heaithier, stronger, more active, or ri h United States, but Dr. Coul-........................... energetic, or more sucsfl hntr drped this very soon after his Dtda oot hs6hdyo L I FE W AS A ~ ~the people of the l9th century when advent to the Deputy PotsterJuy12.66TmlBidng ~ R day, Good Friday, the Queen's Birth- mistake, Thousands of Canadians R. R. WADDELL & CO. I~ R _uday and Circus day were the usual x ere cut off who have neyer since re-66ToroeBuldnto, _______holidays on the farms. The 8-hour gained, touch.Tont day was an unknown quantity-the We submit these facts to Parlia-. Solicitor for Eva Constance Moore, Say ths W manUntil Re- lusual working day was fror5amt etwtuhesgetoihtteh Executrix of the last will and testa-,. M.Pi.,aeiosl~ onidrwhc-ther--- -ment -of thie -said-Elizabeth-Jane--Rut-' tivdb yk .. Pin...' that. People were far moýre happY as a good 'busin.ess proposition-we Iedge, dCceased. 32-1. VeeabeCm ondor and contented than they are in this should not permit these rul w -,eek- age of short days and high wages. lies and smaller dailies, an unlimited Oe onOt-"Isuffered o Two weeks la midsummer was the free postal area. The investmient will If you appreciate good clean in-! tenyeas wt mal- organic, troubl pblcscoeoidyp-id nione- be _trifling and- the--return. te ena- -structive- entertainnient attend Chau- o -ýCIean ta hail.odîby ailDru 1eiafi and indi- week at Cbristmas. No doubt this tion very profitable. tauqua. gists, Grocers and eeaCtrs gragmonand 'despatch from London was prompt- eakand½adsuc jed by'a knowledge of old-time cn bad ain I culdditions-three school periods of 16 *.p any w Ilko tad weeks each. The' Statesman agrees jtp at times. When ,in toto with Mr. McQueen: i would sweep 11 Londlon, Ont., July 27.-Principal p -ciald have to go and 'Aleix McQueen of Ryerson School,: .. .~4lie down. I couid Jwbo has beea teaching for 53 years, % ý,,iot sleep at night,1 and 15 110w in his 73rd year, stated t -d would wander to-day that bis long experience leada oý,und the bouse him to believe that the ideal school a-it the time. I tried year would be one of thi-ce periods, e'ryhn ýbt noth- witb a week's holiday at the end of ~ng îd e ay god n t.o lst oc-eacb period.,lHe does flot believe lan< toi- hadtoldme n c' xpected the long vacation of July and August - i m ~a o myI et i oable2 to do and hie biames too many bolidays and a ý,s ork.O'd cyo. of your too littie blue beech for mucb of the rittle books mw s I 1 atmyd,,or and my waywardness of s cholars, and the hushard said 1I e î ety bottle of icrime that follows in after years. Lydia E. Pinkhani's _V' table Comn- 1i pomn d. I t .ank God Idiu, for it cured InsurneAgns me, and 1 am now well and strong. I Insurice agents are not generally think there is ro remedy like the Vege- appraised at their true value to the table Compound for anyone who bas my communities- which they serve, No troubles, and bave rcommended it to class of salesmen must work barder to myneigbbors. You canpublish my letter soul their goods; f ew labor more per-Î for the benfefit of tl ose I can't reach. 'sistententlyi to land a customer, caîl- -Mrs1. HENRY A. MITCHELL, 1767 7th ling on him at night at bis home if ,Ave., East, Owen Sound, Ont . tbey- ca't corner hlm in bis office inr If yo"a have any symptom about whicb 'the day time. Their persistence NopittT mîiet yon-) w,ýould like to know write to the Lydia, alone wouîd deserve credit, even if cn.vg oA :pry 1i E. Pinkham Medicine Co., LynMs, the -article tbey have to seil were not&aty~i.Adyuwht vi for hielpful-advice given free of charg-e-- athin-g -of m-ost- e-xelle-nt merit- But c-ontn eanig fi' ~ a\Xî~s~ _____________________the attitude of the averagema to-manycu wntit tosa0 ht.Ade f2-fo z ward an insurance agent is one of Af te r Sickne ~ l fllow wbo bas comne to bo 'ow mon- ~"rWs , S ey. Seldom does a man think of an j hnthe body lewekes insurance agent as one wbo bas come ~~j p p * th bet retortive~ ' to show hlm a metbod of saving mon- easilyassimlatedtoncf . Such attitude is not unnatural. -ITi elysueirpitgvs rlin li, sion that affiiets most meon. A man ta dlnt ct 0i' CO wiîî give patient ear to an oîî stock Wehri to oos t~lgx~po jeth fvoit ntren rco salesriar on a got-ricii-qui k concern tectio, a nd whilci ' oýoý"eh"LI i s he avohe nthen rem- because the average imagination sub-i etoadwlcor"fra mlended by physiciane as a, mits readily to suggestions of fabul- longpeid This resaiît is tne by the use easor-etbihn ous wealtb. Most men love to dream. of fineozt ingredients in 't-i t poprton. strength. Scott's always,' But tbe insurance agent peddles no The whiteý base for Îtit la tat a:iiperb pigment i n'ouishes ad vitalizes.dras 1emksalw-ofgu- known for two centuries as Erandram's Genuine Sen r&Bowe Tnto 0 antee. lie is able to tell you tbat at ________________ B.B, White Lead. By using this, and other ingre- jk h n facertain period your pol- . *mrWl 1 - _____________________icy will be wortb so much. True, hie ulents of imla igh quality, th re Îs mantaned does not promise that 'you will r-ollD D in 1B-H "English" Paint a s-t -ndard of pai' aYou are flot la automobiles, but bie does pledge ~ , , ~ ~ . quality that other brands have to envy. 7t excels; ~~C ZEM n g a c n for- tht your family will be provided for "lubdy brliccvengapctyade- us D.f rwben their broad-winner bas do- mxec. hssor apoud to be kný,owvn as ~LetoE zema n Chs O- parted. And, yet, sncb is the perverse 1 B-nece hsoe osIt rel eves at once andgr nature of the mind of man, thatf tbeý e .asOflnL)aie alhoýals pie ,sin. sample bocx . sur7e thing of the instIrance agntfio Chas s tmentt froee if you ment on mi quently is turned d (ow,.n f or the spec- Bowmanville arà pp ad send .sanpfor potage. 6e--u ltotatiwveofhesufha ~al era sor EmnoBateès uai& Co., o e f h suf - Linitd.Toono. rsdreamns are made oif. BO,___________________ Our Speciatlies llemlock, Spruce and B. O. Fir joists and studding; ]Elemlock, Spruce and B. C. Codai- Roofing and Sheeti ng; ]?îne, Spruceand Hardwood fioorng ; B, C. Red Ced!ar Shingles and Brantford Roofing; Canadian Portlandl Cement, the very best in the mar-ket ; also doors, sse and ail kinds of iinteriorfiis and trim. Caîl or write us our inquirios and wo will do oui- best to -ive you satisfaction. King Street East Bowmaniville Oifffice Phono 15 - lesidencos 228 and 274 C.reaî lWanted',!I Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We .Want Yours If we fail to eall oni1 you we woý(-uld appreciate a phone eaul or wrîte us. ~ r a .1P, r, A' ORONO