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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1920, p. 1

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£ M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. i BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 30, 1920. $2. 00 a Year In Advance. 5c a Copy. I COMPLIMENýTS ('T rTTImQ '1, j p' A Q nýTç As we stand on thie threshold of a New Year, we gladly pause for a moment to express to our friends our hope that the coming year will be one of Greater Happiness, Contentment and Prosperity for all. And we also wish to voice our most grateful appreciation of the4 co-operation of our customers during the year just closing-co- operation which has enabled us to make 1920 a most successful one. As we enter into the New Year, we shail do so wvýith a resolve to avail orselves of every opportunity to cernent more firmly the friendship that.bas exsted between our customers and ourselves during the past 39 years. Couch, Johnston &Cryderman. BowmnanvilUe Phone 104 Limiteci N. B.-AII stores in Bowmnanville will be closed Wednesday after- noons in 1921, except during Decemaber. THANK o u FOR A SPLENDID XMAS BUSINESS Our Christmas sales hav e exceeded our utmost expectatioijs. This proves that it pays to carry sucli complete lines, and good values. We th-ank our customers for the confidence which bas made 1920 the biggest year's business our store has ever enjoyed, and we extend to them Our Hearty Greetings for the New 'Year. IMPORTANT OPTICIAL ANNO UNCEMENT NOW FOR YOUR EYES ~The Xmas rush is over and you ean now sit clown evenings and enjoy reading if your e,. -yes are »ot overstrained. Next week we are giving spec- ial attention to ail cases of Eye Trouble. "Culverhouse, B. 0. A. ~st and Eyesight Specialist the entire week January 3rd ~wwell-known, and exper- 'tands high in the estima- ,ýd opticians of Ontario. (kindly consented to help us out liabsence, and we are sure our appreciate this opportunity to get ')r. Culverhouse's experience regard- r'oublesthey may have. ¾one us oe .,ýrite so that we may re- hich is mriost convenient for- you. & LDov/eil1 Ch1icago Ophtnalmic College ýiew VYork Sehool of Optic-s DetroîtopticalCo1g ~Cnaia 'ptca CllgePhone 78 XMAS. STATIONER REDUCED 25, per. Cent., Fin est Assortment Stationery in town. IHigh Class Riviera Li: Symphony Lawn, and S: phony Antique at 251 cen.-t off regullar prices. It can't leak because it' s made ift one piece - that's whiy we guar. a nre satisý,facu tion or your money back, Comrplete lineocf RantîeekRubber good.q. Prices (rom 40ç to $ý4.75 *z JURY & LOVELL. MUIIPLELCIOSMIITESAND UCHURCHES, FINE CRSTA M S MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Throng of Gitizen Pack Counlcil Roomi. St. Johni's Sundffay Sehol ntetimn Sunday Services in Methodist Church tngormicalcddae is te> el __wllbehldFidy, 'c.]SI., at 8 p.m.. n. take pflacee next Moinday in Bowmianville, uiring the hour of nominations for' Silver collection. Mre byCrtmsori. Iarngton andCatrgt Aspirants pubicnamnes wlbe fornnd elsewhere. il is ver. maor reve, oucilor ad ev. W. J. Hastie w-il preach at The Methodist church service ndsrbeta h etmnaalbeb 7.10to8.0 'cloLkMr JonLljbth services in theDiciples church Sund(ay were fully in keeping. with elceso that ability to 1111 the cilce Re'turinig Oficer, -,as kept busy rcr-o Sunday. the spirit of the Christmas seasoni and sogtsol etegiing rncip for every electr. rdst, fraternal' Afte i-r nmiofnationeesover a ublic, 1ev. S. C. MOOre,1B. vwere condlucted by the Pastor, Rpev. rlains olitics, nationality, churcl meetinlg was organized vith Town Clerk ,B. . aKo. ,lSnday srvices:7 il S.C. Moore, B.A., B.D. afiitons or aniy other cnieaine. Lyre as chairmain. Mayor Quinn mad m.NewYea'smessage by the pastor. Attendance was good consideringucept personal fîinesscpld it gocI a very instriuctive speech, giving Suchi in-, 2.3 iip.mi.-Sundiay Sohool and bible classes. -weather conditions, especially in the fi hudifunc oe.I formaion s th citiens esird tp now. The ember 0f he Yung adies . ~i~ealwers*ofo inrmesofIsressand hgb cst 0 lo v Cor,,«ýo a thc iiizes esicltehnov-1 T)-nieibrsof he Yoli evelnig, adal eeprvileged t the needhe f shreo d business abillti .At the close he readl two tetters from .B ib)le Class of the, Mthodist $unday 'îigý their devotions with an ex- on the Part of ail public bodies is nio~ rMcCaýrthy in reference te the' SchlooI presented thieir t-eacher, Miss E. E.uget mlingeeyintnc or l jjisi.mcC.i ll equeSt. iHaycraft, wîth a preïtty dock set in ivory ceflent order of music by the choir urnt. t cpb1 en evryinsor tne fort, b Bi:Wef seeches wýere mladle by a niumiber iand M\,r. J. A. Hlogate the assistant and(jsoloiste. Members of the cho'Ir and go90te the poils as a strong personal, is tbe other inoiniees. The following teacheýr, with a book, accompanied by showed their characteristic loyalty to dluty. _______ i ielist of citizenis nolnated with ,rOV- their good wishes for ,.a Mrry Chiristmas.1 ers and seconders: and a Hlappy New Year. their church and organiet by turning BW AVLE LCIN Candidate Nominator Secondierj Rev. WV. J. Hastie, London, will ont in force, giving an imipressive _______1ELCTON MAYOR fddress the Womyan's Christian Board rendering of anthemis and led the REEVESHIP J.AHolateJ.1.1alowell CSHlmno Missions, in Disciple Church, Sun- congregational singing of the fainill- H.L.Quinn Geo.L.Uait C.H.Masoi day evening. As this is the ùnly ap- iar Christmas hymns. PastorMoeEetr fBwavie REEVE a o ud hruhteya h based hîs Christmas mnessages for both 1Ladies and Gentlemen: Wm.Bock Archie Tait J.H.Cryderman [eIfrfnstruhteya h emn nue2 0ad1,gvn n addt o h oiino T.S.Hlgate Geo. Hall C.Hl.Masaon memibers are requested to give liber-se ononLk2,1 n1,ging Ia acndatfrth pstino very helpful and seasonable discour-» Reeve of our town for the con9n year LAW-VToIe Geo.L.Hlail C.H-.Mason'ally. sei o te G1ý Tdigs cotane being able te see you agl pe,(rson- i e i te ld iig"coland ,Iv ereby solicit your vote and in- DE P UTY - E E V E 1 t. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, in these verses.fuee for my. election. Should 1 be C..edr Geo.L.H-all C.H.IMason Minister. Sunday, Jan. 2nd.- 1 a- 1 The special choral and vocal items with Your support and electedý Ge..ansR.D.Davidson C.S.Hialjman, Hl Com no il ccl- Ioronilse that i ill do ail ln mypoe J.E.Elliott Geo..1-ail C.1-1Mason m-o ~mno ilb ee at the morning service were: Antheni, tuthrte etinteetofByan COUNCILLOFIS brated. The minister will conduct "Saviour of Men" the solo beigvLe R. W.Ho lmies Archie Tait J.A.Holgate 1the service. 7 p. mi. Rev. Geo. T.! capabîy rendered- by Miss Leta L. b Thanklng you for past favors,wil, IW.H.T'hlckson GoLRl 'McKenzie. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School Bragg; baritonie solo, "The Holy City', est7vi5hes for a Hqappy Prosperous Newý R.DDaidsn .AIlogae eo..Mso an Bbl Clsss. ThusdyDec. 'that old favorite, net heard here for THOMAS 8. HOL.GATE. J.E.EUiltt H.L.Quinn T.S.Holgate 3th., at 8 p.m., Preparat'ory Service. sm uwihwsgvna fet Geo.W.Jamnes A.M.Hardi,,y Geo.R. mvason sm ïe he a ie nefc-T h lcoso h ow M.J.Elliott J.D.Carruthers C.A.ICawkeri ChriSstm5.5 ve a commnittee of th e rendering by Mr. T. S. Holgate; T h luoso h ow C.S.Jlaliman Geo.L.HaJJ J.C.tIevitt Methiodiet Choir, composed ef Messrs. W. iver0 f Bowmianviile: Thos.Gorhold G.W.IIuln>»ge T.S.Holgate J.. Bragg, M.P.P., W. B. Tapson, A. W. an< eod nhn y h hiLadies and Gentlemen- John Darch J.D.Carruthera ..Dvt Pichard and T. S. Hlolgate, called on Mr. "Let us nlow go even unto Bethle-ý Having heen nomînated for the posi- Sami Glanville T.S.Hqolgate J.II.Cryde(Icrman Davidi Nicholson, the choir director and lhem." Ition of Reeve and havîng been requeste(d F.J.Mannling T.S.Holgate Geo.R.Masop organîst and after e-xtendînig the Season'a Ja.Bnntt GeLHal .HMaongretng, rsented hlm i wlth a, handsome In the evening the choir sang by the Chamiber of Commerce to be al R.EYaes GeO.L.Hal C.Mason Reeding Lap, nbhi fth hi ae Sme' nhm,"h lr f candidate for Reeve of Bowmianviile fr (2.1-IMasonReadig LaM, on elial of te choi Cale Sinier's n1921 "Thehaorve 1consenteSe ctoen stand san n adhhae Wm.errtt eoL.Iali C.hMaon emers. Mr. Nicholson was verleas- the Lord," with clear enunciation and quillfed for the position. G.W.Hupage Go.L.H~l C.H.ason ntlynsurpriseS.tepesS i pr-good attack. The soprano Christmas 1I'have served I12 yearýs as councilior Mr. . A Hogat havng lthraw ci~ionandthake.solos of Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker and aS3years as eeve an stand on ny Mr. 11. L. Quinn Ie Mayor again. Services in St. Paul's Church last ïIifectdwla-alimS Msr.T. S. Ilolgate and L. A. W. Suna eewl ttne n ayMiss Jennie Merchant of 0. L. C.,treord, nýl'sf rteecte ll, tsa thes, Tole are ru-nnng for R eeve. icomments were 1heard in warm -iappre- WtbyR.,CwerendMch enjoye. Mss Rppy NeA.eW. to ail Messrýs. CGeO. W. James anS E. C. Re- -1ciation of their catyad fiti Rti. oeaner W .TasnL.A . OE der f or Dclputy-Ree2vu. ..ayý4 essang a duet setting- of the words, Bom9vil -De.Sth. 192f,. 1ja)I(aesvlohv uailc o te the spirit of Christmûas seasen. "Art thon weary" with that devotion- IEUY.EVSI q Counclillors: Mesers. IloBes, Thickson, J. Teior gsrmno Te Be-, DPT-EVSI E. ElIiott,AM. J. Elliott, H-alihoan, GorbolfI, lehem of the Hleart" was a sympath a xrsieee fwihte r lanville, Bennett, Yates, Merritt, -iriet nepeainof he Gsll so capable. rwnlvle page. story of the Nativity; the evening ex- h ra ubrss peddyrLadies and Gentlemen: only six can be elected. position of the T-wo-fold Me.sge of played by Mr. D. Nicholson, the newý Hiaving been apProaïchedI by a numbeýr SCHOOL TýRUSTEES Agl"Goyt organist, were heard with much in- of influentia-Ilibusine(ss men and large tax ..eitJDCr "The Song of the nel"Goyt terest. Morning Prelude, Pastorale payers of thie town to allow miiy namne t,, JTas.Deymaiin J..A.1-0o1gat L1,e J.C.Devltti God on High; and the peace that in E, (Lemare) and Postlud e Fngh- ha'il aced~ before the electors in the cap- s J.H.CydermanC.E.R'ehder cornes to men of good will- through ctOfDpyl,-ýe 1hv P.J.itcell TA..1oigatb - .iç their good will, which brief -and t etta (Arthur B. Glant;) evening Pre- to he a candlidate for election for tht M4.ames .CDevtt he crrid i itof inde, "Voluntary in G" and Postlude office. MXessrs. Mason arnd Mitchell havinig de-' onsoehn Fugue in Dl (Guilmant) ; Offertory WVith the close association 1 have ha,; cljnedI to stand, Messýrs, Deymani, James the music of the Angels' song., The selection "Cradie Song" (F. E. Ca4ip- wl1th municipai affairs during the past i1 years, I feel that I arn in a-position to and Rice are lected by acclamation. music of the sweet Christmnas hymns bell). ýcarry out the Important anS, axactilU aond ithedpecia tners the choirfec There was a splendid attendance, iities which the office demands, anTI _____________ cntrbntd mch o te ttaleffctat the Snnday Schoî service which, shoulc1 receýive, of the services, particularly the ex- took a varied form or order, owing to There are manyimotn question-, THOUHTSFOR LECORS ceptionally good antheni at the even- the specialda. hrs1a slet-vicli the 1921 coun1cil mluet cOnsiderý CtHzenshveshFOn- g Cod gEt in g service. The duet by Mrs. C. A. 'ou arerederedCandstha et-ngil, altraigh-fo car, fçesrlss anSd ' 1 osi er edrdad -esribia1sed manner. If ecectedI arn11 apare elzehaeting H. L. Quinneto ih, office and MVr. H. J. Knight, and la yteocetamd h ig oase ncnutn h onsbe j Bowma11.T, SniiaIote a fceofi hesolo, "It vwae for me" by Mr. C. e( yteocetamd h ig o iss r oIýjtn ietg*-bs b oafaatown. ith twe o aanduI, ernin ing hearty. In the openiing hymr, lesaffalonthese iunes wýithout fear, favo,- Mayoof 5 Halman lsodeseve secia men ,,tion. CareleseanS lslip-shod netli- th, council miost of the yea anSdh tion. In the absence of Mr.E igetteBlso hita d utw far aeba oeae inaxperience of somne counicillors, the S1'4îr Mss l-aDoincaster pre-! Solves wanieysgbyitetoln.Mdmbunssmtdco- Mao eevsgreýat credit for th, enke, Leph Addie Greenfield. The Prima,-ryillt idviciouls and economical exhh rae hr fWa ecltrsmuet bhe adopteS if outown havhebee transaced. , O sided at the organ in a very capableclass, under their devoted instrnctors,, ia going to hoLdlits own at thiis criticaiî thegreta shre0f hetows ffaremarne thouho~t.Reroran tre Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Miss Lýena perioci in its history. Aýfter zthree years of acclamations the inde in the evening, h-ow,,ever eit laley, gave a capital account of i 1 arn not mnaiiing a. persýonai cav, town is to have a conteet for positions of a word of praise by itself. themiýelves in a Chitstmas Cradie because 1 dont believe lu sncb methoçda. Re-eve, iDeputy-Reex'var anridsix .Councillors, I_____If_ yn, Ms aio ikr gv eetsa-orrersnaivintl cil-.ssit3,ing the traides, occupaitions anSiç_________I you want mne to guard thc townl'a lxi- pIrofess3ions 0of Lthe aslirinig candidates' S.ALSs . NETIMETevîdence of innate musical talent -in cc l aSs onis'Cuclna considerable variety le shoxwn. S. ___.S __ RANETo ni nda oi is oi,ýi etye, ___her beautiful rendering of "There's plrace an' X after my nameo on the bal, Bowrnianville FoundrY Co., headas the This Christmas entertaiument a giv- ueitdn o Moayn, lm bcwn thre C Ron- donaayongtiny theebAtr.e liat withtre caddtsE C.Rh en on Wednesday evenibg, Dec. 22nd. aSn in.teAr" Sprnedn anS 5 p. ni. decr for DLeputy-Reeve andt R. B. Vates 'and provided a most eoybetm forIH. L. Quinn addressed a f ew words I have the honor to ha, aud Samn Glauville for ;ýl._ reigt h hlrn'yws Cýoinci1lora. Tuera the large audience. The lreadineo1retn o hlren wis- - .Your obreint servant, la considierahie opinions berng GexpresseSl filleS the Lecture Boom, a luiy ee'-J ing them compliments of the season». GEO. W. JAMES. la inregard toh diailt rdsrt nt comapauy, whose best anticipaions ion of se many from ouea frm seekliig wr ul e i hirga peetd Bownianvile, Dec. 28th., 1920. ulcin 0u ccuuunt f the cniinsta ebers of etcn heol an staffably as are cornîng up. Especially is this trua .unesofsho n tafal s COUNCILLORS when the question of disposiug of the sîstad by Mr. D. Morrison's Orchestra ________EECTON buildings erected by the town lu 1900 gave the program,. The stage wae a very DRIGO LCIN an aw ccpid y heBomavilapretty sceýne witb its Christmas Secora- -- To the Municipal Electors Foundry Co., wýill corne np lu the inextLlions, glowing fireplace anS coloreS lights,1 To the-lectorsoffteTwuf o a3vie Counil for conisidieration, With ail Sue largely 1,th, akilîfl work of Messrs. Ano-hpo arigo-LdesadGnlmn respect t,> the iintegrity of these men dJrew NichboIls anSt Bert Bounsall. The Ladies and Gentlemen: H-aving, beau requested by a committee :they would, if in the, Council , be putr fu, corss " aad, RigCrit aving serve'd you as Counicillor for tha 0of the Iiowmannville Chiambeýr of Commerc, the embarrasiugz position of servîng two Beas nS the 'March of'the Magi" piast four years, I arn again offering my,.anS other citizens, toi alow iny nama to, 41matesîIuuir t ilirecýtion of Mr. Ne"l Yellowiees, services for lthe sama position for the coma before voir as C!ouncillor for the O.witb Orches-tra-accomipaniment wera oig eranS sliityour ,vote and ln- ye-ar 191.I ava consenteS to off ar m, Au example, of this camne befor, Councli sweat and ringing:as only the freshi voiýesfunc.servicestoyuauifacpeSwi onlthis rhnonathe hlwii eseetin fDe.o cideucn aathrThankiing you for the coýnfideeriex- I fuli trquirements of that officet, mel , wh n heailowand'spoton was There were bright lîttia recitations by presseS i l e in the past, anS wîshi-g 'the hast of mny ability. rie Ç0n 1ulher -That the cost of istallifl Murray, Alan and Jeni Clarke anS Bruce you a happy anS prosperouis New Year. Soliciting your vote anS influence, anil in waterworks in lt(enoiiug sbop of t Ch rn aSLoaMMan pe Yours respectfully , xishlng eachl anS ail the Complimients o Bowmaknvile Foundiýry Co., lha allowed i0 f petdoneh I-eL îanaSARTHUIR H. BRENT teSaon e t ean 171- discourit of 10 par centou the amnounit f\Wi n ni fr Clarke. anS a fine piano solo Very truly yours, 'm- siS bill, $89.71". 1by Yvoune Hïazlew-ýOOd. To tha Ratepayers of tle W. H. TrHICKSQN.- To mlanly this discount le looked uponi The longer numnbers were: a guessing T'owýnehip 0of Darliuigto- Bowmianville, Dec. 28th>, 1920 per as ai direct bonus and the cquestion 0of conteet for the audliene in which t'le Ladies and Gentemnen,- iegality is properly raised.tiiso we-non ewppr wreteMicallcor B'owmtanvilleý's largeet iudlustry7-Gýoodl- repriesented in very ingelous anS rstwrikn As 1 have repiresented the Centre Div oo h ono oravle ya aor-haa emtS w odwaye, by Major R. J. Gili anS ies Young L, sjon,N. 1, in the township for tbe pasti mien to represent its inltereste lu rthelpar- Meni's clase, the prize heiug a year's w er nSIanteou u unn Ladies and Gentflemen: sou of -Mr. W. Il. Thickson who fbas lrSsisrpinto "ThaStternne won by that is living in tis Division, 1 solicit I1hvebeen approached by a comminitteaý praIctically aL) i li fe lu th-ie town, anS J. -Mýr, Richaprd Davies. The "Joîîy Sios youri vote aud influence for Couincîllor for of the Bowmauvi,-,ileý Chamiber of Corn1- E,. 'Elliott, anw coner fromi Cartwright iSOng hy, Mr. J. D. Ca%-rruthers' duess; the the year 1921.mecnSoerctan0fhaT r wb-o binswitbh im ianl honorable nuS Joîy a-teS" by Mrr. Bescîa"ss igyua ap e er to off er youi my Services as Coucillo, succeseful bui erecOrd, as well as, anSc "The Christmnas Dream"l a very C. W. SOUCH. for the year 1921. fouir yearS' onsi council experience. pretty Ca-tata lu whicb about thirtyi lu complying with theýir request lu falir Itev olgale Lalso cornles under Ithe 1members took part-tbesa were ail so To the Electors of Dar,ïilington Townsbl p,- nsat the. electors as3 I have liveS iîn oadn f th,, industrial miagnates as[ýuniqiue that no description can do0 justice Ladies and Gentlemen,- town only one year, I wlsh te state that, well as coal marchant. Tom is lu lina tlohern. It le euocughi to say thaLtai for tha WaVrdenïsip )at Counties' Counicilitook their parts wveil and furnishied a lot HIaviuig beau requested by a number 0ffor 14 years'prenions to comning te thia audwe oB ,> lm o hingthi hoorof real amusemeont. The thoroughuess of the rtpyr to accept the nomination towin, I carnieS ou a succesefuli Generu' to BveI'Owmauvili fi or 121rth pepratonwa renake hyrnnyFor Cucilrfor Division No. 2, I re-! Store business lu the village of Cadmnusiii Mr.C.S.Haîmn o te uramGiv wo observel that thle entire per form anrce epectfully solicit yohr vote anS influence. Cartwrigbt. For four years immnediatel Mrl.Sa1liu, fteDra -sting two bours, was given without If elected l will endeavor te serve theprvostmycnigb omavle anS ilMtt FaCtOry, is tIIe oniy other m.ih opromtig.Bwmnvlesgr - ownshlip ta thebeebt of my ahiiity. Iserved ]the Townsbip as Colnucillor. representing a town lndustry offering lu wealtOrh 0 musLial taln waves ga p-Yonr obediaut servant, lU soliciting your vote anS influence in servicesalu the anuscpa n inn t s g1Iwep-i ..n'.RCKR y behaîf, I wili aythat if elected, i Srie.pa9rent i h coIIaJinsswil .J . IKR,-7ll work for tha hast intereat 0f the tow,, OS thio fifteen candidates Ex1-Reeve1 pý'lay ' y-Miss HlelenYeloles Mrs. in fulfhilling the duties of the office teoIl, Geo. W. Jamiles, Editor, and P'uhisier, jAM. A.Ne, Mrs. R. D. Whitmnee anS Mrs. To the Electors of thehast 0fm ahit. wisin you th vho ila offring bis services lu thle D. W%. Beet. Township of Darliîgton Compliments of fthe Season, 1 beg to r- caIpacity of Deputy-Reecve, is the onîF Th Climanx of the evening -was reachied Ladies and Gentlemen,- main. native-boru Bowrnanvilliau in~ the liet. n Sauta Clanls himzenif appearad anS Hlaviuig beaun iominated by the rate- 'Yours very truly, The cquestion migbit well be osked, hoxV lae Whe, il mnjfavoreS tbe audience with a tvery fine payers as a candidate for the Council, I J. E. EL.!LI1OTT,. il thwe are not more of our young HanSu, i proveS toeha a vary l'eal anS solicit your vote anS influence, anS lf Bwavhe eebr2t. 90 takig a acive artin unicpalaffiresubetlautial person anS cýarnieS in bis big eete will transnct tbq -business ta the 17 Other vocations ofcadatsnlSepk a gif I for every m lember of the hast of miy abiity. auo eer larkz, farmer, bakzer, mer- sechool, lucluiug those on the Crafile Roll. Yours respectfnlly,, CHAMBEROFOMERCEDESNI chtant, retireS gentlemnui andSshoe repair Mrs. Best vwas prasented with a bad- HME I a. sanme bouquet of carnations, anS a hanS- SLSWLIM.ENOORSE CANDIDATES sonie chaque from the Women'so A'ssoc- 'ecosfth ciatio. and another like it from the Toe Eeosf the - Board of Managers. Townsbip of Darlington TO the James Papers- ==W", TOWNSHIP NOMIN~ATIONS Ladies and Gentlemen,- Tar appears te ha a misuinderstanci 1 RINTO Hving beau soliciled hy influeutial çlng ihregard to Mlunicipal Nomina ratepayers 0of the township of DarIrg tons maïde hy representatix'es 0f th REEVE-Thios. Bapker, acclamation. Hlolgate for Reeve can ha depended Ion 10 act as Councillor for euiung year, Chamiber of Commerce Monday evening. DEP REV-W R Cortce ac. upon to work faitbfuily anS coustantly for brh oii or oeaSifune Toexai this let uis say Members o nçz- theE hast inter ac. eat f te eopaolBw i y faorldgi ug myoteanf ,ifeleêcd xcutive of Chamr-ebr of Commerce ap ) ~VL No. 50

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