'Vol. "'LXVIL M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publlishers. BOWMANVILLE~, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 23, 1920. $2.'00 a Year In Advance. 5c a Copy. THE STORE 0F, QUALITY ALIL- BELIEVE- INKT SANACLAU&T Our maturer experience may have caused us reluctantly to ipart with our childish vision, of a rubicund, snowy-bearded littie Man -Who- dr'ves--re ëindeers-blithely-ov er firosty -roofs on Mars-a .E-ve--Butweki beliey-e, every.oneof us4n-the--Spirit ofi Santa-- of -Giving. And the giving at Christmas, of something worth while, to someone we carë for, kindies within us the year's warmest glow of real happiness. In purchasing goods for our Chrstmas trade we had in mind iatest styles, best qualities, genuine values. and an assort- ment in every department from which our customers will have no .dffcutyin choosingJust what they wanted. Suggestions For Busy Shoppers LADIES' COATS-¼ to ---3 -f- Luxurious Coats of rare beauty. One recognizes at first glance that they are far- above the.commonpl ace,- modelled in the latest distinctive designs and at prices which will instantly -appeal- c that many beys who were tee yeung to CAMERAS AND KODAKS fight overseas are now eager te enlist and are being accepted ln tbe new regi- A mot aceptble iftfor masment. A mot aceptale gft fr XmS Lt-Col. Read bas been very liberal in for any member of' the f amily. Prices his selection off efficers from West Dur- range froni $3 'upwards. bam and is te be congratulated on bis A f ew suggestions for gifts: Ther- choîce of officers from Bewmanvllle as S afeal are popular citizens and bear worthy nies Bottles and Thermos Kits. ae records overseas witb exception of Major ty Razors in gift packages at $5 te King wbose age prevented him from en- $6. listing. Very newest designs in Leather Goods, Purses, Bill Folds, Collar Just received-special sbipment ladies' Baga, etc. and children's sample sweater coats and JURY & OVE~LL pullovers. '-ii *oale prices. WE- No., 52 THE EDITOR TALKS at the bottom of the ladder and work- MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU OPENED. ed their way to the top, earning in the o ogauaeRvD.VY Bt B BwanilChmrofomrchs No better -investment of Public meantime while they were learning, -A cnrtlt 1v .W et . Bomnil hme fCmec a i.1the popular minister of, St. Paul's opened an Employment Bureau at thE money has been made in our day in only a nominal wage, the office, the Church, Bowmanville, who was elected office of the Secretary C. H. Mason, this town than the $250,000 spent for store, the workshop, the factory did Moderator of WbitbyPresbytery. i Ring-st., for the convenience of thos waterworks and sewage systems. NO nelo1ok s trcie and more time 11ev. A. H. Drumm of Bobcaygeon, Out off work and those requiring the ser- so atracivevices off a man or woman for any kind o, better water flows than the Skinner's wvaË spent in school. Under present formerly minister ýof St. Paui's Presby- employment. Your co-operation is need- Springs quality that supplies Bow- conditions any capable boy can earn terian church, Bowmanville, bas been el- ed to successfully carry on this work, manill hoesindstresoffces atrativ waeshene te tmpt- ted Moderator of Lindsay Presbytery. Leave your namfe and address with the and -fie--department. We observe tion-to utcrnrïëàheredctioni --1-eV. G .1raser, txbridge, bsre- Sceayo hn 0 thatthetownof ores isto vte nd gt sarte eanilgmony quck-ceived a cal to become minister 0 f_________ tha th ton o 17res i tevot an ge strtd ernig mneyquik-Brooklin and Columbus Preshyteria on a by-law to raise $70,000 te instal ly. Yet there neyer was a time when Churches, salary $1600. Induction in "TAKING OUR LOSS NOW". a waterworks system. If go01d, pure education was so valuable and prom- January if ceau is accepted.____ water is available the ratepayers will ised such great rewards as it does The, Orilia Packet says: Th hebying publie bas been reading a~ neyer rue the day, that they voted surely to-day. The call for trained series of sermons by the 11ev. l. W. ing don-pdaricly in ~s bouts pric es for such by-law, for good water in, a ne neeybae fidsr Foley, B. A., B. D., Uptergrove circuitigdw-atclryi ot n he men n, verybraeh o inustr à nterpreting the Book of Revelation, are -but this fond hope bas nlot been realized townretan or village is a very valuable as-, insistent. There is plenty of rooni proving most interesting as the 11eve-t n xtent up to the present. With set in aid of good health and ade-Ja the top, but the lower rungs of lation is a closed book -of- mysteries - mny hfamilieps ti seen a -mbig ri quate--fire protection., the ladder are painfully overcrowded. ms epe ntefml pret eptemmr _______________ Tocommmorte bs 9th brtbay, "When is tbe price of sboes coming 11ev. Peter Addison preacbed atBec down"? is often asked, but flot satis- Our heart was saddened recentlylaWe speak froni a wide experie nce Aveue Metbodist Churcb Toronto, on facterily answered.- w ifo -unday morniug. - The pastor, 11ev.- A. In-tbis connection we wuld drc when-a young man ini whomu we- ae- in school - teachinrg and-a -u f-long T. Addison' is a son of the venerable attention of our readers to an Ireitrie interested told us in reply teOour ma- study of the welf are of young people minister, wbo had spent 25 years of hie on page 5 entitled "Taking Our Pos quiry what kind of books he read, and now at-a ripe age desire to warn ministry in Centennial Cburch, Toronto, Now- written by Mr. Fred R. Foie ,of and bas served In many parts of the the Sunnyside, Bootsbop, Bowman-vlle, that hie did not care for reading and parents in ail seriousness flot to per- province of Ontario. in wbich bie makes some frank state- did very littie of it. We were aware mit their boys and girls Oto leave Mehds1buc..tv.s o ents bearing on tbis subjeet. BeforQý that hie left school years before helschool before they have secured an BA Distastrh .d Servicoe, 1jyo read further turn to page 5 and see should because the ladýy teacher could adeutetaning for life, exce tW-a.Sbet-"la idn- _if r oe a o oce b l orde temoFdir necessîty. Boys"Chrissa-ge laiý th chiru bt him. -She-failed te kindie a-love, for-ad -girls who -leave-of --their - onCsrices MuseD.Ni heonirtrhOetn study or books'or develop, a mind to free will are placiýlg aý =norfgae session at Sunday Scbool on Sunday af- I SUCCESSFUL S. A. BAZAAR. think. Whea a child's mind is dir-, upon their futur e for thesaeoa ternoon when 2. Christ mas program gril ected -into channels that will cause, lttie money at present. The statis- be given. 1Tbe Salvation Army beld a most suc- him, to think, and think seriously, tics show that those who remain in St. Paul's Churcb-]Rev. D W. Best cessful bazaar on Tuesday, December there is hope for his future. It is scijool until- -tley -are- thoxoughly B.A., Minister: Il a.m.-Subj-ect, "Th; 14, the proceeds amounting te $160. The too tru- tatoneof te fatuesýof etblehem-off the Heart-." --7 T- OPemng dities-vrere splendidly discbarged tootre taton ofth fatuesofequipped for the work of life always Song off tbe Angels." Tb1 .The smshein Mrs. J. W. Alexander, bier address our eceonoinic life to whichedc- overtake in earning power those who musie wilî include tbe anthemns ;"And kind13rie, --ori and -ucein opa ar. dfre.ting ttentin la te~-atar o~ut~aeyeary ~tha tfreyare h~ther@L-w e Pe _ hrds'l ."Glris tmas_- -of b ry r eygaeu-t e n tendency for-boys to leave sehool-be- efficient. Nothing is more heart- -îH EheIl- r.ue thur Littfer nd0 to tbe otber ladies of the town who helped fore theyare adeqately eq'pethlebemke thMn.leC. Acthur Caewker an forethe ar ad~uatly quipedbreaking to a boy or girl at some tume Mr. H. J. Knigbt; Solo-"Tt was for Me"t ak tes a len suc e. The evenin f or the work of hife. Two reasons for'to find the path of promotion and re- by Mrý. C. S. Hlaliman. Sunday Scbool program, wasaplndoe.TeO- and ibleClases t 230 p m.awa Songsters and memibers of tbe Band this course are stated: One is that ward blocked by insufficient educa-anBilCaseat23 .m from that town contributing musical se- theboyhimelfis ttrcte tothetio. Te mralis hatit s btte to Pastor Moore took his subject on Sun- letions very generously, their Adjutant thedustri wold bectaedte tmany gon.sTowlyoand gettoroughbotter t- day merning the 'Reas"ableness, offand bis good wif e aise belping by witty indutril wrld ecase f th may g Elwly nd et horoghl eqip-Prayer" giving a good earnest and prao- speeches. Staff-Capt. Florence Easton. possibiities on every hand for- mak-. ped Stick-it-out, boys,--if-you--have tica-'l talk. -Miss J-ennie- Mebiant -sang- Toronto, a Bowmanville girl, and a splen - ing good wages under very favorable left' school go back, or get in sýome a solo, very sweetly. In the evening bis did musician, assisted in tbe prograrn He ant moe mne exra tud soehw drin thsesermon was to men, the subject "Manly with piano solos. Mrs. James Nokes aic conditions. H at oemny1etasuysmhwdrn hS Men" showing the heauty and strengtb bier Home League Helpers. with Adjt. to spend in pastimes. The other iS long winter evenings. It pays a joff men who are net ashamed te lean On Anaud and Lieut. Stone appreciate tbe that under the strain of the high cost ý handsome dividend to employ leisure the Greatest off Men and who are willing assistance given tbem on this occasion of ivig sme arets ecoe udul tie i soe pofiabl wa. Kepto allow ethers te lean on them. Tbe and extend tbeir very best thank8. of lvin soe prens beomeundly imein ome roftabe wy. eeptbeugbts presented are worthy off emu-i anxious for their boys and girls .to constantly growing in knowledge. lation by ail men. The Male Cboir un- beceme-wage-earners-as-soon as-pos- Bear 1in-n à the old-c-o-py--book lhead.- der -direction--off -Mr. -David- -Nicholson 1 LADIES--AIDB --AAR silea er sxiou mstke frlie- Redig aks flimaleader and organist, led tbe service of LDE"I AAR sibl-a eryseiousmistkoforlin - eadig mkesa fll ansong. A very pretty selection "Fair Eden when once a boy or girl is allowed to public speaking a ready man. Land" was weîî sung by ten male mem-, Bazaars have been very- numereus in leave school the die is cast and: teiî to bers of tbe choir. Messrs. T. S. Holgate, town this Autumun, the Churcbes and S one they have te occupy a much low- - R. M. Mitchell, Dr. Slemon and W. B. A. Armny baving held very successffui or -Q;'-on n lie thn tey wuldTapson sang a quartet entitled "A Little ones. The bazaar Wednesday last was er osiionin ifetha thy wul At the closing session of Counties Coun- While" and by request Messrs. Holgate under auspices off the Methodist Ladies' had they obtained a good educatioii. lcil on Friday, Warden M. E. Maybee, and Tapson sang "In tbe Garden" aul be- Aid and was a very gratifying .success. = eve off Murray Township, was presented ing much enjoyed. Tbe pastor read the Tt weuld be Invidieus tu say wblch booth h wtban xddresse and- a beautiful -gold7-namnes oettwenty-five persons w o arewa motpuarcmses apn, wateh a.nd chain by Reeve Geo. A. Smith, uniting witb this churcb either by letter towels, bandkerchiefs or notions, etc., ail Port Hope, on bebaîf of bis feilow coun- from other churches or on profession off being well patronized. The supper was We devoutly wish that we could, cillors. faith. Rev. E. A. Tonkin assisted in tbe uncluestionably very popular, the bot ixnpress on ahl parents who read this I When the senior Editor came te Bow- service. meat pies, etc., being very tempting te ail -ornlthe daniger-of Ieniency with'imanville in-July 1978; Mr. T. -C.-JewelI was oed tihmensplndidmal sterved by the with the firm off McClellan & Co.,'and we ladies. children in thîs matter of leavîng learn that on Thursday, December 17, bel BOWMANVILL OTCLTURAL A pleasin even a theclsofte school at tee young an age. Boys on completed 43 years' service with this flrmnLEHRIUAilaig vn ttecoeo h the farm are brought up te work --first as an empieyee and later as a SOC;1 ET Y. 4fternvon was wlîen Miii. '%. C. WVasb- part time when attendjing achool, but member off the firm, being now the Presi- igoi n fteods n otatv dent and Manager. Net many muen in The annual meeting o." tbe Bewmanville members was presented Wlb9a couýple off in cities and towns vhere thiere are town can dlaim sucb long connection Nwitb Herticultural Society will be held at 8 nice linen- towels in honoer of lber birtbi- net chores or other -work tohe <doue one b ouse or firmh. Mr. Jewell is an ex- u.. . on P- ,,- Jday. -14 Mrs. James Deymain, Presidlenit