5 I j I M A JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $1.50 a year in advan.ee. BOWýMANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA, TIIURSDAY. MARCH 4, 19204 VOLUME. XI o1 MR. WM. SCOTT, B. A., DEAD RECREATION HALL. AN INVITATION THE CHUIHE THE STORE 0F QUALITY Every Ratepayer Is, A 5Shareholdler In The -Ross Can Co. Limited Factory To -every ratepayer whohlas the interest of the Town at heart and wishes to encourage local industries and induce others to locate in Bawmanville, your duty is clear- Voe or The B-a By so doing you are showing your loyalty to your Town. Let's down the "Calamity Howlers," who have retarded the- progress of Bowmanville long enough, by voting FOR the by-Iaw next Wednesday. L~pflh1iL.~dfl-~t~ ,,,~i, ~ 4~-n~ i T~h1-idT iîh~ h~ hRtî -iOa-~î~- on4ŽL2nranioaL ~rrcin~en 1/ £-ý PRINCIPAL 0F NORMAL ÇSCIOOL 21 GOODYEAR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The cizÉfs of the town of Bowman- St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, YEAR S. OPIENS ÎNEw HALL. ville are invited t0 visit the Ross Can Co. minister. Il a.m.-"Coming down from factory any time during business hours God out of Heaven"'. 1 p.m.-"Habits". and see for themselves just what this 2 30 P. m.-Sunday School and Bible The editor has lost a very dear Members~ of the Executive of the coin n is doing. A number of citi- Classes. frien by tedeat of ,Ir. W havem'Geod erîenledtrillsoipidndstzen s have already visited the factory and Methodist Cburch, Rev. S. C. Moo re, Scott who passed quietly to reet on hv xeine hilo rd n were greatly surprîsed and pleased at the pastor, will preach at il a.m., subject Saturday at his home, 576' Church-st., satisfaction Friday evening, the oc- volume of business being done and the "The Marks of a True Christian". 7 p.m. Toronto, in lis 74th year, after a casion Of the' opening of'its new Re- number of nands being employed. Sec-. -Rev. D. W. Snider, Field Secretary general decine in heaith of about a creation Hall.I ing is believing-see for yourself and be Lord's Day Alliance, will preach. Iyear. The editor first knew intirrnately Some eight months ago, officers convinced that you owe it to yourself andSLAINAM pca on the parents, brothers and sisters of were elected by the vote of the entire to the town to vote for the by-law next Pcople's meetings next Sunday, led by Principal Scott about 50,( years ago factory, and they have been respon- Wednesday. i Capt. McGillivray of Toronto Head when they moved from Bowman ville sible for the staging of various socialQurrsSnayMrd14hat7pm where Mr. W. Scott, senlor, had been functions, ail of which has been a DO 'QuDEEVDarSeric ofSng wilMtchbe4hl, etitl d a. Miller, to theGalhr farm 1ý decided success. Realîzing that they O ' BEDCI D aSevcofonwilbhldettd Imiles north of t ~e v illage of En fiel d. were working under a handicap with- -"A night wit:h the recording Angel". The friendshiprtflen formed 'with de- out a permanent meeting place, the It has been brought to our atten- Sunday evening in the lecture roonm of ceased has continued unbroken'to the Committee was casting about for tion that reports have beeh circulated 1 St.Paul's church The Guild met at 8 30 end. ways and means of securing one, throughout the township that the P. m. Miss Flora Galbraith presided for Monday's Globe contains these when Mr. A. M. Hardy, Assistant Doxnanion Canners, Limited, has given the Devotional Commitîe After Open- splendid tributes to ie., worth as a Superintendent, came to theïr assist- 1 up the, idea, of operating its Bowman- ing exercises Mrs. D. W. Best sang a mnadeducationlst:- ance with an offer from the CompanivI ville factory this season. This is ab- sacrd solo of haunbing sweetncss and Oneof hemos prmientedua-to fît up a section of its Storehouse as solutely faîse as th cmany hae been Mrs. C. Carruthers contributed a paper en tionists of Ontario pse away on an Association Hall. The offer was most successful in securîng sufficient 'The Life and character of St. Peter", Saturday in the person of MIr. William promptly accepted and the work of acreage to warrant them opening the which was rauch appreciatgd by-a1l.. Scott, B. A., 576 Church Street. The transformation was y~rv quickly local plant. It is expected workrnen Rev. S. 0. Moore was in splendid lae r.Scttseve or iifty-six star ted, A member.hip drive was will commence work next week f0 re- formn for last Sabbath and deliver- laerS tt eos fOnaioad tituted, which resulted in the sign- pair the factory and have il ready for ed two excellent sermons, "Serving we r ntwetyh e yeol's rincripad of 19ng of 110 employees as Association Operation earIv in June. Mr. Thos. twcwmasters" being hie morning theme the Toronto Normal col retiring members. Lymer le etill making contracts and and -The Loudest Cal of Alil" in the from that position in the fîL of 1919. This new Association Hall was would like about 50 acres more corn f0 evening, being an urgent appeal to Born al Ashkirk, Roxburghshire, opened Friday evening with a short bring the total, 10 500 acres j .young people to devote their lives to Scotland, in 1845, the laýte, Mr. Scott programa of musical and other num 1One msnr waic eofGdard to rmak on came to Canada with h)ie parents in bers, inter9persed with selectionis from >S 'Oemnwshadt eako 184. e as duatd a Bwmn-the Kazoo Band, as a diversion. Dur- EVANGELISTIC SRVICE S. leaing the church "Mr. Moore is vill e se Nral eh , o an h ing the evening a delégation from the certalnly giving us somns grand ser- University of Toronto. _He married -Chamber of Commerce" visifed the A series of Evangelistic services are Mons ". Bey. W. H. Spargo offered ln 1870 Mary Hughes, sistLer of Sir Hall-just in time for lunch-and announced to be held in the Methodist the oenin prayër ln the morning Sam and Dr. James L, iHughes. He short, but appreciative speeches were Church. commencing on Sunday, Marchg an d twooninints issuviedbyhi wfean tre- usmade by Mr. M. J. Smith Of New 14th, under the leadership of the Pastor, evenîng n w uch heart-searching c'li. alaceSctt.C. . ýý'» . R SToronto, Messrs. Geo, L. Hall, Wm. assisted bv the retired ministers of bhec prayers as are seldomn heard now-a- C of. alaed Scott t, M. G, F. Cann, Dr. J. C. Devitt and the Assoc- town, fcllow-minîsbcrs of the District, days. They brought several "Amens" C,;~~~ Prf1rdSc ,fte lieet from the audience and a wonderfully of Minnesota and John Scott, B. Se., iation President, Mr, W. Il. Thickson. cburch officiais and a large force of alopee erae h Affer the audience had enjoyed the carnest and efficient workers. Every spieîtua tope erddth ofToono.sandwiches and 3~offee provided (we member of the Congrégation is urgcd toplac.. Even the preacher caught the The late Mr. Scott wa,%s ,regat.rded as are casting no. refleetion on the eand- plan to attend cvcry possible service and inspiration and preached with a one of the grand old mno f the wiclhes, but the coffee cerfainly was givc the fullest support 10 bbc work. - power almost divine". These ser- teaching profession in COntariu. He fine) the rest of the evcning was de- Having passcd our financiai objective so vices are leading up f0 a series of began hie career as a teachei- in the voted to carde and dancing and a spîendidîy, let us now resoîve on reaching eaglisfic services to begin about sin yarf Durienm in ,o2 rr.alland gene rai good timie. the hîghcst spiritual results, h mdl of this month. The choir soinyof Dupraencein 86, ndafredxresow:s out lu splendid force, 85 strong in village echools he entered tThe NormalsThons of those present A meeting of workcrs will be held onthevin. Temrngahe School of Toronto. GOnithe comple- 7would indicate thaf, these social func- Thursday evening of Ibis week. Every was that grand old favorite "May tion of bis course he was ap rpoînted an fions, if held weekly, would forîn a person ready 10 render service is carnest-I Jesus Christ be Praised" and Mr, assistant in the Mode! col and in Most welcome addition f0 the social lv invitcd 10 attend. Samuel Leggett sang with good ex- 1874 became ifs Principa lisu 1882 lie activifies of the employees._______I pression "Ye muet be born again". was appointed an as.sistaznt in the Ir isý the object of the Association tu HAMPTON The evening anthem was "Watchman, Ottawa Normal Scho Lnd was encourage différent forme of athieticà what of the night ?" Miss Reta R. transferred t0 a similar jmstcion the among ifs members, and the forma- Cole and Reeve Thos. S, Holgate tak. Toronito Normal School iii 1j894, sjuc- tion of a Glee Club has been proposed. Good attendance at League Friday ing the solos. A real gemi was the ceeding to the Principa in h 1898, j Under theseý circumetances, we will evenîng, Miss Helen Johns, 4th V ice duef -The Garden" sung in mag- on the ,-1ath of ,i-,.-IlldI probably hear considerably more of Preside.nt, in the chair. Scripture lssn ~-