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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1920, p. 4

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BOWMÂNVILLE, DEC. 16th., 1920. MIN ISTERS A4ND CHURCHES. Rev. W. C. Washington wiil preachl i STAMPED G00DS FOR thle Disciples Cburch Sunday morning and CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Re_-v. P.A.Tonkin. in the evenlng. The Disciple Siinday School will hold For those who make up, their their Christmnas enteitanrnei1t on Tuesday Christmas i emb csyuwl eDec. llst., at 8 1) . Sîlver collection. particuiariy interested in the iovely st. Paui's Church,-Rev. D. W. Best, dslyof stamped od hihwelinister. 111 a. m.-Morning worshilp. dispiaywichwe7 p.- m.-Evening worship. Suinday Schoal have Just received i or 'the cornîng and Bible C'lasses at 2.30 P. m. oaty tae on n n e hm Methodist Church Thank-Offering stîll atyur firs opportunity. They in- gow "505 being placed on the plates cide: Centre Pieces, Chfldren's Dres- lafst, Suday and handed ta the TreasUrer ze adRompers, Pillow CJovers, tDay and more is expected next Sunday. Slips, etc. We aiea have on sale the Methodist Church, Rev. S. C. Moore, famQus Artsyl Rope Siiks. ThelB.A., B.D., wil preacb at both services ,abovexgoods;are al moderately prie- " i' . m-Te Raolblfes0 ed. subet, '7 p. -SIpeial servie for lnf, ed.sujec,'ManlyMe" Men's choir willl Wor 'the nlonth of December we are fiurnish inusic. sundlay School at 2.30 ,offering ail trimrned stock in millin- Synod of Presbyterianf Church in Cana- ery ýat great reduc'tions. da in ts budget for 1921, hias asslgned $10,500 ta Presbyjtery of Whltby, which DINGMAN9 & EDMONDSTONIE amnount lias been aocated amnong- the tarous congregatiofla,- Bowmalvillia 75 MilinrsBowmanville familles, $560; Newcastle 27 familles, $200, Orono, 80 familles, $600. Suggestion"L.s In FootwearI ForI Christmas, Gifts FOR WOMEN-, iFelt- Cosy Slippers..,.............. .$1.25, to Boudoir Slippers ...............$2.00 to House Shoes ...... ................ $1.50 to F~elt Shoes .......................$3.50 to Spats...................... é........ $1.75 to $1.'75 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $6.00 FOR MEN- Slippers ................ ...$1.50 to $4.50 Felt boots ............$4.00 to $5.00 ?Umps ......... ............................... $9.00 FOR GIRLS- Slippers .... .................. $1.10 to $2.5 0 H-ockey boots ................$3.00 ,to $600 Evenihg prapms ............. .. ....... $2.75 to $4.25 FOR BOYS- Moeccasins ...........................$1.75 to $2.5,0, Hiockey boots ................$2.50 to $5.50 WEDDING A l'ar Buy 192C eldE Ali Mr. The blu( shoi hon AUCTION SALE à>', Decemiber 18-There willI be on the p remises, Kýing-st., Bow- illet the residence of the laIe 3Hoar, the whole, of the bouse 15s, cansisting of parlor dinlng- bp :droomi and kitchien furniture. on, Brussel anid other carpets. es enameol ware, l, pots, ruiga, ýetc. Sec bille. L. A. W. Tole, oneer. many friends la Darlington go wlthliher. 'W NE BEEF!BEEF BEE WANED-O-Hammnerless pump gun, la, BEEF!BEEF!BEEF! good -condition, no. In guage. Âvply ta 1ector Bowen, Oronio. 50-tfý We will have on displayfrar WANTED- Compeîent woman or girl Christmas trade aTi exceptinauy fin orfamily of tw"o. Good home. Apply display of beef and baby beef purchased ~.rrD from well known farmiers in this district. J P, rawer H, Bowmanville, We take secon 1 lace ta naonore when HOISEKEEPER-Far fam.liy af tiree ilcre osupply ing mneats of best quaI- oni a tarm near Bowmanville. Good ity. Yeu can't judge t])ebîgh quality waeste siitable person. Apply ta W. of our mteats lby the 10w prices we charge. L. 'Afin%, 1Bwmaniville, Lake Shore, East, If you are not already one of aur regu-5-t lar customners try us witb your next mneal ______________ order and be canvinced Ibat itlaista your interests ta deal at the "Cash and Carry ARTICLES FOR~ SALE Meat M,1arket' '-G. A. Edmnondstone, next doa estto . . orrs Q.FOR SALE-One Pony Sleigh, App-,ly tai Perey Cawan, Liberty Street,Bwa- NESTLETON ville. .1 46-tf ______RANGE FOR SALE-Happy Tbaougbît, Reports have reached here ofa concert 6 lidis, water front attacbmnent, in first- put on in Caesarea last Tuesday evenlng class condition. Apply Lawry Crydermian by the people of Caesarea and( the oýne 1orsey-st., Bawmianvîlle. 51-te wbo reported il said it was the best of OOfiuINION ORGAN-5 Octaveý, good Ils kind they had ever bêard. There size, $2500. Smnall range,$1.0 Apply were drills, dialogues, tableaux, music Miss L' Browýn, Con. 6. lot 14, Darling- and readings. ton, R~. R. 6 Bowînanville, 50-tf 1We are glad ta know that Mrs. Harry FIRST GLASS MORTGAGE FOR SALE ýPbi1p is getting along se nicely after $1400t yield 8 per cent for flve years. lie oeraio .... Lifl Mis cQuidAlso Qntario Bonds. Apply te W. P. who has been ciute iii is on the mnend,,.. ,Vard, Barrister, BowmanviUle. 51-1w Theladies who had charge of the Bazaar MA' OVERCOATr-Of Beavexr Cloth and Tea at Nestleton cbhurcb are ta be congratulated on the success of the evn- and good fur collar, lined witb limitation i.,... RcêntVisiors:Mr. nd Mur;~ . looks as good as neW. Wortb, $50 son and Miss Paine spent the wek-n 11seli for $~25 * Incuire at Statesmnan in Toronto; Mr. Richard W. Phllp la la Office or write Drawer B, Bowmanvile. Toronto.50-t Toronto. ASOLINE ENGINE-One new 1% h.p. Failban-Morse gasoline englue. Latest type; one goç)d set ligliî single haruess; BLACKSTOCK also a gaod set of beavy single harness; top buggy, nearly new, robes, blankets, Last Thursday evening the Blacklýstock etc. W'ill sell very cheap. W. J. Williams Commuuity Club gave us a very unique Liberty-st., N., Bowmiauville. Phone programn-a debate on Resolved That tbe '231-r5. 49-tf consolidation of the schools would be in *the 0051 interests af Cartwright. The. affirmative was taken by Mr. Charlie Venning and Miss Irwin and tbe negative by Mr. Earl Dorel i and Mrs. P. Stinson. At the close of tbe debate, which was bigbly interesting tbroiigliaut, Mr, Doreli and Mrs. Stinson were giveni the oppar- tunity of clearing themselves before thei audience and bath of tliemn said that while tbeY had done Ibeir best ta win the de-. bate by opposîug a conisolidaited schol,I tbey could not personally endlorsoe ar- guments tbey bad put fortb. Major¶ Snider was present and Mr. Sgwrl, wbo spake in favor af the praposed plani for Cartwright, and gave figures and facts te substantiate their views. We regret ta bear that Mr. Thomnas ilooey is qumte il. Orange Lodge -on Mon)iday rigbt .elected4 2tater-R. Fergnson; ec. SncVV-' F. Mlicolm; F-insncial Sec'y.-W. -Hamilton. Treasurer-W-ý. lloey. Mr. Jerald ili, Toronto is with bis parents, Mr. and-Mrs. J. Joýb. Recent vistrs:-Reeve Caamp a t PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE-ýOne do uble brick ilouse on Carlisle Ave., ane double brick hotuse, corner King & Liberty sts. Applyý to J. Z. L. Cole, Concession st., Bowman- ville. 51-tf GOODý BRICK' HOLSE-In Bowman- vile, containing 7 raoms, electrlc lighîs, *ilb U acre of land, more or less, stable, good well, and fruit trees. Apply ta W. H. Mialfacre, Bowmanvil-le, R. R. 6, Phone 195-12. 50-tf. THE ELFORD FARM-Lot 2, Con. 2, Darlington, conitaining 130 acres witb good buildings, about tbree miles nortbi ea3nt o! fThe t own af Bowm-anv'ille 3F'ror te im n nti aea ppl t Ars Ann lýifordï, Eli-st., BaD .wmianvill e. FARMA LAND FOR SALE-30O acres goad tillable land 10 acres f whlcb is orchard, harn 10x40 iln fair condition, We wish to thank our rnany friends bothiiod an~d new, for the generous patro)nage extended to us during the Seasoni of 1920, now so near its close, also to wish each onie a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We are sf111 on the job~ to serve you to the best of aur ability, and shali appreciate your continued Goad W111. McCLELLAN & CO., LIMITED KCING ST. EAST, 228, For Everyone.'. CARVING, SETS FLASH LIGHTS SAFETY RAZORS KNIVES, FORKS SHAVING SETS HAND SLEIGHS CAR VERS IN CASES POCKET KNIVES VACUUJM CLEANERS FOOD CHOPPERS PYREX OVEN WARE ELECTRIC TOASTER INGERSOLLi SIDE OPENING WATCHES KETTLES1 SPOONS 4KIATES TEA POTS CASSER~OLES BAKE DISHES COFFEE POTS O'CEDAR MOPS FLASH4 LIGHTS, A few of the many articles to be found in our store.' Corne in and see thern. You wiil be surpris- at~ the excellent values. Why Not a Happyr Thought Range for Your Wile? It's a Beauty. W, Hl. Dustanl 1Hardware Tinsmithing Plurnbing j" h ~7i 5. that Jndividuality and transcendent beauty which hasMade this store the Mecca"'f thoughflgf seekeérs for sorne years past. Finds Us WeII Frepared Christmias is only a few weeks away, and we al- ready have an exceptionally choice lot of Young fat stock nurchased for our Chrîstma.q frafle(Our reg 45e saie price 40JC reg 35e sale price 30e Heavy factory yarn in white or, gray,. a snap, while it lasts White or Yellow Beans 3 lb 24e Fancy Prunes, large size 30e lb. Bulk Cocoa, try it reg 40e 29e lb BOWMAN VILLE Phones: Office 15; ResidenýCes, 274, 218. ARTICLES LOST --- w SHOCK ABSORBER ANDO REAR AUTO LI GHT-betweeli Hampton and Bowman-, ville. Return ta IL WIlCox, jr., black- 9 smlîb, Hampton. - 1-C rstalS g esin hrstasSugetin TWO VEARI.1NG HEIFERS-Srayed an lot 28, con. 2, Darlinglon, Iw yari.g heifers. Owner ma-, have same by pro- N vîng prope-ty nand paying expenses. W.n U eu itTh tA eS îa l FI. courice, Courtice. 50-3w efu Git Th tA eS tbl jEj:ýesû M >- - , . - uzLu-,; iýIÇPX 3ý:.- i ý - 2-*c- . ý > , 1 ; ' 1 ý - - - - 1 1 . îli ý4lm -U z a 1 orders on MacKav's Pond

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