ORONO ECHOES BROTHERHOOD MASS MEETING. __(From The Orono ýNews) Stirring Message by Mr.'Tom Sykes. r A u thf Mr. and Mrs. *George Price havei oehn fecpinlitrs retVed rom ethny.will mark the message whicb Mr. Positive relief is sure, i Mr. John McRae is visiting her Tom Sykes-wlll deliver in the Opera renewed health cetan mother, Mrs. Mitchell, Montreal. House, Bpwmanville, on Thursday, iMr. Fred Agnew and famlly have October 21 st. Brotherbood and the moved into Capt. A. Stalker's resid- aims and objects of that mowment A -ence. in its national and world-wide aspects Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat, Toronto, wl ehstei e n oe are visiting her brother, Mr. R. Z. of ail ages, and in ail walks of life, Hall. will find in Mr. Sykes clonsideration ',eoes n~.be~ al of that vital subi ect an opportunity g. Stps mc -~ or-Miss Sérab Renwick, Rochester, both for self help and Social Servie ns nth onchial tu sves ong nigh ;viited her bfousin,- Mr. H. W. Ren- The people wbo failto bear the d of quiet Bleep. wick. dress, wîll, therefore, miss 'a means &ir. Charles McPherson, Orillia, of social, mutual and spiritual enrich- A health-building remedy, p t visited her after an absence of seven ment such as may not soon return. up in capsules, e"liJ wallowe , years. Begins at 8 o'clock sharp. prescribed by doctoru, .sol by 1Mr. Isaac Wèeter bas returned________ druggists, $1.00 a o.Alour Lhome thîs week from bhis annual tripCRD0 THNS nearest agent or *rite us --or a ADO THNS free trial package. TemPletone, to Manitoba. ___ ,142 King West, Toronto. Mrs. O'Neil and sister, Mrs. Thos., Having sold our generaletore busi- Locl Aent, Jry Loells D~~ Doncaster, who summered here, haveness to Mr. A. E. Jennîngs we leke »elAen StoJre. Ovl'sDu retunned to' Toronto. Ithis opportunity of expressing- our Store.The Friend.of All Sufeers.-Like sinicere tbanks to our many patrons to "the sbadow of a rock In a weary! during the many years the Elliott TOL 'S ISTland,, is Dr. Thomas' Eclectnic Oil to, family bas conducted a store at ail those who sufer pain. It holdsHmpn. W asacotnnc out hope to everyone and realizes it of youn custom with Mr. Jennings REAL ESTATE FOR SALE by stilling suifeiring- evenywbere. it believing h e will give you best of at- is a liniment that bas tbe blessing of tîiton.>_ $2800 will purchase 7 room frame baîf a continent~. It is on sale every- Ail accounts owing the Elliott ,Es- 'bouse ont Church etreet. .water, eettarpybltoM.W R.Ain electric llght and furnae.1 uwr where and can be found wbereven en- tatornaale. r . .Ala quired, for. -Hmtn LIT SAE $3000 will' purchase 2 story brick land. HSept. 27 1920. TE bouse on Concession street, water, swr 1Mr. and Mrs. George Allen and Mn. Hampton,Set27190 convenaeieag an e <ryMclntyre and son, Peterbono, recent- $1200 will purchase 6 roo dly visited Mr. Wmn. Allen. frame cottage on lrospect street, ths1 Mr. CecilCanvetb loaded thr6e cars a great bargain. of potatoes at- Starkville for wbîcb $1.10 per bag was paid. $3500 will purchase 8 roomed M brick bouse and office attached on Tem- Mrs, C. Graham wbo visited ber pera.nce etreet. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Campbell $5000 wîll purchase 90 acre taraira eundtoWnieMn 4%~ miles from Bowinanville, well fenced, Kitchen Slfower was given by Sun- good builidings, about $1000 worth of day scbool of Presbyterian church to B c standing tImnber, possession et onlce. Mrs. Will S. Moffatt, (nee Miss Ruth $7000 will purchase 170 acresiSquair) wbo bas lately corne among il con. Township of Clarke, fine build-ius as a bride. Ings, well, fenced and watered, about "3 A Pill That Is Prized.-Tbere have mile eat 0 Newaste Warf been many pilîs put upon tbe -market $1 1,000 will purchase 120 acre, and pressed upon the public atten- farm. Broken Front, Darlngton, good tion, but f ew bave enduned so long, buildings, weli fenced, soli rlch la y loam. 'or met witb so much favor as Parm- JjIIIU î Ftm i $6,700 will purchase 11l6acres, pa rts elee's VgtbePilîs. Wide-spnead ote 5, con. 1, and 6i con. 2, Cartwright, use of them has attested their great iw 6 known as the Bruce Farmi well fenced, value, and tbey need no furtben ad- d soul day loam. good buildings. Termsvetsmnhalb HvgfrM di ne MeLaug1hlin Farm, consisting of 150,esteem-, they xiow rank as one of the acres, joins village of Tyrone with'three 'best in the list of standard vegetable M S epefrtke r stores, Bi1acksmith shop, schools, church peprations, O Tpol frtke r and gist i, MMai within haif a mile of preparogh hs e farm. Thé souibi a rich dlay loam, there Mn. Howard, Glenny, who bas pur- Cae th uh hi Ro ls lover three miles of tule drains. The cbased Wm. , Wrunt's farm, soutb of *ceipt Book.- Its reliability and land la level but roiling, well anceOoo sl i farm west of Janet- about $ acres of hardwood bush, fed neOrosdbs acre 61f good cedar. Good farýi bouse, ville, bordering on Scugog Lake, for usefulness made him friends and barns wlth stone stabling -uiider-1 $12,00 r GenOaespses neatlh. Over twenty-four hundred bush- ,0.M.Genytksps ess-whr ela of grain threshed on it this' year. ion of the Brunt farm next Spring. evr hr. Tti rsi tenant on this farte made IMr.. Thomas Henderson, Kîrby, bas farmr for himself. This Is one o f the bougbt JhnTbompson'sfi. w_ When he put his'Nerve Food, best bargains In the-County and must be'residence, Mill Street, for $3500.00. Kidney-.Liver Piils and otherJ soid to wind up Estate. H1e now owns two nesidences in this L. A. W. TOLE, ItoWhn that rank among the b est. Con- medîcînes' on the niarket they REA ESAT AGNT gratulations, Thomas. Mn. and Mrs. recelved a hearty welcome, and REAL STAT AGEN Henerson will sbortly leave the farm t 35-tf Bowmap-eillýe Phono 41. at Kirby and take up thein vesi1dence teir exceptional menit has here. kept them high in the public Dread of Astbma makes countless esteem. WE WANT tbousands miserable. Nigbt after er n igtthâttacks return and even 1 Tako Dr. Chase's Kidney-Llvoe a reliable agent for even u-wben brief respite is given the mind Pills for example. There le no treat- represented district, to seli oun 'is still în torment fnom continaul an- n ecmae o hma well-knownVIruit and ornament- ticipation. Dr.. J. D. Kellogg's As- mentt e0 maedt hma al trees, shrubs, etc. tbma Remedy changes ahl this. Re- means of regulating the liver, kid- - GOODPAY, EXCLUSIVE lief 'cornes, and at once, while future neys and bowels and curing consti- .TERRITORY RIGHITS. nttacks are warded off, leaving the pation, billousness, kidney dieeaue Our genc is aluale uder afficted one in a state of peace and and Indigestion. Oun encynditos.labeune appiness be once believed be could oepl oe 5 o taldaes present cnditions.neyer enjoy. Inexpensive aind sold OepBads,2cabxa hdae, 60 Acres Nursery. everywbere. or Edmanson, Bates & Ce., Ltd., Toronto. Established 40 yoars.j Write for particulars to Agency Orono grows among other good PELHAM NURSERY CC-, Lings, a fine type of baby. A baby Depatment, contest was beld at Faîl Fair there 41-16t Toronto, Ont. and ail prizes but one wene awarded - to Orono babies as follows: Judges- Miss L. R. Renwick, R. N.; C. W. Siemon, M.D., Enniskillen. Boy un- u er one year-~Loya tGeorge Wanock, I I L - cw. IArcbibal&E Watson.' Giirl inclp. r ne et ispacked to lc.ase and ~ serves its Iiso il is used In millioens of teapots deaily. Send us a postal fer a free sample. Pleaýestate the price you now pay and whether Black, Gréen or Mixed Addreme Saladai Toronto. B722 Ovrrnreaa Trade Made Us Proaperog Overseas Trade Will K eep Us Prosperous To maintain our overseas trade Canaàda musthave sea- conscious spiiit -In the People -In the Government -In the Schools Canadians mnust flot be -hew-, ers of wood, drawers of water for other nations. Canadian Shipsi Mvust Carry Canadian Products to World Markets i s' w Wholesome'Bread Tod's bread is everything that bread s tands for-solid and compact-, pure and wholeome-made of the choicest of wheat flour. I1f you like ré'a bread- good-who1l.. some, appetizing, weIl- made bread-b«y. a loaf of Tod's B read today. Agents for G anong Brothers' Chocolates, T HOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner 'Bowmanville Hogg, & Lytie, Limited, AIlke and Ped Clover The Seed Market is unsettled just now, but as soon as the prices are establlsh.ed we will be open to buy anythî4ng offering ýîn the Seed Line. Full stock of Feeds on hand at Iotvest prieff. Let us hear from you. LIM1TIED Phone 203-Use it. OshaýWa