WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A CHEVROLET 66FOUR-NINETY" There is this satisfaction in oýwvmng a. Chevrolet "ýFour. :Ninety" Tour-ing, Car-It is buit on, sound principleq, la design ai pleasing and practical. Its linos are quiet, and 2rest'fuL m aeïalco its roominpesoand comfortabI6 upholstery. The seïeCtimo a Che3vrolet w-fould be &. credit to yoýurtae and go od judgmeut. Chevrolet perfrmýance reveqalsits on ehnca ositc tieon. It.c sîeand weight are cnenetfor cevery'-day uxtility.ý They are acrtlbane o o get theLutmïnoct ,por fcrm a motor wel-now f r s con-omy of fe-h hvoe This balace al affords f nrther c 2ony in tires, riding comfort and operatingense.e Again, aioedtil which long pre'1ehms proved us- sentia1 te conveniecarý uïe cuded in the om ee aesof Chevro- lot equipmfent.' Let us shwyo he 1920 "orNnt"Md FJ. CLEMENS & SON, Agents ChulSalesman Phone 253 Wm, HO WMAN VILLE 253 DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, Sept. 25th Regular meeting of Council, mem-, bers ahl present, except Coun. W. E. Jewell, ill. Reeve Baker presiding. Minutes of last meeting were read approved and sîgned. W. F. Kerr, Clerk of the Pence, Cobourg,' notified Couacil that On- tarie Statutes for 1920 were ready for distribution, also statement as te number of jnters te be chesen fer yvear 1921. Clarke Tp. Ceuncil asked co-op- eration cf this Council in an appeal te the Board of Railway Commise- leoners cf Canada te have service on C. N. R. Trenton te Torento line te- stored te conditions previens te June 27th., 1920. Council decided te ce- operate and resoîntion was passed. Mr. Hngh Greenlees, pathmaster for Rond Beats Nos. 1 and 17, hav- ing died withont making hie report as te work done, Conn, Brent was authorized te go over the beats and make report te Clerk as early as possib le. Treasurer acknowledged receipt cf $26.80 from John A. Holgate & Son for cement bage. 1Orders drawn on Treasuret were; L. Byam, nails ............$ 49 N. Hayes, gravel ....... 4 00 Harold Bennett, gravel ,. 4 00 H-1 N. Scett; gravel......4 37 Esli Oke, gravel. .......4 37 1Mrs. Hedley Oke, gravel .. 4 87 H. Bradley, teaming........ 5 00 Byron Farrell, gravel .... 6 37 J. H. W,,rry, gravel......... 7 00 Wm. Beckel, gravel......... 8 25 O. Sonley, gravel........... 8 62 O. Sulky, gravel ............ 8 75 Thos. Cowling, werk, bridge. 9 00 S.J, Henry, gravel ,. .. .ý,.. il 25 Robt. Collacott, gravel . . . Il r62 Mrs. J. A. McFadden, grave], 12 50 Ge.Cewling, work, bridge l16' 50 Jon Trick, shev. snow, etc. 19 45 R. Burgess, work, bridge ,. 87 00 1. R. Bragg, werk, bridge... 105 50 Pediar People, cnilvert tubes 182 86 Ontario Bridge Ce., iren, etc 2346 00 W. R. Allun, cal. 3rd. qtr.. . 120 00 Advances te Schooi Trustees. H. G. Pascoe, No. 12. ..$100 00 C, H. Snowden,- No. 6...... 140 00 Sidi, T. Hoar, No. 10 ..... ..150 00 'R, J. McKesseck, No. 20..,, 150 00 Counceil adjonrned te Saturda>', Octbel 3Oh.,1920, at 1 P. M. W. R. Allun, Tp. Clerk, THE 'EN4GLISH RACE. A writer cotrecthy cays that it le time that proteet wete made againet the grewing use cf that sily, mean- 71inglese word "Anglo-Saxon," which le ncw ce frequently ceen ln the place where the word English, ought te be. Reports.cf speeches are in- cessant where sloppy references are made tïo the "Anglcr-Saxon,, tare, and the "Anglo-Saxon" peeples cf the world, What is xmeant, cf course, is the English race, and the English- speaking nations. The word "lAngle- Saxon" bas ne meaning except as the mrodemn name cf an extinct lan- guage which forms-linguistically onýly-the ýbasic of the English tongue. That is ahl.,Ontliterature is net Teutonic. The use of this misleading word1 "Ango-Saon"as decscriptive cf Eng-~ land les no n-moe ojectioniable than' ever, bcnu-1je the werd Sax,.on dees cotrectly deccribe one of that huddle of Central Enrepean States which the English people are bncily en-, gaged in breaking np. It is net eiç- actly a compliment for an English- man te be called a Saxon, even when the Latin word for English le pre- BOWMANVILLE, OCT- 'lth., 1920'. OREPR OG There's n dear littie islannd that's PRAISES OURP. AIR. shining, Like n gleam in the silvery sen; Kind Words f rom Oshawa Telegram. Rojind out hearts its fond memories In a 'big fiare, heading Oshawa'e So precious te yen nnd to me. new weekly newspaper announces Though in far distant lands we may týh9t "Bowmanville had a fine Fair wander, with big crowd and good exhibits To the Homeland we're faithfnl from ail parts of the conntry." and true, We greatly appreciate the good And we'1l ever proteet from dishenor' opinions of eut newspaper brethîren -Onr Flag of the Red, White and and take pleasure in pnblishing a part Blue. of The Telegram's editorial: Bowmanville je leoked upon as one CHORUiS of those nnturally good old staid Thr1 odta hhrn on towns of Ontario. The very naine The agee ht hl in on' i mprecees one with ite eolidity, weih; teae firmness nnd exactitude, but Wed- hesagoythtee hl necïday it took on ail the btightness, Thes gor tatevr iha activity and coler ef life, it was fait- 'Tis "Freedom with Honor" adorniîng, ly buzzing Wîth life and excitement. So ptoudly yonr England and mine. It was crowded with people from ever pat o th contyandthefait After Country and King comec a dutyi was good. There were splendid ex- An egalrspdtothca, hibite in nearly ail departments. To the danghters of England-for There was n fine showing- of 'eheep beauty,1 and the new pens are fine. There rnýear,,Empire and home-gta'nd for' was a great exhibit of vegetables, ail.- potatoes, etc. Good comrades, so loyal' and ttusty, One delîghtful feature of the en- Ev et ready to end us their aid, tertainment was the musical ride andl To keep fragrant the Red and White, drill of the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Roses, S. J. Jnckman & Son, the local And te csee that they neyer shahl fierists, made a great ehowing of fa.de. fiowers. Theîr display of gladieli and dahlias surpassed anything ceea this year and equalled the éxhibit Peevish, pale, restiece and eickly seen at Toronto. children owe their ondition to worms.1 Ochaw was lnrgely represented Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator' in the crowd. will relieve them and restere health. SUCESSUL ARVSTHOME J.Vje~1myou are "'wide awake as Sunday, September 19th., Salvation aue â owl" at night. and Army held annual Harveet Home can't "keep youir eyes opýen" in the day- Festival Services, led by Ajt. Young' timie yen certainIy aeed Toronto. A, time of help and blece- iig wac experienced. A fine lot of produce was shown on Monday night, tî; good prices.. 1 IL. LAâl-s Sunday, September 26, Envoy Self-poison- Becham's Brewer Brown led the services. Hie ing by im- Pui1s cor- lecture given in the afternoon, perfectiy rect it. "Pnttnets in Crime", wae intereeting eliminated LIUi.. and much appreciated. Memorial food - poi. Asti a. hi service fd'r the late Captain Win. sons is a Newman was held in the evening very com- .l whea the scriptures were expounded mon aliment, i«. Z, SC.. Sec in the form cf "A Marked Man" r ferring te 'Cnin, Achan, Saul, KaJ ________________ and ethere including seme of present day individuals. Solos and a duet was sung and three spoke cf the late d ' Captai1n-referring even te hic veryl àe t a r PIay Monday evening 27th., a lecture ,Why net decide NOW te give wasg given, "The Christian and thelZUTOO Tablets, the remedy se general- Boy", showing ho~ poor children cf lY used for headache, a fair and square the streets, whe Tre net dressed and!i trial? cared for as well asothers, are ne- If there is an>' doubt in y'our mind glected and buffeted about by the aM te the worth cf these tablets or of their supposed "better cass" cf children1 harmlessness, try them and KNOW the and grown-ups. Sunday School cale thi cf articles follewed. Don't sacrifice your comfort on ac-, Specially prepared baskets were eount cf preju4ice or skepticism. Try the shown by scholars and a prize given tablets and know. 25c at dealers or by for the beet. Baskets were sold, mailrepaid. B. N. Robinson & cCe. proceede te Snnday School Fund, 'Reg'ý.Coaticook, Quebcc. I thank one and ail for asisting in reaching eut objective-we went wel over, Ail gloty te God for a splen- Z did harvect and succesc in ont effort. In any case cf sicknecs, sorrowing or Zt' help needed la any wny, where at ail- Spossible, I am yourc for service, nightj Sor day. Markç Well! Your 'ae ar is the trame 8720 This is the genuine tea of ail teas'., If you do not use Salada, send us a post card !ôr a free saniple, stating the price you now pay and il you use Black, Green or-Mixed Tea. Address Sd.1adaTorontu An Uncouth Doctor is Seldoin a Success The saie applies to one -Nho îs careless ihis persoaal appearance. There are some clever men who are neglect!ui in this respect,, but they are an exception. A doctor's clothes and way of wear- ing them is wliat will first impress, Fashion-CraftClotiies are ideal for the professional mani o! ail ages. 500 shops in Canada seli theni.