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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1921, p. 2

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f t ( J VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Ygit Cails Promptly Attended Tro. 0ffce, King-ât., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL "Lest We Forget" 'DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu- mients, Tablets, Mar1<ers, etc. in LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY .Money to Ican on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, 8?owmanville. Phono 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLfICITOR, NOTARY Mortgage Loans'Arranged. Bonds for Sale. Phone 102. Office, Bleak- lq-y Block, Bowmanville. AMUSEMENTS THE BUNGALOW DANCES, IeECEPTIONS, PARTIES,ý BATNQUETS, ENTERTAINMENTS, Fu'll E'W.Dnt-+ant al flanve4ana For information, rates, or reservat- Ions, address Box 390, Bowmanville. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. *pecaiiand Surgeonazat Mt. carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, ks. Office and Reaidenice, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phono 108. 86 C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., Graduate of Trinity Medical College, BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 6tb., 1920. SOME NEW YEAR TI-IOUGHTS. Parents, visit your school to better THE EDITOR TALKS understand the teacber's position. 1-1Wben shahl we buy eggs by weigbt We don't often publisb valedictory and milk according to qualityl addresses but the one delivered so Visit y-our neigbbors, farm f olk, well and without a note to prompt you'll find your problem-ts are theirs.1 ber at the recent Highi Scbool Com- So order your lives and direct youri mi-enecemenict by Miss Jane Grigg is'so eff orts that you'l1 bave no regrets. complimientary to the school and Form' som-e New Year resolutions memersoftheteahMg staff durîng even thougbi a f ew may not last thru her period at school and contains 1921. sucb good advice that we make ex- Encourage community entertain- who bve een or are nom interesd la the school will be glad of the op- portignity to rend this splendid eulegy of our excellent High Scbool. The pre-Christmas rush of adver-' tising by our enterprising' business firmis' crowded out The Editor's Taiks. Now that extra demand on our space is co1ver for the present we hope to resume our favorite pastime, -talking te our readers in ail parts of the world. We hope aise to use more easy readling type in future. We bave used smali, type to get in as much news as possible la the lim- ited space availab, We know by' experience that elderly f olk< prefer faîrly large type, so we shall try to gratifying tbem after this.11 Why don'~t we hear- more of? the Young Farmers' Improvemnent Asso- ciation? Boys of to-day are the' builders of to-morrow. It can. be made a grand training college. Fairmers' Advocate truthfully says if oixr fair managers would concen- trate more on educating' the young people ail our industries woulid be %vell taken care of in the years to come. President J. B. Reynolds says: As a people who should remain largely agrcutualCanadian f arm boys have surrendered to a prevailîng urban ideal-the town has conquered. Thousands of children in 4anadian schools have defective eyeighÏt, de- caigteeth and diseased throats re-t tdigmental and physieal develop- ment. Miclinspection is a biessing to * The question is asked, "Is there PU1iU lU IIue tIS O~IU~IUIU f *any more responsible, position in thereiesuptofal are expi municipal if e of Toronto than mem, We exj bership in -its'Board of' EducationI Morden D.Jhn Hunter said recently, and' CANADA WFANTS STATESMEN. inig in1 Dr.ougt lintelligent .persons _will 3bld B<n- What is true of Toronto saoulct ce true of every Board of Education in this country. Tbey al bave to do witb the education of and develop- ment of good citizensbip in the boys and girls oüf to-day wbo wiil be the men ndwomn o <f to-morrow. What otner larg-e en1terprise m ust neecis change old plans, methods, orders and. organizations to successfully cope with new econoic conditions. The demand for men of brains, executive ability and vision is impelling. This self -evident statement pro- IN THE EDITORS' MAIL. Mr. John Broad, Detroit, Mich., writes that hie can't get along with- out bis old home paper and wishes Rev. David Rogers would furnish the James Papers -with -more of bis 1Dar- lington remrniscences. Mr. Broad is a Darlington Old Boy. Mdr. Edward L. Fortt formerly of the Bank of' Montreal here or The Ontario Bank it was then now of Bank Dear Editor: For the 241th timej since we have been here I am glad to wish you a Happy New Year and many of tbem. The Durham girls always seem to find work to do for others whereverý they go, showing the fruit of their enriier training in Church or Sunday Scbool or botb, or in other bel-pful uplifting unies., Mrs. Minnie Sherin Wasb-iigton, M-ýorden, Man., writes: M0r. James, JJear Friend: I did not receive m-y paper of Dec. 3 and Oh, how 1 miss one as eachi paper seems likýe a long letter. We have bad a lovely wite 5 far-not very cold, tiTi this last week. We are having a' Christmas Tree for the Sunday SchooI this afternoon and 1 have my 22 littie tots dtriiled ini one Action Son"an some of tbem. Al good time as usual.I ýHydro' ElectLrie' in ing as they are Putt- snew. Wishing al' friends the Season 's HAVE YOUR WATCH OR OTHER REPAIRED PROMPTLY BY HAVING IT DONE RY Elijot Bros. IJewelers -~ Oshawa Ther'e is ne0 poisonous ilgein Worms feed upon the vitality of in Hllowy'sforaRemoerand it children and endanger their lives. A can be used without danger or injury. simple and effective remedy is Motlher Graves' Worm Exterminator. Whitby Women's Institute Made Rèev. and Mrs. Merrett of the cp the inmaates of the House of Refuge tist church, Whitby, who are leaï m4g ýappy by providing a Christmnas tree for a new field at Preston, were /pre- ý'and program on December 17, which sented with checks from the chuz-ch the old people greatly enjoyed. and Ladies' Aid, respectively. Sewing M ýachine One only, reg7ularly priced at $9000OO Clearing this week at exactly IA~I' ~ i K A I 5. 5d 5 K ~ Mlason & DM.e's Hardware One feature that marks many of' the letteris the editors receive is theý 'frequent referen-ce of Durbam- Old Boys and Girls to t heir eariy days down'here in the homeland. A man or wroaln a o i san, idtoano- Tc-rnto = Y 'ng-t E g' Rowell claimed that by nd-opting the ?oot.OfcKn-tEst, Bow- .iostecnrlwudb o z1nanvilie. Office bours 9'a. m. to 6 propositiostecnrlwudb o ~. m daly xcet Snda. Ponomucb under the influence of Europe, 0a. House phono 90b. whose statesmen are responsible for the present stateof affair§. Canada's stand wili do good. The men wbo FUNERAL DIRECTORS would influence the League must learn to consider wider areas than F. F. MORRIS CO. Europe ja formulating their ideas. Moîst complote equipment.ý Sunday Some of the leadi'ngWBritisb news- -An ngbt caIls PromPtly attended to. papers 'complimented -Mr. R.nwel's àBowýmanville phones 10 and 34. stand, and declared that, the compro- Branch at Orono. mise by whicb the proposais were, _________________________abondonled was a victory for Canada. AUCTIONEER -j-Acton Free Press. THEO. M. SLEMON OUR WORTHY MEMBER. U'vÏng secured a license as auction- ,OPr I arn prepared to take a limnited Perbaps, Hon. N. W. Roweil, M. P., oiumber of sales. For termsa_!pply for Durham County in the House of ~Ô ~EnmukiIlen F. O.,orphone 197.-rS. stenc l in Xrxp.tpOitAcl-- iafis, look for expert administrators? That the people wouid respond "So niote it be", is unquestioned, for it is a wise suggestion and practicai wîtbal. It is true as statod in con- clusion that the Prime Minister who will gathor about bim real capable executives and not glîb political talk- ers is the premier who will secureý and bold the confidence of the voters cf this grent Dominion. THE PEOPLE'S UNIVEIRSITY tWe were pleased to rend la The Globe recentiy a very timeiy and reasonable. letter from the pýen of Mr. John R. Bone, B.A., one of the ed- itors cf the Tlioronto Star, in reference sadness as, one r;a 1& so frequentiy-1 of<iih-tle passing" f rinds 50 close-T iy assecited witb the hiappy days of the long ago, when as a barefooted boy down la the Homeiand of Dur ham if e seemeil so rosy and bright. To you ail, and especially to my friend,. M. A. James, I extend most heartiiy -my< vory best wisbes for the' very best Christmas Season that he, bas ever enjoyed or deserved. Now N. E. NEADS Insurance Agency Office We lington Street Phone 162 Bowmançilie Shat~ Elctin ARCHIE'TAIT PIIONE 65. Prompt Delivery. Bowmanville. mi We Arze Electe'd' Du-ue-st., just opposite Canning 1 onzference tnan any ouzIer r rsetgranits toward. its upIkeep. Th1e Factory, pays highest cash prices for ative knowpi to us. The people of people of Ontario are very proud of 'al! kinds o£ pouitry and junk. Phon this county' sbou.-ld feel a very great their University and wvili not for a 299 or cati at bis residence. 5-tif. mmn opli fteIeiltr mesrof pride ini baving a gentle,~mmn opani h eiltr Iesr votes the mohey realiy necessary for WANTED:-Any Hay, G;rain,orI man cf the great abiiity cf our miem- its mitnne Wocol, Poultry, or Junk. Cali 28 ber taking sucb active part in the BriefIy- the situation isý the Uni- 'in the mornings -bef ore 8 a.m. or aft e lb&rations o~f-that World Confeýr- versity requires a substantiaily larger CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, OS HAWA. Our winter term commences January 3. BookkFeeping, ShorthandTpwiig Complete Commercial cland Cpete King Street Chambers, Oshawa. Phione 917. INCREASIE YOUR EARNING POWER Yônge & Charles Streets, Toronto One of the last two students to aeeept pcdtions,,Comnmenced at $22,50 per week and the other at over $1001 per month. Promo- tion in business is rapid if you have correct preparation. This 1 School is ýnoitcd for higli gradej trainig and for assisting the stu- i dents to obtain employment ' Write for College Circular. Enter at any time. W. J. EIliott, Principal The D~ouble Track Route between The Double Track Route between MosntreaI Toronto Detroit Chicago UJnexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlêr cars on the principal day trains FUIl information from any Granid Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horninig DiJlstricýt Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent flione 7S ýr' ence. Iei etil on îvn --- --------- ed attendance and advances in prices. stituency and bis country g-reat bon- Expendtr'frmitnnebv or. grown from $500,000 fifteen, years in a recent issue The Collingwood ago te nearly $2,000,000 -with pros- Bulletin snys: Those wbo bave their pect cf a stiil further increase te axe eut for Hlon. N. W. Roweii, wbo $,0,0 ihntnyas fti Tarsexpenditure about $500,Q 0 'S is at. present one of Canada's dele- titb esad 1~O0Ob gates at the League cf Natiens,,sit- Provincial grant, "the balance c dming ting in Geneva, niigbt do mWell te note from miner sources cf revenue. There with serlous care bis declarations as> is alsierequired about $4,0-09.000 for to hetats o th Brtis Doininsnew buildings. te he tats c th Brtis Doinins Until recently the Province bas and Canada la particular.' Replying scarceiy been conscious cf expeadit- te a, Belgin delegate, who'heid that ures on the University, thanks te the the raW nmateriai cf the world should original endewment and te the link- b)e equall1y distributed, the ýmember ing up, fifteen years ago, cf Unive r- f or Durh.,am, County made it quite sity te a'source cf revenue, the Suc- clear thiat wbiio Canada was the cession Duties. That condition may greatest sterebousei the worid cf continue, and it wiii be more than! raw materiai', there was ne intention ever due to the people te bave demen- -Wbatsoever' cf permitting the League strated to tbem what their Univer- of Nations or any other outsîde power sity is accomplishing for tbem and te interfere witb it. The manage- fer progress generaliy. ment cf this resoiirce was witb the True, the proposed expendituresi Canadians and witb tbem it would are large, se aise is the influence and rem ain. Foreign control would in Oirect benefit cf an educational in-! ne sense be toierated for a moment. ptitution wbicb takes its place witb! Hen. Mr. RowçeIl said, *îI sUbmit the best in the world. It is a stimulus that on the ether ide cf the Atlantic te, and sets the' standards for, the we view-fsomie problerns from .a some- busiineletoaithfeProancev.nThe whtdifferent angle. We appreciate bsns fec h rvne h wordfiute. W eonz hat efllciency cf cur educational__system centuries of conflict bave developedstheaniveorsity, o thsn acers racial and national ambitions and de- teUiest, o hstahr sires on -whicb iiitarismp feeds, and vwhe1 do nQt reach the University wbere p'dltarismr exists, eitber ini the get their flainingfroiw mon wbdedo. ex-iiiiiy ouitiesurincoutresIn Medcicinec who can estimiate the of the Entente, ijtibreatens the penc e e ha n h nrese ea n cf the wcrld. Our Canadian people hppiness cf Ontario brcughlt the i went nto the war and gave their world. Science. graduates bave bad biood and their treasures thýat militar- a f,,r reacbing influence on the de- ism ho~ld b ovrthowntha itvelopment cf Ontario industry. To a should be wholiy destroyed and that lrodge h tnadcàh justce nd iglt seui tae ~pu1pits. cf Ontario is determnined by juti e tdinkgt he ld eagL the training the occupants get at the place.' e h h LailteUniversity. Ahti xmnto n most promising means by wbicb that reflection Aili convineainyýon tat tan be dene. W7e expect nothing there is scarceiy a phiase cf the busi- from it, but we'll give it a-Il the help ness or professionai if e cf the Pro- weca. h lnge sontra vince wbere the influence cf the Uni- and we believe that pestority vih l versity is net affecting the standard judge the countries, great and srna 1,cfcraive nt Ifwlorte by he aythe kep the promises efficiency cf the Uniiversity we ro- ,vwhwich tboy made wbile the strugp- J_',lor plane ,thec life cf thel W e are getting back tobusiness as usual. -If youhaven't already been in our store corne in to- day and let's get acquainted. To you we have _met,_ cail gapin, and let's knowe ach-oth-er hetter.' Il Our aim for 1921 will be a botter grocery service with courteous treatment at ailltUrnes. MIESKNOWLES, Grocer Phone 36 Bowmanville '9 fo-r the year 1921. K You xviii find it is not only econiomy, but ithe best interests of every member'of the TRY ALOAF TO-DAY. THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville w A f/ / I d~"~"~ ~ Start Right Buy Vour Meat Fo 1921 From Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey B lock Phone -225 Ulouse 272 Bowmanville 0 PARKýT IC UL (R You, ýï-annot be too pairticu1ai about the insurance -you choose. The 40 com- panies we represent wiIit stalidl ie acid test of investigation. ~ Fie- LssesdeaIt with very iiberaliy and paid up with as littie deiay as possible. YOU GET THE BEST WHEN YOU ,INSURE -WITH J. J..MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 BwaiiJ . 1 r'ifý besicles many reeltations 11 MW m! Lý- « ..Ïý MIMMAr j

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