BWMNIE-JL s,12'ACATO.OBITUARIES. __ Ladies' ý uits and Sprîng Coats newest We- have a ietteanAUOTIONtSALE thematBLCSQK We hve leter rom the Farm Mrs. Thomas Pery's many friendsAKSTCK LO G AU T.Survey Department complaining of in town andcountry Nxiii sympathize G A N G ELLEO R gular monthîy meeting of th LONG SAULT. ~~~~~~the claims being made by an agent with her in the death of hier sister, Rglr-nhymeigo h soliciting orders for a book in this Mrs. David' Copland, Lansdowne. G Vitorna WmeaL Intitte wll0 The annual pinic under auspices couay. "Farm Ecoomy"l we are The Brockville Recorder says: A h tra oe' Isiuewl e of Wp odley's School will be on Sat- told is not used as a text book at On- deep gloom was cast over the village The salc advertised by Mr. Nathana s a hehm fMr.Safr urday, July 3, la Mr.'Clarence Wood- tgrio Agriculturl, College. Better of Lasdowe Friday night, June 18, San nWdedy uy7,a ley's Grove, Everybody come sdlive with the truth, young man, if wh, n it was leared tht Mr s. David HaesiD Darlîngtoa 'Io ship for2.0 Pm c crm adak briug a basket. Good progr.m o o dsr t obsieslaDra Copland had passed suddenly -awa Friday, Jul nwl lo aepae f V fIevd __________ County. t lher residence. She was la fuir- I________________ sports. l~~~~Y good heulth and wus down street ____ ____ HAMPTON Iin the ufteraooa. She was sewiaî t ~when deuth overtook hier. Rrhs Mr. and-Mrs. Mark Muaday and f an- MPEGOE baud pussed away very suddenly NESTLETON. ily, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ama Werry, Eaîiiln a about ten weeks ago andse seems srie eewl t fa!V-1ýý1 klewsto have niot recovered from the Aniesr Now is the timie IL 1anvle, spent Sunday at Mr. T. H. Mrs. M. Munday, Sr., Mrs. Wmn. I Aniei f~ Cla)lou'ls ... Miss Mildred F. CoIPe rey aud son Ilerbie,ad Miss Viola daugîter o r hspucisn,1n emn ohmrache d e - has boeen re-eagaged as teucher of Stevens are visiting friends at Cart ot o, f r. Ch oa em Hutc hiaso,lg lntsemos botkhorisgandgeven teJuniorDiiin fth Public wright, Sarnia and Chatham .... Miss TootfoM'yofolmaih n. icsok corsnvr the borhood, near Bowmauville. She sweetly at both services. snt-uy School with a generous increase of Elsie Laird, Toronto, is visiting hier leaves three children-Roy, Howard eveniing Mr. A. H. Veale was preset salary .... Mv. Frank Lee, OttaWca, parents. The muuy frieuds of Miss adMs ainxh a nya-e ihaSueaya eutds Mr. Ross Lee, East Whitby, and Mr. Elsie Martin will be glad te kuow servdhm rmBokileasotfihul o ity years as leader of and Mrs. Howard Foley and daugh- is able te be outofhstu and is tîme before lier mother passed awuy. the choir,' Janetville Dramatic Club ters, Mapie'Grove, were recent guests visiting t lher father's lanHampton She is also survived by lier father, gave their popular play "Auat Ss of their cousin, Mr. J. E. L . Cole. . . Colds seem to be the order of the fiessesad orbohral fa' ii sitdb i sus-1e day hee . Mr. und-Mrs. Fred Lune, fiSssesudfu rtes i f asVst sitdb isAle ________whom were preseat ut the funeral Luw, eocutionist, Lindsay, who recit- Mv. and Mrs. Russel Wilson and excepting Mrs. (Dr.) J. J. Haimlton, ed batwea acts. The concert was COURTICEduughter ad Mr. Lloyd Suewdea Bethay, und two brothers in the one of the best we have had for soma CORTCEmotored to Coîborue on Saturday and West. trne. Procaeds $225. Mr. John Paufouad, Toronto, spent visited fieads. Mv. Russel Wilson, Visitors: Miss Ida und Mr. Duvid the week-end ut his mothr's. .... . London, visited his wif e ut Mr. Fred MdlnMrurt ilr Mlom idaMs ode n Wm. and Miss Miaule Brown, Keene, Lau's over the w eek-end. . .. Sunay Maey MagrieMle. McoLndyMsCodyad ,nd Mvs. Thos. Maley, Midale, i SchGol ut 1.30 p. mn, and Church ut Mrs. John W. Miller have babe, Toronto, ut Mr. Stanley Mal- Sask, vsite atMr. ohnWaltr's 2.0 n Suday Mises erathe sincere symputhy of ail our citi-1 colm's; Mr. Henry Sheffield, Toronto, Sask. visted t Mv.JohnWaPtrsr,p.monSunrdduy Msssru zens in. the death of thair alde,,st ut Mr. Robt. Juckson's; Miss Rata ...Mrs. A. Cutting, Manitoba, Mrs.PoeCnaS ad ad ArhvPhlis ud M.Wfad hiip N. J. Armour, Toronto, were guests Lymer v ara writing Entrunca Exums daughter, Mudlyn Marguerite, a hlisad M.Wle Plip of Mrs. Jos. Armour. .. .Miss Empay, this week. .. Mrs. T. Power visited very lovely and loving littie muid spant the week-end with éliss Ruby setthe week-end with Miss Muriel liar sister, Mvs. S. O'Brian, Town.. who pussed away on Friduy, June 25, Vele; Miss Mubel Wight, Tyrone, se Pea-foud... .A numbar from here Miss E. G. Muckin is enjoying a wali- age lyas h u eu11fru r.Jh resns r la atteadad Hampton auiversary. ... earnad holiday ut lbar home near Co- the past ight weeks with laflam- Wright, Oshawa, ut homa; Mv. Robt. Mr. and Mrs. R.' C. Short and two bourg .... Many friands of Mv. John matory rbaumutism and althougb ali Jackson und Mr. James Cordon lest childvau, Tory 1111, are visiting Pethick wara sorry to heur of his sud- possible was doue to relieve hier she vauabie .horsa each last v'eek .... A jBow relatives baere.. .. Miss Olive Varcoe, den death on Thursday in Bowmau- pussed away us above statad. Thae numbar from have atteadad the au- Toronto, is guest ut Mv. Robt. Ville Hospital. Much sympathy is ex- ueatokpcenMndyfernirsr tYlvtnndeotd teadad to bis agad brother William noon from the family >resideace, a good time, Adams'.ad bis other near friands. The fun- Km -t, evce baing conductad by erul took place from his brotber's Rav. S. C. Moora, B. A., Pastor of- ou Friday and wus atten'ded by a the Mtbodist Cbuvch, maay frieuds, DARLINGTON.fred besides baer littie cluss-mates and e number of fins others baiag in attendauce, The Mv, and Mrs. John Metcalf vecant-- pall-bearers were Messrs, Lorne, ly visitad la Toronto .... Miss Elsie Jackman, Cordon Morris, Herbert e: Witmae, towu, has returnad home SOLINA. Goddurd and Chas. McMulleu. Tha i aftr peain af e dyswit Mssfloral tributes were an immense and i. Mary Woo .Congrahdlations to Mr. F. J. Groat, Principal Hamnp-mgafctdipyicuigofa- Mv. and Mrs. Arthur Martin on the ton School, is presiding ever tha an sfo:M.n r .J atr arrivai of a daughter,. .. ,Mv. Harry trauce axams. Three boys and aine M.îngsfo: rdMrs. W. J. Cart, elerle Wood spant tha week-end ut bis girls aewiiga h c m Mr. and' Mrs. D. Harrison, Trenton; tucl's t Caesarea. . .. Suadey here and Mr. R. J. McKessock i Mrs. Fred Allia, Mrs. C. C. Some people have been School opeued last Sunday after be- Master of Caramonies ut iug losed for two Sundays wu ihacaso wuytowrtînlg..Mrs, F. W. Goddard, Mthodist Pri-H rumor that We have been to unaiversarias. Mv. George Power .-.Mr. A. J. Reynolds represeutad the1 ayCsGil'MrngHo. , of Mapla Grove, took the reviaw les- patons of Solina 'Station ut Ottawa Forgy Ciass, GisioniBndlu, oae tEnsil sons which was vary much appreciat- recaatly an~d, iatrvi6wed the ailLne Jackman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.j have that lerpty Fern iowl, Pan or Pot fill- ed while the weather îs fav ourable for rapid growth, aind have a nie specimi-en for the win- ter rnonths. Gati 'Us cJNow!ll J. Jaçckmýani & Sons Florists and Growérs Tm4ýnville Phone 80 circulating the unable to get, v Nex REPRESENTATIVE WANTED- Canada Petroloum & Refining Go., Ltd., is off ering a limited amount stock, strong directorate, good loca- tionis, splendid prospects, liberal com- mission. What about youi, territory? For particulars address R. McLelland, 81 Victoria-st., Toronto. j I Exrra Values W'ill Be 6i Kellogg's Original Corn Flakes, reg. 15c, 2 -for 2 Star Ammonia, reg, 15e. Lipton's Cocoa, reg, 18e Salmon, reg. 25c 5 c 2 for 1 2 for 2 cans for $1.I White Knight Laiindry Soap,,3 for 2 Pure Castile Soap, reg. 10e cake, We have Strawberr ies picked fresh every d Fruit Jars sold at Iowest prices. i-' dZ &-à 5e ,5c 1 5c ,ay. ~4w<- ~i~lY '1- - - t- 4 4 -' an ýiuunancae 01cakes at ta goo 144g- \ere lccreiy5- Vu i .ya the attentive- ladies. Ice cream, fish pond and flowar bootbs were lso wll pareizd. A pleasiag progrania -was g-v consisting of selactions by0 Bomnille Metbodist Sunduy1 S3chooi Orchestra, vocal solos by Missi Reta R. C oie, and short addresses by Ravs. S. G. McCormick, J. E. Fanniag and H. S. Spence. Rev. W. J. H. Smytb who is assisting Rav. Spance ia bis pastoral work presidad inaa capable manar. Proceeds abouta $15 0, .4 > '4,~ '4' .7 lcccflc'4e +44 cc'p+ "tvcc"~' 74.4-c'] ~"4'11 i. 4 4- 4-- i4is.tx L. UMonIUstone, -inxand .John Davch, Miss HIelen -Morris, Mv.ý and Mrs. Luther Nichois, Mr. and -Mvs. R. Towus and 'Mv. F. R. -Folay. Among the friands preseut from a 1distance wara: Mr. and Mrs. L. Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allia, Mv. M. A. Sorsolail, Mv. and ?drs. Cee.,Ostrom, Torento, and Mv. and -Mrs. W. J. Carter, Belleville. CARD 0F THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. JTohn W. Miller de- sire te thuuk their maay friepnds and naighbors, for the kiudness aïud sym- puthy shown tham duriag the illnessi ad death of their- littie daughter, Madalyn, and aspacially the Girls' Morning Heur, ber school-matesad tacher, Miss Helen G. Morris. MONEY FOUND-Wallatt coutain- ing sum of mouey,,la Bowmauviile ( tk ci c' ___ 1'-I-- ~- 4~-4~~~4 -- -t~ *i ,~;i 2 4 4 4 c 4; '4 Luke, liey~ & Urydern~an West End Garage Bownanviiie Grocevies and Meats Bowmanville ~ i agair. T'aw ce Wood and Ilamil, iý - -- - - 1 1 -