MR.A Urusi When you lay up your d;ar bring it to us and have it overhauled and painted. We can also re- cover or repair you top. In fact, we can fix your car up in dandy shape for next year's running. PAINT SHOP We have employed a first-class painter to take. charge of thîs department. STORAGE We have a limited amount of room for per- sons wishing to store their car. MR. LOU HARRIS Has charge of the Repair Department. He has had a large experience in some of the best city shops as, well as overseas experience. He has, wred six months in this town at AutoRepaîing and has proved himseif a first-class mechanic. PICKARD'S'GARAGEI Phone 248 Bowmanivîlle FINE VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. lin the students that will make itself untr'ied as yet. But as 1 leave, I feit. Let us..hope he will stay much StUR talce with nme very pleasant By Misa Jane Grîgg, Bewmanvile, longer. thoughts of the teachers, students, Hjgh School Commencement, .Al my High School life has been and the schooi, B. H. S. is known 1920. ývery happy, but the last three years,I far and wide for the quality, of train- (Continued fromi last week) I thffik-, stand out more promineintly ing students get there. It lias a repu- One department of study which th9n the others. It was then that tation that can scarcely be excelled I have not referred to is that of Math- real fun abounded-treats were fre- and it beliovesthose wlio are stili to ematies. There is also ore teache- quent and birthday1 parties came coflie to upliold the traditions of the of wom Ihavenot poke, oer quite often. Sometimes we were in- scaool and ever striv'e to reaexi Iiglir of wom hae fot pokn, ne ited to parties, sometimes gave them. levels and bring honor to oui "Aima whom, in connection with myv Lower Variety, they say, is the spice of life Mater." Let me urge those who have Sehool work, I shall neyer forget.1 and we certainly had it, flot only iý their Higli Schooi if e ahead of thern, refer to Mr. W. G. Butson, B.A., our work, but in our social functions. to do their very best. Education is ho foal Mstrtofoyer swas MaDhe- Disagreements sometiies added flav- a principal factor in if e, and we are mic iMst ere ofeourahool.Dur-eor, but they were oniy passing moods, beginning to realize how necessary it iagbissta hee le oganzedtheeven if they were over sucli impozt- is in building up and promoting the Cadet Corps whîcli is stîllinl existence. ant questions as, "Was there aayone interests of tIiîs country of which When we recýl1 his namne wlatwohdnyrodali?"Idncdinefusosaprt thouglits at once corne to oui minds? h a.nvrtlali?',Idtechoeofufrmapr. It is not mereîy a namne, it is vastîy îbeieve that question was ever settied Fromn Bowmanvilie Higli School more than that. We remember one -impossible to corne to a satisfact- men and wornen have gone ont toaal who as rul a hritia getleanory agreemient. There was one c- parts of the woîld and into ail uines owho as truiya hisaetlancasion o n which an initiation cere- Of life's activities and have distia- oeme wof eeredhoo.e toeveryi monY was necessary, wben Ananias guislied theniseives in many ways, be- memer f te ehol. e as d was instalied, during our occupation sides bringing honour to the scliool pattern of maniy nobiity and grand- of the Laboratory under able direct- wliere tliey îeceived their instruction eurm and aman'inspiaonto ilWh ion of Bob Parker. Ananias lias and the inspirations whicfr sent them, who alehm lie ame in con act. Whenbeen a faithful friend and ia stili lforth itovalUs duties and waiks of dut ciid hm iewa redyan mgiving good service, baving been re- 11e. Whatahlias been done in the past the Spring of 1916 lie went to play'mvdfo h a.t oa V cnb oel h uue h p bis part in that treimendous death mvdfo h ab wFr V anbdn nte uue h p to gve p ai, ya bi liea were particularly fortunate in portunities of an education are more goraphpri onen oral ha of oui number had a car, numerous thnee eore,ante for te prncipes an forail hwiicii lier kindiy disposition inipelled greater tliese become, the more is ex-' was near and dear to hini. It was'ber to use for oui beniefit very fre- pected of us. Let Us not f ail be- our loss but bis gain that be was not1 quently. 0f "course, whien we came hind,but rather advance. Oui scbool permittted to retuin.. The poet Hor- back we were always better ftted is represented la ail the prominent ace said, "It is a beautiful thing ta for work. The car bridged the gap colleges and schools in Ontario, and die for> one's countrr" 1but is it not between scbiool and other places its influence spreads ail over the equally as beautiful to leave behind an example, Wvortliy to be copied, quite often, making our escape, in world for wlierever its graduates go, sucli as Mr. Butson left to the stu- any possible way, a windowwhen it tbere its influence wiil go. dents of BoWmanviiie High School ? was handy. Does anybody know Do not be turned aside froni the It is the duty of those wlio received wleia tl1e io iagod cfo r eouid. pathi of success by any trivial force. instruction from hlm, and indeed, of Let aile ceani and caewere ouis ail youi s aloustad u ett ieutaThere were just the rigit number ta Ltho 1 ea meu ail f us todo oi bst t lie upto i i-it was made for five, I believe-aivingfrc ein illf'sat bis sacrifice, and to make bis lif e ai The Libîary, which is a good one .vtis for only in thîs way can your p'atternao us Hvihmnvy ai f1 school if e be of real worth to you in for ou as rtns. He, .ih fon j was a requent resort and the litera- the future that conceàlsin lait gladness otesbs rttnbi am igli on iît contained was of ail kinds. u a I t ie srollof Joori etr and sorrow, sucess ad failure, but The FiAçst an~d Purest rea Sold 'I 'fI There Is genuine and unmistakeable pleasure la its dally Use. Black - Qrem .7 ya. packet from your Nrocerw or Mixed fbut, b. sure It'a "Salada, sou BOWMANVILLE, JAN. lBti., 1921. TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2800 will purchase 7 roomü frame bouge on Chur treet,. water, uewer. eloctriclilght and furnace. $3000 will purchase 2 story brick bouse on Conces1oi street, water, sewer, electrie ight, furnace, garage and every conventence. $1200 will purchase 6 roomed tramie cottageupon Prospect. street, ti! la a great bargain, $3500 *ill purchase 8 roomed brick bouse and office attached on Tem- perance 'street. $5000 wMl purchase 90 acre farm, 4% miles from Bornvi11e, well fenced, Mod buildings, about $1000 worth of standing timber, pnosesslon at once. $7000 -will purchase 170 acres il con., Townâhlb of Clarke, fine build- ings, well fenced and watered, about 3 RAILWAY TIME TABLEb FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Ralilway. Going East. Going -West Express 8.42 a.m. Pass'ngr-4.22 a.m.! Express 10.35 a.m. Pass'ngr 1.14 p.m.* Local 10.02 a.m.* Pass'ngr 3.14 p.m.* Local 1.56 p.m.* Local 6.54 p.m-.* Pass'ngr 7.17 p.m.* Local 7.14* Pass'ngr 8.16p.xn. Mail 9.58 p.m. *Daily except Sunday. 1 '1agged. CanadianPaciflc Retllway. Going East Going Wea.- Express 10.20a.m. Express 5.50 a.m. Express 2.37 p.n.*Local 8.20 Local 10.0,8 p.m.Express 4.31 p.rn Express 12.083a.m.Express 7.42 p.m, *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadian Ntional Railway. 1 1