Iff HA RR Y PRIONE 186 Always ALLIN BOWMANVILLE Ready FOR AN EMERGENCY- PHONE THE PLUMBERS NO. 18 Quite often you need the plumber in a hur«ry-waterworks gone wrong or furnace played out. When, in that predicament give us a hurry up call and one of our men ixl[ be on the job, in short order. FURNACE EXPERTS----- Oreenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or nigit, Bowmanville Tt Always Pays To Buy The Best This is particularly true when buynng meat. And you always know that when you pat- ronize our store you are sure of gettîng choice young meat which we have purchas- ed from the best feeders in this district., C. M, Cawker &i Son Purveyors [ Phone 64 YVuf Bowmanville 1eN al1s To get th~e most enjoynent out of your meals good bakinig is essential. We pride ourselves in having a great variety of tempt- ing eatables, fresh every day, for our many customers. WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE 1095 TIMES A-YEAR-EVERY MEAL.--- C',hri*stie's Bakery The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 emIt- Vool's V.ttoegoût Compournl. lieeaf, 0.eWsbl s-egdati mdn. Sl$;n.re d- greeS of stregh-No. 1, $i; No 2, $3 N.,$5 prbox. Sold b ail dru gsi rsenat Keaia on receipt of price. e pasphet. Address: TiHE COOK MEDICINE CO.. T ORONTO. ONT. (I'srmerly Windsr.) Bowmanville Make Harry Aluin Your Grocer For 1921---n and You Will Be Treated -One plU a dose, 25 cents a box, afl *~~) delFsoidmanson, Bates &Ceo, LIL * Having secured a Licenase for TerOflIe ] Bowmanville District I wili be pieased ta conduct your sale Wm gldl REASONABLE RATES- Write WBERLIE Right. 10 W~BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 13tIh., 1921. DU IP QD A U PERNIE MARKS. COMING I The Ernie Marks Stock Comipany PRAK HME +RKATRGK supporting the people's favorite act- Two Durham Boys Meet i te iress, 1 Mss te Marks, willpesezt North West. No. 3 Public Speaking "A Talk" uje Operan.House, oemanvthiil St A gentleman, member of a weii- (oýgtd rats ucs Tewound Up" known north-wîest Darlington famifly,,'h ways and means adopted bylarday, Jban. l5th., one of l therl' holding a high p)osition, educationally, 'the "sapho-x orator" to attract and j theatregoers, as they xiii receive an under the GoverninentË of the Province retain a crowd have always interest- attraction tha tis running an entireiy -7Of -Statchewain, very thoughtfuiiy -ed-ine. _hese-ýopen -air audience& do-differelitplanl than--the -g-eneral-line-- sendsThe amesPapes an I nestlt necessarily 5feel calied upon to'of these attractions. It is Mr. Marks' ing letter under date of Watrous, Dec. suibseribe to the ruies of behavior efforts toe levate biis attractions so i2Oth., 1920, but gives us no periss- that obtain with more formai aud-, it xiii out-class ail others, and coin- ion to use bis naine with, it. Here is lences. As a resuit the successfui ýMand the dignityof productions thatI the letter: speaker of this iik is compeiied te de-'are so costiy in mounting and cos- Deai- Editor,- pend uapon his knowledge of human tuming and setting that others dare f On eveing est eek hadthenature, his abiiity tQ illustrate froin not venture to foiiow ia his steps, peuevoeting af we es hi te the experiences' of his hearers, and which xiii make hlmn leader, and be plesur o Metin afornerreidetbis se. iiveness tcl ýthe eff eçt bis classed in a field by himseif. Of Durhain County at the village of ideas produce upon tihem.MisKteMak l b se t Viscoueit, a thriving littie town about reai eryscefuspkr great advantage, as well as bier sup- fifty mies east of S$askatoon on the I ialavr ucesu pae porting cast having equaiiy as good- a CP.R. Yorkton uine. He invited me of this type. His method of securing chance.'lDancing, isinging, musical to bis home to spend the night and 1 and holding an audience is origin1ral, numnbers, wbich are numerous, are very kindiy accepted bis kind invita-1 sound an, higby effective. 11edoes' nesesddrngteaino h tien. I thought ,you and the readers not "yeii bis bead off" to attrfet a , ply. Seats on sale at Mitcbel's. of your papers who know this man crowd. 1He adopts a novel device. wouid be glad to bear about humn and H1e sits on bis box, and engages in _______________ bo e bas frdi akthwn timiate aInd apparently confidentiel1 bow are la asktchean. conversation with txvo or tbree others. 1 neyer knew Tom 5Swain, the auc- This as lie no doubt anticipates,, tioneer, when 1 iived la Dariington, arouses the curiosity of those stand- Ibut I often beard father tell about ing around. 'They draw near to hear hlm and wben 1 beard bis naine men- what he is talking about. H1e inciud- tioned in Viscount, 1 feit sure of my es the newcomers ln bis conversation. man at once. -. asked hlm if he came Others arrive. ThIncesei te irculat n * ri ntarlo and he said, "yes, a few numbers of bis hearers miakes it nec- Cat g mile norh o Bownanille"I1toid essary for hlmi to taik di- converse ilesht was a West Durhamn boy, more ioudly, or, la other wvords, to toand then hie asked me to spend ccetuate is "tak" È r y ï fotnightwthhl.Wlhea the numnber of bis bearers It was a beautiful clear rotyn g st buttit iesad and 1 had no trouble to fiwd n grwitybottbry estns p to Mr. Swain's home. Ai~s I was drv Why does lhe do this? Simpiy that ing a car and ho ore Iarce he may see al bhiq bearers. Now, hre rie To those who are not Iist found that aitbough tbe froin the very nature of the case hie fis. wsfnedtebue~ talks more loudly-but stili taiks. a uine thOrlb whole fa'ri'na ecdth os a When tbe numi-ber la bis audience aqane ihorlb not enclosed. One couid drive up to the very door without opeinfg a gate approaches 100 bie mounts bis soap or assDg hrogh fece.box that bie may be the better seen r y. Wvv Il have ail the or pssin thougha fece.and heard. 1He taiks ila alaesouos yth bs hTom explained after bis arrivai that voice, but stili hie taiks. iouderos yth bs hehated opening gates but 1 suspect Now hie is 'a pubic, speaker speak-wrtran alth nw *it was one way of sbowing bis, bos- ing froin a piatform.j ptit.I thought ofthat littie poem about "The House by the side of the Thus, bis speaking evolves froin a Road," and its occupant, a friend to simple, intimate conversation withone onies as Ù,5ssu ed. man. Mrs. Swain had a iantern bung or two to a "taik" adjusted to a large et the winidow, iighited readýy for use number-an audience-. And what 1 knocked et the door and made my- s the nature of this adjustinent ! It RATES-$1.OO to Jo011ni self known to Mrs. Swain -who sbowed is this, hie simpiy stands on bis box, me into the bouse. instead of sitting on it, th-at be imay and 10e for each ex- As 1 went tbough an outer room see and be seen, and taiks more loud- nOtr-d- evral wll drsse--igs y that hoe may be heard. Ia other Change. tatlnd evnbuerawel thessed plg words,'to adjust bis taIk to a larger day be- nt etbenaudience, or to make it conforin to ~le forend hTm ad o etbencut up. the new envirorament, or sxrround- vietyTmwsagdprvider. ings, he merëly accentuates or em- W , T lef Ia a short time Mr. Swain arrived phasizes bis conversation. and after supper we went to the barna 1cusi hsajsmnto BG21 OMNIL te do the chores. The barn was a very Orcusntisautnntoa B 2" BWAVL. gd size as western barris go, and "taik" to a large number seine of was painted red. A large stack of the extreme, intimncy which char- ont sheaves sheitered itfroin the mwest acterizes- a conversation with one or 1_________________ winds and -proinised feed for the two is iost. Audience ,ccnditions horse$ inter on la the winter. A ýmodify the extreme intima.cy of western barn is principally a stable conversation witb a f ew, but need under wbose roof ail the animais of not, and do not la tbe case cited, = the f arn find sheiter. Tom showed elimninate it. As 'suggested, they me around and then we went to the merely eccentuate it, extend it, '1bouse and had n tnlk of people we modify it. Iboth knew. . Our soap-Ëox orator's naturainess Liteb ltl landthtM.iin delivery 15 cbaracteristic of the o i Iand Mrs. Swain caine west in 1909, day. l-etm aopbicsekn an -Littesb tie I earned out h r. m ost effecfe pubic peking of to liedhbomeadeod. ne Viso ut-rewas deciamatory and grandiloquent. be asmae god 1e wnsa uat-Ail that is changed. T-a such grsectýion of land Worth $10,000 and divr ol xieasnl.Oi is comfortably asituated ia everyway. and diect cer saional.s. n - la 191 ho hd a $,0, crop and la style and langaexiiresan soid one car lond of wheat for $3,977 hoi te tntin f onl aretisd cash. 11e does Most of bis own work anld gteneation ofme i tisda and keeps tbings la very good shape. Public eraing ho, s mdi I asked Mr. Swain if hoe stili foiiow- fication or a variant of a "talk." This ed bis old cailing and bie said hie did. modification takes ,the fornx of an When lie lf t Ontario hie decided to accentulated conversation. The de- quit the auctioneering but soine one gree of -the accentuation is de-. found out hie couid seil and got hlm' termlned by the changing environ- to act for hlm. 'He said lie neyer got ment. The cbnnging environinent is ,more than $10 for a sale in Ontario the varying size of the audience atcewa go ies tan 25 a Ssk- (Next article-Naturainess and aës wns Inla919bis income for Simplicity.) slsws$548 wih is good for a ________ man o i age-65 years-whosei reai occupation is farmning. We had, As a vermicide an excellent pre-. a grand visit, and athough bie is 25 paratiOn is MotherS Graves' Worm yeers older than I amn, I knew mnany Exterminator, It bas saved the people wbom hie knew in the Home- ]ives of countiess cbiidren.I ladof Durhain. He knew Anldy AI-, eader, Ned Niddery, and "Old Wii- lie McCulioch" of Enfieid. [le could- tell interesting stories about Raiph Hill and the East settliment (now known as Benthiam's Schooi section No. 1'7.) lie k-new -Enniskiiien and Burketon, folk -wýeii and could tel maav an amusing incident about tbi, "'Cartwright Blazers," as we used to cali themin l Darlington. No doubt -Reeve Tom, Baker would remember Tom Swain very weil. After spending a few hours recail- ing oid tîmes, one got the impression that the old days were not so slow after ail, and that humian nature changes very littie fromn generation to genieration and is much the saine in Saskatchewan as in Oid Ontario. My impressions of Tom Swain are +1umor1. Ho bas-th ..spir.t of-a1boy Dance Numhers WalATERY-OR E5-Fo rotDnc )chË (Marinaba-Fox Trot. Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orch FeteVour Nest and When 1 Looked i Yotu 2127Wonderful Eyes-Fox Trot (Accordlion) Manlo Penn I (Accordon) Manl Margie and Palesteena-,Fox Trot tarOne and Old Fashloned Garden-One Stop ,,22m aiThe Melody Men IjThe Broadway Bines-Fox Trot The Melod, _Men 21623AnneMy O,'wn-Fox Trot Raderinan's Nov. Orch. iCaresses-Fox Trot The Melody Men { , Pitter Patter-Waltz Tfie Melody Men 21622 iiiig-Fox Trot- The Melody Men Stp t!-One Stop Diamond Trio 216228Ive Got tie Bluçes for M!y Kentucky nHoe- Fox Trot van Eps Quartet Master's Voice" dealer [y play any selection you wîsh to hear GRAM-O-,PHONVE CO., LIMIITED, MONTREAL 'I $8 to $12 PER DAY Auto Tractor Mechanica, Vulcanizing. $8 to 12 per day. Men wanted fin pres-. ent dernind automobile mechanics, drlv- ing, tractor opernting, tire vulcanlzing, ()XYnletyleCewedigstorage bntteryl electrical work. Practical train1ng. On-- ly n few, weeks required. Day and nlght classes. Write free catalogue. Big nes. uSteady empioyment., Hainp- il'Atoand Gao Tractas- Sahoole, 168 King-et., West, Toronto6 48-7w BAND AT RINI( TUESDAYS THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS TAYLOR'S RINK BOWMANVILLE IFA IRBANKS-MORSE Appoint Loal fy Agntn Iwish to inform the public that I have been âippointed local representative for the above well- knowli firmr and arn filling orders for GAS ENGINES (gas or coal Ol) ONLY ENGINE, builtwith a Bosch high tension Magn eto. SAWING MACHINES, PIPING for water works PUMPINQ, OUTFITS WATER OUTFITS, for barn or house Parties interested will do well to see me be- W. J.1,C'HALLIS, Agent CHALLIS & CLEMENS, SALÈSMEN Phone 205-3'1 I5?-4I Bowmanville INSU RANCE -AGENCY- I place ail classes of îi.- surance, including Pire, Lif e, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Guarantee Uonck-, -Auütomobile (fire, theft, pro-perty damage, injuries to the public, col- lision). Ask hie for quo- tations before insuring elsewhere. 'Mrs. Edith V. Scobell Mr. Wîlbert J. l'ioar Insùrancee Agents Phonex8çBomnie '1' r I PnomYTSES cCREE In ail countries. Ask for olr NE TI'SAVSER,whic0hwll be sent freet le MÎRlON & MAUlON. 1864 Unlverslty 6t.. Montra hear these new selections on ter' s Voice" Record 9s [s .M.V. Light Opera Co. LM.V. Light Opera Co. B3illy Murray Peerless Quartet lome 'iweet Home joseph Phillips j0cseph Philips Huýghes Macklin HuLghes Mark-in Sse Town BilUy Jones song) BiIIy Jones h (Comic Song) , xp asited by Kid Bell vits James and Chorus ,Yom Porget? ewis James and Chorus ,wis James and Chorus "DCCZ= un 1 imwý- -71 Lploy