Faurn iture De Iar to the Feminine Heart Here's a display of Furniture and Home Furnishings that will findinstant favor with -the loyers of charming homes. >~Because of the beautiful designs of the liv- Ing, dining and bedroom suites- Because of the splendid co nstruction of each and every piece- Be cause of the store service we render in assisting our patrons in their selection- Because of the very moderate pries pre- vaiiîng- 'Because" is 'a woman s reason and- for. thl-at reason this store appeals to them as the, betplace to furnish their homes. bUY FRNITURE NOW WrIL LLAMS a C v Furniture Fdr Home and Office 1Ffone 58 or 159 cBowmanivitîle p. 'I Two=Pairty Line N ECESSARY curtà,ilment of new con- struction during the war, followed by thep unni cnteH 1evlûnmenf çince 5VRINIi UAL F - EUINO IIow to Feed and tandic the vougg Arrivai. n~e Damae 11k thi e s t iiý xeplace Whole 111k -G<raus M Stable for CaIvs? (f,-.iriutdbî Ontart, Depa'tvieeg aie ï-ýý-ý-HE caif thnt cornes la lie Tspring, cornes jusl at a lime when everybody la so busy X getting lhe spring wark doue tint he le Tery Hable ta be t-eg- leeled ta a certain extent. Young cal,.. are vFery susceptible te dlseuee cern- on ta young cattie and a litIle lacir of attention t10 sprnug calves la Hable 10 cause seriaus trouble te them. There are two menaces te calvU ln spring and summer, and tlie.are Uýtreme heat and fles, and one leaon a rwilh lhe other, Arrangemeitsà gi@ttid be made wiereby lie calves are kept In durtng the day and al- Iewed le rua out lna.a paddock at mlgit. Dy lts means hhey sPe aDordýed n liberal arnount of ex*eelo qha fgeed plr. frýesiatr, eAad aise t,',ey re aiiowedw letelne! 1hL iâe. jicy grengsl4, whlci la lh* leareet thlng la a complete and baà- eneed ration liat ena be found out- aide of mtlk. When lie cal! la dropped il ma.y bte weli bo leave it witi *e dam for an !ew hours la order that il may get a~ raI nMilk (or coostrum) whIch k eo necessar>' on accaunt ofItis ac- tions an tie digestive tract. Wbea lie cal! has recelved sulfflent cale- strium ta set up the necessar>' action; Il shauld be removed from its mothee Itot a separate stail, or it ma>' b. put Itet a stali with other caives of lie marne age or nearly so. If, b>' aay chance, the eows udder Ès inflamed, lhe caif mia> be left for a f ew daye, because of the beneficial effect thal lie calf's punching lias upon IL. For a few days the cal! siauid b. fed whole milk, but when l ln twa la four weeks old a change should be made, skimmiiit graduali>' r.piacing the whole murk, from eight 10 ten. days taken for lhe change. Wien th. whoie mula tetotailly replaced lie mlii mn>' bc increased ta e%%~teen er twenty pounds Ver dayfor n cal! sfix weeks oid. The beat kiad of skimmlik for calves le warm, juai when l leaves lie fnrm separatar. However, everybody may not have a separator, and then this ls not pos- sible. Ia an>' event the system start- ed with 1h. cal£ should be f ollowed as neani>' as possible at ail limes, because radical changes la diet are mure ta cause severe digèstive' trou- bles. Palls aad' ail feeding utensils should b. kept ver>' dean 10 elim- Inate an>' danger of disease, from baeMtern it mlght be lurking with- lu. Sirimmilir feeding ma>' be contia- TUE 7FLU ail oDvtef Canada GOOD HEALTH 13 THE SUREsT SAFEGUARD11 'FRUIT-ÂTVW rig ie M-1 There ea b no doubt that the thal 1h. number of cases does ualt terrible days I1.Yt threk'. mhudba their uard against te 20th ta Fiouary 21u91, h. sus Iinlutensa and 189 dleaïhi from L'he disease were reported. tu lHit-kh D)ePartment, If the autbreak ha& corn e tho beginning of the winter irAstead of th., end, -we might reasonabi>' féel that the very cold -e,,4tlier wouli check the siprend of 1h. disease. But coming as il hma, at th.e0'nd of th. winter, there la grave Ïear Ihat am epidemie Ma ocuFor aprla wthis lus' and rata under foo¶t iti dampness and chili, ils constani changing from coid ta warmsu back again, ie a prolifle source of coughs, and calds, pieurisy and pneumonla. The best protection, lu fact, th. oniy safegard against- 1h. 'Flu, la GD HALTH. Those who are nal as- welI and strang as they shouid b.; those who are umderwegt; Ihose who are 'rundowu" lhrough overwork orý pickness; shouid buiid up at once, What they need îs a Blood-purifieL a bodybuilder1 a strength-giver, "Frit--tiesl, te wonderful L. Medicine. " Fruit n - tives e regulates the kldneys and boweis, causing these rganea eliminate waste regulari and nturally as nature intendcd. '5Fruit-a-tives" keeps the skia active and Ineurea an abundant eupply el pure, ricli blood. Fut-a ie toues up and strengtlhens 1he orgaun of digestion, sharpenelm the @appetite, brings restful sieep ad renews 1the vitality of 1h. uevossystem. ,«Fruit-a-lives." contaimns e'reryth1nC that an ideal tnkshould have; té puri>' the blood, !,,,)baUd up stý rength and -vigor, and la regutlate the SEED GRAIN WANTED Farmers, if vou have seed grain for-sale do not dispose of it untîilyou first get our prices. At present we ai e offering very attractive prices-i i fact, rnuch higher than regular mnarket prices. We particu- larly want Seed Barley, two or six rowed, Seed Oats, Marquis Wbeat andSpring Rve. Cali at our office and bring sampies or phone j5 for prices. WCCLELLAN & CO. LIMITED, Grain, Feed, Coal & Lumber 9-t Dealers, Bowmanvilie Great bargains in ail kinds of Furs dur- ing the stock-takirig sale at Couch, John- ston-& Cryderman's Ltd. Business CaIIs daiiy for quaiified recruits. A course in one of Shaw's Schools wiil qualify.you in Short Order. Wrie for catalogue and prof of dernand for our graduates. Ad- dress P. McIntosh, Chief-Principal Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. WhyO Proof is osiive when founded upon facts plus experience. BEEÇHAM's PILLS have been used for 60,years by people ail over-the globe. Fî The Largest Sale &_ An>' Medicine la the World. Feet That Neyer Touch the Floor A worn floor spoils the look of your home anA la impossible to repair, but'if you keep your floors painted, feet cannot touch thent Let the. paint wear but save the wood. Save the Surface and you Save ail. Floor Paint lu easy ta use, dries ver>' bard with a hig lustre and wîll with-. stand a, great amount af bard Wear. N. ekillisi.required ln using SENOUR'S FLUOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it, The resuit wili reaatvi> enhance the beaut>' of your home and ,much labar wiii e saed for the floors wîll be very easy te keep dlean, Corne in and let us give you fuil particulars. We have a full range of shades ma thisanad eve:ry ather MARTIN-SENOR Product. Tere is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or Varnish for every ueed. Wo wîlilb. glad te advise you,: BowmavilleOntario 9% a à lm 1