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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1921, p. 3

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Make Harry Alîo Your. Grocer For 19 11--.0 and You Will Be T eated Right. HAR.RV ALLIN PIIONE 186 BOWMANVILLE I ~ Always FOR AN EME RGENCY- PHONE THE P UMBEES NO.8 Quite often you ne d(' the plumber in a hiurryý-waterworks go4e wrong or furnace played out. WhienM that prediîc-ament give us a hurry up call and one of Our men will be on, the job in hort order. FURNACE EXPERTS Greenaway &Eliott. Consulting engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville It Always Pays Toc- Buy -Týhe ýB-est This is particularly true when buying méait. And youalways know that when you pât- ronize our store you, are sure of gettin~ choice young meat which we have purchas- Pb) eut tro11m 1 m e eu )eeuLrin ni i neb. C.M. Cawker&So Puirveyors one 64Bo avil Your eals To get the most enjoyment oUt of your m.ýals good baking is essential. We pride ourselves in having a great variety of tempt- ing eatables, fresh every day, for our many customers. WE ARE AT YOU R SERVICE 1095 TIMES A YEAR-EVERY MEAL Christieâ's Bakery Tho Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97, Bowmanville Externaly or InterualINy, it is Gocd> Astinia Dosen't Wear Off Alone -When applied exterualY y brisk' Don't m1-ake the muistake of waitiug fai ubbing- Dr. Thorhas' Eclectrc 011 asthma tc wear away by itself. Wi es theoe s"and penetrates tic' Brsuetcponrteet', te O aewaitiug the disease is surei: ouble au drmmediately affordînig ne- gathelnng a strongei f octhold an( ýef. Admlinistered internaiiy, it you lve lu danger cf stronger auc iiI stili th ierrie.. hrubbgn.thieir yet stronger attacks. Dr. J. D. Ke] iIII stili the irritation lic hethrnt îogg's Asthme, Reuwdy takzeu cari- 7ici inducca coughing and wiIl ne-llîpevn icpin cnito'fo ev'o tfections cf tic branchial tubes wlbeveemlugtcodtinfrn rid respiratory organs. Tny it and Suff ernug. crnead'ae or ýe convlnced, r adi aud torid r and mean te wretcheduess taal om they visit. ýyOne of the suz'est!and peediest ways dta combaltlem is w8 h Parmeiee's' Vegetable Pis, hc Il restore the ýd heathfui actioni of the Itomach and' - brilng relief. Thieyvoe roved~ ýY their usefuainess in, thusands of m cases and will continuet give relief >f ta the suffering who are "se enough, to use then'. lumili 1 ý 1 BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 6th., 1920. ENFIELD Report of Enfieid S. 5. 15, Dar- iingt on, for Christmnas term, names in aer of menit: Sr.,IV-Dorothy Pascoe. Sr. I-Mârion Simpson*, i Helen Pascoe*ý, Lloyd Ferguson, Fior- enc~e 1M4Fadden, Hlerbert Ashton, Me]Nrle Ashton. Sr. II-Harold 1Cochrane*l, Cora McFadden. Jr. il -Elva Ferguson*,' Norynnlp Stinson, Verna Ormiston, A;my Ashton (ab-j sent). Sr. 1-Dave Getchel. Jr. 1 -Bessie Pascoe*, Evelyn Stin-san* (equal), George McIFadden*, Grace Cochrane*. Primer (b)-Norman Niddery*, Ivan Cochrane. LONG SAULT Report of S. S. 13, Darlington, namnes in arder of merit: Sr. IV- Ruby Virtue, Donald- Davey. Jr. IV -Morley Hooper*, Gordon Sargent*, Ora Abbott* , Myrtie Farrell, Elsie Abbott; Jessie Hooey., Sr. III- Stella Strutt., Jr. II-Rena Fan- rell, Ruth Lowden, George Smith, Archie Vitue, Gordon Cowling. Sr. i I-Sydney Smith, Irene Ferguon, 1 Stuart Hooey. Jr. II-Ted Abbott, Freddie Smith. Jr. I-tarvey Smlith, Primer-Ruth Farrell, Phyllis Low- den, Doris Lowden. Primer ,I.- Lonna Hooper, Howard Abbott (ab- sent). *Honors Mabel L. Wight, teacher. BLÂCKSTOCK Monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Instjtute will be heid at the home of Mrs. John Wright, Blacli- stock, on Wednesday, January 53th. at 2.30 p. m. Lunch to be served. (Cnowded out last issue.) Among a, merny round of Christ- mas trees and concerts at the differ- ent points in Cartwright the last1 but not least was the play "Cran- berry Corners", put on by the young people of the Union Churcli on Christmnas night which was highly en- tertaining, being a pleasant mixture of comedy, tradegy and pathos but as 1 "Andrew" said, "Al1's well that Ends« well" and it did. The characters ýwere so well taken that the interest was -maintained right throuout the play. Wednesday night brought the young folks back ftrm Higli School in Port Perry and Lindsay. We trust that in the near future they jwill not have ta go so far afield for a good Higli School,,as we hope for one in this municipality. Miss Haesiip and Miss Irvine are spending their Christmas holidays at their homes in Jauetville .... Rev. Walken of Janetville, was the pneach- er for the Union S. S. Annivensary services last Sunday and was very much- appreciated bath morning and evening .... Nomination) day passed ver'y quietly, Reeve and Counceillons being reeiected. Christmas Visitors: Mr.- and Mrs. Gerald 1Hl1 at his mother'à, Mns. John Jobb; Miss Ruth Marlow, Tononto,, at ber home; Miss Hildred Patton, Peterboýo, at home; Mir. Patton, Millbrook, at lis brother's, Mr. W. J. Patton's; Mrs. Poliick at her sister's, Mrs. Charles Gibson. NESTLETON. (Crowded out last issue.) On Friday, December l7th., the' League service was in f orm of pro- ram of music, readingà, etc., and a presentatian of a set of kitchen aluminum ware ta Mrs. Wlton Cread , 1 (nee Miss Madalina Emerson,) who' has been an active worker in Sun- day School, Epworth League and Church, and leaves thisý weeki for their home in Gravenhurst followed by the best wishes of her m'a.ny friends.i ... Mr. A. C. Wiley. organiz-' er of thie C. 0. Foresters, spent a few' days in this locality and on iFriday' evenîng on1 invitation Mr. Strong,ý Superifitendent of Organization, and numnber of Brethren of Court Lind-, say, wý,ere present when twelve new i niemibers were initiated into the' utystnies of Canadian Forestry. Mr. Strong- gave the members a good' speechi and a veny enjoyable evening; Was spent .... Christmas week was ai week for Christmas> Trees. On Tuesday evening at South Nestleton, o-n.Thursday at Caesarea, and on Fr1-. d at North Nestleton., Good pro- I rs were given and the little folk ma e happy by the appearance of San Claus... MnV. ai-d Mrs. J. W. Eme son spent Cxita ith her brot r, Mr., Walter Wasfiington, best new ones as issued. RATES-$1.00 to join and 10e for each ex-1 change. W., T. Allenl "SIG 20" BOWMANVI LLE 1 The Royal Banik Di Canada, Protect yor Victory Bonds- by Renting a Safet Deposit Box. Deposit the coupons every six naonthfs in a Savings Accounit and earn 'interest upon the bo(nd interest at 3% Per ann11uini, comipounnded If thiS is doue regularly wlth (Say) a 15 year bond, yau wMl aeeurnuIlate more interest than Principal. 9APITAL & RESERVES $38,000,000 TOTAL I1ESOURGES - S590,000,000 BOWMANVULE BRANOR R. F. Aitchison MANAGER GENERAL PROFICIENOV PRlZE LIST, DÂRINGTON COUNCIL. For Vear Ending June 30th. 1920. Town Hall, Hampton, Dec. 24, 1920.$ Sr. IV-i, Reid Peýaxu; 2, Floareuce Mor- Final meeting af Council f or 1920 ris; 3, Gladys Withieridge. .1r. 1Vi. jwas. helci this day; members ail pres-0 Agnes Vaustone; 2, jayce Mulrhead. ent, Reeve Baker, presiding. Sr. 11-1, Marguerite Jouess; 2, Ada) Minutes of iast meeting were read Webber. Jr. 111-1, Mary Muirhead, 2. aud confirmed. Louise MeMillan. Sr. H1-1, Harold Me- fNorman Scott was appointed path- whinney; 2, Murray Clarke. Class S-i, master for Uùiou Beat, vice Jas. Elsie Yeo; 2, Frances Cavert; Jabez Scott, nemoved. Vanstone. Jr. 11-1, Florence Ives; 2« Isobel McMurtry. Sr. 1-1, Mariou Ham- By-law No. 796 was given three ilton;2 Orvile Curran. Prmr -, edns sigued and sealed, venify- jimGibsor. , ,Jes,.,z. Macfa.laue._ ary B-i. BUille Breut; 2, George ive. amot3nts spent on, bridges and, Sr. 1, South Ward,-1, Marlon Hamiey; approaches theneto durnn the year. 2,Agnes ýPeate. Primary, StNth Ward-, edc adfon .O . o i.Isbe îithel . D1visenBt,,Picia.entrance to park off miii street was R. 0 Daidsa, Pincpal.pnsented an darder passed for pay- ________________meut. ENNISILLENTimues for collection of taxes' for ENNSKILEN1920 was further exteuded ta Moil- '(Crawded out last week) day, January 10, 1921, with 2 per The Xmas tnee concert ou Thursday cent ta stil l ppiy. evening was a decided success. The 1 Treasurer acknowiedged neceipt cf dhidren ail deserve credit for the; $5 14.24 fnom Caunties' Treasuner way in which eacfi numben was so fan Accommodation and Equlpment weii reudered. The committee whlcl. grant ta public sehocis, and $2.50 dld the training iabored with- the f rom Manvens Tp. for work on children for oven three weeks and boundary. were well rewarded for their effortsý Ordens drawn on Treasuren wene: by the hearty appiause given each C. W. Aldworth, gravel, number showing an appreciative aud-1 roadway $ 2.40 ience. The trainers were Xr E . J H. Wiliox, rep. grader, etc 3.25 Staples, Mrs. Thieo Siemnon, Misa O. J. Aldworth, shoveling snow 5.00 Gow with Miss Marion Orchard pre- W. Il. Moore, gravel 5.87 sidlng at the organ. The Prognam T. MeGil, piplng ta trougi 14.00 couimenced witl a chorus cf Weicom1e J. L. Johns, water trough, etc 16.25 by the scîcol and an addness cf Wel- C ý W. Souch, ser. Caunciliar 2.00 com in the f arn cf a recltation by A. H. Brent, son. Counciiion 2,30, M iss Plemia Hall. Rccitations were T. Baker, services Reeve 2.40 s~ gvenby ori Gnffi~ M-le W. R. Countice, services Mocre, Ernest Wcrry, eaeh speaking as Deuyve 2.601 cleaniy and distinctiy. The "Good- *H.S putyerSeev seco 4.0 ,Niht ril" y 1 litietoswl i W R. Allin, salary 4t1 qr. 120.û0 whiîte ready for bed Was sWe' Bank cf Montreal, rent ta prctty. The Fiag Drill by 1 girls iu Dec. 31, 1920150 white with rcd and blue was weli g'y- Cienk, and Treas., postage, en. The Mother Goose Drill ail lu Stationeny, etc 18.30 dress ta roptesout the different char- M. A. James & Sons, ptg.,& acters received much applause. The advtg. 42.60 Ashton Quiartette dciighted everybcdy S Chas: Allun, tile for pa 1rk 3e.00 with a selection. Miss Luella Stevens S*.Ede ar n~ae 00 and John Siemon sang a dialogue, Cauncil ed adurn e sine 5die 0 subjeet heing lusbaud audçwife quar- C W. ajoR. Asin, Tpe. Cek rehing, whîdh waîs yeny truc to lfe, iW.RAliT Cek Orville Ashton, drcssed as Capt. Jinks ________________ made a typical actor cf. the man le- rcprcscnted and sang lu his isuaIi good vaice. A dialogu~e was given G.A V%-TYUT hy six grawn-ups: "Betten than a G. A. LLflLIN Dcctor"-cvokiug mudli laugiter. Wortly cf special mention was thc AUCTIONEER Pantomime rn.presenting the Three NO W D-N Wise Men seeking and finding the 1 Child Jesus-The Guidinie Star,'____ Sheplerds, Angeis, Mary, Mther cf Jesus, Herod-all wene represented Having secunod a Licouse for and would impress the stcry an thé Bowinanville District I wiil be minds cf the young w'hic7à wauid'pleised t odc orsale maybe neyer be erased. A closlng REASONABLE RATES- Write chorus: "Merry Christmias" by "the scbcol was given. Oid Sauta was for date. 5- tlhrc as large /as life and every 50- kiddle waâ-iemembered by him with a1... supply cf just what kiddies like taoi _________________ cat. Santa was full cf wit and lumQr (Mn. Theo Siemon couid nat be found while Sauta held the stage-wond where le went ?) Rev. G. T. Mc- Il Keuzie was chainnian. L T1 $8 ta $12 PER DAY sAulto Tractor Mechanies, Vulcanizin.g. $to 12 per day. Men. wanted fill pres- eut dlemand automobile meohanios, driv- ing, tractor , operatting, tire vulcanizlng, oxyacetylenq dn, storage battery electrical work. Practical training.'- On- ly a few weelks required. Day and night classes. Write free catalogue. elg aes. Steady employment. Hamfp- hisAuto and Gas Tractor Schaols, 163 King-st., West, Toronto, 48-7w BRAmN AT RI1NK TUESIYAYS THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS TAYLOR'S RINK BOWMANVILLE FA IRBA NKS -MORSE Appoint Local AgentÈ. I w ish to inform the public that 1 have been appointed local representative for the above well- known firm and amn filling orders.for GAS ENGINES (gas ot-coal oîl) ONLY ENGINE, builtwith a Bosch high tension Magneto. SAWING MACHINES PIPING for water works PUMPING OUTFITS WATER OUTFITS, for barn or bouse _ Parties interested will do Well to see me be- fore buying. W. J. CHALLIS, Agent CHALLIS & CLEMENS, SALESMEN Phone 205-3-1 Bowmanville 'p "vi Just loak over thilist and note what a feast of good nuunbersare aut this month for your 'enjaymcnt. Famous artists, nimbie-fingered jazz masters and popular singers combine ta make this list onc cf the most iuteresting that has been_ oflered for some time. VOCAL RECORDS INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS Geeftm "The Maid cf thceJ(Iu a Monastery Garden oolMountains" 216224ii Maters Voice Orches¶ra and Chorus Geme from "Chu-Chin-Chow" tMinuetta and Barcarolle Hienri', Orch 1-LM.V. Light Opera Co. l,,sScenes Alsaciennues-Part II 216218Moretti Trio 2128TheSliple Simon Party, Billy Murray lTheHerdGl'sDream ChamlerlandTrio (12iSwingAlong Peerless Quartet 't INSURANCE AGENC',-Y I place ail classes of în- surance, including Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Guarantee Bonds, Automobile (fire, thieft", property damage, injuries t'o the public, col- lision).- Ask me for quo- tations before insurig elsewhere. Mrs. Edith V. Scobel Mr. Wilbert J. Lloar Insùrance Agents Phone ISÇ Bownmanville C'irculating To thoise who are not acquainted With our lib- rary. We have ail the latest books by the writers and all the film STER9S cu', 10 y

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