VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght Calls Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. -Phono' 243. MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL "Lest W. Forget" DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu- nients, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD), B. A., LLD. B.ARRISTER,' SOLICITOR, NOTARY Moeney to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, B3owmanville. Phone 851. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mortgagë Loaps Arranged. Bonds for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Bleak- ley Block, Bowmanville. _________________ ____________45t AMUSEMENTS THE BUNGALOW TDANCES, RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, BANQUETS, ENTERTAINMENTS, Fýuli Equipment and ail Conveniences. For information, rates, or reservat- Ions, address Box ,390, Bownianville. MEDICAL 3. . HAZLEWOO D, M. D., C. M. t~dMedalist of Trinity University 'Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- mician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks, Office and Reaidence, Wellington Street, Bow- .rnanville. Phone 108. ý36 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., rGraduate of Trinity Medical College, 'Toronto, formerlyof Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H.STOREY 'Graduate Toronto University, year and haîf resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital (six months/ Burnside 'Maternity) two and haif years Military Hospital.1 Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow-1 inanville, Phone 143w. 10-1yr.*1 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ont- .ario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. rfice phone 40. House phono 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of RoyalDental College, Toot.Office, King-st East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. M. daily except Sunday. Phone 'fta. House phone 90b. FUNERAL'DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. 'M'est complete equipment. Sunday and night.calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. AUCTIONEER BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 11TH, 1920.1 THE EDITOR TALKS By a reference to the reports of Darliigton and other rural Counciis At will be seen that the annuai Aut- umnal siaughter of sheep has tak en place among farmers' flocks. Some of the animais killed or so badly bit- ton and lacerated that they had to be kilied wore high-priced pure bred ones It has been for many yeans and stili is a live probiem to know what to do to prevent the annual siaughter of shoep. Raising the tax on. dogs wýhile it repienishes a fund to meet the losses in à mensure has not les- sened the number perceptibiy of ravenous cnrs that attack the fiocks. The dog nuisance has driven many farmers to givo up breeding sheop which is a serions loss to the country. As a principle of justice to this town wo ask why a new H. S. teacli- or has to be engaged? Because of the rush of country pupils to the High Schooi. Ours is by no means an ex- cptional condition-many Ontario towns are facing the samne condition. Indeed, some towns, becanse of the crowded conditions of their school accommodation, have been threaten- ed by Inspectons with withdrawal of Governmnent grants nnless they bniid now school buildings or enlarge pres- ent structures-ail thîs expense on account of country students attend- ing. To our mind, rural municipal- lities sharing the benefits of town high school advantages shonld bear some adequate proportion of the expendit- une in ail snch nocossary ontiay of money. Ia Bowmanvilie's case $1300 salary for an extra teacher has to be paid by the town because'of the un- usual number of country students in attendance. Canada has surely had a lot of pub- licity the past summor throngh dele-, gates to, the several congressos, cen- ventions, and other representatîve vis- itors from Great. Britain and other countries. Several of the overseas delegatos honored Bowmanville and other places in Durham County with visits and we know they carried away most favorable opinions of places and peoples. With a view to making their jouraey through' the parts of this Dominion through which the British delegates to the Chambers of Commerce Congress passed on theP railways each man was handed a handsome booklet descriptive of the route travoiled. On the cover in7 black and gold are coats of arms of the varionsi commonwealths and de- pendencies 'of the British Empirèe re- presented at the congress. The book is profnsely illustrated, the scenic beauties and industrial enterprises of the provinces being features. The foreword of the book gives a resumo of the nesources of Ontario and Que- bec and each contre of importance, on the 2,500 miles of railway over which the delegates passed is osrb- ed. Accompanying the book is a, large map showing the naturai re- sources, transportation and trade routes of the whole of the Dominion" of Canada. The delogates were able to take away with them in this bro- chure a very complote and accurate synopsis of what the provinces of On- tario aad Qebec offen to the investor, manufacturer and the settier. Last week we pubiished a letton THEO. M. SLEMON received by-us from The Bankers't Having secured a license as auction- Trust Company, 16 Wall street, Newp eer 1 am prepared to take a linxted York City, that contained much valu-s siumber of sales. For terms appîy able information about the Domin- ,to Enniskillen P. O., or phone 197-i3. ion of Canada. We are jnstly pnouda 82-tf of the great naturai resources of oun ------- r - country;,and it pleases us to have thef Speople of other countnies landing thep JUNK DEALERS advantages of the country wo ail love.j ?POULTRY and JUNK-A, Dillick, This week another article has roach-t Duke-st., jnst opposite Canning ed the editor's table that expatiates onc Factory, pays highest cash prices for Canada's greatest industry-Agri-a ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phono culture. Any man whýo is an exper-b 299 or caîl at his resîdehce. 5-tff. îenced and successful farmer in thisf Gran, o ontry bas roason to f eel prond ofv WANTED:-Any Hay, hrio is occupation.e 'YWool, Poultry, or Jnnk. Cahl 289 I ltee1dy farclua rs in thea mornings before 8 a.m. or after lateeayofgictrapos ý6 p.m. Jos. Rosenvald, Bownianvilhe. perîty wo ahi must take off oun hats0 8-fto the farmer- for. Agriculture is the. biggest industry la Canada. Its suc-a STENOGRAPHY AND BOQKKEEPING cess means prosperity for eveny otherc and other commercial subjects thoroughly indnstry inntersomion-prope-b and quickly taught. Our graduates are it o hinfcurnrila o-t In demnand. Studeats enrolled at aay coras, steamship linos, wholosale mr- tme. chants-f or ahi of us. More peopijet CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE are engaged la agriculture tMfn ila1 ,274 College St..........Toronto aay other industry. It was the finstt Kr4ing Street Chambers. . Oshawa indnstry developed in the Dominion - and'Canada is noted throughout the world for its agricultural resources- its f ertility, its cheap land and the op- THE CHOIC'E 0F A SCHOOL IS-. portunitios it off ers for settiement., Feverishly ail the nestof the people VERY IMPORTANT! la Canada watch the producer pro- r paring for the big annuai event-the harvest. The papers print in the early summer cohumas dealîng with crop prospects, weather conditions, Yo.3 hne Sres oot labor conditions, Every ite m which Yong & liailesStretsToroto has a bearing on the harvest is big Prepares youag mon and women foi news for Canada. Ahi await the day empioyment as accountants, stenogra we avs hî egtee n phéîrs, stypists' private secretaries, we avs hl egtee n cashie, commercial teachers, etc each shaîl get his portion of its rich- Salaries to start $15 te $25 per wejk, ness. jwhere there are xclent opportunities for advancereet. _housandsofoo Out West the plans of the raiiways jpenings ocour in Toronto each yeai for moving the crop involves a large and lie demand for our graduates is outhay of money, the banks make their greater than the suppiy. Commenc any time. Write for particulars. fnacaarngm ts gisths W. J. Elliott, big event, and merchants stock their Principal Shelves proportionatey to the pros- -And yet in the face of ail this the * ~ . . Government of Canada devotes but A a more one per cent. of its total rev- enue to the promotion of the agricul- The, Double Track Route tural welfare of this vast agiculturall' betweea dollar of ýthe, taxes gathered in the The Double Track Route country is tunned back into the great between basic business of Canada. Montreal This astounding trnth. was forth- Toronto coming ast week whon a mass of Detroit> statistics were turned ont from Ot- & tawa, that the two hundred and aine- Chicago teen mihlon odd coihected from the 'Jnexceiied dining car service. pockets of the people something ess Sleeping cars on nighttrains and than one per cent. of the amouht'wil ?Parhor cars on the principal day trains go into agricultural education, on- Full information from any Grand couragement of the livestock indus-, Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning try, the fruit industry, and thQse District Passenger Agent, Toronîto. other branches coming under the De- J. H. H. JURY, Agent parment of Agriculture, Isn't this Phone 78 Bowmanvîîe astounding ? ELLIOT BROS I JEWELERS 14 Simncoe-St..N Oshawa. THE EDITOR TALKS Mr. Richard White, a Solina Old Boy, editor and proprietor of The Milton Reformer, whose wife is a daughter of the late Francis Talling of Bowmahville, has been 35 years editor and publisher, beginning the 36th volume last issue. The Reform- er is a newsy, dlean, uplifting, saf e newspaper for the home, hence we believe Editor White, enjoys fully the confidence of the people of Mii- ton and vicinity. More power to your quili, Brer White. "Straight Talk" by W. H1. Paul- hamus in "Farm and Home", the iead- ing farm journal of British Columbia, is the head of a column similar to the Editor Talks -and he is full of practical thoughts for farmers. What follows will convoy some idea of what ho is giving the 100,000 or more read- ors or "Farm and Home", Vancouver, B. C. Every industry has its pitf ails. Al people who ;engage in any particular industry do not always make good. The records teach us that about 10 per cent of the merchants fail ia business. There must be a reason ~for this very'large percentago of f ail- ures. No records are available from which we can ascortain how many berry growers or faxmers fail to make good, for the reason that no porson is particularly interested in the man on the farm, but we must assume' thati failures are caused by lack of under- standing. In fact, the man who fails to make good la the city usually looks toward the country. It is my judgment that no industry offers the same good opportunity for a successful vocation as does the farm, but it requires the same amount' of brain capacity to make good on the farm as it does in the bank or the store or the office. The man who becomes a snccessful farmer would have also become a successful bank- er, merchant, lawyer or doctor had ho attenipted to f ollow any one of these professions, and I might add' that any man who makes a failure in a professional way is very hiable to make a fai;ure as a farmer. I bolieve \nergy is a greater asset than brains. ý 0f course, brains are a most essential element, but if any individuai is lacking in either of these, my experience is that he better have a little brain capacity than to be elazy. Therefore, to start with, no berry- grower can make good nnless he has energy, because bernies are extremely perîshable and it is a question of tak- ing care of them yesterday, not to- morrow. In words, you must be ahead of the game. The same re- mark applies to every successfnl busi- ness man. PRINCIPAL REYNOLDS SPEAKS. The Globe pays a well-deserved tribute to a Durham Old Boy for the number of practical addreisses *on popular subjects that ho -has deliver- ed sînce his promotion to the pria- cipaiship of Ontario Agricuitural Col- loge, Guelph. Here is one para- graph from Principal J. B. Reynolds' recent articles: The teacher who hopes to take a right place in theohf e of the coun- try school district must cultivate the soeing oye and the understanding heart for persons and things rural. The usual, popular, melodrama,' comic supplement, moving picture concep-' tion of the farmer and of country people must be forgotten. It is os- sential and perniciously falso. The farmer is something of a humorist, and takes delight in deceiving tho simple-minded by a somewhat un- fintshod exterior. The city-bred person makes the fatal mistake of judging by outside appoarances. To ithe city-trained oye thore are two classes of persons, one wearing over-i ails and the other wearing èvhiite coi- lars. The former class *'ork with their hands. The latter with their brains. That is the sup- erficial jndgment, which ignores the fact that there is a very groat deal of clear, hard thinking done to-day by the mon wearing overails. At any rate, the farmer belongs to both classes. The more ho undenstands of those discoveries, which it is the businessof the agricuitural college to make, the more ho absorbs the teaching which it is the business of the college to spread abroad, the bot- ter farmer will ho be. GIFTS_1, 1 Z Tod's Bread IS NOW 18c Loaf AT T,717E STORE OR DELIVERED Agents for "G. B." Chocolates. THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Prices Drop Balance of our used cars are being sold at greater reductions than ever since Ford Cars have been dropped to pre-war prices. Just three cars left to clear this week. ARE 'YOU LIABLE ? If you are not using government regulation lenses or dimmers you are lhable to a fine. $3,00 buys lenses to fit any car. Better buy now. PROVING SATISFACTQRY Some people are always skeptical about a new invýention, but universal approval bas greeted the Vacuum Gas and Oil Saver wbicb guarantees t o save 40 per cent. of oul and 15 per cent. of gas. Absolutely will not allow your engine to leak ol- no matter wbat condition your gaskettis in. 'Try it at our expense. We Repair Ail Makes Of Auto s Luke, Boys & Cryderman West End Garage Bowmanville and Enniskillen ' III I k -- Oshawa Police Magistrate says the! Pool table licences are now $50.00 fine for violations of the O. T. A., each in Oshawa. will be $500 and costs la future. I Mrs. C. Keat, Toronto, has been How does ho exject anybody to make visiting hon brother, Mr. H. W. Hamm money with a fine of that kind? the past week. Miller's Worm Powders act so' Hard and soft coras both yield to thononghly that stomachic an dintes- Hoiloway's Conai Removen, which is tional worms pass from the child with- entireiy safe to use, and certain and ont being nc'l iced and v.ithout incon- satîsfactony in its action. venience to the sufferer. They are painless and perfect in action, and atý Port Hope coal barons are report- ail times wiil be found a healthy ed to have their sheds bulging over medicine, strengthening the infantile with a 'sufficient snpply of coal to stomacli and maintaiaing it in vigor- keep the citîxens warm ahl winter. ons operation, so that besides being an This seems strange when'deaiens la effective vermifuge, they are tonical othen towns are compiaining of and hoalth-gîving in their effects. scancity. Get that pane put in the window before the cold weather comes. We have tons of Win"dow -ýv-Glass in ail sizes and our prices, as usual, are the lowest.< Maso,'n S& DaIe's Hardware The Store with the Big Hardware Stock. Phone 145V Bowmanville W. A. Free ma n Co. Ltd., Hamilton, Canada. Do You Believe This It bas been said, that a woman is naturally more thrifty and economical than a man. We be- lieve the statement, and in buying groceries, we keep in mind the fact that the average housewife is looking for the best quality at reasonable prices. When you purchase an article in oùr grocery de- partment you can besure that you are getting e bes tvalue possible. Our service assures the most careful handling of bulk goods. ARCHIE TAIT PHIONE 65. Prompt Delîvery. BowMa nville. We'Are Rushed With Worke But with ail our work we are not too busy to give you an estimate on an. economical 1McClary Sunshine Furnace That will make your bouse comfortable and warm during the cold winter months. ENJOY REAL COMFORT Have a modemn your borne this faîl. over. - bath-room oufit installed in Step in our sbop and talk it Gvreenaway&Elit Consulting, Engineers Phone 18 day or niglit "B eauty 1*s PR Only Skin Deep" Bowmanville but a beautiful skin is possible only when the lîver and kidneys are active, and the bowels functionate properly. The secret of beauty as well as of healt7ýi is tLo maintain perfect digestion and eliminatiç î hel~op -reserve beauty and maintain health, because they influence liver, kidneys, skin and stomach to functionate in harmony and efficiently. Worth 'a Guinea a box. Sold everywliert in Canada. noeS.5c 1 11111 Jiu m MAKEB MONEV Ths au and Winter We will tell you how you can increase your income and lay the foundation for a permanent, business which will pay you weIl during the off season. FREEMAN'S FERTILIZER, is the farmer's favorite. It bas forty years success back of it. A well balanced analysis, a dry mixture and an analysis. for every crop and soil condition, AGENTS Write to-day for selling rights for, your county. Be first in the'field.