-t Wmens 3'ootwear In Quality, Variety, Price. Ine é,ae','--ryw the greatest we av- eerpresented. Women's Kid O xfords, walking.heel.at- $5.00 and $7.50 Women's Caif Oxfords, ~for street wear at $6.00 and $9.00 Women'ýs Kid Oxfords,1 Guban and Louis heels from $5. 00 to $11, 00 Women's Patent Oxfords, Cuban and Louis heels from $6. 50 to $10.50 M isses' Oxfords, Pumps and strap slippers in BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 22, 1920 Local and Otherwise. Mr. Ernest Bottreli, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Miss Dolly Dudley spent Sunday with her sisterin Whitby.' Mr. W. W. Horsey, Oshawa, visited relatives inr town Saturday. Mr. Thos. Morris is visiting bis daugb. ter, Mrs. H. Wyatt, Toronto, Miss Ann Hanna, Toronto, recentl; visited ber sister, Mrs. Fred Knox We have more copy than space and have cut down some news budgets. Oshawa's milk supply fromn four deal- ers bas been condemned as impure. Mr. Steoben Elliott, Barrie, recently visited bis brother, Mr. J. E. Elliott, Con- cession-st, Expect "His Model Wife" given by the Dramatic -Clutr of St.- Paul's £hurch at- early date. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Devitt and babe, Cadmus, were recent guests at Mr. W. W. Dickinson's. Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone bas been in Toronto ibis week attending tbe summer millinery openings. Chancellor Bowles of Victoria College, Toronto, preacbed in Orono Methodist Cburcb on Sunday. Miss Violet Elliott, Barrie. and Miss Inez Hickling, Elmvale, are visiting their uncle, Mr»sJ. E. Elliott. $12 to $75 refrigerators ai special values tbis week at Williams & Cann's. Be sure to see these bargains. Social meeting at G. W. V. A., on Monday evening April 26-organization for basebali. Ail veterans invited. Miss E. E. Haycraft visited her sister. in-law, Mrs W. J. Haycraft and other friends ai Brooklini and Wbitby over tbe week-end.' District Convention of the W.M.S. will be held in Methodist Cburcb, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday May li-morning and afiernoon sessions.11 black -kid,-- patent-- and Principal.R. D. Davidson and Misses Hielen J'lhston and Blanche Wilson aU b)rown kid are now o î ended a Teachers' Federation Conference ai Whitby an Saturdav. Sec report. ~ùsia _a very -reaso -- Dr.-sud Mns. G. C. Boa.ycastie, Tem- able prices. perance-si., are enjoying a visit from bis mother, Mns. Frank Boaycasile, Camp- belîford, and bis sîsier, Mrs. L. E. Hand, Cail and InSpéet Them Toronto. Keep Tucsday, May 4th for Methodist > ~ SS. Concert. 1.7' f Mrs. Gea,' W. James atiendedib -. Mitchel-Pratt wedding in Owen Sound A n o x , s - an Wednesday and is aisa spendîng a few days witb bier parents, Mn. sud Mrs. Gea. Woods. cV Miss Leta V. Coruish cnicrtaincd on choe toreWodnesday afternoou ai bier home ai Salem a number of bier relatives and Phone 10 - Bow .anvil e flds from Oshawa previaus ta bier re- Port Hope Times bas changed hand.ý, -Mn. IH. M. Ryan, Newburgh, having pur- cbased it from Messrs. Wright & Plummer. Wc welcomc the. uew pub- -- lishen ta Dunbam Countv. Membons of Florence - Nightingale Lodge, 1. O. O., F., Na. 66, wiil attend divine service at the Methodist Cburch ou Sunday morning April 251h. Members are requesicd ta meeci n the lodge room CAN N/ouai 10.3o am. DEPND ~ ~'~ Mr. Tom Ellenor, once a membon of U PsiN %Y/UR The STATESMAN O ffice, staff, -who now conducts a book and siationery store on Qucen-si. W., Toronto, speut the week- end wiib bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, %louv'Ellenor, Cburch-st. The management of ibe Bungalow are holding a Progressive Eucbre and dance (Wilson's Orchestra) on Friday, Apnil 30 whicb promises ta repeat the success o f the bridge sud dance necently held. IFuller aunouncemeut laier.1 YOUR EYES are Yonr Most Valuable Possession "Througb Life's Windows" each day you are privileged to view the wonders, glanies anid heauties of Nature. You are enabled by these littie or- gans to do your daily work successfully, and' to absorb knowledge by reading and 'study. Is it not wonderful that practically ALL depends on YIOURIESS? In return for ail of this, Fihat rE yau doing for their If your teeth give out, what do you do? Get false ones, do y u Dot? Ifyour eyes were to faul you, what wudyudo? MORAL: Look Well to Your Eyes., R~. M. Mitchlell & Co. Druggists and Optometrists Phbone 92 Bowmanville Nights or Sundays PEhone 280 SP R 1IGlTFR M feom April 6tb mnerges int the Sýînmer Term from June 28th in each of Shaw's Business Scbools, Toronto. No. vacations. Enter any time. Free catalogue. P. Melntosb, Chief-Principal, Yonge & Gerrard. His many frieuds and relatives lu West Durham wili he glad ta learu ibat Mn ClaudoeB. Law, son of Mn. aud Mns. W. L Law, is now teaching ai Swan Lake, Manitoba, ai a salary of $1900 per auuum witb prospect of an increase afier Juiy I next. Satunday's Toonto Globe containedq the liii of Optometnisis in Ontario wbo have been gnanted cetificates of ex- emption by the Board of Examinons lu Ontario ta continue ta practise opiometry without examination, and iuciuded the namne of Rod'k.' M. Mitchell of Bowman- ville. Congratulations. Mn. and Mns. John R. Little, Brandon, Man., announce the engagement of iheir second daugbter, Grace Eline, ta Mn. Bruce B. Hogarth, B. A., Sc., Dominion Water Power Brancb, Dept: of the Inter- ion, younger son of Mn. sud Mrs. Geo. C. Hogarth, Brandon. The marniage will take place tbc firsi week in May. The Mission Baud of tbe Meihodisi Cburcb were pleasantly euieriained ou M onday afteruoou at tbe home of Mns. A. E. McCready. An interesiing programi was given, consistiug of readings bv Misses Mildred sud Katie Pincb, Mar guerite'Joness sud Madeline Miller; piano solo, Doris Fosier. A social baur wast speut afier wbicb rcfresbmeuîs were scrved., Newly-elecied officers of tbe Young Ladies' Bible Ciais of the Meihodisi Suuday Schooi are: Presideuî-Miss Edith E. Allin; Vice-President-Mîss Rilda G. Slemon; Secetary-Miss Olive Belîman; Assistant Secretary-Miss Mary Cale; Treasurer-Miss Greta Oke; Con- venons of committees: Visiting-Miss Allie L. Bragg; Lookout-Miss Esiella R eynolds; 'MIssionary-Mîss Grace V. Trewin; Social-Miss Reta R, Colo. Phoenix Lodge, 1. O.'O. F., of Oshawa paid a fraiennal visit ta Florence Nightin- gale Lodge, Mo. 66, on Wednesday igbt, Apnîl 14tb, ta the number of 8o members. Claude Ives, Noble Grand, lu bis usuui eloqueuce, welcomed'bbc visiting broîhers aud asked Phoenix dcgree teara ta take the chairs foribe purpose of exemplifyiug the 2nd degree, the local lodge supplying 5 candidates. The work of tbe visitons was par cxcelieuce,a nd many compliment- ary expressions of approval were made by Messrs. J. J Mason, A. Nicholîs, Jas. Bennett, R. Yates, sud'G. Humpage sud others. Afier ail bad doue justice ta the 4*h degree pnoceedings broke up lu the wee sma' houri. In Opera House, Bowmanyilies Weduesday, May i2th-Papulan Concert Seies-under auspices G.W.V.A. Elocutionary contesi. Special musical program. our cxtfoissule, sud lemasn- Watch forsfue ripnticulasn ime reserve bbc date-Wedncs- day, May 12th. Local and Otherwise' Mrs. Elgin Wight, spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Sunday Scbool Anversary Concert, the besb yet, Tuesday, MaY 4bh. Mrs. Morimer Murdofsund daughter Berea, visited ln Toronto lasi week. Mrs. C. W. MeFeeters, Oakville, is visiiing ber sister, Mrs. A. T. Christie Miss -Greta Bottreil bas returned from a- pleasani visit witb relatives lu Toronto. Mn. Fadter Kelly, Fenclon Falls, visited bis sister, Mrs Wm. Robson on Tuesday. Miss L. Guibrie, Toronto, visited witb ber sister, Mrs. G. N. Thunston aven the week-end. Mr and Mrs. Levi Edwards, Osbawa, speni Suuday with Mn. and Mrs. Norman Greeufleld. Mrs. J. H. Williams, Oshawa, was guesi of ber sisier, Mrs A. Penniugton, on Monday.- - _____1 Mrs. T. J. Croskem, Tooto, visited Mrs. J, N. Lawrie and other relatives hene on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J T. Bragg spent bbc week-end with their daughter, Mrs. E. W. Rundle, Oshawa.' Fruit Growes-you mav now secure Spramotor Ca. supplies from S. J. Henry, Phone 13, Bowmanville. Rev. E. Lloyd Smith, Toronto, was guest of Mayor aud Mrs. Quinn while lu towu aven the week-end. Mrs. jas. BlaxilI aud two daugbters, Caistor Centre, bas been visitiug ber sister, Mrs. F. O. Mason. Miss Helen Smale of Providence, bas been visiting ber grand-parents, Mn. aud Mrs. Geo. Peobies, Coîborue. Your Spring housecleaniug wili not be complete wibout the odd touch of Chi Namd . Sold by W. H Dustan. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Edgerton aud daughtcr Myrtie, Tononto, speut the week-end ai Mn. H. Edgerion's. Mns. Hanny Spencen and babe, Toronto, Mns. J. F Goyne, Oshawa, visited thein, mather, Mrs. E. Williams, Scugog-st. Mrs. Garfield Kearns, (nee Millie Bar- nes) of-Paîgrave was-lu townFrilIay-look.- ing after ber propertv and calling on old friends,. - Corne and hear -the --Cbildren's Choir May 4tb, Methodisi Church. Mrs. Gus Bounsal,, Miss Nellie Bounsal and Miss Mildred Downey spent tbe, week-end with Mrs. J. D, Fluker, Whitby. Mr. Roy Candier, son of Mr. Sam Cand-, 1er, wbo bas been criticallv ilI in Bowman- ville Hospital and ai bis father's, is im- proving slowiy. The death- occurred -at Atlantic, Citv, N. J , on April 12, of Mrs James L. Hill, moiber of Mrs. J. A. Cuiverwell, and Mrs. H. H. King of Port Hope. Mrs. W. R. Thickson wbo bas been spending tbe winter witb ber daugbter, Mrs. F. O. Mason, bas returned to ber home atCaistor Centre. Mrs. W. H. Halfacre and grandson, Teddy Woodyard, Tyrone, bave return ed from a visit witlh Mrs. Garfield Kearuis, Paîgrave, and friends in Toronto. Miss Margaret Cr6ssey, Sudbury, Ont.,, was bere Sunday witb ber moiber, Mrs. E. Crossey and atended the Sommer Opent- ings in Toronto Monday and Tuesday Nexi me eting of BowmanvilleWoman's institute wiil be beld ai tbe home of Mrs. Geo. Frank, Liberty-si., an Friday, April So m 3 pm. Good attendance Mnr. 1ohn Wade, Newtonville, Mrsý J. W. Bradley and daugbter Muriel, New- castle, and Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Ingles, Castieton, were recent guesis of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams, Higb-st. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn, Brockport, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, Picton, Messrs. Stod- dard, and L S. Dumas, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lumsden and babe, Trenton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs R. Dumas. Tbere is no busier place in'town than the faciory of the Dominion Canners. Carpenters, masons, plumbers, electricians and laborers are rusbed makîng repairs, aiterations and putting up another build- ing so that evervthing will be in readiness for the canning season. Mr. A. A. Gamsby, Orona, celebrated bis 83rd biribdav Tuesday, Apnil 13. Among other tokens of recognition lie was iu receipi of a telegram of con- gratulation t rom Dr. W. W. Andrus, of MViles City, Mont. Andy neyer fails ta remember bis old friends, an admirable trait in any man.-Orono News. Thursday, Friday and Saturday ibis week a bouse to bouse canvass is ta be made for the millions of naked and starving cbildren of tbe Jews-I'The mast awful spectacle in hisiory". Everybodv give sometbing from a cent to $500. Two cents will give food to a starving cbild for a day. The Durbam Club of Toronto, will be at home ta ibeir friends Tuesday even- ing April 27, luntQie Royal Ontario Museum, on Bloor-si., near entrance ta ~Qnce's-Prk-a--& p -m.Lu-additiQn t-o-rn-- specting the wonderful exhibits there I wlll be addiresses, music and refreshments. Thomas Yellowlees, Secretary. Big sale of Ready Rooflng ai W. 4.~ Dusian's, ibis week only. Meibodisi S. S:* Concert Tuet.sday, Miay 4tb. Humor and Logic. Tbe firsi of the series of Bridge-Dances held ai "The Bungalow" Apnil 16th, was weil attended and a mosi enjoyable even- ing was spent. Veiv liberal prizes were awarded, the wiuners being: Mrs. F_ 1 Manning, isi bigh score; Mrs. J. Spencer, 2nd hîgh score; Mrs. E. W. Loscombe, isi chance; Mr. Percy Ross, 2nd chance; Mr. Wm. Quick, gentleman's consolation; Mrs. J., Lyle, ladies' consolation. In a recent issue of Druggists' Weekly published by the MacLean Pubiisbing Co. of Toronto, a page is devoted to a write up of Bowmanville's popular West-End Druggist, Mr. F. R. Kenslake, under bbe heading ",Money Gnows lu Bowmanville Drug Store wbiie F. R. Kerslake is Busy Elsewhere." The opening paragraph reads: A HoÏticulturisi of no mnean re- pute ~~ ac oe f everyibing that bas to do in an-v way with flowers, F. R. Kers- lake, druggîsi, Bowmanviile, believes in floral decorationis and floral sales. House plants of ail descriptions gîve wbat migbt be termed a "tony touch" to the Kerslake store. In the same magazine is a picture of the Class Officiais of the Ontario Coîl- cge of Pbarmacy for 1919-20 in which may be recoguized the familiar counten- ance of Miss Lillian Bounsaîl, daughter of Mr. and Mirs. F. H. Bounsali of ibis town. Miss Bounsaîl is Hon. Vice-president of ber class. lNetie, et Bîrtlie Su ceatse Marriageg 50 cenits; Deathg, 50 coite, ach iieerliefl Wheu fnuiteral carde are priîted ut tii!, office, Ilisertloli fiee. 1BIRTHS. ALEXÂNDR--A t Tessier, Sask, March 29tb, ta Dr. andý Mrs H. Alexandeir, a son. MÇDONALD-In Bowmanvilie, Aprii 15 ta Mr. and Mrs. Alistain D. McDonald, (nec Eva Spry) a sou. DILLICK-In Pnivate Pavilion, General Hospital, Toronto, Aprili 1, 10 Mr. and Mns. A. Dillick, Bowmanville, a daughter. MARRIAGES ALLIN-BRAGG - Near N,,ewcastlc, April 14, hy Rev. H. S. Spence, B3. A., B. D:, Mn. Howard Middieton Allin, and Miss Gldys R , daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, bath of Clarke., ADAMS-HUTCHINSON- In Campbell- ford, Marcb 3ist, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Mn. Chas. A. Adams, formenly of Bow- manvilie, and Faustina, daughber of Mr. Fosten Hutchinsoni, Stouffilîle. WATT-WELCH-At the home of bbe bride, 64 Chester ave., Toronto, Apnil 1 si, by Rev. jJJ Couiter, Pearl Tremaine, eldesi daugbîer of Mn. W. J. Welch and Elmo Wesley Wgtb, Port Hope. DEATHS GIBSON-In Clarke, April 2Oth, Mabel Rowena Welch, beloved wile of Mr. W. H-. Gibson, aged 46 years. Funeral to-day (Tbursday) at 3 p. m. to St. Ge~orge's cemetery, Newcastle, GAUD-In Darfington, April iS, Jacol, Gaud, aged 78 years. CURTIS-Iu Port Hope, April 20, John Curtis, in bis 8otb year- PRESToN-At Bethany, April 15, Isaac Preston, in his 84th year. HELM-Ab Pont Hope, Apnil 16, Emiiy Mar y, widaw of J. Henry Helm. GREENAWÂY-In Bowmanvilie, Apnil 14, Elias Gneenaway, aged 83 vears. HARRIS -Iu Toronti Apnil 15, Sarah A. Boyd, widow of Jesse Ketcbum Harris aged 79 years. HARES-On Apnil 13, ai -Oshawa, Den- mot Alanï,-infanft sdofaiMn. and Mrs -Ar- thun B. Harris. C:UERAN-At Bunketon, April i i, Mat- ilda Aunne-Demill,-widow-of Chanles C-un-- nan, aged 8oa years. 1DARCH-In Bowmanville, Apnil i5tb, Florence Dineen, doarly beloved wife, of Mn. A. L. Darcb, aged 33 years. r IN MEMORIAMI In loving mnemory of my cbum, Kennetb Martin wbo died facing the enemy of peace, justice and freedom at Laange- marck, Aprîl 24, 1915. 1 "Greater love bath no man than this". -Dan M. Dougl ass. In proud and ever loving memnory of Pie Matthew E. Dewell, No. 843o, killed at the battie of St. Julian. He yielded bis 11f e without murmur, And though crushed. we pass under the rod; But our hearts swell with pride that he gave it For his tountry, bis King and bis Ood. -Father, Mother, Sisters and Brother. In loving memory of Mattbew E. Dew- ell, who was killed ln action on April 22, 1915. He sleeps beside bis comrades In a soldier's grave unknown Butbis name is written in signs of love On the hearts he left ai home., M other, Father, Sisters and Brothers. the Orchidst,' llarry E. Porter, DIRECTOR OPERA HOUSE Bowmanville WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY APIRIL. 28th and 3th 8 p in. 'EST BON" >The Drama 'lTE COMBINATION" A play with a. moral Inferno Dan Sens, The ]Elarmony Chorus, Instrumental Solos, Danc- a ing, Vocal Solos.! The -C-r-eam oT-Bow m nil alent- Really funny songs and sayings. Tbà't vantriloquist"CETBN What does it mean? RESERVED SEATS 350, Plan open at Mitchell's Drug Store BeWise and do fot Miss This Grand Off er We will ofler you for this week oniy, any refrigera. tor in our stock at 15 per cent off our regula'r prices and will supply you witb 2 we ice serv, ce free eof charge. The famnous Bainaett Refrigerator, Sanderson and HuLroid and Hilanad North. The prices range from ' $12.00,to $75.00. We will arrange payments, even at these prices, to suite our customers. WILLI &S&Cc/NN Undertaking 9?.ecei2'es Prompt andJ Tersonal Attention Ambulance-at Your Ser2'ice at Short Notice , cPhone 58 or 159 <BowmanbLile S'EEDS SEi"EDS Wecarry a fulll une of Rennie, Ferry and Steele Briggs' Selected Garden Seeds. Wecharge you the catalogue price on any quantity. BEETS Extra Early Egyptian Improved Bloodl Turnip Long Park Smnooîh Blood Re)d Reranie's Spinach,,I Rennie's Finebali Detroit Park PRed Turnip BEANS Dwarf Black Wax Golden Wax Butter Round PodKiduey Wax Wandell's Kidney Wax CABRAGES Eanly Winningstat Panish Ballbead CARRO TS Eanly Gemi Early Scanlet Shonthorn Half Long Scarlet Naqntes Chantenay HalL Long CORN (for table use) Golden Bantam Crosby's Early Sugar Early White Cary Country Gentleman Stowell's Evergneen CUCUM BER Paris Pickling London Long Groen Impnoved Eanly White Spine Ghenkin Short Gneen Grand Rapids Forcing Denver Market Cunled Improved Hanson Prizehead PEAS Rennie's Fillbasket Rennie's Pnospenity Extra Early Prtimium Gem N~ott's Excelsion Early Scanlet Turnip Long Whitelcidle Rosy Gem Whbite Tipped Black Spanish Long French Breakfast ALSO A larg~e vaniety of Sweet Peas nd astuntiums in bulk. ARCIETAIT PHONE 65. Promapt Delivery. Bowmanville. i - The Shop That LeadsI TH1E NEW PRINCE RATS Pearl Grey Price Roll Rim Black Band $5.00 KIDDIES' ATS IN VELVET, TWEED, SJLK and STRAW Prom -$1.-25 -to-$2.,50---- ART CLOTHES IF YOU WANT STYLE FIT QUALITY You Shoulld See These LUnes The.re Is None Better Anywhere Go N. THURSTON Bowmanville;s Up-to-date llaberdashery and Fur'Shop. 30 YIEARS SELLING GOOD SEEDS seed business and know from our wide ex- perience what to recommend to our cust- omers. We have some exceptionally good -elover, Timothy, variety of mangel seeds just ar- rived. Also the best in garden and flower seeds. Early Irish Cobblers Pifferent Sizes - Tbey're Scance - Buy Naw Grocers Phone 62 Bowrnaïvillè CÂWKER & HOOPER THE LADIES' STOR~E S UTRPASSINO TYLE AND VALUE Ladies' and Misses', Spring Suits, Coats, Dresses Skirts and Waists Worth- while assortments-greater than ever-so comprehensive and so fine they challenge the atten- tion of eveny wamnan. New Dress Goods Whitewear, Voiles,Muslins, Curtains, Curtain net, Marquettes, Chintz, etc., White and Gney Madapô- len cloth, Nainsook, Lawns, Organdies, Dimity, Piques, Middy Twills, Towels, Toweling, Table Lineni, Table Napkins, Bed spreads, Tie Downs, Flannielette Blankets, Corsets, Gloves, Hoiseny, Underwean, Floor Oul Cloths. SW. Mason &Son Across from Standard Bank bowmanville Telephone 106