VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIOHE VETEiRINARY SURGEON. Day or '19, Cails Promptly Àttenided TG~. 3owrnanville. Phone 248. MARBLE WORKS i 'E. R. BOUNSÂLL. GAL' iLD. B. A, s in scehool) R, Rowena St, Jr. Il-' on 'iuescimy evernnig was' a decid[- ýuCCess, ail1 the cildrenl takIing parits well. A liberai collection ,he Sick Children's,- Hospital, T-or- ,waýs taken.. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. d, Simco(e, are visiting friends Mr. ,-nd lMrs. L. C. Sno-w- and daughteT( Betty hIave ýre- ud from- a pleasant visit wit1i Lds in Brantford. as.ayQualities-The nman possAses a bottie of Dr. Thomnas' -tric Oil is armned against many It wl relieve a cough, break ýa preven1t sore throat; it -wili re- t~he swe1li7ng fromi a sprain, re- ~the lnçst persistent sores and(j ,pýeedily heal cuts and contusions.1 a miedicine chest in itself, andi qe got for a quarter of a dollar. e- ENNISKILLEN an (Receivceýd too late for last issue.) d-ia League Wednesday evening was ini carge of So'cial 'Vice l4es. Drt.Fer guson. After opening exercises Mrs. r.Theo Sienion gave a Christmas i'ead- ein-. Miss Winifred Ashiton sang a rsolo._ A, pen contest was put on, ralso a spelling miatch w1hichi was en- Sjoyed by ail present.,Christmas service Sunday eveniing, Dc. 19 ivas F, well attenided ... . Miss Mabel Mount- joy lias been quite ill.. Mû. and rY Mrsk Nathan, Byers intend leaving this rnl week for an ù indefinite pei4d ~'t their soni Osbert in Toronto .. Visitors MrW., H. Moore in Toron-1 to; Mr. Parken, Toronto, at Mr'. Eilias' Ashton's; iVrs, Geo. Preston at Iind-, say; Mr. Warren Preston, Oshawa, êJ<4 We cordially extend to our host of Frieour, wishes for a New Year of Mucli Happiness and Prosjý,pelrty. iHARRY PHONE 186 AI2LIN BOWMAIý ISEASON'S O&EETIN -Agwe niear the end back gratefully upojn the AUCTIONEER THEO. M. SLEMON Having secured a license as auctio eer 1 arn prepared te take a liniit, number of sales. For terrns app te,' Eniikillen P. 0., or phone 197-r Lg Day, Fouse ih ýe New;h tmas Dr horus, ýby Lane $8 ta $12 PEIR DAY COL LEGE *but1do~?' ~g ear-, dents are nowj Write for cîr- W. J. Eliott, Principal_ The Double Track Route between Montreal TurontG Detroit Chicago Unexceiled dining car servie- Sleeping cars on niglit trains andý Parlor cars on the principal day trains Full informnation from any Grand TrunIk Ticket~ Agent or C. E. Hlorning1 District Passenger Agent, T oronto. J. U. H. JURY, AIgant 1 al lits hopes for bigger oppor-tuities, bring to each onie great OpportLunity, as well as al the blessings of Health and Happi- ness. F. F.. Morris Co SENIOR FIRST DIVISION-Miss FuneralDretr Leta L. Bragg,_, Teacher. Chorus, 0 Rd ant orni; Recitations, Alex Cromnbie, Ceci MoInighit, Violet Day- Bw les; Mýotion song, Wilbert Brown andiý Bruce CaUnieron;' :Recitatiox\s, Roy Lunney, Lila Hai-nim, ilida Brown I Dialogue, '"Guess" Alan and Clar- en-ce Osborne; Recitations, Gordon Adahnis, Bullie Gray; Solo,,"Bye-o-' C î l kahaui, Bne~ù __________ Furnitiire Dealers mnville and Orono VY tnxof coo"ýing a big dumner than I could fly. "I did ntot seemn to have any strenigthi then, and alittle extra work or excite- mient would use me up for a week. "~The doctor said my nerves were weak and that I had nervous prostration. I cer- tainly wap- nervous and irritable. I was always worrying about something. "It alil looks very foolish now. But that I's just, the difference between being weak and strong. "'Why dloesn't every woman use Dr. Çhase's Nerve Food when she gets run- down in health? ."But 1 suppose they do not ah know about it or do not reahize what it will do for tI'em. Then perhaps somne of them do not use it ' long enough to build up their exhaus'ted nervous sys1tems. "One thin' sure, the women of th,-s communiy filnal about D2r. CIaP" ýNer vo- I ta~ "And Wh~' top, ejym where the fres' keep me feelin-,ý "I don't beli, health until time. I air credit for i/ douhtedly, NerveFP- know it,ý Dr., box, aL' Ltd., T' signatu(,; 3' -' c' "f -~ 1