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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1921, p. 5

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PUBLIC LiBRARYME-ETING. The annuai meeting of Bowmnanvll Publie Lbrary will be held in the Read- Ingloiln, on Monday, January 17, at 8P~. sý for election of officers andl generai businessý. Let every muember and patron of the Library attend. CHARLIE CHAPLIN "The Rink" Will, be shown here with SPECIAL MUSIC i Prices 25 c'and 50c. Seats on sale Saturday at 12.30, Mitehell's Drug Store. $10 to $50 A WEEK At home In Your Spare Tume. Increase your income at home ia your spare time. You ena earn $10- to $50 eaci week. No caavassiag or soiiciting.' We tenci you how and supply you steady work. Write today for full particulars. National Show Card Sehool, Ltd., Room 42, 44 Adelaide St. W., Toronto,'*Cana- da. 4. 2-4 BOWMANVILLE, JAN. l3th., 1921. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE ARTICLES- FOR SALE leMrs. (Rev.) J. F. Chapman, Peterboro F1V pI.Y NM ATCHI JERSEY COW FOR SALE-Williaml LOA ADOTEWIEvisiting hier mother Mrs. L. Morris. Merritt, King-st. East, Phone 110. 2t ___________________________ it LOAL AD OTHRWIS 2is ai__ Mr. J. W. Proctor, Roland, Man., l JUNIOR O. H. A. FOR SALE-S Purebred Shortlîori n Several articles are held over. visiting old friends in town and vicinity b s eligible to register, one 1-year old. Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, formerly Miss era W.OUrt ie sold reasonable. J; L. Parso Miss Clara Cobb1edick is visitifg MacDonald, wil receive for the first time CO O R R. R.2, Bowmanville. Phone 176-r6. T h p Ta e d 20th. from 4 to 6 pim., at hier home, BOWMANVILLE GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE-5 years Providence U. F. 0. Club donated Main street, Orono. ojd good sinigle or double. Muet be sold $28 to the Sick Children's Hospital, Mr. James G. Martin who- has been alt oce Will exehange for good milk Toronto. home spending the New Year hohidays MONDAY, JAN. i 7th., cow or young cattie, Apply to Wm. Chai- Mr n r.T1.Kih oo with his parents and visiting his numer- lis, Manvers Road, Bowmanville. 1-tf. M.adMsT.HKnhtmtr- oesfriends, left on Sunday afternoon FOGame s ut ea ugy ed to Port Credit and visited Mr. and for Toronto where hie will spend a few G m tarts at 8 p. m. FiOR Se-Twi a tor, eabgg cy. Mrs. H. T. Humiby. . days before resuming his duties at'Ca-A Price $15. May be seen at Russel Sul- M. Mrs. J. . Awde, Seneca, South eron Falls Nipigon, with his two brothers. AY OW RINK, leys, Courtice. Apply to J. R._ Johns, Dj r n aul Dakota, is visiting relatives at New- is mentioned in the Iligh School notes as BOWMAN VILLE FOR SALE-One White Wyandotte . aur caste an Bowanvile.lecturer for the University Extension casie nd owmnvile.Course here is oe# f the strong men ofCok 1 year old, bred by Chlie assey, M. and Mrs. A. H. Veale, Miss Toronto Iniversityand withall a pleas- Pýoret Hope, a'good bird, an,,d71ferst class Vel n r.Preu oôe ning spjeaker. His subject is "l9th Cent- breeder. Also 2 extra good cockerels, Veae ad Ms. ortousmotredlf English Literature." Eyery citizen hred fromn above and crossed on Martin1! from Nestleton on Tuesday. should hiear him. Notices of Births 50 cents; Marriages hiens. Apply to Tom Perey, Bowmnanville. on Thursday, January 20, from 8 to eitizens to Mrs. A. E. Luke in the death, sertion. When funeral carde are 21 6, t lerhom EginStret olir father, Mr. Isaac Warner, Leask- pnted thi office,inetofr. dale, who. passed away very. suddenly on rn is isrio PPETY FOR SALE Mrs. Wm. Mannilbg, Oshawa, vis- Jan- 4th. About a, week previous lie was ited Miss Eva Wakelin, and hier aunt, kicked by a herse and one of 4,1s ribs -FARM FOR SALE-70 acres more or' twere breken, but hie was around and MARRIAGES less, lot 31, con. 1,, Darlington. Good M Mrs Tos.Crepe, n Mndy. drove Mr. and Mrs. Luke who had been buildings.- For particulars apply to The ompnion ofthe oret ar spnding New Years there, to the station, -BROWN-WARD-At the Methiodist Blake Oke, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 52-tf.S A I EJF having aoEuCree on Fridaya. 1 the morning of bis death. Parsonage, Bowmanvlle, on Wednesday,0 F havig ' Euhre n Fida, Jn. 1 Re. D Roer'sRemnise fJan. lth., 1921, by Rev. S.-C. Moore, B.A., HOUSE FOR SALE-6-roomed house in ln the A.0.F. Hall. Admission 30c. v . Rgrs eiices of1B.D, Wiliam John Brown of East Whit- good residential section, electric llghts, dEnniskillen will appear next week. by, «te Miss Lillie Ward of Burketon. waterworks, 3-piece bath room, new fur- Mfiss Grace Davis, Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cole attended JACKLIN-HILLIEFt-At Star City, nace; garden,, small fruit trees. Apply Mrs. Fred Roblin, Hamilton, have th Sask., Dec. 22nd., by Bey. D. 1.Pte. Geo. W. James, Bowmanvllle. tf been visiting Mrs. Markus Mayer, sr. ofe funeral at, Cobourg on 9'Iuesday son, B.A.; Ellen May, daugbter of th ofthe late 'Mrs. James Pay ne, aJhnhiir frel f rlton GOOD BRICK HOUSE-In Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. W. Gimblett have M n r.Ewr arw~ and Thos.W.acinStrCyas. ville, containing 7 reouis, electria ligl#ts, returnd fro a plasantviâi Coibo r n s entteweeed rwithson of M. TesJacklin, Sroxter a., With 3/ acre of land, more or less, stable, Coeturne ro aplasnt visite-en with good well, and fruit trees. Apply to W. their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Begley, Mr.HnyFroBwnnîî.DE-R NA h dH. Halfacre, Bowmanville, R. R. 6, 1Phone Toronto. r er arw Bwnnil. DER GATA h esi- 195-12. 50-tf. e Reembe Col Meullogh"sad- Mr. Harold Skinner Tyrone~ shot a ence of Mr. T. H. Follîck, Port Perry, dress on "Greater Canada,". at the wo1uko a. .Svrlohr by Rev, E. H. Lockhart of Caledon HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick House, 8 Bungalow on Friday aftenoon-See have seen woodchucks round. Ail East, brother of the bride, Jan. 4th., reoms, electric lights, waterworks instal-FuS announcement. of which indîcates an open wîinter. Mr. W.D. Dyer of Columbus and MIrs. and stable, % acre land with lots of fruit, Mis Par WhtOhEvelyn L. Grant, formierly ofport cerner Cburch and Brown-sts. Apply te Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McMurtry, MsPe rlrg,Oshawa, lias Hoe. wner, J. Butson, Box 382, Bewmanville. Osaaad'lersstr Ms Jsbeen tenmporarily engaged -by the ~ 1-2 Osaau adhr itr, Mrs. Jas. Beard of Education te teach in the ___________________________ Mui, irene, were guests of their South Ward Public Sehool1 till a i un, r. . .Hope.permanent appointrnent is made. Miss DATGS(. 1N e Ti I ITH" ( U N Mr. James Deyman was in Peter-! Wright tauglit Blacksteck village ELLIOTT-In Bowmanville, Jan. 12th,, BEEF FOR SALE BY QUARTER U ",J* .~q bore, over the week-end and heard school for three years and Tyrone vil- Ma br Ann, wieer. Jh .Elet Premier Meeglian and Hon. Hughi lage sçyhool fer a year, in beth be1s ea.Tarn prepared te fil a limited num- Bowrnanville s Up-to-date Haberdashery I Lieryand Cmlelessonrede, 0cori- nebrord ers for the ate.Youillr Guthrie speak Monday night. of which positions she proved herseif Lieryandfonbersionateresec, cnr bre res o hieyon efrand Fur Shop. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Stout, nee Litta te be an excellent teacher. She be- day, Jan. l4tb., at 2 p. m. Interment inadser yteqre. o wl C. Ruse, returned last Sunday from a! gins next Menday. Orono Cemetery. Moters. save money, by buying youintr__-------______________________ five-months' visit with relatives in District League Convention wiîî 1 ROBINSON-At Breeklin, Ont., on Jan. supply of meat in this way. Yiqur Enln adae il2g irpaetth., Luke Rtobinson, in bis 86th year. S. Foster, Scugeg-st., P. O..X oxu3, Engan an ae vsiinghe paensbe held in the Methedis't Churcli Bow- B EN NETT-At Toronto,, Jan. th., Bowmanville. 53-tf Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ruse, Carlisie, manvilie, on Tuesday, Jan. 18th. John Bennett, Bewmanville, aged 60 ave. They took their Morris Player The afternoon session will be cern- years. Piano and Maxwell automobile with miencing at 1.30.Evening session WILMOT-At San Francisco, Cal., Jan. themi and wîth the latter they were at 7 o'clock. Dr. Lorne A.* Pierce, 10h., George C. Wilmot, third son of the able te see mucli of the Old LandTeotwlspaatbtsesoslaeSmeWimtNecte C- Jand much of thfe beautifulý scenery Aise Rv, A. M. Irwin, B.A., B.D., mssenrRof ihers. , Jan. Sth., m f or which- England is famed. They Oshawa, and others. Supper wiil be Albert A. McMurtry, beloved bilsband of spen a eek n Od Lndon seingFanny Barfett, son of the late James spet wek n Od ondnseengprovided for everyene at 35c. Let McMurtry, Newtonvilie. rnany wonderful siglits. On account! every League be well representeld. PAYN E-In Oshawa, Jan. th., Mar- of the excessive freight rates they ý. garet Diekie, widow of the late ,James 1 sold beth piano ancd auto. While Payne, Cobourg, aged 64 years. Mother d lthey were dlgtdwt hi ii REAL EATATE SALES of Mrs. Cecil T. Oke, Oshawa. and reception across the seas they ~ . - TRELEAVEN-At HIamilton, Jan. lth, say"Cnaa fr s. -Mr. Wm. Brunt has sold lis 100- Richard Jobnston Treleaven, D.D., of Ety- acre armin Carke e Mr How r,,sn Methodist churcb, Hamilton, belov- say Canda or u." crefarm inClake t Mr Hoarded husband of Catharine A. Freeman, in Glenny, Janetville, for around $12,- bis 67th year. 000. ~POTTERZ:.At thel residence of lber Mr. Edgar 'Osborne has sold his niece, Miss C. Forbes, 99Batburst-st., Bene fit Conce rt 100-acre farm te Mr. Joseph Wight Toronto, Jan. 6th., Ann Allin, widow of AC for $ 10,000. terred in Bowmanville. t Under auspices St.John's Bretherhood' acre farm te Wm. Brunt for around ilton, January 7th., Thomnas Dayman, tL e we 1a" ( -. - $12r0. W.DnBrgg assod ls 02hDya-nTwsirfHrn . v e 1 f t PARISH HALL ______ nBEs9THyear. St.Catharines, on HIGH-CLASS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, AND LADIES' REDY-TO-WEAR AT EX-SERVICE MEN, 'SHUN' Jan. 9th., Eliza Beatty, widow of the (WEDNESDAY, JAN. l9th. .__ late Williami Trenbeth, aged 95 years, IMMENSE SAVINGS. Al ex-service rnen are invited te j 8 menths. Interment, at Welcoine 7.4 5 p. m. -jein the meýrnbers of Bowrnanviile Cernetery. 1. Orchestra ~~branch Great War Veterans' Associa- W ILTK ' 1. Orchestra ~~tien on Sunday, Jan. l6th., at theirWEIL TA E O ROS NW 2. Piano, Solo Mr. D. Nicholson Club Rooms ever The Statesman IN MEMORIAM. 3. Eiocu tienist Mr. F. R. Foley Office at 10.30. a.m., for the purpose LAUGHER-In leving memeryof Leslie Every woman in Durham County should visit our store during this sale as you are 4. Sopraono Sole Mrs. J. Terrett of attending divine service at Salva- Laugher who died Jan. l4th. 1920.- bound to find something here that you need, Insrumnta TioMrs M.A. tien ArnÎy Barracks. O slawa's Dear Lesles promotion just one year 5.IntuetlTiMsM.A 1 fameus Silver Band wiil be in atend- But satisfled we are he's in good care Neal, J. Terrett, D. Nicholson, ance. As this is the first church par- Mther and father took hard bis death .But resigned te what the good Lord saith. 6. Tenor solo Mr. C. S. Halîman, ade of the year a full attendance is Mother and Father. SL O LN HL R NSH S 7. Mezzo Soprano solo Mrs.J.B. Neale requested.CHL ENSH E 8. Humorist Mr. R. Terrett -HEPWATE 2niy sae rg r$22 e',yrsale This isa very seca ofe.Sies4/2 9. Orchestra VETERANS ELECT OFFICERS. MAN $1.49 9½,- regular 5epi......5 Chaiman' Rearks Mr A. aithand, geod ail round man, single. C. H., Charma's emaksMr.A. ait Bowmanville Brandi Great War Drawer B., Bowmanville. 2-1w* Rg 37,sl rc....26 d _____________________ 1. The Canadian Wizard Cp.NaeVeterans' Association elected offic- WANTED-Capable yeung girl ef, geod àp.Naersfrtenuigyrasolws roaiyt dgnrlhueWk A-COATINGS SKIRTS AND BLOUSES PresdentCha. H.Andeson ply stating age, experience aAd wages ex- 2.Istueta roMs el M.pesdntCa. .Adesn pected te Box 302, Oshawa, Ont. 2-wJshae' or J. Terrett, Mr. D. Nicholson 1t ie rsiet--L.To-psn WATDIuhî ecîtyawhat you hvebeen iooking (o 3. Soprano Solo Mrs. J. Terrett 2nd. Vice President-J. Goodali sible and trustwortby man te. represent 54 inch, wide $5.2& to $5.50, sale- prie 'iethyls 4.--Elocutionist Mr. F. R. Foley Sec.-Treas.--J. D. Graliam a large Financial and Brekerage bouse. Exctv oniteD.v .Liberal contract and big returns assured....................................................... .5ON HR OF 5. Tenor Sole Mr. C. S. Halirnan Eeui Cm te-D.VH.te the right man. One with experience $5 N HR F 6.HmrstM.R TretSterey, Dr. G. C. Bonnycattle, Harry in stocks and bonds preferred. Appîy te $4.00 to $4.50 values, sale price ....$2.95 6. Hmorit M. R TerettClougli, Oliver Roberts, A. Fewster. S. C. Parker cie P. C. Sutherand & Ce. 7. Soprano Solo Mrs. J. B. Neale Rorn Committee-C. Samis, j 10-12 King-st., East, Toronto. SHIRTINGS L DE'io 8. Orchestra Goodaîl, A. Fewster.1LA IS SE A4mission 35C. J. D. Graham, R. J. Gi. WNE l ~î~nsta ee5efO lain casiîmerette, 75e and 85c, sl price Band Commnittee-Dr. Bonnycastie 'WANTED-By relined middle-aged sale for.......... .........39................................49e GOD SAVE THE KING Dr. Sterey, J. D. Grahamn. housekeeper, a position in a family wlth-................................4r out chilRen ave the best of referen- _______________ Cernetery Cornrittee-Chas. An- ces. Apply box 58, Orono. 1 2-1w. WHITE CAMBRIC Plain cahmre $.50 pr., sleprce 90c dersen,- J. Goodaîl, W. G. Kelman. WANTED TO RENT- Dwelling bouse, Sl oero,$.3 rsl rc 16 Sdtory.F. rB.. D.six or seven rooms, with modemrne d sl rieSikHlerof 235p.,sl pie 16 Adtor -. W.F arBA. r ences, centrally situated. Possesson the Good vau at 35e ysl rc ....19C -----middle of March. J. T. Heoper, Dow -__________________________ manville. 2-tf. ET AN DR W S WANTED- Capable yeung ladies te enter The Training Scbool for Nurses- LADIES, COATS and SUJITS r Yuentba thse values, ladies, 85e W 7Vân T'f TEÀCHING GOOD MANNERS. Bewmnanville ýHospitaI. An allewance is Yucntba h uû S I Le l Syear $10 during the second and $12 dur- OIn l the light opera that won sudh ing the third. Appy te the Superlntend- ead to exaetl.y >J11I.JLdL) madaue ro te uden e of$ ermnh uig theîrtEeyoei h tr eu- aus aepie e am n . 9 atin the Opera House the other evening 1/2 RCWHT EA at ~~~~Miss Hazel Huntly consuited lier _______________ "Book on Ettiquette"' frequentiy te The finest stoek we ever had-eorset cov- be sure that'she said the right thing, CURTAINSercm nti sskrs asow s19 iw er P rices In tierigyht way, at the riglit ftime, Royal. BaokNow you.can buy those curtain nets andasper L 1:J LJ J% the behavier of some of our young ____________ __________________________ hopefuls on the street, la tie home,I the Sunnyside and in places of public resort, we' BOWMANVILLE BRANOH jmight.well be disposed to question the R.F. « Bomnile iefficacy of this haphazard instruction. 0ieio wouldilf ýSytmai treatment of the subj oct MANAGER SIl'M AO ,with hrad itru~cte bt __________ Opposite the Standard Banke,Bowmanviiie Phone 10e -ive

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