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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1920, p. 4

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33OWMANVLLE, DEG. 23rd., 1920. A POPULAR CITIZEN PASSE$. Mr. Jabez D. Hogarthi, Nôrwich, A Solina OId Boy. Alfter a serious ilness of noarly a year from ain affection of the heart, Jabez Daniel îHogarth, oneo f Sorwich's best kniown, and miost beloved citizens re- sponded to thie last sumnmons on Wodnes- day, Dcombor let. While his demie wa3s net unexpected it came nono the lesà as a griev\ous and distinct shocit te hlg serrowing failly and host of friends. Jatboz Daniel Hgartla asb'r " Dairlington, Durham CountyApril 24th., 1854. His parents 'wore the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rogarth, Solina, whoi reared a famîly cf fourteen cblidren, mine ofwhom sf111 survive.1 ROYAL IS NOW LARGEST 0F CANADJAN, BANKS' Assets Nearly $600,OO,OOO--Another Year of Remark- able Progress-Large Growth of Savings Deposits Reported. Mentre al, Dec. 20-By its imual state- $18,000,000 in excess of these at the end ment made public to-day thie royal Bank ?f the previeus fiscal period. The read- of Canada is revealed as, being the largest justment of Governmental financing ef-j in Canada ip'oint of total assets, whicb fected during the 12 months le refiected now amount to, $S94,000,000, a gain of in the reductien by seme $32,500,000 in $61,Q0,000 :since the last ainnual report. Dominion and Provincial securities hold, 'The Bank of Montreal, which has long these standing in the assots at $12, 808,172; led all ether Canadian financial institu- against $45,323,598 ln the proviens state- tions, nyow drops te ýsecomd place, having ment, while the balance due the Do- reperted total assets recently of $550,- minion Govrnment, which a year ago 001000o. The report (of the Royl ,not, only amounted te $39,567,242 was rednced te discloses a position of remarkable iquid sightly under $20,000,000. strent ndrsurces nnprecedented in Its history, but reveals in a striking man- Exceptionally Heavy SavIngs Deposits ner the substantial part the bank is play- Totaldeposits as already stated, showed lng In -the *hridging-'over process frem a gain of nearly $62,000,000, the increase post-war te mere normal conditions. 1 beîng entirely due te, the oxceptionally With the expansien of the Royal's busi- heavy grewth in those of the notice or ness and the empleymont of additienal savings cias, which grew by more than capital subscribed for by the sharehelders $7 0000te $331,688,078 in the period. 1 duingthe12 monthe ondod November Demand deposîts refiecting the changefi 3 t rfe sasosoe.amteilconditions prevailing in the commercial pan vrhotaIsre sheed a ate rial -and industrial fields of actiyity, were ing atsatoment, îthe 1920 aggregate estab- Thwese y some $10,000,000 at $123,329,308. lishng fnewhig -Wter arkin te Tesechanged conditions roferred to are lishingo ah ge igh istiatemakintheaisedirectly indicated in the incroase in histry f te agresi'e istiutin. urrent boans in Canada, which at $183,- q s ARTICLES LOST LOST ON SUNDAYAFTERNOON-A tiger markod Porsian Cat. Reward for, roturn to'Mrs. Gillespie, Liberty-st., Bow- manville, Phono 304-J. 52-1w FOUND, TWO YEARLING HEIFERS-Strayod on lot 28, con. 2, Darlington, two yearing hcif rs, Owner may have same by pro- ving proerty and paying oxpenses. W. B. Courtice, Courtico. 50-3w WANTED) WANTED-Iaimoerioss pump gun, lni good condition, no. 12 guago. Apply to Hector Bowen, Orono. 50-tf .WANTED-Compotont womian or girlj for family of two. Good homo. Âpply "J. R." Drawer BI, Bowmn.nville. HOLSEKEEPER-For family of threei on a farm noar Bowmianville., Good wagos to suitable porson. Apply to W. L. Alun, Bewmanvillo, Lake Shore, East. 50-tf ARTICLES FOR SALE, FOR SALE-One Pony 5101gh. Apply to Porey Cowan, Liberty street, Bowman- ville. 46-tf COW FOR SALE-Just ronowed, 3. yoars old, very quiet, aise two calvos. Apply te Richard Tudor, Liberty-st., S. 52-1w.0 RANGE FOR SALE-Happy Thougbt, 6 lids, water front attachmoent, In firat- Notices of Births 50 cents, Marriages1 50 cents; Deaths 50 cents, each In-E sertion. When funeral cards arei printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS YEO-In Bowmiavilo, Doc. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yoeo, a son. DEAN-In Bowmanvilo, Doc. 18, to Mr, and Mrs. Lorno Dean, a son. SM IITH-ln Bownianville ,Dec. 8, to Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. 0. Smith, a daughtor. DEMI LL-In Bowmanvillo Hospital, on Saturday, Dec. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Domili, a son. MARRIAGES CAESAR-cr-ANPELL--,On Docombor 15th., by Rov. Hugh Cowan M. A., B. _D., at 938 Dovrcourt Road, Toronto, Mrs. Sarah Crandeil, and Mr. Thomas Caesar, botb of, Port Porry. DEATHS WOON-In Oshawa, Docomber l9tb., Elizabeth Woon. HASKI LL-At Port Hlope, Docombor 16, Edward F. Hlaskill, in bis 70th year. BAI LLI E-At Port Elopo, Hospital, Dec. 19tb., Janet MoLaughlin, boloved wife of James Baillie, in ber 37th yoar. G. -A. -BRETHEN Friends of Mr. 3. D. Storie. Osbawaà Ffrm Of Couch, Johnoton & Cry- will rejoice'to kniow tliat ho bas recovereu derman Limited is off erlng great re- suffioiently to return home atr pending seven weolts ln Toronto General H-oi- ductions in ladies' coats; aiSe 25 POr pital, where he underwent a soriouis or,- cent, off silk dresses and blouses.. oration. Th e Shop That LeadsI We are thinking of you to-day because it is Christmas, and we wish you hap-1 piness. And to-morrow because îtj will be the day after Christmas. We shall' still wish you happiness, and> so on clear through the year. -We may flot be able to tell you about it every day but that makes no diff erence the thought and the M ishrwiLble ereust the-same.-Wh-en- 77, f 5? cbsgose d., &~~ 1 ý :, tt1d r - - __ 'un te hl by il wh kiiw him l'àgeiythroughDi n ionlotes . 8774~ ras. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IM h ,w&i ihp..Izl.hi nrae ntebn' odxg furn T. currencr 2.86 8 -8746,805an tedrfo -~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ .' ,,.ý - .--g TrHii0fr' '-e'v~..~- ~ --rnier-aïe cuse,.for çdeep and iasting rere l si ;,i, 6e-i- 'orw,l loses-one of itls best admo-3t upright citizens, wtio exemp11n- iaýnity, the faithi that was 'in imand who I; alio o puityandi goodness. The funeral service was held at hrisi 1,atoL residence, on December 4, 1920, inI termient taming piace utiLire- e uw cuetery, Woodstock. The services were1 by Rev. G. McGreger. Relatives frein a distance wero: MrS. R. B. Mitchell, Alfred Hogarth, Jamesi Hogarth, J. Reynolds, Hampton; Dr. L. N. Hogarth, Detroit, Mich.; Hilton C.,j Hogarth, Ottawa; Mrs. L. 0. McClennan,, ylmer; Mr. andi Mrs. W. B. Hogarth, ill1senburg; Mr. and.Mrs. Arthur Lee,ý Woodstock; Mrs. Edigar Weldon, Tilison- burg. DURHAM COUNTY C Make Chris4,tmas ,Givin Jy Sh-opping a -Pleasaure- CHRISTMAS giving is devoid of its sentiment Ai- à --sel - VrTUC Y 4r4 li' a-in th. righf. Oift for th}-ri- rlo't nersan eçt fthp riçr'hf nriduj.m ~&so*!1..e~e ~ ~ -- Ce~*/U -- chip on your shoulder------ Which proudly you battie to guardW Ras fréquently shamed you adotnI defamed vol] ~f We kindly invite your inspection. l ýiiineee t yjarias. 47 cil fo r$4.25; $3.75 for $3.25; $2.25 m 1i for $1.75. 'none pre-war prîceb Ili LlS (IePL. dept. Everything reduced to 'nanv, LIni w' ~Y) AP

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