Only healthy Canadians are real Canadians anyway. You can make your childreii one hundred per cent Canadians by giving them Christie's Home-Made Bread and plenty of it-tFeir best f ood. 'At every meal. Meats are too heavy for growing, young people. They place too great a tax upon the digestive organs at the time of life when bodily energie~ are usually over- taxed anyway. Christie's Bread is al food-ninety per cent of it is converted alrnost immediately into Force and Energy. Used as a basis of ail your meals, it meaLs rosy. happy youngsters, f ull of pep and energy-instead of pale listless ones. Christie s Joe=aeBread Is the best of afllradJust as Bread is best of ahl foods. ALEX. CRSI The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville fflSuuffamy ABOUTTHESEEO DRILI WVhat fis Consideçed to be the Most Efficïent Type. The Feeding Device Is the Hleart of the Drll-Seed Shouid Be Drop- ped Dfrectly Uridèr the Axie of the Disc-Give the Bearings Gare- fui Inspecti on <ContrIbuted by Ontario Departmeft of Agriculture. Torontû.) A S the dirill so-s, s shaiH the ca-rmer reap, 18 fno fallacy. t is as true in its content as the maxirn'"As a man sows seo shal he reap." Given tihe i-ight klnd ot a grain drill, thse seed is ail planted at a uniform deptis, evenly covered; -the earth compacted just enough te retain the moisture around it. These conditions mean that tseý young plants will ail corne up at thse '3ame'- tmel ,cthat HeroswIll be well protectedl, and that thse grain will ripen uniformly. As thse grain is pianted, so wil] it grow and ripen. If some of the seed is planted ton sisallow, and some too deep, thse seed that cornes up first, ripens first. Thus BOWMA ýN VILLE, MAit. 11, 1920 A MSO1CAT-HOME FORMER BOWMANVILLE LADY. REMEMBERE D Tlhe regular m(>nthly n eting of the Irnpt'rial Lodge, A. F. &A.4, was heid i Rjverrda1e àascriic Temple and took the ïorm of an annual At-tfîomn and Ladies' Nighi. The Worshipfui Master, W. bro. C. B. G. Fletcher and Mrs. F et- cht-r held a receton in the iodge roorn and there was a large attendance of niem- bers andi visitors. Bro. D. S. L. Mac- Dougall, on behalt of the officers andi members presented Mrs. Fletcher with a beautifui piece of cut glass as a, token of the occasion. A spiendid banquet was provided and the -entertainment by Ben Hokea and Bros. Lee and Capps was verv hïghly appreciateti. There was also daticing and progressive euchre, the win- ners of the pr zý s tor the encbre heing: Ladies. Miss Galbraith and Mrs. Grim- sbaw; Gents: Bros. Mundv and Hastings- Mail &' Empire, Feb. 25th. Mothers can easily know when their children are troubled i wth worms and they lose no lime in applying the best of remedies-Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, THEElAUýTIFUL SNOW 'Oh the snow, the beautiful snow 1 Filling the sky and earth below; Over the hc.usetops, over tbe sîreet, Over the hestis of the people you meet; Dancing, fl'iring, Sk;mming along. Beautiful snow 1lit cari do wrung, Flyinig a kiss a fair îady's cheek, Clinging 10 lips in a frolicsorne fréak, Beautiful snow from the heaven abuve, Pure as an angel, gentle as love ! Oh the snow, the beautiful snow!1 How the flakes gather and laugh as they go Whirling, about in their maddening fun! Lt plays in its glee with every one, Chasing, Laughing, Hurrying by; It lights on the face and it sparkles the eye, Adeven the dogs, witb a bark and a bound, Snap at the crystals that eddy around, The town is aiive and ils heart in a glow, To welcome the coming of beautiful snow 1 How the wild crowd goes swaying along, Hailing each other witb humor andi song ! How the gay sledges like meteors, flash by, Bright for a moment, then lost btt'ie eye; Ringing, Swinging, Ddsbing they go Over the crust of the beauliful snow- Snow so pure when it falîs from the skv, To be trampled in mucs by the crowd rushing by, To be trampleti and tracked by the thousantis of feet, Till it blends witb the horrible fllth in the street. Once I was as pure as the snow-but I fell1 FeIU, like the snowflakes, from heaven-to bel]; Feil to be trampled as filth on the street,ý Feil to be scoffeti, 10 be spit on anti beat; Pleading, Cursing Dreading 10 die, Selling my aoul to whoever would buy, Dealing in shame for a morsel of breati, Hating the living and fearing» the dead. -Merceti--God- -have-l-fallen-so-ksw-? ý- - DJoYau Know that many of our customers tell us that we seli the choicest t.,.-.---... ... -------t ----. >t. -4. tt~ t t-~r ~ *tttt-tt...t.t..t.~ttt.t-t-t.-t~t~ttt--tttt ~ - -t.-, - t '-t--t-t--t - ~ .-.-.---t.t.t t-t~t - - tt t-. - t -~ t t- _ -t- - -> - a - .. - .2ZT ~ ~ i .ttI- -t-t-.. lamie il-tt', t t t tt -.,t t- - _ _ _ __ _ _ _ t- - ~t-tt - - -t-- - - ttttttt~-tt~t-t~ttttttt-tttt,- ct~tttt tt-~t- ~t- t-t~ t t - t -w t--t t- - t t j tt-,r .4 -t t~ttt- t tI~ tt~ tt---t----t-'-t-t-t't~t--t -w-- t - t 't-- ....~2-pue .-Pt-Ys 8- Th~__2~ J - _______ -t~~~.t-t--~1 't-: 4. ttt-t~~t; B ~ N Get a Packet and RPeaize what anhfu eln f eally une Finee Tea Tastes like i. m FM ".- . . . . . . . . . . 5-4w, ý--m =11-1- 7 JI V S.-