k G. bhristmas Bakin g! Don't bother about your Christmas cooking this year--let us~ do it-. You have lots of other things tq do, so jilst -mark "cookinig" off' the list and corne to our store for the "eats". CHRISTMAS CAKES Our cakes are nmade from an old En- glish receipe-a home made cake of the very finest quality. «We are confident we can supply you with a betel cake anïd at less cost than you caw make it yourself. B. Çlrhocolates in'Fancy Boxes-Home-made Candies, etc. -.THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanvihle _____- ~II S'ure, Were Our Christmas Fruits are Ready certainly lovely.- Finest we have had for years. New seedless rais- ins from California, select Valencia raisins froni Spain, lovely re-cleaned currants from Greece, ex, tra quality peels "Made in Canada", nuts, spices, extracts, etc., from different parts of the world, help to complete the collection of good things for your Xmas baking. Let us fil your order this year. You'll be more than satisfied. HARRY PUIONE 186 ALLIN -BOWMAN VILLE The P.rinci >ple 0f Opera- (ing The Pilot Pipeless Furnace. csv,,ed0,, C-Ole~y ProPoý Cio.. d Comb-tio, A- ngmetfo Ti.,-d fiaI»,,,e I,,r Cao,ne no F- P.(,,Tw %%@kt. < Allo. fC Oop IR...,r Ah P., ,.. onA,h P,, ro, 0-,,,Dampe' The Pilot Superior Pipeless Furnace principle of operation is very simple and is based upon the Inatural law that warm air rises and cold air falîs. in the same volume that the warm air is distributed .n a building an equal amount of cold air is drawn into the furnace where it is' reheated, moist- ened by the vapor from the two-galion water pan -and then re-circulated through the register. In this manner, the constant circulation of properly môistenred warm air is kept up. Just as running water purifies itself so this circulating warm air, passing throughheat of from, 300 to 800 degr.ees,, is kept pure and-healthful. The patented and or- iginal features which are used only in the Pilot Su- perior construction, miake 'possible the complete re-circulation and sterilization of the air.. Caîl and get list of furnaces we have installed thi .yarinhoussstores and churches. Greenaway & Elliott Consuîting Engineers Phône 18 day or night- Bowmanville i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE The James Papers are $2.00 Per yea, 'payable i. adv,ýance, A1'tsy1 Rope Silks aow being sold at D ngmann & Edmondstone's. St.SvC u' Anglican Chureli, Qrono, cleaned up $450 at the fowl stilper, elpter- tainment and social. Capt. atnd Mr8ý.J. L. _'eleBowmanville, sysThe News, g ae xellent satisfactiont, lVrs, Neale's sweetly rendered vocal selections be!ing heard with much pleasure, while Mr.' Neale mystified the audience w\ith l4js jugglery and tricks. Firm of Couch, Johnston & Cýy- dermiau Liniited is' off ering great re- ductions la ladies' c9ats; also 25 per cent. off silk dremses aad blouses. A card has been received £rom Mrs. J. C. Weeks whorecently visited hier sister, Mrs. W. MeKowaa and other friends in, Bowmanville, stating that she has arrived fin Vancouver after a pleasant visit at McL6od, ýSask., with hier sister, Mrs. S. Small. Durham boys xili usualiy be found doiag their share ia their comnmunity and its activities. We see by Cal- gary Daily Herald that a Millbrook boy, Mr. L. F. Clarry, K.C., is the new secretaryof the Canadian Club of which Rev. H. H. Binghaým , a weli known Durham and Ontario Couaty boy, is Chaplain. Dr. G. H. Stanley is tUoe new President'. We ùoften woncier 110w the next gener- ation are going to get their footwear !mendeýd. No person learns shoe making any more. It muet be a healthy joccupa- tion,ý too, according to the Orono News, which said last week:-"Hats Off" to our fellow townsman, Mr. Richard Hill, one of the oldest business men of town, who Is 85 to day, Dec. '2nd., and stili going- strong, neyer missing a day from the shoernaker's beach on which he has labor- Imany customers for more than half a century. Stamped goods just receivýed at Dingman & Edmondstone's. Let us ail grow youag again. desatc sas: a alitiestreet A, Ldon pehat:Iens dtesiniynt Lrodsn atetdorofa sician wuh injees tsthr o gl a ut aunea a ime, ad thie neeltheargiet- a tie atgtiens's worth. Soren old mn an ge d laies wil be singo then anduagtersoffdte i fetingr st yofhappierssofaadjazz-atiln r suitl befrhpes and jatlookmgend ah old girlsswiandbeelth flush ofan bauty, d iflsthe case o iss tedflsheo actress is to be repeated ad infinitum. For îChristmas Inorder to avoid disap- 'intment place your or-ý der early for fiowers for Christmas. We will have a limited quantity of roses, Carna- îtions, Narcissis, Violets, Sweet Peas, etc. We have flowers and plants for ail occeasions at moderate prices. S. J. Jackman & Sons 1 Florists and Growêrs Bowrna-nville Phone 80 INSURANCE WE OFFER very best PROTECTION in ail lunes of PIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT SICK BENEFIT and AUTOMOBILE insurance. AND FIRST PROVINCIAL MUNICIPPAL CLASS AND BONDS, ,FREE 0F CHARGE TO BUYER. also draV DEEDS, M ORTGAGES, AGREEM4ENTS 'FOR SALE, LEASES, WILLS,9 etc., at moderate charges. Mrs. Edith, V. Scobel Mr. Wîllbert, J. Hoar Insùrance Agents T 'mi:' ENNISKILLEN f Welne(sdlay evein;gs Lea:guewa S ctrgeý of Miss Stella Smitib, lst Vice- Preýsident. After devýotional exercises tLhe topic waýv:s taken by Mrs. Russeli Gilbert; r adings by Miss Eva Denike and Mr. Howrd rye ; solo by MUiss MaLrlon Thomn- son; roll cali received hearty responise Closed with Mizpah benediction ..... re v. G. T. McKenzie's theme, Sundayý even .ing was "The hungry world" based on Matt.r 4:.. Choir rendered a beautiful anthem and Mrs. Byron McLaughlin and Miss Marion Thompson sang "Naied to the Cross ...Mrs. George Reid is ili. . .Miss ?hema Hall received a Christmas box of a -beautiful piano.... .Mr. Wm. G. Smith and family are quaranteened with chicken pox .. . .Recent Visitors: Miss Winnifred .Ashton, Toronto, at home; Miss Gertrude 0ke, Royal Bank, town, home for a week; Mrs. Paul and Mrs. 0. L. Byers, Toron- tu, Mrs. Geo. HaIyes, Mrs.. James Ashton, Cohrmibus, at Mr. Nathan Byers'; Miss La-verne Griffan, town at home; Misses E. M. Werry and May Gardiner, Messrs. H-arold Clemnens, Henry Miller, R. A.- Suddcs, it -,\r, Jas. A. Werry's; Misa Mar- ign 0 Orar with her sister, Mrs. Fred Missionary InsitructIon after S. S. Ses- sion was in chiarge of Tyrone and Pro- výidïence talen lt. Miss B. M. Werry oc- cuidthe chair. R. A. Sudds gave an address on Dr. GreýnfelI's work Sa Lab- rador; -Messrs. Hlarold Clemens,ý Henry Miller gave tw violin selections, Mrs. H. J. Werryý and M.,iss AMlma singing a solo Su eachi. Everyonie eajoyed the program. HAMPTON Though net %very favorable weather, the, box social under auspices of Women's In- stitute, Wednesday, Dec,, lst., was a real success. Owing to late bour of startiag the balf hour of community singing pre- ceediag the program was cancelled and this fact is regrettefi by those most inter-' ested but we hope te have t at some fut- ure date.1 At 8.15 p).nm., Rev. J. 0. Totton, in the chair, ahl sang one verse of "0 Canada" ,followed by prayer by the pastor. Then followed a miixedprogramof recitations and readiags by Miss Mary Niddery, Mrs. Totton, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. Lewis Allihi and Mrs. A. Peters, iuterspersed with singing by little Misses Eleanor Sy-1 kes and Jessie Knox, accompanied on the piano by Miss Knox. Quartette by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch, Miss Minnie Horn' and Mr. T. Siater, accompanied by Miss Mildred Souch, Mrs. Totton and Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, aiso piano trio by Miss Horn, Mrs. C. J. Kerslake and Miss Mary Souch. Ail were well received and judging by ap.. plause given each number, surely every selection was appreciated by the large' audience. Pastor Totton made an excel-' lent chairman and the sale of boxes at the' cose of program added mucb te the even- ing's enjoyment. Mr Theo Semon of En- niskillen was a very euergetic auctioneer. Total proceeds $52.14. Womeu's Institute met on Thursday last at Mrs. A. Trenouth's, when Mrs.' Jas. Burns gave a very good report of the Convention recently held lu Tomonto, for wbich she was given a hearty vote of tbanks. 'The Travelling Box was there too. ýNext meeting at Mrs. L. Niddery's on Jauuary 6th., 1921. If the Institute Traveller cornes youm way As surely t xii on some fine day, Just look things over and make a choice And la the money box put youm pay. If then te my store you ca add something [nice] Name the goods on the llst and aiso the [price] If lu any way you help mie, ere on my way [I amn sent] The Institute ladies will sec that the [money's well qpent.] No Cominon Coursesý are, given in Shaw's Business Schools Toronto. Ail work 18 High Grade in every detail. Students may enter aný day or start Home Study Courses Free Catalogue. Write W. H. Shaw Presd., 395 Yonge St. JOYFUL LEAT Unless your food is digesîed wit) out the aftermath of painful acidiiy, the loy is taken out of both eafing and living. are wonderful in their ilp lu the stomnach troubled with over-acidji , Pleasant to take-relief prompt and definite. MADE BY SCO0TT & BO)WNE MAKERS 0F SCOTT'S EMULSION THE C "HRIST1MAS DINNER Our Happy Part In This Merry Feast THE wonderful tinseled tree, the de- lightful gifts, cheery voices, the happy greetings, and that most delicious of f easts, the Christm-,as Dinner-ali go to, make a Merry Christmas', And it is pleasant for. us to know that our stores, so filled with ail the neces- sary dainties and delicacies for the Christmas Table, will do its share to- - wards spreading Yuletide Joy and' Gladness. PLUM PUDDING AND FRUIT CAKE A steaming Plum Pudding for generations has been the sym- bol of «Christmas. ,,Neither wQuld it seem like Christmas without the proverbial Fruit Cake on the, menu. For these important items we have the inge6dients 'which assures the savory zest andi delicious flavor of the real old-fashioned pudding and the tempt- ing taste and inimitable fiavor of a Virginia Fruit Cake. FRESH, FRUITS FOR CHRISTMAS Whether it's a, basket'of delicious fruit for a gift or luscious fruits for the Christmas Dinner, or fresh fruits for cooking, we are ready and anxious to supply your every need. A fewprices: Finest Valencia Raisins, per lb . ........ ........................ 28e Finest Seeded Raisins, per IL..,....................."*""*"«33e Finest Seedless Raisins, per lb........................................ 33e Currants, per lb ...................................................... 20e Fine Patras Currants, per lb ........................................ 25e Fresh Bulk Dates, fine quality, per lb .............................25e Mince Meat, very choice, per lb............... .25e Ahl kinds Peel, Ai quality, also oranges, grape fruit and lemons. NUTS - -RAISINS -, FIGS - ETC. "Trifies make perfection." -Nuts, roasins, figs, crystallized, ginger are the delicious trifles that help to achieve the perfect Christmas Dinner. Andonly the finest the market affords wil be found in our store. SWEÈTS IN GREAT VARIETY Our Candy Dept, is growing in popularity ev~ery day. fresh candies and chocolates are being added to our stocki New daily. FARMERS! CALL AND SEE US Our store affords every facility for ecomfort for. our out-of- town customers. Farmers, bring us your produce and get best prices. DUR AIM-Service and civiity-prices right. MuLES KNO'e"WLEJS J. B. Martyn's1, Store Pholne 36 Bowmanvîlle - ~ - lui Choose Gifts 00 f, F'urniturel Hosts 0f Articles Beau tiful And Use fui Await Busy Christî,ias Shoppers A Christmas gift of Furniture is someth ing that is appreciated when received and for many yearsto come. It is of service to the entire family. We have so many things in stock which make such acceptable gifts that we hardly know where to start in. Here are a fewsuggestions: Phonographs from $18 up. Rocking 'Horses: and Kiddie Cars Sleighs for the' children. Beautiful, comifortable, Chesterfields an d Easy Chairs. Framed Pictures, great variety 65cl to $6.00 Serving Trays in Oak, Mahogany or Rattan $1.75 to $3.50.1- ULpholstered Chairs in Tapestry and Im-ita- tion Leather, $14.00 up. Jardinere Stands-in oak or mahogany $2.25 Sto $10.50. Dressing Tables, with bench, or chair. to match Special values this month in Brass Beds Why not give mother a Kitchen Cabinet ? 0f course wý have a splendid assort. ment of diningroom, parlor, and bedroo'm furniture. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR GIFT SHOP Furniture and Funeral Directors W'illiams &:Cann Phone 58 or 159 Bowman'vîlle.' Notices of concerts, Christmas Tree Witfr coala $22 a ton a man orc other entertalaments are charged ýwants but littIe elIow zero temp. ltic per Uine. No aninouniceient for bitlfoLaeBcAbrsm- less thn 50c.bing wlh Dr. Thomas' Eceti 5 will relieve lame back. The skia wvill immed- Mlail ail Chiristmas parcels a week iatel3' absorb tbe cil and it \will penetrate the tssues and bring spýedy relief. Try or so before the day; write on cover it and be convinced. As the liniment "Not t, be opened before Christmas sinks in the paincornes out and there are moriiing,"ample grounds for saying thiat it, is an i Treasuýrer of Port Hope Park.à Commission reports subscriptions of $2,712.50. 1 Several news budgets, editorials, and ohter articles were crowded out of last t.wo issues. Ail trimmed stock in Millinery greatly reduced during December. Diagman & Edmondstone. W.- A.ý C.Id A,, Bowmanville 1 1 Phone iSÇ