Dý--FePARTMENT 0P CUST0M5 AND INLAND REVENUE EXCISE TAX LICENSES Retailers, Jewellers, Manufact- u- rs and Sales Tax Licenses are ryurdunder the Amendment to the Special War ,Revenue Act, 1-915, are reW for issue and ap- piatnfrms may be had from, the undersigned. BOWMANVILLE, OCT - 7th., 1920. Beef takes a drop at Edmondstone's -see advt. for prices. Mr. V. R. Greenfield, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Chiekeni pie, hoine-made cooking usefulariesrda-e adt Rev. W. C. Washington is vi1iing his son, Rev. C. C, Wasin.gton, Bal- timore. Miss Brock, Toronto, and Miss A, Chester, Ottawa, are guests of Miss Fairbairn. .Miss Annie Anderson, Toronto, was recent guest of Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st. Mrs. W. J, Ward,- Owen Sqund, re- cently visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grigg. Chieken Pie Supper, sale of home- made cooking qàd miscellaneous ar- BIRTHS RICKARD-In Darhington, Sept. 28th., to Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. S. Rickard, a son. FOUNO-In Peterboro, October 4, to Mrs., May Found and the late Franklin G. Found, a son. TAYLOR-At Bowmaville Hospital, on Sept. 27th., to'Mm. and Mms. Thos. Tay- lor, barlington, a son. JACOB I-On September 23md., at Osh- awa Hospital, to Mr. and Mms. Morley R. Jracobi, a son (Morey Drew). DEATHS ROGERS-Suddenly at Coboumg, Oct. 4, William H. Rogers, aged 71 yeams. H AIG-In Cobourg Hospital on Sunday, October 8, Andrew P. Haig, Baltimore, in bis 6lst yeam. SHEPPARD-In Toronto, Se pt. 3th., Thomas J. Sheppard, aged 32 years. In- tered at Bowmanvile. FREEBORN-In Clarke, Sept. 24th., Cathiemine Elizabeth, daug ter of the late Williamn Freebomn, aged 'el years. flAMNDEL-.A+ Thth-,Sent.* 9th..ax- L,. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Goal IHeater, self-feeder, in gQood condition. Appiy 10 Jesse Hunt, Scugog- t, Bowmanvilleý. 41-1w'. STOVE FOR SALE-Art Souvenir, self- f eeder, 'double heater. G'eorge Charlton, Concession-st., Bowmanville. 40-tf. FORD TRUCK-One ton capacity7, in good condition, must be sold at once. Ap- ply Bowmanville Foundry Co. 40-tf. PiANO FOR SALE-Sqtuarez Grand in gooti condition. Stool and cover for $100 cost $600, Miss Muir, Church-st., Bow- manville. STEEL RANGE-Large waLring oven, high shelf, water'front and tank. Almost new, great bargain. Apply at Wellams & Ca-nn, Bowmanville. 41-t DURHAM BULL-Pure r, register- eS, il months old, very promîising young animal. Apply to.,Nornman E.-0 Wright, Solina, Phone 167-1-1. 41-3w* 3 MARES-Three young General Pur- pose Mares; also a top buggy nearly new. A pply to Frank Aldsworth, near Solina Stion. Oshawa P. 0. 41-2w* -SINGER SEWING MACHINE, ROTARY --4nod as new. a bargain for cash: also WEDDING ARTICLES LOST TFHANK YOU 9 McKeever--Cobbledick j LOST-Pearl Sunharst lest on Fair Women's Hlospital Auxiîary wishes At hehoe f he rie' Couda r a~ ,,.Reward for re- to thank the public for the generous, Mr. Lorne Cobbledîck, on Wednes- turm to Statesmam -ile; Eowmanviile. response on Tag Day, the receipte day, Sept. 22nd., the mariagewas40tf. big$6,5 very quietly solemnized of Olive M., GRE-ý PERSIAN LAMB STOLE-In _______ daughter of the late Mr. J. M. Cobble- Bowmnille, on Monday, Sept. 27th. A dick and Mrs. Cobbledick of Newcast- reward forereturri to Statesmdh office, le, to Mr. John H. McKeever, son Bwavl 12 AENTC of iMr. and'Mrs. James McKeever of ROAÏN CALF-Yea6ýrPn1-g, strcayed from Ail outstanding acc-ounts up to Oct- VrnOnt. Ceremony was con- lo, co. -, arin-o on or about, ober lst., 1920, against the Blowinan- Verona, ug. lst.Pleas-e tf .E. HIOPPs, ville Hospital must bDe placed in the duced by the Rev, H. S. Spence phýlone 124-rI,-2, owFnI . R._2.- bands oýf theSecrtary 1C.T. Mason, and the bride, who was given 40 tf.aC 41w away by ber brother, Mr.LonCb-aoce41w bledick, wore a travelling suit o navy blue tricotine with duvetyn andî taffeta bat to match and carried a, bouquet of pink and white asters and wore a diamond bar pin, the gift of tegroom. Tbe bride's niec e, Miss, iiu it Jars Ar e zScarece Ruth, Cobbledick, actedas floWer girl.I After luncheon the happy couple mot- ored, to Cobourg-and thenl left for .., 1 ,