DR. F. T. T~GHE, V.S. To the Editor: te Boer Rpwublies. It d1id 11ot Pro- owni folly or to put down French Miii- Icutyhv vrpoue w u VEEIAR U GE N Sr-At the n lext general election, lduce a Cape to Cairo Rýailway for tarisam in Central Afica. A littie lions of dollars in five years or Sup- we ail have to choose a course for f'orced labor -for the mines. As is social recognition among prominent ported hiaîf a million of troops. If Bo jqrJIL hThat choiceivle fe h ae the conquerors and pliable people, a little suppres-, the people who can do these things Day r NghtCais Pompiy ttededro oth external relations and the stepped into the troubles of the con-. Sion oftrhanexnsoofas-aetosipeosuecfasne, Offce Kig-S. W, SatemanBlok mansby which we expect to pay our qee and could not find any new hood in the news, the bait of large too inertento wish to understnd j'"tt Phoe 23 ay.Nomor vtalmater hve o~tioi. Kruger beaten and dead gains spread bfr rftesadafrineet and at the samie time - -HA FE E ever depended on the result of any ad his judgmient v'ýindicated bY slight imperialistic bias at OttawaSuseptbet iteyadsca u o e eecin. Th or te oerin vent.s. The Dutch m.ajority had to would be enough. A 'tied outburst fluences, theY maY expect tO 'be ex- "Ljest We Forgeft" formiâs him-self and casta «side pre- be re-cognîzed as predomrinant. NIO in a subsidized press appealing to our ploited. Most Canadians say «"neyer -'"-lelesngtc sat juces, the mlore likely lie is to helpfrcdlbo'a available for the compassion Showing us m1-oral again", but to be safe, we need ,.rce lao ws s ae ez ing, streamn ee, ni~TWTCL arrivig at a sound and workable miines. The railway, after twenty obliqulity lu the iutended enemy and abroad s-om.,ethiing different from a wheybc-h zý R 80 NS Lineas is yet to comie. Froml- beginl- lauding the fighting capacity of Our desk ln the office of a British Am- wez rahn Designecand Dealr ~ Extrnai circumstances and the2 nîng to end of this war, Canada's young mien would fire themn. bsaoe edtgtouinra- Granite d aluiie. rmor hv îhrt eie u onsider the policy that led to it nor appeal pretended to have been made ourselves, knowing how-'it was come suî,esl wioe.Sl Bomnil.Ot rie odsinourithou t urtowlecded Thethe conduct of it -nor the final solu- from Johannesburg to bave the by. ue a"l wl S Amnericanl Civil War, South AMrican tion. lwomen and children there, an appeal Any politiçal party can afford to rel1able druggists fradu War and the World War are cases in The world war is recent. In the with which our press wrung the make "entire and direct controlofskuraetorsncrdf di lompacQthatQleddu country's soul with horrible memor- ~udfj dnr~û1,~laîrei, amat~ tu aa nation andbcnrre I - - - ~ - - - - -f r o Can a a er ta î pasg e w i a 're w te r F r n ce in s is tin g o n h e . Dental Surgeons of Ontario fro Caaahrlop and stores, position in Europe with a diminished1 office King-st - Bowmanville ,retaining thvaa tain.ppulation and relyin partly on1 ~ ~ ~ ~ à' Canada. She was exposed to be the ,sympathy she did as the victim ofL _____________________scene, of bate if the Alabama Ilaims8 1870. The seventy-five millions of, TYNERL DIECTORS I ere not settled and the ind'irect German-speaking people even if split1 i I aims amounted to a sum impossible up over several, states are still the1 I Ito pay except as tribuîýe to a con- most important commercial group oni fiueror.the continent. For centuries thev, L. ~~ ~ I M o rs oaqsr believed at Washington that neia bacir the eiay ±rom E±urope. Mont> Co mpete Equlpment Great Britain would withdraw ail Now large Siay ksates have 'beeA. snunday 1and enfght calla troops and stores and arrange for a created in Central Europe, whose promptly att nded to. plebiscite' throughout Canada as to racial affiliations are 'with Russia. Bownianvlle Phones 10 34 union with the States. Sir Edward Th edin of - Grmnetr îBranches: OBONO RAMPTOt-t Thornton, the Btitish Amnassador, prise from the west and from overj was the source of the belief. The sea must resuit in a change of, the plebiscite and the union would be a roie hitherto played by the Germans DR .C E ITcam.Sa States and Russia as weil. IDENTIST Meantime Canada was Federated' We can only see dimiy what is IGraduate of Royal Dental College, and was to undertake her own de- emerging £rom the Peace Treaty and Toonofence. oniy the high spots through the fog, Office: King-Sb~. East, Bowniarivil1Ie An alternative plan was based on an enoughfu ftouee. eyusa G eneral Grant's humanity and com- addutu uue sensW. bave in thle Cn~irr to Caflabar __________-i pxip '~yn ~~ivy~oiz h ~.ealtrtv McIeIa &Company, Lýïmiited King !Street East, Office Phone 15 - Residence 228 ani 274 Bo wmanville t t? 't t? 'LL. t-~t- - -4t~ ~ '~r- ~,' t~~4 ~ 't - SPhone 203-Use it. Lisilhawa_ý1 LLHMPTON37FLOURMýL PIG FEED t----- ------------ - N ttT t- t '4 t' t'. e - b.-1, t t' t t- .-. *,~t ht-t 0 t t t- :~ t t t ~t \~ t t rtt 't--t - - 't -t it~ , t -, 't t 7t I '~ ~ I lt f-t-, Iii. t,- t-