bowma nville s Up-to-date Haberdashery I and Fur Shop I 31<)WMMf VILLE, FEB, 5, 1920 Local and Otherwise Mn- Ed. C. iloar is visitîng friends jr To9ronto.0 fMis F. F. Morris is visiting ' iends in iToronto. Progressive Euchre on Monday Feb. 9 in L. O OF. HaIl.5-2w- Reeve T. S. Halgate ta in Chicago lhÎs week on ousines, W. G. Scott, Reevu of Pickering, ia Wanden ai Ontario couaty. Mrs. Geo. R. Hinds has gone to New York City ta vîsit lien sistun. Mîis Lilian and Mn, Bert Bour.sail, Tronto, apent Sunday at home. Mrs. F. W Sctllen, Vonranto, was guest of Mns. Fred J. Pattinsan aven the weuk- end. Miss Iruste Bragg bias gone ta Taronto ta taku a course ai Remington Business- College, Fur of ail kinds aI gneatly reduced pnices aI Cauch, jolinatan & Crvdàrman's Limited. Mn. Jahn Muttan wishes ta correct the statement. in last papen. He gave $2,500 faorVins. Curtis> bouse and somu chatruis Oshawa Presbytenians naîsud 115,oî2 ins 1919. Rev. Gea. Yulu's saiany was in- creased $56o. Mn. Elmun Siemon, Osbawa, spent' 'unday witb Mn and Mns. J, E. llott,1 Conceesîon-st. Iîear "The Stolun Will>' by Tyrane Leaguensi the Methodist Scbaol-room ianodiy uvuîing. Mr. Russell Griffin Toronto, spentt Sunday wîh his; parents, Mn. and Mrs.1 W. Gnr ffin, Enniskiilen. Lient. Caroline- Laur ai oindÊd Ù-- tthe Churches Read 'Flow ta avuîd Flu" on anotber page, May savtc you life. iMetbcdist Church, Revý S. C. Maore, BA., pa.,tor. 7Suniay subj,ýcts. il a ni -"[be Needs of the H-oun'>. 7 p.rn. "Daing our Betit". Sunday School at 230 p. m. A p 'ace for evenyone. Corne, Tyrone yaung people will present the' play "[be Stolen Wîl?" in the Lecture; noom of the Methodist church, Mao.a evening fluaI. Corne avd enjy a pleasantt evening, a go< d pragram and help thej Leagueis. Adnmission 25e in aid af the Fonw.trd Mavement. Rev John Garbutt's pastoral terma ex- pires in May. His cfficial board bas in- yited bim ta nematn another terra pro- vided the Statîonig Cammittee is agreu- able. Mn. Garlinît bas given the Boar d ta undensîand that bu la wiliing ta nemain in Oshawa provided the necessany sanc- lion is obtained-Reft)rmer. Guild met in Lecture Room of St. Paul's chuncb, aften service Sundav even- ing, Mn. W H. Carnuthens pnesîding, IMrsW. H. Cannuthena nead the Seniotune Friday, U'ebruary 13, is the date of the Valeiaine sapper in tae Methodist Schooî- room, under auspices of Bowmanvihie Women's Institute. Proceeds in aid ût Notices 01 B&rtâts 50 Qgaisgarrïaffes go coints Don'hs 50ces, cacti~ tstïon. 8fR TES NEAL-In Bownîanville iHospital, Feb. 4th, 10 3à1r. and Mrs. Munroe A, Neal, a son. FREEMAN-Near Maple Grove, Feb. i, to Mr. and Mnrs H. G. Freeman, a dughter. FRASFýR-Iî Suth Daninglon, Feb. 2, ta Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fraser, twîns=- daughter and son. LOGAN-At 44 Woodvcrest Ave, Torant>, Jan. 31, ta Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Logan (nee Annme E Girven) a daughter COLWILL-In Oshawa, at 29 Brock- st. E., Feb. 3, ta Mr. and Mrs. Cliffard CoIwill, twjn dauiahters. (Rnby Madeine and Beatrice Ruth), DEATHS aite whch Ms, . A.awkn s&g a PHILP - l Manvuns township, Jan. 24, solo "' rayer" witli sympat ýy, sweuînuas William G. Philp, agud 64 yeara, and power, The Chairman gave an in- HOUCK-At Espanola, Ont., Jan. 28, tunesting addness an "Wonahip", blieaking Daniel t-touck, aged 68 years, Intenred with fluency, ease sud carnesînusa. His in Bowmanville Jan. 3o. remanks wene inîenspensed with illumîn- LAW-In Osbawa, Jan. 20, Louisa ating remîniscencea and adorned witb Harniett, second daughten ai Mna. Law appropriai e litenary references and quo- and tbe latu Willitim Law. Lations MATTHEWS-At Port -Hpe. Jan. 241h, Si. Paul's Cburch-Rev, D. W, Bestj Mary H-'ariet Trenouîb, rulict ai the mninite-îî a. m.-:The Corquesi aio laiae William Matthews, Oakvillu, in bier Soraw; 7 p. m-Social Consequerces ai 1651h yean, Personal Christian Manality; 2,30 Pr M.- MO(RRISON-'-In flowmanvtlle, on -1us- Sunday Scbool- and Bible Classes. To- day F1eray3dJmsWlim nighi (Thunsday; 8 p. m., Lecture illus- - febur'3d Ja1 ilim înaîd wîb anten vewsby Rv. ~.infant son ai Mn. and Vira. W. J. Monni- Fraegusan, M.A., M D,, ew . LR.. T.son, aged 4 months, 18 days. etc. Dr', Ferguson je a akiil 'nisungeon, GRAF IE-O e li tie rui- who bas buen years. inîcbange a labo:i Brce oaier mother, tlns. Frank Cornish, o ~ n1B~'s'jtae . 4Y mR~a~½-v' ~~' - '~'-~'lis, - ~ 2~>-~r-t______7 ~r ~~~j ic~s~i~Ma~~YE. acvi a4--- ... .... Uie ms~en- t a ~ e -r- ~irt~r ~irr ~~rriu~ -i~z r~nnr ~u ~1~xi~- ~S515t W W E B S T E R$ Saturday MAl n Fb t 10.00 a. me Till 12.30 a. m. Every Custonier makinai purchase of $1.00 or over in goods other than collars îs entitled ta 1dozen "'Tooke" collars, the best make for $1. 00 Best qualiry, choose yonr own style. Doià>t throw away a chance lihe this, if you do--yon throw away $1.00 jjRegular price of colIars 3 for $1,01 BOYS' STOCKINGS Wear Like a Pig"s Nose, pair 69e PENM.AN'S Heav y fleec*, lîned shirtsi, only large siîoes, to ean 79e '-t - .,r Pa~ ~ -~--1~a-- ~zz4________ -1- ~n.a~4i4a'~ ±C2V~U ~cs, aira. F. i' j~c~Ifis,~rh.,~ 4V? -i __ -------- Sfr43fi~ jjY~auaa~ - j~ZP~ni~pa1 ~FffiW ns. M~nsaîrin tue Brown Leather $12.50 ta $16 00 Suit Lases~Black Fabnîcoid $8.5a la $12.00 Suit ases Bnawn Keratol $2.2Ç ta $6.50 --flc-Leaîhen4îi250 ota$22 0oo-- BlkFabricaid $8.00 ta $12.00 Clu BgslackKeratol $5,aa ta $8 o 3 Smooth Brown Leather Bags, $9 OO Trunks Regulation an Steamer Trnrks ail sizes A runtk or a Grip for' any Trip FRlED R.FOLEY O-n The Sunnyside manville -I1 Phone 12 tentian was given him bu passed awav eanly Manday marnîing, The numains wene taken ta Hamiton fon intermertl, the innenal iaking place from thie resi- deuce ai Mrs. Morrison's father, Mr. Gea. CAaphaa. --Rev&S.- Q Mooreand--W,-C.- Washington canducied a brief service hene Wednesdsy marning. Special Campaign Qffer-THII CANA- DIAN STAfESMANaTr THE BOWMANVILLE NEWS will be sent to a bons fidu new subscriben irom iiow tili Jan. 1st, 1921,' ior $I.ao. Enclose vaur >address and a dollar billi an envelope and mail direct to M A. James & Sons, Bowmanvilc. Membena ai liowmanville Woman'a,- Institute held their January meeting on Friday afiernoon at Mra. John Marris', Beecb Ave. Aten the genenal business, arrangements wene completed fon the Valentine Suppen an Fniday Feb, 13 snd ion t he sale ai miscellaneous artiles. Scotch rai~ wenc given by Mns. P. R!eddon aM iss Hav craft, atter which refrt &abments wène senvcd by the hastess' and a ver-y pleasant social basin enjoved. NexI meeting at Mn,. T. C, JewelI's on Feb. 27tb. U, Schurchea ru ised $I75,aoa,ooo. We are impl'partnera witb God. W onk ta rejoice in a greai victory. Heu wba dos bis beat ia a big man. Kuep iglit atià 1111 vicî tony cnowns. Whole cburch at work for ber Lord. Save the ministera irom gnim wantý Methodiat Chuncli must do ils work Give la axaIt tbe Christian ministny, Hclp Ibis District ta go aven the top, Youn cburch's neputation is ai atake. Give bjacýk ta God Hi fuli fain ahane. Un-sel- .fiai laýve uniches a gift ai God. Fiînancý-ial campaigu starta next weuk, Cbist's lsw - Bean anc another's load, Jeas Christ isthe head ai the cbunch Keep step witb the il other. districts., Work with, abounding joy and iaith Jesus ahould dmiat very motive. Trucenlhuiaambniga iivcly p-aises Chniian ýqreligion will save Ibe wanld. Men a ofi oft lu t'n Ëmâamjpaign Sec that eow- dmch balloîmnit is met. Si e- ,~o.,.,rt,, .-r ~rr~a in.~s."'S" ~. UC.~3C~, ~I~A v~~Li~ai -4=" ~vIebru ni'. a-eascn--B agg~ R an' t 5fltta iJtdtL O[OAtJ, c 0CK ERELS FOU b ILE-lfarred Rc~ rn bred to.lày errain, good barrig firont prise. w1u,îin Stock ai Guelphb und Toronto, S L50 eacb.h. E.atîTER. llano's Point, Bowmanvllle. 6-iwt gADIES' HAN» I5AG WLST-On Friday. Jan. liOthbtween BowgmamMle and Gaud't Cor ner. Contaînspuorse and m>oney Roward for return bLi as. T. J. CLÂAitL Hamtpton, or STATESMAN office. 6illa OR~ S ALE-73 acret. goud soil, abut ti3kumites nortb of Oshawa. suitable for utixeti farnifng weUl watered; bank barn. stable andi driving shed, $600 worth of wood and cedar on farn, Alsoi 8-roomedt ram>e bons., InHanmpton. in wbicb are furnace andi bath; 2 acres land,. choice fruit orcharti, barn and stable. For particulars appiy te J. E. L. COLE, Hamtpton. 5j-sa 8CAVENCER WIJRK DONE. Messrs. Charlie Clarke andi Herb. Kent1 are erepared te bandle ait kinds 61 tcavengei wonk, .rncUdmn drawing ashek, tleaning closets or any 'work 0fg ibis kinti. Dr'op theut a card at Boa' nrnrlspost of ice s t FARMS WANTED. Selling farns is rny baslness-been at il ten years andi kn. oa'ba. ,I do not want any exclu- si've agreement. 44 bile your farm le liattd wlth uts 0osau Bell it vourseif ebontl you ind a bnËyrat be entier no oligation te me wbat- qevr Wrt(or air free lisIlnpg forniMy niethoti of dola g bens nwwl atyu ni i - ~Kn oTG~7da=2 »ae antinil.. T~ ]~ani _____ 20C az-duning this Sale anly 4 oz for 60e REMNANTS - REMNANTS 0f every description clearing at Sacrifice prices at 12-30 excetpting durIng Devembe.r. SN'W à ason0&-So1 Ac oss from Standard Baik Telepýhon.e.,106 bowmauville ROPERTY 1FORSAL-.onvbckos,, FARMERS, ATTENTIQN] p f% cef cr lntCApd Quantity af Slave and Nul Coai Iow _ _______________ for tale ae the C. N. R.îTyrone Sta' aîonO;t'îan spne . aie îo tnsof Damestic Caeeat $io per FiU-1 intl aseio f teine a'l bLpa ton-$3-belaUW -aSt. R. H. CLLCO-I' bgss ies.Noîil* ~jpýj, Phone 146'-3 CT 181-12, Bow mnifrPkY>tOl ariaeWit5-3bn aî r ______ ~'V-__12- t '-i "E =--l' EMEEFel 77ýýý --ffl Quý tifý- za_û àmâ9w4ééý ý ---- e - - -- -iý zç 41-i m"M'M"r-Mr- 1