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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1920, p. 2

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VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght Calis Promptly Attended To. Offce, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone Ë43. MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL "Lest We Forget" DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu- ments, Tablets, Markers, etc., ini Granite and Marbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M1. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan on Farm and Town Proprty. Royal Bank Building, Bowmnvile.Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mor-tgeoâ Loalis Arranged, Bofids frSale. Phone 102, Office, Bleak- !eoy Block, Bowmanville. AMUSEMENTS THE BUNGALOW DANCES, RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, BANQUETS, ENTERTATNMENTS, Full Equipment and all Convenionces. For information, rates, or reservat- Ions, address Box 990, Bowmanville. MEDICAL B. J. HA.ZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. 'Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- eian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmnel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks.' Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. 361 DR. V. H. STOREY iGraduate Toronto University, Resi-1 dent Physican and Surgeon. Toroni. te General Hospital 1915-16. Captain C. . M. C. Office Royal Bank Bldg. Office formerly ýoccupied by Dr. Beith. Phone 143, Bowmanville. DENTALc 'DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE t Hoûor gaduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of DentalSurgeons of Ont- ûrio. Office Kng-st, Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phono 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduato of Royal Dental College,i Toronto. Office, King-st East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 pm. daily except Sunday. Phone Oa.House phono 90b.s FUNERAL DIRECTORS il F.1F. MORRIS CO. i tkost complote equipment. Sundayp and nlght caîls prornptly attended to. s, BowmarivûIe phones 10 and 34. d Branch at Orono. AUCTIONEER-- THEO. M. SLEMON n e, Having secured a license as auction-h eer 1 amn prepared ta tako a limited number of sales. For terma applyC to Enniskillen P. O., or phone 197-±'3. v 32-tf ti tf STEAMSHIP TICKETS i NM. A. JAMES vY ~TO EUROPE-Canadian Pbcific, ci -White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- n ican. Ask for information. -Phonie fî 53, Bowmanville. n Ul JUNK DEALERS el POULTRY and JUNK-A, Dillick, Duke-st., just opposite Canning.c( Factory, pays(highest cash pricées forC ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phone P' 299 or call at his residence.' 5-tff. ti a] ,WANTED:-Any Hay, Grain, or si 'Wool, Poultry, or Junk. Caîl 289 b~ ini the mornings before'i8 a.m. or after si Si p.m. Jus. Rosenvald, Bowmaanville. ai 2-fPl SHAW'S CATALOGUE n mailed free on relquest. Fail tera from Aug. 30. Write. Âddres n' W H. Shaw, President, Yonge YI~ Gerrard Sta., Toronto, ni t] ---- t, Detroit ai & ki e Chicago w Unexcelled dining car service.. ai Sleeping cars on niglit tra ,ins and tI ,fParlor cars on the principal day trains si FuIfl information from any Grand G Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning il Dlistrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. t. J. H. H. JUR9Y, Agent w PIhone 78Bowmaavilîe st g i J3OWMANVILLE, OCT. 28th., 1920.1 THE EDITOR TALKS Few people hAàve sympathy with hunger strikers. If they décide ta die that way the chances are they have a weakngss in their upper storey. The probability is, too, that every 11f e af the 100 Irish policemen and 18 members of the military killed in Irelafid by Sinn Feiners, and the 16'O police and 65 soldiers who have been wounided during the saine period are in their respective families as impor- tant as the Lord Mayor over whom 50 much ado is made by certain agi- tators. The mayor of a city or town belongs ta alI the people over whom hie présides as Chief Magis- Strato and shotsld not tako sides with seditionists and other enemies of the realm. Seriously, why, should con- victed men or those awaitiag trial for alleged serious, offencos be ro- leased because they chose to go on a hunger strike? The question now is, who is féeding Lord Mayor Mac- Sweney? Occasîonally we have noted the fact that maay public men began their public car eer as school teach- ers. We know of no better train- ing than school teaching for a young man entering on life's duties. It gives him a chance to find himself and to get a true vision of life. McLoan's Magazine in a recent is- sue gives the naines of "some Do- minies Who Have Obtained Domin- ance in Affairs of Canada". Among those mentioned are Sir Sam Hughes, a West Durham boy, Sir Hamer Greenwood, a Whitby boy, Judge William R. Riddell, a Cobourg boy, Rov. Chas. WV. Gardon (Ralph Con- nor), Premier George H. Murray' of Nova Scotia, Premier E. C. Drury of Ontaio, Premier Arthur Meigiepi, Ottawa, Sir Robert Bordea, exý- Premier, Premier M. W. Martin of Saskatchewan, Sir William McKenzie who tauglit school at Kirkfield, Hon. T-. A. Crerarhead of Western Farm- ers' Party, Sir- Geo. E. Poster,. Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister of Agri- culture, Hon..Peter Smith and maay others, A long list of Durham 04d1 Boys coulcl be compiled who got their start on a suc cçssful career asi teachers in a public sc'hoob. That people in town and country are buying with great care 'still is, true and owing to continued high prices of moat commoditios they will put off the purchase as* long as pos- sible la the hope that prices wibl corne lower. The Canadian Bank of Coin- mresmonthly, better for October iays that public discussion of the lownward trend :of prices in the case of certain commodities has left an mpression that the country has en- ;ered upon a period of sharp decline n ail markets. This vîaew has ap- parently been accepted ,.by a large section of the general public, but does not appear to be justified 50 long as wages, transportation charges ad other factors inthe cost of pro- duction romain on their present basis. Slackness'exists oaly la a limited number of industries; the mai ority continue \active and have orders on hand which wibb keep them busiby oc- cupied for some moaths. It is ob- vious, however, that output is nearer the point at \Vhich it wibb be equal to the demand that has been the case for some years. This is due in a measure to the moderating of de- mand, a tendency which may be re- versed by the distribution of the pro- eeds of this soason's drap. Cog- niÉance must also be takon of the fact that labor generally is bcoming more settled, so that there 'is boss ridustrial strif e and more evidence of fficiency. But in the face of this improving ondition two facts are apparent- 1) Manufacturers are going to keep prides as high as Vhey can to rua off the high-priced raw matorial on hand and (2) retaîbersý are endeavoring to sustain présent pricos tibl their cost- [y stocks are reduced as low as pa 1s- ible. Neitherwants ta baose money nd bath are strîviag ta keep up rices. How ardeatly we wish that we might write an article that would aththe oye and tibru the eyes the min -ds of the youag men, large boys, oung wornen and girls of the fami- os into homes of whom this jour- nal goos' weelby, about im>proving lir leisure hours, It is quite right odevote some time ta play, pleasure ind social pastîme, but there are so nany usefu,1 accomplishments 1 ta Tark Young mechanic -who --is -today t the head af the largest railroad in the warld? iWhat is the secret of the success af Henry F'ord, James J. Hill, George Eastman and Samuel Rae? Is inot ta be f ound la the fact that Lhey Chose wisely the channels into which they poured their whobehearted strength af brain and body? Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTElI 0E the Estate of John, Howard MoMurtry, laie of the town'of Howmanville, in the County of Durham, a merchant, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. O., 1914, that ail persons having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said John How- ard McMurtry, deceased, who died on or about the twellty-eighth day of Juiy, 1920. are reqfired to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned D. B. Simpson, K. C., Bowmanviile, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, Johri McMurtry, on or before the first day of November, 1920, their christian and surnamesand address- es with full particulars in writing of their dlaims, and statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities i(f any) heid by them, duiy verifled by statutory declaration. AND TAXE NOTICE that after the said first day of November, 1920, the said Administrator wiil pr.oceed to distribute the assets 'of the said deceased among the parties entitied thereto, having re- gard onily'to the dlaimis'of which he shial then have notice, and the Admiistrator wili not be hiable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any persan or persans oft whiose dlaimn notice shallnot have ,been received by his said Sôlictor at the, time off such distribution. DATED the fifth, day off Octoher, 1920. JOHN MeMURTRY, Bowmanviile, Ontario, Administrator. D. 13. SIMPSON, K. C., Bowmanvilîe, Ontario, So1ictor for ,the said Administrator. 41-4w CHIROPRACTIC If you are sick, take Chiro- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. EXAMINATION FREE AT OFFICE. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. GIETS That Last INDIVIDUALITY Marks this "Cavalliere" of classically severe lunes., Chaste in design, set with two eh oice jewels, a spark- ling diamond of excep- tional purity of color and a peari of rare lustre. This "Cavalliere forms a -truly serviceable orna Ment. PRICE $50,00 ELLIOT BROS JÉWELERS 14 Simncoe-St.N Oshawa. of, Canada Give pur Boy a Chance You wiII not miss the small monthly aniounts. On the first day of every month draw a cheque for $10 for the credit of your son's Savings Account.' Do this regu larly for (say) ton years. Your boy wtll then have $1,387.42., He can own a farm when other boys are SURl work- ing foi- wages. CAPITAL & RESERVES 438,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $5 90,000,000 DOWMANVILLE BRANON F. -J. MITCHELL Li ~ M ANACER - ADMINISTRATOR'S bNOTICE IN the Estate oet Mary Ana Bryant, late off Bowinivilîe, Ontario, deceased. NOTICE is herehy given that the Cred- itors of Mary Ann Bryant, ate of Bow- manviile, Ontario, widow, but who died at the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, on or about the Third day of, May, 1920, and ail others having dlaims agaiast or en- titied to share in her Estate, are hereby notifled pursuant te the Statutes in that behaif. te send by post prepaid or ether- wise deiver te the undersigned theAd- ministrator of the Estate, on or before the 8th day of November, 1920, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and f ull particulars, duiy verified, of their dlaims, accounts and interests, and the nature off the seur- ities, if any, heid by them. Immediateiy after the Sth day of November, 1920, the assets of the said Deceased wiii he dis- tributed amnong the parties entitied there- to, having regard oniy te the cdaims or interests of which the Administrator shahl then have had notice, and ail others wili be e'xcuded from the said distribution.i W. F. DALE, Admînistrator. Box 314, Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Malone, Malone & Long, Solicitors, Toronto, Ontario. Dated Septemnber 18th., 1920. 39-41-44 1Big 20 B ookstore Bowmaavilie. 1INSURAN CEI VaIlues of To-DaLy and of Yesterday. Have you increased the amount of Jnsirance on your property to meet pre- sent day values, What would it cost to replace your property if destroyed by fire to-day? 1Place your insurance now before it is too late. First'Class Companies S Good Service Prompt and satisfactory settlement of losses. N. E. "N EAÀ DS Insurance Agency Office WeJiagton Street Phono 162 Bowmaavible I WllStoP any headache in 2o min- Utes, w'l i cold in the bud,. wil1 relieve the lonthiy pains of womnen, and. in every case it Leaves You Feeling Good' Goodyeaýr BasebaIl team of the New Toronto plant won the Industrial Basebail League Championship of TootRyJonesý and J. Bliley payed onpîus parts throughout Ple saon liy'nunnng this honor for their tearn HaPIoween Cwards and Decorations Large assortment to choose from New Novel N ifty AT THE "BIG 20" W. T. ALLEN in, FLOWERS for al Occasions S. J. Jackman & Sons U' lorists and Growérs Bowmanvillle Phono, 80. Notice To Auto, Ownersi The Jamieson Bros. are busy doing ail kinds of tire repairing. Bring in your old tires and have them re-tread if they are worth it. We will tel] you straiglit if they are worth doing. Bring in those spare tubes and have them repaired. We r'pair punctures and blowouts at short notice, Be sure and get our prices on New Tires ýefore you buy. We hahdle oaly the best makes. Côrner King and Silvér sts. BowwanvillePhiine 193 Il' Prices Drop! Balance of our used cars are being sold at greater reductions than ever since Ford Cars have been dropped to pre-war pri,,es. Just three cars left to clear this week. ARE YOU LIABLE ? If you are not using, government regulation lenses or dimmers you are hiable to a fine.' $3.00 buys lenses to fit any car. Better buy now. PROVING, SATISFACTORY Some people are always skeptical about a new inventio4, but universal approval lias greeted ýthe Vacuum Gas end Oui Saver~w'hch guaranitees to save 40 per cent, of oil and 15 per cent. of gas.- Absolutely will not allow your engine to leak ol- no, matter what condition your gaskett is in. it at Our experise. We Repair Ail Makes 0f Autos, Luke, Bbys & Cryderman, WVest End Garage Try Bowmanvilleand Enniskillen Do 'You Believe This? It> has been si that a, woman is naturally more thrifty and economical th an a man. We be- lieve the statement,, and in buyinggroceri 1es, we keep in mmnd the fact that the average' houÙsewif is-looking for-the best quality at reasonable prices. When you purchase an article in our grocëery de- partment you can be sure that you are getting the most careful handlin g df bulk goods. AàRCHIE TAIT, PHONEI65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. WeAr <e Rushed With Work 'But with all our work we are not too busy to give you an estimate on an economical McClary. Sunshine Furnace That will make your bouse comfortable and warm during the cold, winter mnonths. ENJQY REAL COMFORT Have a modern your home this fail. over. bath-room oufit iflstalled in Step in our shop and talk it Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 dayi or night Bowmanville 1' LEHIGH VALLEY COAL1 We're flot neutral-we're waging a campaigri against winter and your assistance will make it uncomfortably bot for this cold blooded gentleman. We've got a lot of faith in our coal andý you will have,, too, after you've tried some of it. Send in'your order today. Our delîvery is prompt. John A. Holgate& Son Queen and Division.,Sts. I3owmanville Pýio All makes clearing at 165o The Store with the i Hardware Stock. Phone 145 WC'DS PHOSPHODIN-E. nie Great Eng1ish Preparatin. .'Tones and invîgoratei the whole nervous system. rinakes new Blood in old Veins. Usçd for Nervous JJebility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Loss of Eneg, Palpitation of !hefHeart, Faline Memory. Price $2 er box. î!6 for $5. e SoI by al idruggists, or niailed in plai'n .pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphWt mai!<il E «,MgWouP MEDICINE co..TQRONTOONT. Bowmanville c~ afé, reliable rcanatinoi 9nedicine. Sald in threede - grees of strength-Na ,$1 No. 2, 83; No. 3, $5 per box. repaid 0fanic .~ THI QJ~lIE c Oýr.; îotoB4oN, ONT. (Feerdïy Wir We Specialize mmwIl bes, tvalue possible. Our servîce assures the Bowmanville. Bowmanville Bowmanvillcýý

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