z, I Vol, LXVII. . A. JAMES & SONS, Publisheis. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRJO, JANUARY 13, 1921 $2,00 a Year In Advance L LADIE's AT HALFI PRICE What an opportunity 1 The balance of our Ladies' Cloth Coats will be cleared this week at exactly Haif Price. 25 Per Cent,'OFFThi*s List:, Blouses AUl Silk Crepe de Chene and Georgette Blousçs. Dresses All Silk and Poplin Dresses ALL U S iNGA RETLYRDU All Ladies' Dress Skirts. PRICES. Couch, Johnston& Crydermanam Bowmanvllle Phone 104 Limîtea THE EDITOR TALKS We publish this week as has been our customn for some years, a liet of interments in Bowmanville Cemetery during the past calendar year-98 in al. 0f this number were 2 over 90 years of age, 14 over 80 years, '35 over 70 years, il over 60 years, and 19 under 20 years, seqveral 'of whom died in înfancy. Taking these 98 burials as an average list of deaths, two features 'are pronhént: first, that in a commnunity as large as Bow- manville -with its 3,500 persons and extensive surrounding-district using this, cemetery, on-y .8 chitdrçn be- tween 1 year and 20 years died dur- ing the year 1920-this ia the face of ail children's diseases--scarlet f ever, diphtheria, measles, influeniza, croup, and the long list of other lese fatal ailments. Are we right in giving] credit for thie happy condition to niedical science? The other thought is that neariy 50 per cent of the others lived to the allotted span-70 years! and over. Here again we give large credit to the doctors and improved, sanitary conditions in the homes. V ANOTHER RAY 0F IHOPE iiBelieves Bc-wmanvifle Poesegses Good Mayor Quinn ie lu receipt of a leter froxu Dr. D. L. McCarthy, K. C., Solicitor for the Town of Bowman- ville, re the McGill Estate, from 'hie representative in Washiing-toni, D. C., and which they conesider a very un .- portant document because it je a de- finite expression of opinion on the part of the President of the Tities C pnyas to the right of the Town, of Bowmanvile to own the property The letter is as foilows: Joint offices The Real Estate Titie insurance Co. The Columbia Titie Insurance Co. Washington, D. C. Dbecember 28, 1920., Gentlemen,- Ref erring to your requêst for an individual expression of the mnente oif the titie to the McGill Building of this city hy the Corporation of Bow-_ mnanville asserted under the will and of the late James H. Mc-GiU1, I beg to say that in mny opinion the Corpor-. ation of Bowrranv.i.le possësses a good titie to thie property', subject to any inicumbrances on said property though as suggested to you neither of the Companies of whvieh I arn president je willing~ to issue a cýerti- ficate of titie to this eff ect until the question affecting the validity, of the corporation's dlaim has been settled by the Court of Appeals of this Discrict. Very truly yours, (Sigiied) James j. Becker, president. ILABORER'S FATAL FALL Barnaàlo Boy Leaves $1000 To Bowman-ville Hospital. While going out to do the morning chores on Sunday, Jani. 2nd., John Hayes, employed with Mr. Mlton J. Elliott, at Nursery- Corner, BoWman-. ville, was knocked off the platform by a barn door swinging against him and f eH about 6 feet, ýighting on his head, which caused concussion of thne brain and a fractured ekuli. He was ahl e to walk to the boüuse but soon be- came uanconecious and wae later taken to the Bowmanville Hospital where 'he passed away early the following Jmorning, without regaining con- sciousness. Mr., Hayes came out from England Uover 25, years agoaa,_a prnadro boy, 5 MAYOR H.. L. QUINNJ Who was again elected Mayor Bowmanville for a se-cond term. TOWN COUNCIL. Less than a dozen citizens attended the inaugural meeting. of Town Coundcil ron Monday morning, when the niembers took their declaration of office and then 1adjourned tilII8 p m. At the evening session Rev D. W. Best, B. A., of St. Paul's, opened the pro- ceedings with prayer. Mayor Quinn read hjs address which Lappears elsewhere. An opportunity was given other members of Council te speak but modesty barred their oratory p ntb-ae lhv A Strlkîng Committee of Reeve HRol- gate , Couns. Yates, M. J. Elljott andi Mer- ritt, recommended these standing dom- mittees for the year, adopted as follows: Finiance andl Printing-Re~hder, J. E. El7- liott, MritMayer. Public P1roperty--M. J. Elliott, Yates, Glanville. Roads and Streets--Holgate, Thickson, M. J. Elliott. Fire-Glanvýile, Yates, Thickson Cemetery-Merritt, J. E. Elliott, Glanr- ville. Poor Relief-J E. Elliott, Hoigate, Rehx- der. Police-Thickson, Rehder, 'M. J. Elliott. Waterworkls-Yates, Merritt, H-olgate ilManfaturers-Rhider, Holgate, Mer- ritt, Mayor, Court of Revision-Mayor, M. J. El- liolt, Holgate, Merritt, J. E. Elliott. Mesignation of T. E. Osborne as fire- man and ianitor of the Fire Hall, was referred to PFire Committee. Chamber 0f Commerce requested Coun- cil to pass a by-iaw requiring milk deal- ers te have their cows tested for tuber- culosis. Referred te Bo;ard of HealJth wîth ppwer to act. Dr.J C. -Devitt was re-appointed Hligh School Trustee. By-law was passed authorizing Mayor, and Treasurer to borrow $45,000 toealeet current expenses. Board of Health was appoînted:-WVm. Brock, Chairman; Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, M. H. 0.; Richard Jarvis, Sanitary In- Isp'ector. Resolution was adopted authorizing the Finance Comrmittee to,,secure a chartered accountant to audit the books of the var- ious departmnents of the corporation. Fire Commnitt'ee was empowered to pur- dbase 100 l'os. blue stone. Mr. D. L .McCarthy, K. C., solicitor for towii, wrote re McGill Bequeýst. Letter appears in this issue. Mayor Quinn and Reeve Holgate were appointed te inter- view Mr. McCarthy regarding action te take. Resoution was passed that those seek- ing assistance from Poor Relief Commrit- tee be given work cutting posts on Old Eectric Light Plant Property, under supervision of Public Property Commit- tee, wages te be paid at 6c a post, 8 ft. long, workmen to 'clear ahl bush, any wood that can be saved for timber te be given te those cutting posts, said posts te be piled where they can bc conveniently loaded on a vehicle. THE PENNY BANK Ia these days Of SOý manytempta-> tions to spend money7 parente and teachers should do their bestto en- courage thrift on the part of every W. BRO. THOS. A. DUSTAN, W. M. of Jerusalemn Lodge, No. 31, AF. & A.M. Mr. Dustan has the distinction of beîng the youngest Master Jerusalem Lodge lias1 hIIId.Iý He conducted his duties on St. ".hn s nigliht in a manner which broughti forth mucli favorable comme~nt fi ciii is brethren. Tom will be a surprised boy wý,hen lie sees his picture,( in print, too. MASONS INSTALL OFFICERS. Thos. A. Dustan Is Worshîpful Master .For 1921. The danniversary, of St. Johins the Evangeliet was fittingly celebrateli by members of Jerusalem Lodge, NTo. 31, A.F & A. M.,' on Wednesday evening, December 29th., when officers for the en- suing year were installed and given their, Icharges byl R. -W. Bro. Fred C. H7oar, Dý, D. G. M. Ontario District No. 12. 'The ceremony was conducted in a highly efficient impressive andi satisfactory man- ner the'charge s and lectures of the in- stalling master broight out in beautiful and belpful review the outstanding prin. ciples of the virtues and benefits of the Masonic craf t. The officers for the year are: W. M.- T. A. Dustan; L. P. M.-A. L. Nicholis; S. W.-Frank Wiliams;, J. W-W. J. Hoar; Treas.-John Lyle; Sec'y.-J. -S. Moorcraft; Chaplain-T. H. Spry; S. D. -Fred R. Foley; J. D.-W. R, Dustan; 1. 0.-Lt. -Col. L. T.'McLaughlin; D. of Cý-Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie; Organist-W, JT. Bragg, M. P. P.; Stewards-Jas. Dey- m ian, D. W. Downey; Tyler-John Baker; Finance Com-C. A. Cawker. W. C. King, Gus. Bounsail; Charitabe Comn.-A. W. Mingeaud, F. F. Morris, R. M. Mitchell; Health Com.-T. H. Spry, A. Mitchell, W. R. Dustan; Auditors-J. A. McClellan, F. J. Mitchell. At the conclusion of the installa tion the brethren adjourned to the Banquet Boom, where a social time was enjoyeli in feasting, speeches and song. W. Bro. T. A. Dustan actedl as toastmaster in a I Ce-"LOTH COATS 5e a Copy. o. 2 1 1 e $2.00 à,Year Iri Advance