-.1 gave Yoit Ever Theught ci This? -That a Cup f oe~u~ 8681 L operly infused, is one of Nature',% greatest les"gsas a harmt-ss stîmulating beverage., More hn e Jus~ Whm 3Tou let us suppty your bwuidng rueds ycu getmia greGt 4eion" om hs t go mlany feet of h ber-tucadLe o -lngs pcuada cd nafl-r par-Uma EkBo-e£r od. You gt the benca cf c-ir building materialknqwkLe d m4eperieoaS mS ce tbat helps ySq get the runfte y>uwwzi at the tWs--eeed aeiL indélvermgthe good,. You pay for the rw-raa he eervioe rys'for-itMein the lavroclumne of business BhSg Upar-oetfSfied ctistomrra.r àt wiz l p.yyou to be 017,e of the=. EXTENDI G 'IC. R. WORKS lu order to speed up on the con- Otruct!on of equipment required for the rapidlY expa.nding traffic tun thet tensin acifie Railway, large ex-f tes sare being ma&l at the Angusi Sbops lu Montreal, whlch are already the ioSt- elaborate aund comprehen- Zi'veo! their kind oni this Continent. Ilheae extensions wili cover a quar- ton of a million square f set and are eýXPected ta cost approximately a ndlHon dllars The largest addi- tion wIll be madle to the passenger %a hoMs amo'untIng to 71,000 square feet, while over 68,000 sqluare f et Iwill be added ta the locom~otive s»hops, and 42,400 to the freight car Ithops. The followling are the de- *atL&ed particulars of the extensions : locomotive Sbep-The extensions 'to the Locomotive Shop will consist of an addition- at each end of the present shop to give an additional fionr area of 58,000 square feet. The I ~J1 C. C. M. Prices Only Haif Those of Twenty-Five Years Ago Twent'-five 'years -ago $10 t, $50was paid wifl- ingly for a bicycle. lu thase days, rider. took pride in their marntI. 'rhey carefully examlned epecifications sud equip.. ment bef ore, buyiug. Theu came the slump I People becanie careless. Any kiud of a bicycle was thought good enough Price - cheapuess-was the main consideration. The Bicycle of Quality Ha& Corne Back To-day the bicycle-the bicycle of quality - bas corneback. Riders are again faking pride in their -mounts and showing discrimination in their buying. They are demanding bicycles built of the higli- est grade matcrials, with ail parts accurately nmade. They are demanding bearîngs that- will flot only run perfectly when new, but that will continue te mmi easily. >They are insisting op bi- cycles that are flot only easy and comfortable to ride, but with a quality cf materials that assures safe- ty, iniriding. They are demanding bi- cylsthat will etain the brgtlustre of the show- room product. In other words, Canadian rîders are insisting on C. C. M. Bicycles - the Standard of Canada-used and sought for by Bicycle Riders in al overseas Bri- tish possessions. C. C. M. Bicycles are sold at prices consgistent with C. C. M. quality. To pay less 18 to risk disappointment. >~ ,-.--~, m M 1 ý ý""