TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2800 wiii purchase 7 room frame house oen Churc9i street, water mewer, eleolt2ic ight and furnace. $3000 will purchase 2 steiry brikk house en Concession treet, weter, sewer, eletrie ight, furnaceý garage and every conveniieiie. $1200 will purchase 6 roomed framne cottage on Pospect atreet, thba la a great bargain. $3500 wii purchase 8 roomed brick houze and office attached on Tem- perance treet. $5000 v wM iurchaue 90 acre farm 4%4 miles trom Bowmaflviile, well fenced, goed builld1ng@, about $1000 worth of standing timber, pouaessbon at once. $7000) viii urchabe 170 acre. Il con. ,Township of Clarke, fine bulld- înes- well fenced andwatAl'Adabout 3 t$6,7001 ots 5, con. known as soil Cay easy- ession given wit ýrhase 4l6acre2 Ld 6i con. 2 Crtl land 19 level1 &bout S acres ol acre of goodq and barns wit neath. Over tm els- of grainAt The firat ten enough money: a farm for hIn bet bargains in ilto wind u ;Odfarm atabllng ir hi.ndrçil thia farm ears to lpu is ie oneý BOWMANVLLEi, DEC. 23rd., 1920.- IARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hamipton, Dec. 16, 1920. Statutory meeting of Council was hld this day, members ail present, JReeve Baker, presiding. ,Minutes of last meeting were confirrned and signed. John E. Sonley -wýas appointed Pa-th- mraster, Beat -No. 52), vice M. Vandlusen, resigned; and H-. N. Scott for Beat No. 531/-, vice J. Aldread, inoved. Dy-law No. 795 wais readi three times, signed and sealed for holding Municipal Elections. Cl-erk pre-sentedl annual report of Local BoaMd of HcIalthi. Rcived and flled. Cierk was instructed to have 200 copies of Treasurer's Annual Report printed for distribution on Nomination Diay. Time for colectiion of tax,ýes was extend- cd to Priday December 21, 1920, ýWith 2 per cent to be add Treasujýrr acknowiediged rýcelpt of $7 fromn H. Wilcox, statuite labor Road Beat 72; Byron Moore, timber, -$6,- and- Jas. In u.John MarvItJi,, grvel m thin 30 John Spry, gravel 1.0 Andrew Sharp, gravel .500 ;p~sA. E. Jeotnitil&5 iilçs20 wrghR. Burgess, te11àing lumber 2.4 0 end'F. W\. Aiai, gravel 3.75 Ternl John lobIbsteanhing dulvert 5.00 Mr.W. Jeffrey, gravel 5.00 W. H. Moore, giravel 5.5 01 150 I. N. Scott, work Town Line Clark 6.75 h threeH. N. Suotti, otk Town Lîne, Carke 6.751 church C. Hi. Snowdenl, tatuite labor 1920 9.00 nmffe 0f Albjet lHcAluin, gràvei 10.00 'lter Treas. Tp). E. Whitby, work Town ;. The Linle11.35 fenced, R. Burgeîs, work Mountjoy bridge 12.06 .fldý One Thos. Snowden, gravel 12.12 LhLuse Il. Eliott Estate, supplies 18.35 under- IS. J. Honley, gravel 19.00' 1bush- IF. Worden, statute labor 19-20 28.80 syear. 1[Biake Ccurtice,, gravel 5---- 1 IaleRubert Foster W. F. Bonus 12.50 ~uat aaeC.1V. Slemon, M. D.. W. F. Bonus 18.25 of the A. Hogarýth, saairy, Býoard Heaith 4.00 iis eW .ER. Alin, salary, Secý'y. Board Wholesale Arrests t'Uanadans With Goqghs iHal t1 Who goesethere 1 s<mflaa with a oougk. PaUs frlen~dl 1e, ~oeUgb! yenare usnder arrt. r - ainds of w-wh oesu et i ng Msde every day, j alil peuh tof Caada. Toq long have cougIhe @Md colds evnded justie and .aused uatold aufferiLn te humanity, but naI &M t heyhave e cornered and oewee yýCn ada 's farnous oog M.dteov"-uek- ley's Broaebitîn Mt o. DU ever hear of thâ wunderfu1 o Why, everybody J4 tâlkÎnZand t ing about the g»Mwrka f;4<1 in euring eoghe, OCU, h asthmna, et.. Th~e followng io one of thOUMet0 - my sincere thank5 for the b.eft M wlf e dcrved by the use of one of 701w bottles of ]BronehitiR Mixture. For over tirteeja yare she lias snered~ acuteiy.. Aiter. pexnding dollar ifter dollar upon various remedie., no re- lief was obtained. IHearing of your give it a trial and I arn glad te say one botie has made lier wvell. You are at liberty to use my name and should be énly too pleased to anawer Any inquiries. Sincerely yours, John Holmes, Yorkville Ave.1" The çrig- in%1 'of this letter imay bc ieeni at W, K. Buckley, timited, 142 Mtitual St., Toronto. Don 't allow a eough or -eod to liniger ith yeou. way -'with- it! RaIil Buekley 'sIMixture and have cougli arrested. This remedy aiver fails. On every bottle ia a gUarauteO E' ihi -~~uu~ g Giet It At Christie's CHRISTIE'S FOR PIES CHRISTIflYS FOR BUNS CHRISTIE'S FOR CAKES CHRISTIE'S FOR BREAD CHRISTIE'S FORCANDIES CHRISTIE'S FOR COOKIES ÇHIRISTIE'S FOR I0E CREAMJ CHRISTJWS FOR CHOC@ýLA.TES CHRISTlE'S FOR CH-RISTMAiS CAKE WNrCH OUR WINDOWS DAILY. The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville 1 ilI u<r~ I LERIIGH VALLEY COAL DON'T let this cold snap bother brou ar>y. Keep that coal bîn filled up. If you n' gÀ it now you can have it promptly becauÈýe .ouir deiivery îs~ as full. of speed a 1s our coafl is full of quality. John A. Ho1ga-te & -Son Queen'and Division Sts. J3owmanville IL Hogg & Lytle, Limited. F. J. MITCHELL II Fu rnace. KepYour Buildings In Good Repair i * And if you have not aufficient accommodation for f Y i !!! re-cîrcuîaLîun ULIU u~î~erîîîz~uiî w. ute au. [J. WC LULL LU C411 UII yuu W~ WUUIU 41 J oi ýiifj alr. Il we lail LU cati uii yuu wu W(JUIU