eione -f e Iand salsify shounIlf-be t.ab foie the rutibùn jsquash andi pumplrins K-;irg Street East Office phone 15 - esidence 228 and '274 Bowmanville earlow them-NERVOUS-ANT) -rU.IN-D OW - th at -fot Id ear1 P2rn. Br amnpton, Ot ý" e-,yarzag I tains -stre en out be- who a bighept by Dr. Pierc' sý tGoowezt , GldnMeiaiDsovery rvarvised inme tci m ai grow shouM hatryvit., t O . Jreiped m-ef rom the vr tr buaflel to 'the acre to give a green crop for ploughing down ina-the spring. Late ceiery shoulti be hilled up-to-start the bleaching process be-- October Hints forLive Stock. Feeders can generally be Èelected to ativantage this inonth. Dipping ewes andi lambs thia month wiil l eani them up, and make them comfortable and thrifty durlng the winter. If ewes are given good pasture they wîll begin to gain, andi be ý best possible condition for breedingb ensuring more lambs. e-rtabFesiwhic rE- swept down ai whitewashed aiter the fall tbrzhu make more aanitary quartws t â_ etock during iWintgw1 - pleaure mIIecomendU1fl ' . W C 911O1 who are at ail nervous' w,-ak r run-down." -MRS. ESTHER PEATSON. -Dr. Pierces medicinies are made of vege- tabéle growthisthtnur surely intended for backache, headache, pains, irregularities, and for the many, disorders comm.on to women in aUl ages 'of 111e. Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription is made of lady's slipper root, black cohosh moot, unicoria root, blue cohosh root, Oregon grape root and Viburnum. Women who take. this standard remedy know that in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription they are getting a safe woman's tonie so good that druggists abztanew motes nr is a food-tonic that is of special significance to chilldren. Those who are flot thriving ought to take Scott's Emulsion i ~ -- vacuuruCZ i -tu Oad 011Saver ich guaraqntees to jLsave 40 per cent. .ofL-ci and V15 per cent. -O±Lga JAbsolutely will not allow your engine to leak oï rio matter what condition your gasVett is in. ilt at-our expense- We Repair Ail Makes 0f Autos, Try, I Luke, Boys"& Cryderman West End Garage Bowmanville and Enuiskillen lij e MeCleltan & Company, Lïmited -L-- 1