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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1921, p. 6

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CenralGarage Teniperance=st Opp. St. John's Chrch We wisli to announce that we have 'been appointed Chevrolet Sevice Station We bave secured a first.class mechanic who can reopair ail makes of cars. WELL STOCKED We carry a full suppiy of Ford, Chevroiet and WV&txweli parts, Gasoline, Greases and Ois. J. JJÂTELY - The Garage Man Phonùe 44 and 114 Bowm-anville 5 - I. - The Performance Figures of- the CHvROLET VALUE PLUS '25 Mles and More to tl!ç Galon of Gasoline These figiires speak for themselves, They are the dollars and cents ide of Chevrolet owners' motorig satisfaction. But the outstanding menit for Ch-evrolet per- formance lies beyond mere economy, It îs a fact easily proven by iding i it at any time. Comnfort that rough roads do nolt spoil Control that is easily acquired Safety that is not a matter of skill Reliability that is permanent Ask for a demonstration and. be that the Chevrolet is the best ail-round market to-day. convinced car on the FJ. CLEMENS& SON, Agents Wm. ChaIlis, Salesman Phone 2O5r31 ABQLISI FINANCIAL q I t A CANADIAN COVMRMENT ANNUITY WILL DO i Gives a larger return for life than is obtainabie from an-y other form of investment with absolute Security' Free from Dominion Incomie Tax. Any person resident or domniciled in Canada over the age of 5 may purchase, to begin at once, or at any later date desired an Annuity of frorn $5.0 to $5,1000, to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may purchýase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employe.e. Apply to your postmaster, or w rite, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities, 0àawa, for new bookiet and other inforinatio1i required. Mention age last birthday. IJON'T DO THIS Le6ww4 Er"% O00 ýV- 1ke[ie4er Deafness, Stops Head Noss It is not put in theears, but is Rabbed / in tBa¶k oftlie Ears 4ain stedin lthe Nostrils. lias had a successful sale since 1907 For ~sal in 4o $sayflJe,, Ont., Canada, by Jury & Loveli and A~it 'r Sales C., Toronto, Ont, Proof of suoceCsswMl be given yau by the aboya drugglsts. Ihis Signatnre on Ye(- Iow <Box 5nd Bottle Manufaeturer, Fifth A-ve., New York City, 'BOWMANVILLE JAN. 20th., 1921. OBITUARIES~. Albert A. NMpMurtry. Death occurredl Satuîday of Albert <A. MeMurtry, at bis home, 36 Gibsoea, Ave., Torpnte. Bora in Newton- tonville, son of late Jamies McMur- ry, lis maried Miss Fannie Ba4ett, Newcastle,,ana moved to'Toronto. Rie ieft Toroito for iGaît, -wbcrc lie set, up in business. Retiring 15 yeais ago, lie again camne to Toronto and had ltved /bere ever sine. Surviv-ý ing are bis wif eand two daugliters,' Emmrreline and Vera. Mr. George W. Brown, Toronto. A former resident of Bownanille, George W. Browni, died at bis home in. Toronto, 344 George-st., on January 1,2, after a sornewhat iengthy illness fromn congestion of the lunga and heart trouble. Ha was a carpenter by tracte and lived bera for several years in the large. residence opposite, the Opera Eouse bafore maving to tToronto about three yeais aga. The funaral took place Fiiday te Pros- pect Cemetary ti that city. Our cit.izans will sympathize with Mis. Brown and family. Dr. Hugh S. Bingham. of Toronto. fWest Dtirhami people and especial- ly older residents of Enniskillen knew deceasecd as a youth an~d lis parents spent their later years in Bownian- villa. Toronto Daily Star says: The late Dr. Hugli S. Bingbau-i, wbo died at bis home at 523 Dovercourt îoad, o e.2u4., was son of William and Elizabeth Bingbam, who camne to Canada fromi Armagh, Ireland, about t1850, and settled in the County o! Durhami, in Darlington. Dr, Bing hami graduated froni Trinity Medical College,. in 1885. Shortly after,'lie took post-giaduate courses in Greati Britain and on the Continent. Return~-1 Ing to Canad1a, witli the degrees M.j D.C.M., F..M.Sha located in Can- nington4ý where lie iesided until 13 yeaîs ago,. wben ha came to Toronto. He is survived by a son and a daugli- tai, Everatt o! Vancouver and Muriel of Toronto. Dr. George A. Bing- ham, the Toronto surgeon, is a bro- Mis. '~Iliamn Heard, Oshawa. Aftei1 a lingering illness cove-riag a period o! about six yeaîs, the death, occuried in the Western Hospital, Toronto, on Suniday, Jan. 9th., of Nora Tanton, baloved wif a of Will- ian~1i .aaid o! Oshawa, in her 6lst yerDeeeased was taken to Toi- onoon Wednesday'last 'to undergo an operatioa_«ln the hoke that hir SThe 011 for the Farmer.-A bottIe of Dr. Thomas' Ecjedtrie Oi in tlbe farin house will save mnany'a joumney for the doctor. It is flot only good for the children when taken with colds and croutp, and f or the matuIre whio sufer from pains and aches, but there are directions for itý, use en sick cattie. There should ai- ways be a lboltle of it ini the house. 1 . 1 conditiÏon niight be improved. She passed away, howe-yer,' Jefore the operation could be perfoîmed. The late Mrs, Heard wffl a native of Coin- wall, Engiand, and with her father and sister, camne to Canada in early life. , She had b~ee~n a esident of Oshawa for thirty years and was well Tknown and ver~y highly respect- ed. She was a faithful memiber of King Street Metliodist Church, and on Tuesday afternoon Rev. A. M. Irithe Ipastor, con'lncetti eve a the famnily home, 89 Burke St.,i after wbich the body was taken to[ Bownianville for interment Many1 floral oferings were sent te the: bouse and grave as a final mark of esteem for the deceased. Deceased, is survived by lier husband, hier fath-' er, William Tanton of Hampton, and oesse Mrs, Henry, aiseo! Mr&. Mairgaret Dickie Payne, Oshawa On Suiiday, at the home of her daughter, Mis. C. T. Oke, 3l1 Charles Street, Oshawa, the dieath occurred of Mis. Margaret Dickie, relict of th~e late James F. Payne, Cobourg'. De-' ceased was boriii i Lndon, and after ber -marriage sett]ed ln Cobourg, where .her husband qonducted a groc- ery business. Mfter Mr. Payne pass-, ed away, Mrs. Payne carried an the business for a number of years and moved to Toronto seventeen years ago, whera she haçl îesided till one year prior to her death when she' suf ered a stroke, and since that tiýme she has been living wïtb lier daughter' in 0 , hawa. Duiîng her stay here I she was unable ta leave ber bed, ex-: cept for an hour or so at a time. She was of a very cheerful dispos- ition, aven during lier lengtby sick- Iless. Ser-vice was hldç Tuesday noon from lie residence, C harles St., after whieh the remains were taken to Cobouirg on the 1.01 G.T.R. train for burial, Rev. J.S.I. Wilson con- ductinig the service. The only sur- viving member of the family is ber daugliter, MrsCecil T. 0ke. TJ;e palibearers were Mr. William Dickie Toronto, -_ cousin of thebcc---aand Mn. W. C. Cole of Rwmnil n Mr. Eslie and Mi. Blake OkCor tice. ~Really Reliable Asthma Remedy. Ail suferais from chronic Asthma sbouild try Dr. J. D. Kellogg-'s Asthma. 1Renedy, no matter how many others have failea to give relief. It is a commnon thing for Dr. J. D. Kellogg's to succecd where otheis fail, as is testified by many tbousands who have found this out for theinselves. Wby copntinue to endure day and nighits of1 unspeakable agony when a îemedy of sucli high tanding, bas not yet been tried? AStitch la Time- Evan if ail kinds of Commoities ara at Top Notch, Keep Your Buildings lu Good Repair And if you have niot sufficiant aecommodation for aithier 3our family, your 'stock or your implametits, it will ha a good proposition to- Erect N'ew Buildings of the Right Type* We are prepared t o furnisli estimates and supply material for any style of builldinga you rns.y require, and at prices as reasonable as you ean get aniywhere. Our Specialties llemlo(ck, Spruce anid B. C. Fir joists and studIding; Hemlock, Spruce and B. C. Cedar Uoofing and i Sheeting; }'ine, Spruce and Hfardwood flooring;: B. C. Red dedlar Shingles anid Brantford Roofingl-; Canadian Portland Cernent, the very hest in the market; also doors, swase and ail kinids of initerior finish and trim. Caîl or write us you r inquiries and we will do our hast to -ive you satisfaction. McClellan & Company Limited King Street East The public Is &oý accnstomed to taklng things for gra.nted that ht is çloubtful wý,hethar niany Torontonians realize Iow great a boon was coni ,ferred on the city when the Canadian Pacifie lýailway builtitts Yoiige Strcet Station. This edifice la coin- mIenly knowni as thie North 'Toronto Station, but the boundaries of the cty ext.end sa far 1nrtll of is site, as to mnake suoli an appellation a misnqiey. A4snear1l everyone isi aware It lies on the ast sida of 'longe St., about balf a mile nertb aof the. loor street intersection, ad- jacent ta a s'lbwayr whifvl inks a the business section of eld! St., wit.t be.vast residental dstits iyig ta the nortb. For miany years a smail staticyp, chiefly d(3v9ýteçita freight business, lay, on the othet sida of Yonge St., and dated fromn tha acquiremnent ~of the oc>d <itaiîo and Queliec iail'ay, reccant period the old station stood t within a stone's throw of the city limita,ý and froin a public standpolnti the locat.ion wàs regarded as negli- gil- \han a few years a-o the LCP.l'* decided to build a firsý clars Tnodevm passengar stationattis p>oint, there were thosew-o er âtili ouýfuI l wether It wouid1 The, growing, Importance of the Yonge street station la due to the fact that It lies exaetly midway lie- tween "f wo great horougfaraýs, now equipped wth streat car services, that btsect Toronto tram East to, West. The completion o! the Bloor St, viaduct brought wlth it the de- ve!opmsents of a trolley Uine con- nectinig the flumber yalley On the West witb h-cubrban ditricts Inles ta the East of Yonge St. For every- ona living nc-r ta Bloor St. in Lithier direction the CP.R.'s nort]hern tar- m1inal~ is morne asy of access tia t.he Unilon 8t4tiqa.The veryc- r w'hich have made the ypnge-Bloo~r strýeat car intersection the moàt Impor'tant in Toronto fer tii. /longest period of the day, con,- tribute ta, its ever-growing import- ance, To the northx lies thie St Clair Ave, car rouite wlhich taps pteat.resi- dential dhiýtricts, whase recent g;oqitb Jas ýbeen a civie phieiomenon. Thle fensdit of fa away Oakwood who 0eie~t go te Montreal or Ottawa flnds the Yonge St, station a boon; and thie saine lb true of thie residents o!t Lle nearer '"HiW' dis- trict, and the growinig congery of homnes 011 St.. Clair Ave, East. It et, car ticket and without change of cars. So far no mention bas betn made of the accessability of tiis station t o those liig ini the olhlçr parts of Ta- ronto soluth of Bloor St, w-ho ha'%e long ;been content to ha ervei y the Union Station inadequate thougit 1) be. A Iutile exainiatio.on f the civic nmap and the street Car mounes wil] show thlat aven for thei 'ha' northern stbismetis the imoIs conivenienit. Onily force o! habit has deiayed a fi realization of ibis. EJvery force of civie growih is tend- lng to increase the im'portance a! the site froni the standpoint of ser- vice and il is obvious that the time la iiot far distant wbetei present excellent facil*ties wil] have to be extended. Realization o! the la- estim~able advantages of the statio~n came ta a geod niy peopîe çluririg the race~s ai Thorpclfffe Par i tis past summer, Thousaivis who itad never used it before. and hardly knew of its e-xistence w-are astonisli- ed at is conveniant modern char- acter. The trend of ratai] business has been steadily northward, and a greatmauatin district is giaw-ing up ail along the rallw-ay tracks that are its entiets. Bowmanville ~~II Office Phone 15 - Residences 228 and 274*II Prices of Cream ax'e high.- *We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Wan~t Yours If we f-ail to calli on yolu we would. appreciate a phone call orivrt~e uis. Orono Creamery Go., ORONO f I i 1 W OR RY YqUR IE Wlla~t Yoni e Street Station Means i,£ý1orD - 3rd wk r *1 IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mrs, (Rev.) S. HRice, a former we1-known Darlington girl, -Mary Poliard-writing from Amherst, Nova Scotia, on Jan. 4th., says: "9i11 fur- tLher notice, Vplase send. my paper to nme here, in caie of Rev. A, S. Rogerr; B.D. 1 do not want to miss a single copy as there are always itemrs of special interestk- to me in if ticl 1 vralue its weekW visits very niuch.'" 6ive itFair"Pay 1Why fot decide NOW to gire WTOuabfet.% the remedy se generak- 17ued for keaduc@, aafair and square If there la any doubin yeur mW as to the worth of these tablets or of their' b~m1ssnsstry them and K-NOW the Don't sacrifice youjr confort on ac- couint of prejudice or skepticism, Try the tablets and know. 25C at dealers or by mai1 prepaid. B. N. Robinson & Co. Reg'd. Coaticook, Quebec. ASTMARA- jus-Swlle aCapsule RAZMAHla, Guarant ta restore norma&IbrIgjns tofl zucua Local Agyts Jury & Lovell's 1Drug Store. WE WANT a reliable agent for every un- represented district, to sali our ,ll-qno-mfruit and ariament-. ai trecs, shrubs, etc~. GQOI? PA", EXÇI.UI E Oragency is val ' ua nider' 60 Acres Nursery. EstaWisel 40, years. Writ -e for parti 1la " t Agency PELHAM NURSERY CO., Ueatmnt, 41-16t Toront, Ont. KeepsI$ajy's Skip Ilealthy every mother couid oniy r'ealize the danger whîch lurks in the negiect of c1haing and sldn irritatidns she would not take chances on being without Dr. Chase's Ointment to apply after baby's bath. It arrests the developnient of e=ema and makes the skin sort, umooth and velvety. 60 cents a box, ait deaiers, or Eduan4ao, Hogg & Lytie, LimitecL SEEDS: AND GRAIN WANTED We are ini the market for ail kinds of Seeds and Grafi. Send or bring in your sampIes for highest prices. FEED Our stock of Feed is compiete, i'neluding -COTTON SEED, QIL CAKE, BRAN, SHORTS, etc., at lowest prie-es. Phone 203. USE IT. Phone 203-Use it OshawaD -J - 1

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