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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1920, p. 4

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BOWMANVILLE SEPT. 23rd., 1920 WELL DOI4E, BAY 0F QUINTE 1 Shocws, Highest Percentage of Sub- scriptions Paid In Five, Central Conferences. Methodist, National Campaign Headquarters office in Toronto reports te Mr. Geo. W. James, Local Treas- urer for Bowmanville, that subscrib- ers in the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence have 'already paid iu on their subscriptions 52.3 per cent., being the highest in the five Central Con- ferences of the Dominion. The amount subscribed in each of the 12 districts of the Bay of Quinte Conference, amount paid in, and per cent of total are thus reported up te September lst., 1920: District Subscribed Paid, Per C. Belleville, $4007400 $17132.04 42.7 Napantee r 35175.50 21966.94 62.4 picton 33343.50 16814.61 50.4 Brighton 28878 00 14375.50 49.8 Cobourg 2814600 13644.90 48.4 Bownianville 34237.00 20978.04 61.2 Whitby 16746.75 8770.44 52.3 Carnnington 26693.75 14174.50 52.8 Lindsay 21958.50 18788.21 58&7 Peterbor. 54284.00 2726â5.00 5.2 Campbellford 36454.00 10028.41 52.2 Madoc 24727.50 13937.44 55.5 It will be noted that Bowmanville Dist- rict shows up very weil, being only sur- passed in paymnets by the weathy Nap- anee District. The report that follows covers the amounts subscribed, paid in, and per centage of each of the 12 circuits in Bowmanville District, and' showing that King-st. Oshawa, has pnid up lfl full and 3 per cent,~over their orig-- mnal subscriptions. Headquartekrs reports: Remittances in excellent shape-well above Conference aver- age of 52.3 per cent.' Report follows: Circuit Subscribed PaId PerC. BowmanvIllie $804500 $4650.99 51.8 Oshawa (Simcoe-st) 1700.00 900.25 62.9 Oshawa(IZngi-et) 1500.00 1546.45 103. Oshawa Mission 349.00 133.35 38.3 Newcastle 1957,00 1212.00, 61.9 Orono 5156.00 2575.00 50.0 Courtice 2477.00 1435.00 57.9 Newtonville 1132.00 750.00 66.2 Tyrone '2703.00 1930.00 71.4 Hamtpton 4179.00 2875.00 68.3 Enniskillen 2307.00 1270.00 55.0 Cartwright 2732.00 1700.00 62.2 $34237.00 $2097804 61:2 Third installment to this Campaigu is due and payable Sept. ltb, to the var- lous Tlresurers of the Circuits. BUY THIS WEEK' TOWN COUNCIL PROPERTY FOR SALE, Regular meeting of Couinci heid Sept.I l3th. Members present: Mayor 1-. L.I FOR SALE-Nice Frame House iu Quinn, Reeve T. S. Holgate, Councillors the village of Hampton, and Y. acre land. R. E. Yates, James Bennett and Geo. APlYte A. E. Jennings, H-ampton. 36-tf. Humpage. --________ Ilesidents of Carlisle avenue asked te DESIRABLE PRopET FO SA - have road-graded and ditches lowered. 8-roomed bhouse in excltOndition' Engineer was instructed to repair the cmiainfraexcelmant fritioanl stret.trees, garage, This property wii stand Residents of Brown et., asked te have investig-ation and will Prove one of the street widened from King te Church .sts. best real estate bargains obtainabie in Engineer will survey street and report te Bowmanville today. ApPly to owner, S. Couneil. Miss Symons asked permission toe ut W. Mason, Bewmanvilîe. 34-tf down two trees in front of ber property on Victoria et. To Roads & Streets Com. FOR SALE-To close up estate of late F. Syntons petitioned for cernent malk Mre. E. J. Carr the double frame cottage on Victoria st from Ontario to nrownr, sts. on Cburch street, the, small frame cot- NO action. tage on Brown Street, and the vacant Letter was read from party in 'Toronto lot at the corner Of King and Brown Street wishing to start fancy pottery works In muet be sold at once. These are well Bowmanville. 'To Manufacturers Corn. rented. For particulars apply te Mrs. Mrs. Rilgannon wrote complalning of Editti V. Scobeil, Insurance Agent, Bow. rats from sewer damaging herý property. mianville. 39-8 Filed. Mayor and Reeve were deputed to at- FOR SALE-Ten acres, mostly apple tend Hydro-Radial meeting at 'Hamilton. bearing orchard; 2 story brick bouse 20x G. T. R. asked for deeds for right of 27 witb brick kitchen 12x19; good barn 35 way on spur-line. Mayor and Reeve were x45 on cemnent founidation, stabling under, empowered, te act. and cemnent addition. Good situation, and Deep Waterway & Power Assoc. ad- the price rigbt. Would make an excellent vised Council of meetings in Toronto and poutry farmr. For further particulars and Kngston. Filed. price apply to Mrs. Edlth V. Scobell, Iu- Chamber of Commerce drew attention surance Agent, Bowmanville. 38-3w. to placing signe on Kingston Rd. at ap- proaches te town. Ne action. By-law was passed regnlating and gov- FARM FOR SALE-105 acres, more or erniug trade of junk and second-hand less, being ýot 9, con. 2, wlthin the town dealers. limites'Of Bowmanville, one of the best Clerk was lnstructed to write Col. L T. farms lunfDurham County. There are McLaughlin. ID. S. O_. C. M.,G.. thagklng large brick resideuce, two bsrns with him for his assistance in securing War stone stabes underneath for 20 leaa of Trophies for Bowmanviiie. cattle. 6 acres orcliard, twe goocl weils, Resolutiox'i was passed requestlng Pro- an neyer falling Spring. Possessioin te vincial Goverument te ask Railway Board plowý at once, full possessio Apýri lelt, for postponement of hearing of Bell Tel- 1921. APPlY to ROBERT FI DING, box ephone Co. for power, to increase rates 195 Bowmanville. 36-tf se as te give government an opportunîty- te arrange for expropriation of the Bell FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, more or system lu Ontario. less, being lot 14, con. 1, withln the town _____________________________limite of Bowmanville. There are a large roomy brick cottage, one barn 100 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE X45, wlth Stone wall under ail, 5 acres orchard, 2 good welia, large drlvingsbed witb loft. Fal ploughlng will be doue. IN the Estate of Mary Anu Bryant, late Pull possession April lst., 1921. Apply of Bowmanviile, Ontarlo, deceased. te ISAAC TABB, Bowmanville. Thils NOTCE a hrey gventht te Cedfarm needs no recommendation, Every NOTCEisherbygientha te re- foot workable land. 38-3w* itors of Mary Aun Bryant, late of Bow-- - ___ nianville, Ontario, widow, but who died at the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, ou or Why do we stretch when w7te awake about the Third day of May, 1920, and fromi sleep ? It is Nature's way of ail others having dlaims agaiust or en- hielping the heart to work faster af- titled te abare iu ber Estate, are bereby notified pursuant te the Statutes ir.tiiat ter the body has lain quiet for great- behaif. te send by Pest prepaid or otber- er or less time. Wise deliver to tbe undersIgned tbe Ad- ministrator of the Estate, on or before the gth day of November, 1920, their ehristian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and full particulars, duly verified, of their claims, accounts and '.. intereats, and the nature of tbe secur- 1 7 after the 8th day of November. 1920, thec a assets of the said Deceased wilU be dis- tribut'ed among the nartieis entitle&1 therf- te, having regard only to tbe cdaims or LE lnterests of whicb the Administrator shail 5 be excluded from the said distribution. v m an dM then bave bad notice, and ail others will W. F. DAL.E, Administrator, Malone,' Malone & Long, 1 1 o , oýlicitGo 1,wmnilOnai. o Three Milion New Çustomers For Canada's Grain -Produce -Manufactures- Secured by the West India Trade, Agreement andCanadian Ships. By wil lingness and abîlity to pro-. vide ships, Canada this year has drawn t he West Indies dloser to herseif and. to the Empire. She can mak-e pTeferential trade agree- ments ith other peoples under the British Flag, without arousing international complications. Canada es men with brains who wilf make these peferential trae .reeent. ut to make good th~taeagreements -w must bave Canadian Ships. The Navy Lat.oeC»ndi SPECIAL VALUES IN VAR IETY DEPT. 150 Hair Brushes Regular 40e and 50c values for ...... ............ 20e Sheil Hair Pins Regular 1 Oc values for ......................... ....,. 8c Regular 5e values for...................... 1...... -4 Brown Betty Tea Pots______ Regular $1.50 and $1.35 ................ ..90c All other goods in our variety Dept. on sale at cost price.- Thisý, is done in 'order to make room for new fail goods. Special values in Toilet Soaps Laund:»ry 'Soap WE SERVE YOU BEST, We have a. fuil line of.fresh staple groceries., We serve you bk-est--no reason why we cant.-, 1Our prices in -many cases are lower than cash & carry priees-and stili we deliver the goods free.

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