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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1921, p. 2

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VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day orý N lit Calîs Prieptly Attended To. OKe, King-st., W., Stateumani Block, Bowmnauviile. Phone 243. MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL LetW. Forget" DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu-ý maents, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granývite aud Marbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A, LL.D. BAi!RRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Meney te boan on Farai sund Town Eroperty. Royal Bankr Building, Botwmnanviile. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BA RRISTER, SOLIÇITOR, NOTARY Moftgage Loans Arranged. Bonds for Sale. Phlone 1,02. Office, Bleak- ley Block, Bowmanville. 45-t AMUSEMENTS THE BUNGALOW DANCES, RECEPT1ONS, PARTIES, BANQUETS, ENTERTAINMENTS, FuIl Equipaien" and ail Conveniences. For information, rates, or reservat- ions, addrees Box 390, Bowmanvill e. MEDICAL '.J. HAZLEWOOD, ?d. D., C. M. 'GoId Medalist o riiy Uiest «c~ianand Suenat M.Caie ifsptlPttbrg Ks. Offce sud Rekdence, Wellngton Street, Bow., ~a~vtl.Phone 108. 36 C. W. SLEMON, M.l D., C. M., Grad'uate of TrinitSr Medicai College, Toronto, fornierly of Enniskilien. Qfflce and residence, Dr. Beithi's, f6rmý-nr resid0flce on Clurcl-st., Bow- -M.auville. pbonle 259. 44-t DVR. Y. H. STQREY pand lalf resident physician and sur- geon Toronto Gen-eral Rçspitai (sjix Mmtha Buraside Maternity) twVo ari<l half years MltayHospital. O-ffice: Royal Bank Building, Bow- nianille. Phon 43w.o4i DENTAL 'DR. G. C. BIONNYCASTLE --'oior graduate in Detstrzy Toronto lîiiveraity. Graduate of the Royal CollaIge of Dental Surgeons of Ont- io. fflice King-st., Bowmanville. ficephone 40. House phono 22. DR. J3. C. D-EVITT 4b!duate cf Royal Dental Collage, 'Toronto. Office, Xing-st East, Bow- iman0lle. Office leurs 9 a. ai, te 61 2, m- daily except Sunday. PhIone SO.House phone 90b, FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. M ogtceiplete equipaient. Saday sdnight caLslîs pritly attended to. Bowvaaaville. phones 30 sud 34. Dr-anci at orono. AUCTIONEER THEO, M. SLEMON ~aigsecured a lien,,se as aurtien- eram prepared to take a liaiited nuninberofesales. For terms apply i4o niskillen P. O., or phone 197-r8. 32-tf JUNK DEALERS IPOULTRY and JIJNK-A. Dilîlc, Dk-tjusýt opposite. Canug Flactory, pays hîglbe8t cash prices for aiknd; Of PoultrY sud junk. P'hone, "99 or c.911 st his residenIce. 5-tff. WAN'TED:-A,%ny H-ay, Grain, orý Wreool, Poultry', or Junk, Cali 289 iu the mornings before 8 or aftierý Jos. Rosenvsld, Bowmanvii e,. _____32,tf ICANADA %BUSINESS (COLLE-GE, Our iater term commiiences jaauary 8. n,ýoo',keopiag, Shortiiadf, Typewr!tlng,i ýJ aI-I-i- tL Comulunecial i l-d o pi S2tenograp3hio courses. King Street Chamtbers, Oshawa. P h one 917. INCREASE YOUR Chicago iYjnexceled dining car service, sieseping cars on nigît trains snd Parler cars on the princpal1 day trainu Full information froza anDy Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or . E. Horinig District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent fýlua. 78 n avI. BOWMANVILLE JAN. 2th., 1921. HE WAS A FRIEND TO ALL. Mr. IrwinL. Brown, Hampton. THE EDITOR TALKS ___ Hon. E. C. Drury, LL. D., Premier We regret the uniavoidable delay of Otari, inhisaddrss t t n the publication of this sketch of students Vf Queen's University when telf n oko a hs the clegree of Doctor of Laws was name was for iany years a bouse- conferred uipon himn on January 12,'hi odi etDra n h Premier Drury said in part: "We ws oralogprd one of our expect yeu to be leaders whereverims atfun pue enr youar, Euctio i nt t- e uedý ews editors and many a treat of youare Edcaton S nt t beuse luscions fruit or fresh bunis and for your ow-n selfish purposes. It simrapfie syrup have The Statesman given 'to you se that you mnight serveOfiemm rsejydro th your fellows. Thiere mnust be lead- fiýe -libsenod rn -e ership) in ail the villages, towlis andgnruthgtflesoMrad ciüïes- Educatd n.,L. Brown, both of whom jen- stand aloof fromn others. There joyd tk ethe, ld90( lo i must be the ideal of public serviýe. h nwtei Everyone should be an alert cten. in the year185Wila Browýn This is an inspirational address in a t igatdfrom Ir11eland to Canada f ew words which should kindie in the àlnd settled in the Towýýnship 0of Dar- heart of every youn-.g person an aml- linton A littie inter, hie imnrried bition to be somnebody in this world Maria Leach and miade his h-omeG of activities. south-west of Ennriskillen, ia lot 19,1 concession 6, on the farin tnow, occu- Canadians mnust leara mnuch fromi pied by Mr. Jabez Moore. Irwin the work, m-ethodts, customts, îndustry Leach, the second son, wns born in- and educational systeri of Dennrk te this famîily on Aiu-ust 27, 18S43. besides how to arise begs for profit, [Net long after ail movedl to the centre, and to make gult edged butter. Aioflo14, concession (j, to what wýas recent War Cry tells us of a very later known as thie William Br-o\wn unique and practicaî Danish Custom omstad-Hr01s1o1de for spending suiimmer hoidays. This real home whichi eveiitually sent Qut article says that a custom prevails la seventeen sons and diaughiters to Dýenmhiirk that can hardly lai] to brîng cQýntibute no i aal share t. the 1nenrer togethér the residenits of town world's activities and progress. - and country, andl make a fellow-feel- When Irwvin was ninle yenrs oj(d, ing between famnilies whose lives, but bis mother died, leaving a fnmily for tbat custom imight neyer corne of eighit girls and boys, and altho lie ini contact with each other, Resi-! was comiparatively young at the tim-e,' dents in the towns send théeir chiildren; he alway-s held1 bis mnother la very to the country for the suni-nei holi- i tender remnerrbrance. days, and take in exehange fromi His school days were speat at S. S, them ecountry children, to whoin the1 No. 10, Bèthesda, and at'Tyrone, but sights of the city are a novelty. The in aIl were too few, as he- frequently school chlldren of city and country; laniented jn later 1f e. His yýounïg leave their homes by thousands, and manhood was given to work on this chneP ae ih aho1hr t f arm, the greater part of the timie, Is estimnted that Copenhiagen alOlle i his father's clfi4f support. i enste; During tlese 1 iyash d- the rural districts, and extrtains the' eopdan ?C~mariryrofiente sae ume in rt2i athe main inIterýest -tid hobby of bis Conselidated schoels are a splendid1f e m Mic Vuch of bis training asset, but nottila very district can was guiUd from several brothers, andramed Evcel'ut, Who weire exiled froni they be conveniiently establishied and othr.Satsdrngo fe opernted. But ail who oppose themi the SwarandStcoesduted cl ae should consider not their otnhon- -sc ,aram. ]3eginnin cla er Ivenienc e onlyý but the gýreatest qgood Pcbtra h~ nEnmiiî 'te the greatest number. Many par-aniteinte etdstCucs ents, wiil have te niake sacrifices for inlaIlmaptenrinwsitatya- they ganrlgeof hecomuit.sociated with choirs as a leader and Anyaim o woanwhe has lad ex- a chorister for more than fifty perienice in teaichinig school weiiTielboandote cn kno ws the advaritage of çnulatnsidrebeepne es eua e sud as large classes afford. We' vted ad awaswem ully,.- e* 1 pîty both teacliers and scheîars in vtd adawyswt enuinIe per- verysnill chols -ndt1irearesonal satisfaction. His chief inter- . 1eraiy osmal sc ool an D heare est 'was la the SýiP1er forais of mauny.ofThi e evisen aDurlo-m1 muLsICichymns and gospel senigs, anidi County. Tst yreprised l, radNo-'he complosed a numnber of these. 1is! vemer astmaysurris ou red- een senise of rbytbi' enabied hilm ers Threaresixscool laOn to write verses thnt were always, tario witl an averag-e attendance of mnelodieus and often l ad del,an one, fourteen schools witl an averagesoefthewreaptdehs attendalice of two; 27 schools witl soneofusic. e an avrage attendance of tlree; 53ý schooils witl an average attenciancel On March 8, 1901, the Hampton of four; 9jO scbools witl an average choir undi(er his lead,_ershîp, and as-ý attendance of five, and 9A42 schools sistedl by Miss Jenijie McLeannof' withan aerae atendace f tnBowianvile, presented a seng ser- and uIder.vice the mlusic of which was entirely an ndr is owvn composition. To alaiiosti ____________- is latest days, a-miusie booki afforded1 TORONTO DURHA.M CLUB. him iutilimiited plensure and dliver- _________i. Lîçe' some others of bis Durlamr Club of Toronto is alw,as gener'ation, lie real-ly rend im-usicoçlbe reminded of wedding belîs when Jan- dIid10t deendonanl instrument or uary cornes round, beçause of a organist for guidance. standing invitation for the membersi On the first of Janunry,f1872, he tspend the eveniing at 123 South nrried Eniily Merrili of Hampto, Drive, the benutiful home of Mr. the ceremnon-y being performed by 'and Mrs. W. H. Clemes, in honor of Rev. T. A. Ferguson. They begani their wedding day, and wbere one bousekeeping on the south-W'estu cor- of our lnrgest attenidances meet, and '11r of lot 141, concession 5,,Darljing- 'Where a weicomec becomning thle repu- tOn, a PrePe-rtY now oned byMr tation of the home is extendedi. Jolniow',g Here, a da,,ughterj Mr. and Mrs. Clemes, who have GCertrude, and a son Everett, werel beeni spending the pnst five meontIrs born. T he hiomie hus establish-dý visiting in China, Korea and Japan,, was kniow.,n amiong a widýe circle ofý have returaed te town and were friends tîrougb the succoeeding years heartily welcomned homne by their for its cheeriness and henartyhopt guj-ests, nnd another niiost delightful alitýy. eveniag was spent in their charPlnng Ater seing this snanli] place, they hom.-e which wns an fete for the oc- spe2nt several years on Stuart farail casien.' souVi of the village, and] ini18 The musical part of the program mIoved te blis fatler's hom-estend, was furnished by Miss Jessie Allani, 'whlere tle-y remnaîned while engaged accemipanist, and Miss Helen Hunt,, in active tfrming. Wbile living a notedl violinist, and Mr. G. D. ~At- hierc, two mnore sens, Nel"sen and kinsoii, whose naines suggest excel- Frank, were -added te the flamfly. lence, and their selections wvere great- Dairying-, fruit-growýing, and packing,, ly apprecinted. TIhe address of the aind b)ec culture w-ýere the special unesi evenînig wais given by Rev. J. C. Wil-: la whibe toek mo1,Stiersaon son, on "Reinisýenices of Drniwt tegnrTatiiiso g Counl,-ty". Mlt. Wilson was net only a riculture. He wvas connectIed ail Durhamiiite by birth, but mrost of bis'I offic;,iaiwy îb hIapt 1Bt aiinistty lad been spent la the couin- ter Cheese (ioinpaniy frnm ii its-or- ty, therefore knew hereof le spoke, ganization, aind for mn11ny years was and lis was an interesting steïry of salesmian. carly dî!ay-jin tic H0 n TdTH1 Drngbslogasoitonit spoke of the beginining of thýe Ma- i Dram ,hslnpïs 1 sey Com.àpany lan Newcastle, starting j -firpton M'Iethod!Îuictuh, deceased1( with tbxec eil their employ, andws a memrber of offiia bodies uintilý owthe Massey-Ilarris Ceo. is re- qierca er. Foi- twVen presented by its thusands f 1ai years or more, hie -%vs Recording te ployes. He eferedte the lagew ard, alwaysan, ardent supporter of ployer sf Hetrefered are1ailChristian werk, and 2n firm ,believ- number of Metheltministeýrswho n l~ttigah twrsi.~r THREE THINGS These hunes were found lunsa, young lady's Album: j Three tblngs ta admire: Intellect-I ual powrer, dignity, sud gracefulness. Three thiags te lave: Courage, gentleness sud affection. Th'ree thiugs te hate: Craelty, ar- rog-ance sud ingratitude. Three things te deligît in- Frank- uess., freedoni and beauty. Three things te desire: Hestil, friends sud a cleerful spirit, Tbree thi-ngs ta avoid: Idleuess, loqaa-city sud flippant jetiaig. movci o Ee vO-4.dLiI i nIth corner nortl of Hampton wvhich MNrs. Brown inherited fri the late C. C. Merrili. Here, hie sud bis brigîit, able ,lelpmneet, seon left qaite alone again, proceeded ta speud their decliniug years in quietness sud ceutentaient,, sarroaaded by lifelong friends. Loss and grief came te tIeni lu 1910, lu the death of their second soni Nelson but kind neighbors sud Christia. fortitude gave mach iuterest sud pleasare to tleir llves. As the disabilities of advaucing years appraached, a great serrow came to botîr more especially te Mrs. Browna, lu the gradual loss of lier lasband's mental power. Because 1 Engiand tlat folks ever there nIight realize that w are net agrictray "4snil potatees". Miss Carpmaii, cousin of Dr. Ras- kin's niece, Miss A. C. Carpnael who lives with liai, took lis Darlington township petate te a school of work-1 iag girls ln London and instîtuted s Guessing Contest on the weight of the Canadian "Irsh Cebble.r" tuber. Several correct aniswers were given, showing '4e1., , s -0 and judg-1 nient ofÈ the Engil.h.orking girls.ý Wýve ail thank Dr. Ho. km Ïnfer lis cen-1 tinue<ý iaterest l the homie of lis youthful diays anid the ladies who, lielpedl to inake Durlai fanons forj large potatees. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. MUiss Amnanda E. Bond, Manager-1 esof The Butterýick Pubiihig Coni- paay,. Winnipeg Brauch, has sentij us tLiLs article about an old Bow-v maRnville Boy, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cîristie wýhe lived( on Elgin-st., in the brick residence j new owaed sud ioccupied by Mrt Wm. Quick, the next bouse north frein' the homre cf Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P. We like te) keep) trncýk of -ail boys in-d girls freai this towan and the "Hleeand of Durîini' aad are always graiteful fer nny inferniatien' abeu those wbe lave ade egood lui theil- position. Ris oi schoolmates; will bc gtd'à learna ttMelbourne; F. Christie bas occupied sncb pro- inrent positions in the Gat ewny City of the West i finncial circles. 1 Mr. Chrlstie's portrait graces the page of tle paper over this lnfermlng airtiole:ý At n board mieeting of the-ra West Lif e Assurance Comipnny yes- I terdlay afternoon, M. F. Chiristie aras i appointed te the directorate, te suc-, ceed the late P. C.Mte. Mr, Chrisie is wefli-known here bnaving ceaie te n ipeglu1882 frei birhtî'place at BowInanvîile, Ontli Mr. Crsteis MngigDirector of the G- F. Step)hens Paint Company,jI Director of the Wnie General I Hospital, fermer PVresident of thei( W inn. ipeg Board of Trade, pncýst Vice- President of the Canadian MaJýnu-! facurers' Association sud Chaiirmiani of the Manitoba Executive cf the'> Canadian Red Cross Society. The Great West Life Assurance' Cen-ipa-ny is a western concera -which commenced business lu ths city, Aug- Lst 18, 1892. The Comt-pany nbw has elgîteen brancl offices la Canada aud tbree ini the United States. The growtb of the liian as been very rapid. With usurance lu force Deceniber 31, 1893 of only $2,131,- 500, it bas growa te $25c0,000,000 in 1920. President cf the- Con-ipany is Alex- ander Mcoui; vice-Presidents G. F. Gait, R. T. Riley and Sïr Augus- tus Nanton; the directorate consists of: Geo. W. Allan, K. C., M. P.; Geo. R. Crowe, Andrew Kelly, Hon. A. C. Fhumerfqlt of Victoria; F. Natioýn of Victoria; W. H. Cross sud Sir Daniel McMiilan, K. C. M. G., sud M. F. Christie. HOW TO BE SAVED A Short Sermon To You. Repent sud fersake sin. Ask God, for the sake of the Sav- leur arbo died fer you, ta f orgive yeur wroag-doiug sud te cleanse yeur heart. Go f orward, wvatchlng sud praying trusting Ced, sud grewiug ia grace. Rem.ember, the devil wvl try te lead yen inte sin agala, but God is able'te keep yen fri faiIing, or te restore your seul if yen should in au urguarded moment girve way ta' theý enemiy. j Rheuniaiism, Lumb7lagoLame Bak onstipation, Piles, Femabe Diseases, Stomnacl sud Kiduey Troubles. Nervousness lu many fornis respoad readily te Chilro- practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. Mi. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Phone 224, HAVE YOUR 'WATCH OR OTHER JEWELRY REPAIRED PROMPTLY flY HAVING IT flONE BY Elliot Bros. Jewelers Osha.wai N -S E in ail branches. First Class Compianies Pronm3pt Service Feel Free to Consult me at any time about Insurance in which you may be interested N. E. NELADÙS In.surance Ageacy Office Wellington Street Phon e 162 Boarmauville] tley lived se fsr away ia, Western TOLES LIST Canada, 1er, childreu could give her- but littie assistance, sud she aras ÉLET quite unabie ta bear the burdeh alone RÊ ETTE FOR SALE However, la March, 1919, Mr. Enoch $2800 wil purchase 7 room frame' Stevens. a brotber-in-iaw,,, baught tbe bouse on Church etreet, water, mewer, homne asud oved ta the cerner, and electric liglit and furnace. during tIe feibowing -year sud a haîf $3000 will purchase 2 seory briek Mrs. Stevens gave ta bath maore than bouse on Concession street, waber, sewer, a sistcr's teundurnessanud care. ý1ct1r. Igzht, furnace, garage eeze, lov nence. For Mrs. Brown the beauty lad $1200 will .nrhs 6 roomed gone eut of h.f e and she rapidiy fnded raou, cottage ou VrosOect stLreet, thiqia away, passing froinienrth on Sept. a gfreat bargalu. 15, 19,19. Thougl le possessed con- $3500 wiIl purclase 8 roomed sîderable vigor, the nctivity of Mr. b)rick bouse audi office attac:hed1 on Tai-, Brwns maintingradu,-lly w-ýore perance street. liai eut and le passed te bis rearard $5000 will purchase 90 acre farm on August 29), 1920, agetd 77 years. 4% miles from omanývîîîe, w1e11 feaced. cood buIldings, about $1000 worth of Irwin L. Brown leaves a record of il tanidIng tiaiber, Possession et once. eairaest integrity sud industry. He: $7000 will, purchase 170v acres Varas al good rieiglbor, a, cileerfulIil con. Townsbip of Clarke, fin ud- friend, and s public,-spiritedl citizen ngs- well fenced and watered, about 3 mlseat of Newcastle Wharf. who added lnch te the welfare of the $5000 WILL BUY-23 acres, 1 mile froim conimiunîty lu wil le iived. Ris town, 9 roomed brick residence, fine Out thrce surviving chilîdren liv ila, West- buildings. Possession given wltliin 30 ern Canada: Mrs. W. C. White,Dar- ae1 iingferd, Man.; C. Everett Browna, $6,700 wili purclase 116acres, parto Inspecter of Scbools, Maple Creek,,Ots 5, cea. 1, and 6 cea. 2, cartwrht Meicnekown as the Bruce Farm, weil feaced.f Sask.; Frankç M. -Brown, Meicn a[oi- cday bai. good tuiings. Trerms Hat,At. Twa sisters, Mrs. Mid-,easy. dietan aand Mrs. 'White, sud twe McLaughlin Farm, cousistiug of 150 brothers, Joseph and Rarry, live in'acres, Joins village o! Tyrone with three Mantob_ stores. Biacksralth shep, schiools, ehurcb. Manîoba.andgrist miii ail within hni1f a mile ofi farm. The soui l a rich i ey bain. there ________________la over three miles of t4le Irnins. Tlhe~ land le level but rolling, wel fenced, about 8 acres of hardwvood bush, sud one A CANADIAN POTATO. acre of good cedar. Gaod farai hanse _________and barris with stone stabling under- neath. Over tweuty-I'aur huii'i bsh- Durham County Production Object1 els of grain threshed on it thid year. The flrst tenant on this tarin made of Guessing Contest in Landon, i enough moaiey lu fi"e repu~h~ Englandla tarai toi'. hiaiseit. 'this la one of the _________best bargairi n utlieCeunty and must bu euald te wli up Estate. Miss M. M.* Armnour's thoughtful- L A. W. TOLE, ness las gîven Canadian potatees a L genuine boosf 'Zn England. The REAL.ESTATE AGENT potato crap lereabout iast year was, f Bo,4viIle Fhoire 41. net, ewiag te -weatbcr condittins,È up to thle average ia quautity but. many farmners fnand in their fields 1 seyeýral tulbers of çxtiçdnary size,i Peevish, pale, restiess, and sickly according io repoits lu local'nears- childrea o we their condition te papers. Possibly ne faira InnlIts bet- arorais. Mother Gxraves' Worm Ex- ter tban the soutb-east section cf' terininator will relieve theinisud re- Darliiag-ton lies out-ef-doors--tlat store health. found ia No. 1 Sclool Section, bet- ter kaewu as Sbaws. - Mis;s Amiour took te Toronto to ch r pr c i sliow ýte Dr. John Ifoskin, K.CE s Novemlber,a a rgeptato gro' o hio ra1 the f arn of Mr. Walter J. icèkard, (Spinal Adjustments) every worthy persan or tling11> lu withaut Medicine or Kuife. C-hir- tIe Hoineland of Durlani. He lad opractars lave remarkable suc- this aber weigbhe-it aras 13,1 poands 'cess ia removxug the cause of The family eats miore bread since Mother started us- ing Cream of the West Elour. It traordinary white- ness and flavor. MWaple Leaf Miiliug Co., Limited Toronto, Winnipeg Brandon, Halifax T-WRE'S NOTU [NO SÔ OOOD AS GOOD Paethappy-chuldren bright and cheerful, full of pep and energy. Ail the resialt of the proper food-TOD'S GOOD BREAD-. Doni'tnmake aniymistake about this; plain simple, nourishing food sucli as GOOD BREAD has more to do With happiness, wholesomeniess and -eheerfulness, than anything else in~ the -\;world.. Plenty of exercise and plenty of TODUS BREAD THIOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville If BE P-ýARTICUL(R You cannot be too partcular abouit the insurance you choose. The 40 com- paniies we represent will stan'ithe acid test of investigation. Pire Losses deal t with very liberally and paid ulp Witblas little delay as possible. YOU GET THE ZEST WREN YOU INSURE WîTH J. J. MASON& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers - Phone 50 Bowmanville I JI" I DON'qT WORRY ABOUT HARD TIMES I Imagination nakes a lot of the conditionsin i f e. People think we are goïi g to have hard times, then they tell their neighebors and so on, etc., until they begin to think it ïs true, anid quit spendîng. When everybody stops'spending then We do have hard times. There is just as much money in the country as ever, and the Dolla-r today has more purchasing power than it had some time ag, and as the neces- sities of life corne down it is easier living. If men cannôt get Work .1t some certain lines, there'is ai- ways somneth -ing to be done, in this country of ours. 'Do'n't go arýound ,cryinýg Bluhe Ruin. It exi-sts oly in imagination.* P H(jN E 6,5. Prompt Deiivery. I3owmanville, ý *- - fmend .n j . . . .1 4--W- -1-- L--&' 1--

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