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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1920, p. 2

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VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght Cails Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. MARBLE WORKS* E. R. BOUNSALL "Lest W. Forget" DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu- ments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in, Granite and Marbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. _BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 361. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mforgage Loans Arranged. Bonids for Sale. Phone 102., Office, Bleak- ley Block, Bowmanville. 45-t AMUSEMENTS THE BUNGALOW DANCES, RECEPTIONS, PARTIES BANQUETS, ENTERTAINMENTS, Pull Equipment and ail Conveniences. For information~, rates, or reservat- ions, address Box 390, Bowmanville. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University' Tor~onto. Four years Attending Phyr- ulcian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmnel Hospital, 'Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence,- Wellington Street, Bow4- inanville. Phone 108. 36 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., 'C. M., Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formnerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, f orner residence jn Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREY, Graduate Toronto University, year and half resident physician and sur- geon Toronto General Hospital (six months, Burside Maternity) two ndhaîf yeairs Military iHospital. Office:- Royal Bank Building, Bow- mnanville. Phone 143w. 1~y. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ont- erlo. Office Kinig-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House /phone 22. D.J. C. DEVITT Graduate -of Royal Dental College, T~oronto. Office, King-st East, Bow- inanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 ,&.-m. daily except Sunday. Phone 9a. 'Ho ùse phone 90b. t FUNEÉRAL DIRECTORS FF. MORRIS CO. 'Most complete equipment. Sunday and night caîls promptly attended ta.* Bowmanvllle phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono.1 AUCTIONEER THEO. M. SLEMON ZSaving ,ecured a license as auction- ~r I arn prepared to take a limitedi xiumber of sales. For ternis apply to Enniskillen P. O., or phone 197-r3. S 32-tf JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke-st., just, opposite Canning Factory, pays highest cash prices for aIl kinds of poultry and junk. Phone,, 299 or cail at his residence. 5-tff'. WANTED:-Any Hay, Grain, or Wool, Poultry, or Junk. Cail 289 ini the mornings before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Jos. Rosenvald, Bownianville. 32-tf STENOGRAPHY AND BOOKKEEPING and1 other commnerciai subjects thoroughly and quaickly taught. our graduates are in demand. Students enrolled at any time. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE 274 College St..............Toronto lKing -Street Chambers ...Oshawa WINTER TERM OPENS, JAN. 3rd, Yonge & Charles Streets, Toronto Accountancy, Stenography, type- wiritling, cormmercial teachers, sec- retarial and general improvement courses; Keen demand for our~ graduates because business men know they are correctly prepared for superior, services. Thousands of our former students are nowý lii business if e. Write, for cir-, cular. W. J. Elliott,ý Principal The Double Track Route BOWMANVJLLE. DECEMBER 16, 1920. THE HOME NEWSPAPER INo other paper can fil the place THE ENNISKILLEN CIRCUIT. of the local home weekly in~ the hearts of the people' and when the A Capital Financial Showing. boys and girls marry'and mlove awayf The' country churches are falling from the old home town or the home- t into lîne with modern business meth- land they want the home newspaber ods by publishing in detail reports that they have rend from early child- of he inacia opratonsof il hehood with its weekly budget of home1 appointments and giving every per- news and happenings. son due credit for the money given This thought moves the Farmer's f or the up-keep of the clýurch proper- Sun to remark that no matter how ty, salaries and other dephrtments for efficient city papers may be, they'can which contributions are solîcîted. neyer take the place of the country Just now we have bef ore us the an- weekly.. There is a personality.,and nual financial report of the Ennis- a fiavor about the home town paper killén Methodist circuit fo r the year which cannot be furnished by anyt endin-g June 1920. Rev. G. T. Mcr- other publication on earth. To the Kenzie is the pastor and Mr. James A. people of the district it is guide, Werr th Reordng tewrd. philosopher and -friend, and to those Wery heReorin Setarld livijngway from, the old home centre One cannot rend the dtie state- its weekly cominlg is welcomed, like ment, of- the contributions without a messagec from'an absent friend. concluding that many of the counitry o temotprtcunr ppr an ypeople r o nin gbind town ihave. done a.real service iîq fighting andme o ty ee in givng t thethe batties of the communîty,'they schmesof hei chrch . serve., They see that the interets The stewards at thethree appoint- of the town. and-farm are linkedto mons ae: ninkilen-ame A.gether, and. for the most part they Werry, John Orchard and H. J. have been warm >supporters of the, Werry; -Enfield-Frederick L.- Bray, Modern Movement to give the com-1 John Campbell and C. S. Simpson; mon peolpe a larger voice in the Burketon-Robert Phiip and F. affairs of the nation. Waterhouse. We wo uld like,-to ses more local 1Burketon Trustee Board spent just editors conduct an 'editorial column $570 on the church and organ and or corner .where they could express, have 'a small balance to carry over. their opinions on public questions. The total contributions by the mem- Some of the country papers have ex- bers and -adherents at each appoint- cellent editorial columns, and"it is mùent are: Enniskillen $2784.22; really too bad that ail of them do not Etifield-$1207.88 and Burketo- feature this side of their paper., $826. jAlter ail, we have more confidence This sumnmary of sums contributed in the crystallized judgment of the the tJearious departments may be country editor than in the shoutings of iterest: Ladies',Aid, ý$96, min- and rantings of the average cit y pa- ister's salary $1200, Connexional per. There is more time for mature FiuncJ$2207, Missions $471.90, Bon- thought and ripened judgment' in the evolence $50, National Campaign country. The rural editor is near- $2287, Truste-. Board $169.42, Bur- er to his -constituency and is better keton Shed'und Organ $613.55,' Re- able to summarize and express the ports and printing $33,-Balance on opinions of his readers than is the hand $515. Total giving s $513 3.15. city writer. Connexional Funds were contribu- ted to as follows: General Confer- OPPORTIJNITY FOR, YOUJNG WOMEN. ence funds,$167, Contingent $25, Ed- The H-omeopathie Hospital of Buffalo, ucational f1 5 Women's Missionary N. Y., off ers a complete course te young Society $95, General Missîonary women wishing to enter the nursing Socity 360' Scoolto ield Pleasant surroundings. Allow- Sundy ane $12.00 monthly. Writefor illustrat. sions $40, Juvenîle Cards $8.00, ed prospectus to the Superintendent of League to Missions $63.00, Epworth Nurses- 48-3. League to South Oshawa Mission]I $15, General Sunday School Fund, $26.50, General Epworth League Fund $2.00, Subscrîp tion to National Campaiga $2287.00. Total to Con- nexional Funds $3104.40. TI-Ç TYRONE CONFERENC E.' The Dominlant Note Was, Personal Service. The Religions Conference beld in Tyrone last week was marked by the dominant spiritual strain which man through both sessions., The key- note -which was struck by the Chair- man in bis openîng r emarks, grew more intense as the conference pro- ceeded, until in one grand finale, the Field Secretary in bis closing ad-, dress, interpreted it in' terms of Christian Service. Ministerial and lay members alike, who addressed the meetings, were ifired with the samne burning desîre,j rtbough different methods of homileties eeueof subi ecting ail things to the acid test of righteousness. --Christianity is surely getting a new interpretation in these days; or rather,' we might say, the age old in- terpretation is being renewed. The narrowness occasîoned by our de- nominatio.nali9in is breaking down before the broadness of gospel truth. We are willing to-day, as we were not willing a while ago, to consider ail things in the light of that truth which makes us free. Instead of the church existing for the purpose of adding new namnes to its member- ship roll, and providing, as some one said, a fire escape out of this world, our purpose is to enlist men and women for active Christian Service. It is becoming more and, more doubtful whether a man can properly' serve God and notserve hu.manity to' thle best of his ability.1 The key. word of spiritual lif e is service, and the joy ýof salvation comes not fromn "sitting and singing ourselves away to everlasting bliss", but from humble, helpful service. Spiritual if e can no longer be inter- :preted, in any1 ternis of a.sceticism. Gettingaway fromn the highways of life "where the race of men go by" la orderto follow Jesus' is not char- acteristic of these days.' While pri- vate communion and inteourse withl God-,can neyer be relegated to the days of the past, yet the truth of the. Master's statement "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these leas tof my brethren ye have done it. unto me"~ is seizing the hearts of Chrstian thinkers and wýorkers with a tightening grîp 1 Surely we came away from the Conference feeling it was good to be there, and that it was good to feel and know that there is a spirit abroad in the church which is making for a type of Christian that will, shoulder the duties of lif e as the soldier strapped on b is knapsack and marched away to theý battie-front. Truly, the dominant note, of the Tyrofle, Conference was spiritual in- terpreted in terms of service. May great good be the resuit. ]FARMERS ATTENTION!t Mak moeyin 'Your spare timie during the Fali and Winiter mionths in seiling for the ,oi(jeia eFonthili Nurseries."' Thsis the reconstruiction period of or- chrs and"'fl time for big business In fri- n rna...tal nurservstc.ed Police Magistrate Horsey tells us Bowmanville P. O. was on south side of King-st west of Luke, Boys & Cryderman's Garage in 1858 and th Bank of Montreal was on the groun floor of the present James Block and ,hat a Mr. Dyer was Manager. Widow's Com-ipnsation Board mnu hiere Decemiber 3id. Presenit-W. C. Bowen, Newcastle, Chairman; W.. Gabraith, Port Ho pe, W. A. VauiCam,-i Blackstock,- Mrs. A. b. Nichioils, flow- manvilleý and M.ýrs. W. S. Given, Mill- brook.. Eighiteen applications for grants for fatherless cilîdren wereë passed. Any w-,idow with children under 1-4 years may make application to the Board. Mrs. A. L. Nichoils will be pleased to explain the new Act to those interested. forms a popular priced gift of' elegance and durability, constructed in 10Ok. gold and set" with genuine pearis. Excellent Value $3.75 ELLIOT BROS JE WELEliS 14 Simicoe-St.N Oshawa. Prices On Overhaulng, Ford Gars In order to keep our mechaies busy during the winter months we are prepared to give ýspecial prices on winter overhauling on Ford cars. These are only a f ew of the prices. 'If you have any troubles bring them to us and we wil tell you the cost and guarantee the work. Bring in your storage battery and let us take, care of it for the winter for you. We have an up- to-date outfit in every respect. Overhaul Motor ..................$20 O0 Overhaul Moto r and Transmission 28 00 Overhaul Rear Axie....:.............. 7 00 Reline Bands (without starter) ...3 O0 Reline IBands (with starter)>...... 5 00 Bush Stearing,... ............. >.......3 00 Grinci Valves and Clean Crabon ....3 50 Overhaul Front Wheel, each........ 75 Luke, Boys & Cryderman West End Garage Bowmanville and Enniskîllen BUY CHRISTMAS GROCERIE.S NOW We now have in stock for Christmas trade a brighit, clean, fresh, assortment of pure foods. Your good judgment demands that you corne in and look them over. Everythingis here to help makc you and your family's Christmas the bright- est and hap piest of them ail. ORDER FROM THIS, LIST:, Choice, Valentia Raisins, per lb........... .28c, Bleached Sultana Raisins, per lb ........ ....35e Seeded Raisins, in 15 oz. package...........3ce Seedless Raisins, in bulk, per lb........... ... 25e Filiatra Currants, per lb. . ............... 25e Turkish Dates, per lb ..................... ý25e Mixed Pool.... ....................75 ~xj ~ THE RAREST CHRISTMAS GJFT IN THE WORLD NOW ON DJSPLAY IN THE "BIG 20" BO OKSTORE The rarest thing that one can give at Christ- mas -is-a surprise !' The charm, of a, child's Christmas is that it does not know what is-coming. The sadness of a grown-up's Christmas'is, that one always knows!1ý Children wake to gifts that open their eyes. Grown-ups open their eyes to gifts that cannot wake thei p ! An-d so,ý the art of Christmas giv- ing is to give some thing that 18 unexpected and that will overcome the recipient with-surprise Looking For Lower Prices, -'y b. t s. a... Gifts that combine sense, service, sentiment and surprise, and which are pecuiliarlyfitted to express and perpetuate the deep.-rooted attachments of family and home! People are looking for lower prices-and many tell us that our prices are bel'ow Toronto pries. Thisis another reason why you should do your Christmas shop ping at the "Big 20." THIS LIST MAY HELP YOU: Antique Brass Ware Sugar &,Cream Sets Cups and Saucers Brass Jardineres Manicure Sets Toilet Sets, Music iRolls Pictures ' Hymn Books Games Boys' Own Vases, Bibles, Fern Pots Jewel Cases Photo Frames Albums Papetries Toy Books Baskets ý Girls' Own Card Cases Hand Bags Pottery, Chums Many and various are the other things we are showing to help you create the real spirit of Christmas. W. Tg The Leadink Bookstore A LLEN, Our Mot té: "WE SER VE" MAKE THIS AN, ELECTRI CAL XMAS Now is the time to do your Xmas. shopping, before our stock is sorted out. We have a complete line of appliances such as: IRONS PERCOLATORS WARMING PADS CHAFINGc;DISHES BED, WARMERS, VACUUM CLEANERS WATER HEATERS GRILLS FLOOR LAMPS- DESK, LAMPS ELECTRIC WASHING ELECTRIC TOASTERS TOASTER STOVES SMALL PORTABLE STOVES CURLING IRONS HAIR DRYING COMBS VIOLET RAY -GENERATORS SEWINGý MACHINE MOTORS AIR HEATERS, (ail kinds) TABLE I.AMPS FIXTURES to fit Up any room MACHINES 1 r n your house RANGES, ail sizes in stock f j 'r In fact we have everything in Electrie that could be bought in Toronto. You can buy right here in Bowmanville, at prices lower thlan you could get in Toronto. T1- T1.' *--L ...1 L--------- 111 Jordn -Shel.ed Al À-1m o ndàs,'4 ve have Llectric"Appiiances w ineet every uuyer's ureana II Bordeaux Shelled Walnuts, lb..........e they are ahl guaranteed to give service or your money refunded. Our stock in this department is not a selection Cl n e u opeeln fapine.Y"r ng nf çii xtrni ~rwLnd crioit~s i . ueude n llr )igationi to buy-we are pleasedi to demionstrate any or ailf - --- - ------ ---- ----- g - - - ~ .. - -~ ~-. -~-~- ~ - - _ f4 ~4~44~ ~4 iTfT.4. ~ -. - - -~--~~ ~-~a z~z~ i - - - ~ - a - -~ - ~-- -i________________________________________________________________ - ~ fç'x.L.4 ~ __ ------t f ..,~ ____ - ~ r~ .- - -~-- -*----- - e- -~---'- -~ ----- ~- ~- M"--

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