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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1920, p. 1

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£ 'i 3M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, AUGUST 12, 1920. $2.00 a Year In Advance. 5c a Copv. Scientifie investigations in the sehools have de- termined the fact that poor vision is the cause of most dullness among pupfils. Have your children's eyes examined no-w go that they may.enter sehool equipped for -efficient würk. teOur experience lias been extensive and we have timost scientific instruments and the newest ap- paratus for testing the eyes" Eyes are sensitive during the warm weather. Pont negleot ypurs. 11, costs yon, nothiing to get the advantage of OUR THJIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE GuardAgainst, Disease Germffs ,-!,sose germe flourish in the Sul erocause there le much decayiag matter around. It pays to be caroful' now, for Typhoid aad other germ diseAsos are apt to rosuit. Use our CREOLIN, a very effective disinfectant inu cllars, drains, etc. Wo carry a complote lino of the best germnicides aad disia- foctants. Their use now will safeguard the hoalth of yourfamily., Kodaks , Camieras, They double the pleasure of overy outing. Let us show you our vory complote spock of KODAKS, and tell you how easy it je to get splendid pictures. YOU can reat a 'Camera for 1lOc a day. Let us do your doveloping printiag and onlarging. Bng your filmas in one day and get the finished photos the aext. Jury&LOV1 A dui\ qualified Optometrist always at pur service, (Ohicago Ophthalmie College Graduates of New York School of Optics. Detroit Optical College COanadian Optical College, less than two years. but w e are driting back to self love inte vo"c i î o'-ijy ,wsms The misioi~of eatice evit's graft, which could not heip but interesting 'and instructive. A brief 1ae roThe omistioisf diffticu eit to pecîitate confiict between clasp and summary of his remarks is: "It is unertadassh ws neof the cilass, The ,ol saying that charity a changed world since 1914, and we SpeCaiS bes stdens i th clss.begins at home was a false dictum, must face the changes in our own ihS bststdet ikte las and the only solution of the problem, country, without the disorder that is Department of Education has an- of th, world consisted in love; and so rife in Russia. There is the dis- nouaced that resuits of Junior this principle we should follow both covery now, by working men, of their Matriculation examination, similar out of gratitude for what the boyrs'poWer, and labor is not as conscious Jonteel Taicum Powder-The finest to above with addition of Latin and who gave tljeir lives for the love of of its duties as it ought to be. How- and most delightfully perfumed Tai- French, wili be announced soon. humanity had doue and from the lever we must develop serious thought cuma on thé market. Jury & Loveli. Principal Morrison has received religious motive which made love the to-day, for it wiil be too late soon, certificates of candidates who wrote greatest commandment. and laborhas got to think as much Bathing Caps-A large variety of on the Junior Matriculation examina- Love meant understanding people of its duties as of its rights. Canada ail the latest styles and colors. Prices tions. a hywre o nyadmîring those on herseif a réal country-a real 45c and upwards. Also Water W'ings, Only one candidate failed, qa te wre, flot onl dor domliion-at the close of the war. ;ury & Loveil. Conîpiete Junior I4atriculation- (which after ail amounted to self Our men accomnplshed great things. Motor Goggles-Fromn 50c up. Elizabeth Best, Mildred Lawrie, Ruth love) but getting to understand and beore tewain mstotiue tog Also Sun GlasseA, suitabie for fish- Martyn, Gordon Morris, Ted Pethick, apeite the other man or the other deorthm The war n imst onyiaupat ing camping and motor trips. Pro- Lorne Pluminer. ls 'ta hyWr.Tesrkn of what we can do, and'what we *111 tect your eyes from the sun and dust Partial Junior Matriculatioi~-for isnce eaen the Canadisan o No nation bas such a i'ole to with a pair of these goggles. JryMildred Bentham (Algebra, LatinAfrinsacannud ghow smarianorpay sCnd.Wekw te & Lovea. Authors); Day Warnica (French Americanwudgo mleinurA rcas much better than the Composition); Roy Webber (Latin estimation the better we each came to English do, and the English much know and understaad the other. The b1 Rexaîl Baby Powder-A saf e Tai- Authors, Latin Composition,' French loeobuaiy hc oi ik etter tlian the Americans do. It is cum for baby's soft and tender skia. Authors, French Composition). upvailftue world, was he odnl -ordt obin hs w ain Try a tin and we are sure you will be Note-These subjects were not curity for the worîd and solution oý together. The two great English- pleased with it, 25c. Jury & Loveil. taken by the candidate. Eyh its probleîs. speakîng people, with France, should Clemens ( Latin Authors); BEdyrcthe come together. Canada must set hier Rexali White Liniment will over- Devitt (British and BeainHst t atrîce nagd y o us in order and mîust definite- Canadian Hists Cpti Watt was engage dpbomthe bous com srensscaused by outdoor ory, Geometry, Latin Composition).-Biih Gvrmn adpoai ly recognize lier duties to other na- sports. Prices 35e and 75c. Jury & ACaeCmpitobhedt work in the United States. Hie is tions. We are only at the threshold AovCadetibtiCnmrpuns , Peeoro Ex- justly described as a brillant speaker, of the life of the world and need to Lovel. hbiton Gound, Pterbrofrom as weil as a schoiar and writer, and take a broad and international vilew of Genin Terms otie-neofAug. 26 to Sept. 1 inclusive, Colonel has quite a fund of humor and wit things. Let us give to our children a thee Tndy oes Bwillke-ep Ofid Gillespie, 0. C., intimates. Each intermningled with bis talk. Ris universality of knowledge in their thot orhod for eslong peri ust Cadet may get a unif ormi by seeing lecture is one of the strong f eatures education, making good citizens of the thing for the picnic, auto tour, Phyip iey bref ortae a ug. 6plachotheCatuaporm our boys and girls. And about the etc., $2.50 to $4.50. Jury & Lovelli, o i equioread sto take a cup, lte Friday's attractions were Thos. G. English language-the mightiest of siep n ent ad av thirmelsMitcheltree, Canada's greatest blind languages-let us use it nobly, pure-r Rexal fairTonc-Lovely luxur- prepared by a flrst-class caterer. pianist; Miss GwendolynAnhseyntlinlyadrspctea- iant hair is a matter of care, Use a This outing shouid be enjoyed by ail. reader; Mrs. Hiorace Parsons, in hier guage that we speak. Canada can good tonie in, the summier thne. 50c Transportation will be provided, so lecture on "Canada's WomanÏliood" give the iead to the rest of the worldf and $1.00. Jury & Lovell. that there is no expense whatever in in the afternoon; and Charles Craw- and most of aIl can iead the worid Crem, f l~oet-Spenid orconnection with the trip., Principal taor Gorst, the wonderful bird mmi- out of the Bolshevism of the time". Crént of jýlts-pledidforMorrison will meet the cadets at the tao, in the evening. Both Mr. sunurn et. Acrem tat ilîco- fgh School at -9 a.m., Thursday , A, Mitcheltree and Miss Anthistie made RAMBLES IN PARADISE. tribute greatly to the comfort of 26th and accompany them to Peter-vr aoal ipesos Some patrons according to individ- your outing, 25e and 50c. Jury & boro, wbere they will be trained by ual taste regardLone feature the best i fLoveil. military officers under command of STRONG APPEAL TO WOMEN. while others dlaimi that excellence for( Colonel Gillespie. j another, but we behieve the Saturday l SteartPhnogape-A bany rs.Elano S.Macen, ido ~ We have neyer heard an address to nîght capacity audience will agreeE potaeachn wahic h gvenDy r. EL . Marceau, irieoQue women that appealed quite so ia- with us that no more interesting andl porle meatche summer cottage, befr. L er Marria, agei St u, tensely as Mrs. fHorace Pansons, ad- instructive feature, of Cbautauqua( camp, etc. Plays ail records. Price a menber of the old Union SchooldrssoovrahursegtonF-wk othoe hecrmgad only 15, Jry, Lovel. iteaching staff la Bowmanville. This day afternoon to the large company vivid word-pictures of Miss Mildred' was over 40 years ago, but she has Of women and girls that greeted this Leo Clemens' educative address on SheerSooaay tekept in touch with the town ever since feanless, popular and clever speaker. "Rambles in Paradise-fiawaîi".b mosquitoes WîEi~ ofthîs having continued an interested rend- The presence Of a number of men The beautiful steropia iw n mosqitos ,wit, alîttleofti er of The Statesman. In a lette n- dîd not daunt thîs audacîlous lady for the movîng pîctures gave us somp lotion applied to the exposed parts.dratofNprvleQuAg she told some very plain truths about concrete idea of fiawaiian life and 25c. and 50c. Also Black Fly Ou ateriatheo1920, Mrs.Marce., wn ite er sex that saîd men applauded very the unrivalled scenery of these mid- 25c. Jury & Loveli. f "Dear Mr. James-I bave thought heartily. As is known to many of Pacific Islands. for some time that I sbould like to our rendors, Mrs. Parsons travýelled Miss Clemens, who is a cousin of Harmony Glycerine Soap -We subscribe to your High School Memn- %with ofilcers and boys of the 235th late Mark Twain, is a very charming have neyer sold a soap that has given orial Fund and now enclose a cheque Battalion in their recruiting cam- lecturer has travelled extensively and such universal satisfaction. Rose for $5 which you wîll kindly appîy paîgn through the Midland counties, possesses a fund of humor. fier de- and violet odors. Large cake 15 c. to that fund." and bier addresses there wene effec- votion to hier, Hawaîian family as she 1~r Loveli _________ tive. She has also been an energetîc calîs lher company is most commend-b wýorker ln the Women's Institutes and able. fier talk at the evening meet-Q CARD 0F THANKS. is now cornesponding secretarY of ing on the history of Hiawaii, the F Now is the 1 time to purchase a Mn and MKrs. James Gledy n the National Council of Women. people and customs, the country, itsa Koa~ I wllgie Oi agratfail wshtothnkfrendsy and She appealed to the wonien to take vegetation, clîmate, etc., and its vÔl-Q in tc tank rieds ad ýtheir place as citizens and assist canic activity, was certainly nîost ln-j amount of pleasure. We will show neighbors for their kindnesse and Canadianizing the foreigners and structive and entertaîning. As we'j you how to take pictures that yon sympathiy in their recent unexpect- building up etrong Canadian citizens; bave said her address wvas illustratedr wil appreciate greatly in years to ed beravmet nd for the beauti- advocated women trustées on the with many very beautiful views ofI come. Jury & Loveli.fuflrltite. sol boards, equality with men ia (Continueci on page four.) FRANK FARM SOLD. LDemand Stili Brisk for Good Durhamn Farms. The well-known Frank fiomestead a part of whicb was sold some years ago to West Durham Agriculturai Society and now used as Exhibition, Grounds-has beeîi'sold by Mr. A. E. Billett for $11,500 or nearly $100 an acre. The present farmn contains 116 acres, 85 of which is, good tili- ageabie land, the balance affording excellent pasturage with a large stream, flowing tbrough it. The now purchaser is Mr. fienry Pawson 'of Thornhill. The whole f arm lies, within the corporation of Bowman- ville. This sale was put thnough by Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Real Estate and Insurance. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. Rev. W. C. Washington, M.A., will eupply the pulpit of the Disciple Cburch on Sund«y morning., The evening service will be supplied. Sunday August 15,UnionServices in the Methodist and Presbyterîan Churches. il a.m.-In St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best will preach. 7 p.m.-In the Methodist Church, Rev. fi. J. Stnike of Perth will preach.. St. Ppul's Sunday Scbool meets 12-1 p.m.- Methodist Sundayi Schooi at 2.30 p.m. Rev, D. W. B'eet, B. A., very thot- fully made the union services on Sunday brief owing to the extremely warm weather and the desire of many to attend the Chautauqua meet- ing. fis morning subect was, "Elisha and the Syrians or Unseen Forces". And in the evçning "Our Opportunîties and the Adversariesý in the Wlay". St. Paul's Choir sang niceiy "The King of Love my Shep- herd is", Mr. fi. J. Knight and Mrs. C. A. Cawker taking the obligato. Mise Lepha Doncaster, presided at the organ, playing most acceptably. Mr. Albert fincock sang "Will there be any Stars in My Crown"? in the Methodist Church in the evonîng. fis solo was very mnuch appreciated. COBOURG HORS£ SHOW IAugust I7th to 2lst. Roadsters, Cardiage, fiarnees hon- ses, Hunters and Jumpers, Ponies, Tandems, Four-la-bande, The thoro- bred and fieavy Draft, Fiat and Steeple Chase Races Daily. 48th Highlanders' Band. The Royal Can- adian Dragoons and the Cavalry S quad in their famousfluman.flurdie Jump, are attractions you can aIllon- j oy, la Cobourg fIorse Show Park ini real cool comfort by the breezes of Lake On-tario. Come along, we -%il' treat you right. , ?2-2 J »

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