GOOD FOR CHLDPEN Your mothers know that active young bodies n«2ed food that will give them energy for work and BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 1 8th., 1920.1I Mrs. James Gilfillan recently visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Watson, Port I Hope. r uRev. and Mrs. C. P. Muirhead, Bw Local alu ntlerU manville, former rector of St.Thomas' Othewise Church, were recent guests of Dr. ____________________________James'Moore, Brooklin. Oshawa telephone system includes Miss Ida Biray, Brooklin, owns an 1600 phones. enterprising cow that feill into ber cistern and gave the citizens a picnic jOshawa has a telephone for every rescuing ber from a watery grave-, S. S. DELEGATES REPORT The teachers and officers of the Methodist Sunday School enjoyed a pleasant evening together on Wed- nesday last when the delegates to the Ontario iReligious Council nt Belle- ville gave their reports. The Prim- ary Department was represented by Miss Lena Hamley, the Junior De-, partment by Miss Vilda Symos h Senior by Miss Enn'a Bellmn n Grce r ie s 1Take