BOWMANVILLE JAN. 2th., 1921.; ENFIELD Mr. H. Martin, Dyden, is visiting Mr. Fred T. Ashton; Mr. W. Geo. Ormiston was in Toronto recently.. .Mrs. 1ýWme. Hepburn, Kedron, hàs been visiting at Mr. A. Ormriston's. . *..Mr. Johnston Niddery has gone to Winnipeg and Saskate.ewan .... Mr. H. Stinsoni's youngest daughter Vera, had an attack of pleurisy but is imi- ,prvn... Mr. and Mrs. C. Simpson have been visting friends at ClarQ- e.o. ....Subsemrpions wi'l be taken in the churchi here next Sunday for Chînese F'amine Fund .... Mr. Frank McCullocýh, Pontypool. is visiting at .Mr, 11. Stinson's. . ,. Oir mail courier failed to deliver our mail on Mon- day owing te snow drifts. MAPLE GROVE Agoodly num-ber attended church se-ýrvice Sunday and heard Rev. Mr. S-mith of Victoria Collge, Toronto, give an excellent educi(ational ser- mon. .. . U. F. O. uniloaded another ,carload of feed his week. .. . The people of this neighborhood heartily welcome Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tuck- er, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker andtheir families who moved last Thursday from Stirling on the farm they purchased last Fail from Mr. IYble 1. Metcalf. . .. Miss- Gertie Lymer recently visited Mrs. Roy M'ietcalf, Base .... .... Mr. R. R. ;Ste-venis as a business visitor to the ....... .. Mr. Fredi Stevens, Nestieton, wshome over the week-end. ..'. V. F'. O. held their regular meeting on Miondlay aftern.oon when Mr. McKee of thr Central Office g-ave an excel- lent address. t ~ - ZION Mr. PosterSnàwdea, Oshawa, vis- ited at M. J. G. Langmaid's ...Mr. Wesey Langmaid hias eturned ,to IYEtal Colege, TorontPk Mr. F .B.'Glaspell's fnmily have al b)een vaccinated ... . Glad to hear that ~Harvey Brooks is able to be at home ,again.... Mrs., A. T. Stainton and Dois have ecovered from an attack Mrs. Johnf Balson hias un dergone an, opeýration for appendicitis. Ai wish hem a speedy recovery. . .. Frienda of Mrs. John Hamwick and Miss Vida Langmaid are glad to leara that they are getting along so well nfter their operations .... Giad to see M. Frank Pnscoe out again. Mra. Chas. Viviaji, Brookla, Sun- daùyed at home . .Mr. George5 Son- ley, Toronto, visited at lis hoie .... M4r. Donald Lavis, Whitby, visiting IMr. George 'Sonley... .Mrs. J. A. Awde and Miss Inez Awde, Seneca, South Dlakota, U. S. A., and Miss E. Sybil Langmaid visited at Mr. H. G. Pnscoe's. About fifty young people gathered, zt the home of Mm. Everett Gifford, Taunton, on Friday evening, Jan. 14. Aýftem social greetinga, Mr. Fred E. Camemon called the company to order when Miss Coma M. Ct'ewsad vnnced and rend a very fitting ad- *ress to Mr. and -Mrs. Tracy Glaspel 4neeIlai Gfntd kancLMm. A--T- Stainton aiid M. and Mms. Carnet Beckel ai,,MissFlorence Camemon, presented them- with a Rayo Lamp, Jardinere Stand, Pyrex liaed Casser- oie and Pyrex Fie Plate. M. and lmas. Glaspeli made suitable replies, after which sevemal speeches foilowed. The remaînder of the evening wns LJI g Ueo, LIIUOiC~ etC. .LJUIICII was serred and the cornpaay broke up t an ealy boum for home. AT THE ALTAR' Smith-Beech. A retty wedding ,was solemnnized %At the home of M. and Mrs. Fred Smîth, Mapie Hill Farm, Enniakillea, on Wed-nesdny, January l.2th., when th-eit' eldet daugîter, Stella Maud, wns tunited ia holy bonds of matri-1 moywith Alymer H. Beech,, eldeat onof Mr. and Mms. Arthur Beech. The sua shone forth from sunrise to sunset brightening the occasion with its brîght raya. ?romnpty at 1 o'- dlock while the wedding marel was be g piayed by Miss Lenan Smith, jis r of the bride, the wedding coup- letook their place bei.eath an arch in the living-room -which wns, decor- ated in pink fmom the centre of whi h lung a beautiful white bell. T}¶e bride, who waa given away by hem father looked sweetiy petty in n -gown of peanut satin with bridai veil caught with narcisai and camried n bouquet of pink and white carnations and feras. The ceremiony w'as per- forined by their pastot', Rev. G. T. __cKeiievery impessively. -1117e wedding breakfast was seved by six gji frienda of the bride, the tables being pettily; decorated in pink and wht.About (60 guesta -weme pro- sent including friendLs from Oa,-k-- wAood, Toronto, Oshnwva, and otherl points. A beautifui collection of, presents testified to the high esteeni ia whicl thle youag couple are bield. Amion'g thie preseats was a toilet set rm le bride's S. S. Clnssý The 1bride wns a vemy active chrurcl wiork- er, being a mieinber of the choir, S. S.teacher and activ Lge workem. Thke bridai couple eatmined at Bur- keto)n for Tornto and Buffalo Dmid showers of confetti and bet wishes. Tho bmiîde'% goirg away 4uit wns browni gabardine serge with bhat to mAc. The groom'es gift to the bride was a 'bar broocl with, wish- bone set with pearis, and to the pian- ist Ile gave a beautiful brooch. On their retura Mr. and Mrs. Beecl wil] eide on the fanri 'M. Beecb bas boDeughit from bis father in the Prom.i ised Land. The beat wishes of al are' extended to the Young couple for a, happy and prospemous marmied if e, AUCTION SALE .Saturday, February 26-Mm. Wesley D. Bragg, lot 30O, con. 2, Clarke, (ewodFara>, will seil ail of ris f arn stock, iniplomonts, etc- eo bis. Sale at 1 p. mi. Geo, jackson. Auctioneer. HAYDON. Visitors: 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridge and daughiter Margaret, at Mr. J. Wright's; Misses Olive Sharpe and Reta Ashton at Mr. Elgin Mount- joy's; Miss Effie Rutledge, Salem, at hem sister's, Mrs. Theron Mountjoy; Another baby girl has arrived here iecently at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. A.McNeil. Congratulations... After our S. S. session, Sundaymo- ing, we had a very interesting Mis- asionary progmam, Mrs. Elgin Mouait- joy ns Superiatondent. Miss Eva Denike gave a suitable and intemeat- ing eading, followed by a solo sweetL- ly rendered by Miss Rta Ashton of Enaiskiliea. Meta Aihton also read a, splendlid inumber on Missions. Liber- ai off ering wis given ... . League Th.lursday aighit was la charge of Miss Vera Mountjoy, MNissionary, Vîce-President. A reai good pro- gram was readered. ...No League service here, this week, as ont' Leag- nesare going to Tyrone. . . A pleas- ant and sociable time was spent on Monday evening when the memnbers of the Home Department met at the home of their Superintendent, Mrs. H. Ashton. After supper an inter- esting pogrami was given and the t'est of the eveaing spent in games. Evemyone thomoughiy enjoyed them- selves,. . . Service Su nday at 2 p. m.., Pastor Wflckett in charge. ENNISKILLEN Wednesday evening's entertain- ment "The Donation Party" under auspices of W. M. S., given by Bow- manville Laur was of n entirely differeat nature froi what we are ac- customed to bu.t was much enjoyed by ail present. .Thursday evening's Lengue was ia charge of Miss Helena Werry. After devotionni' exercises Miss Myrtie Brunt rend le ariptilte, Mr., H. J. Wery took the topic, readiaga were given by Dirt. H. Ferguson and Misa Margaret Sttwart. Lea.gue la invit- ed with Haydoa LeagIue to viait Ty- rone Qa Thursday eveaing. M. and Mrs. Herbert Stainton en-I tertained the achool children very pleasantly at their home on Fridny evening.,.Mm. and Mrs. David Bruat entertained a number of frienda Thursday evehig. .. . CongiYatula- tions to Misa Sella. Smith and Mr. Alymer Becech on their recent mar- riage ... Mm. and Mrs. Nathan Byers, have terumned f4rom Toronto. .Mm and Mrs. Levi A,%-rns, Toronto, isvîi- tiag Stainton relatives herE...Ma John Cowling visited Mrs. R.ME el Haydon .... Mr. Lloyd Ashton is tak-' ing a 5 weeks' course at O0. A. C., Gueipi. .Messrs. Harvey McGill aad Arthur Bruat, Misses-Helena Wery and Margaret Stewart were dole-ý gates to District Leagrue Convention, B owmaaville. NESTLETON Mm. William I. Beacock, Township Clemk, Commissioner, Conveyancer,l etc., bas sold his farm to Mr. Percy Edgerton of Lindsay, and will move ih his f amiy _to the houLse recea4iy purchased from the M4isses Neal at Nestieton Station. ..Miss Ruby Veale vi'ited Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yel- verton .... M. and Mrs. Oscar Ed- wards are visiting frienda la Janet- ville. . On Thursday eveniag a con- cert under auspices of the C. O. F., was iven bv talent from Caesarea. A speadid program consisting of voc- ai and, instrumental music, ecita- tions, dialogues, chomuses, solos, and a pantomime by Miss Eva McDer-, mott which deservea specini montions. Also a duet by M. Fred Johns and Mrs. Ingie. T'he Gypsy Maid and Red Wing deserves special mention. Following are the olicers installed.I C. R-R. H. 'Suggett V. C. IlC.HPorteous R. S-J. L. Jobla F. S.-Peter Wright Chap.-F. R. Phlp S. ,W.-J. R. Nesbitt J. W.-R, . 1,Pbip S. B.-A. Beaceck J. B.-Y. G. Jobnis Coaductor--S. Craw,ýfo)rd Mr. G. M. Waiicer ofî the Standardl Bank saf, lias been tmnasfermed to Coîberne and M1r. Fred Stevens of Bowmvianville fuls tbie position home. TYRONE Vstors: Mns. W. Wood, Mill- brook at hem bothe's, M. C. Bige- iow; Rer. JabezRice, New Bruns- wick,, MViss Helen Rice, Genemal Hos- pital,-,Vintreal,- Mr. Fred' Stamt,' Curie's Crossiag, MVlr. Wmi. Smnle, Lindsay,,guesta at 11fr . 1. H.Wery's; Mm. W. S. Staples motored to bis cousin's, Mm. Frank Virtue, Hamilton, retunang wîth -ane ca.- Mr LTorrne McCoy and Miss Vemna Mc- Coy visitod Mm. Perecy McCoy, Toron- t... Ahl are glad te see Miss Mul- lia on duty at achool after hem ilînesa. ...Thursday's Longue was in charge of Miss Evelyn Brent. Topic by Miss Mary Bihwl "Africa", sketch of David Livingstone by Mm. John HISl, solo by Mm. Hnmold Hoar and music by the orchestra anfteri wbich a iasionary conteat poved very interestig .... Rev. S. C.1' M1oore gare some vemy iheart searching *thoughts on ont' "Responsibility to use our God given talents", on Sun- dayT morning and wns nijch appre- ciated by overyone. Choim gave goodimusic.* Mesdame-sW.1H. Moore - aad Argue sang a duet. _ A number from homo enjoyed the social evon- ing Friday at Betheada. Chomuses and duets and commnunity sing:ing sumely was great, ecitations by Tom and Dorothy Hloar foilowed by a *splendid debate, "Resolrod tînt the World la growing Btter", with Ham- old Hoar and Bertie Colo on the affirmative, and Ethel Hîoar and rDouglas Colo on the fregative. Af- firinative won by pno point.-I%3is fi E. M. Colo deserves groat credit for *the success of the ovening. Rer. W. T. Wîckett ably dischiarged the duties of chairmian. HAMPTON Friday evening League was ln charge of Miss Erma Salter, Mis sianary Vice-President. meeting opened wih singing then prayer by Mr. F. J. Groat. Mr. Elmie Gay read the Lesson. The topic, "Tle work of the Churches of Canada, la Africa", was givea by Mrs. J. Col- will and -Miss Ruth Johns played a violin solo. A miissionary contest was then enga1-ed in after which a-p- pies and candy were servedi. Meet- ing closed wvith singfing and League Benediction. Mrs. Elmier Boyd, Toronto, is visit- ing hier parents, 'Mr. and MNrs. Enoch Stevens'; M-Nrs. J. J. Virtue la with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) C. W. Siemion, Bowmaniville; Miss Beatrice Leach, Zion, la with friends; Mrs. William Leach continues very iii; Mrs. (Rev.)ý J. O. Totton, Miss Norah Horn and Mkiss Mary Souch assisted in music at Dr. and Mrs. Sleinon's .re- ception la Bowmanville, on Friday, Jaauary 7th ;Considerable sickness prevails in our community. Hope for al a speedy recovery ... . A collection amiounting te over $62 was takea in the Sundayv School for the Famine Relief Fund.... Beginning with at Sunday evening our pastor' wili preach a series of sermnons on "The Parables of our Lord". Service last Sunday evening was weil attended, the choir renderlùg good music as- sisted by Mr. James Jebson ýwho ren- dered a solo., Fresh frozen Salmon now in stock at Wili Horn's. Also 'Sea Herrings. 1- 3W PUMPS-C. W. Souch purchased fromn anr agent of Beatty Bros. a consignmentt of pumpa :t pre-war prices. if yen re- quire a good pump at a low price phone 129-r2-1, Hampton, Ont. 2-3w DARLINGTON .COUNCIL- Inaugural' Meeting for 1921. Inaugural meeting of Darlington Council was heid in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Monday, Jan. lOth., 1921. Township Clerk W. R. Allun re- ported the election 'of these mem- bers of Council for 1921:1 .Reeve-T. Baker; Deputy-Reeve-- W. R. Courtice; Counciilors :-A. H. Brent, C. W. Souch, and Chas. A. Wight. After the members made the dec- ination of office they proceeded with the regular order of duties. 1Minutes of lat meeting were rend and confiri-ied. *These by-laws were given their several readings and~ passed:' N.797, appointîng as auditors F. J. Groat and W. G. Rundie. No. 798, appointing as Board of Health: Reeve T. Baker, C. W. Slem- on, M.D., M.O.H.;H-. Ferguson, M.B., assisting M.O.H.; W. E. Pollard, Sani. tary Inspector; Alfred Hogarth, W. R. Allia, Secretary. No. 799, appointing James Curis, Hampton, School Attendance officer. No. 800, appointing S. A. North- cott and Harold Skinner inspectors of sheep damages.. No. 801,, appointing, Rond Com,-, missioners and fixing amount of their appropriation. No. 802, appointiag as Assessor Heary J. Werry., Clerk, was instructed to procure DTýýTÈiga -for tVie A,-essor. The- owaers of dogs mat have a tag for every dog owned by themn. Price of Tags 15c each. Time of collection of Tax,ýe9 was again extended toï Jainuýr-y 29th., 1921, the 2 per' cent ta still be ndded to ail unpaid taxes. Orders drawn on the Treasurer wK 1i MrS. Wmn. Jeffreyk grave.. . .$10 50 Ivan M. Law, statute labor, '19-'20a 31 20 Municipal Worid, èopy....... 1 001 Municipal World, Election fotms W. R. Allia, extra Ret. 0fr. 5 00 iOtto R. Bragg, ser. Pil No. I. 11.00: Ronafd Scott, set'. Poil No. Z1il001 (7 T.. nowden, Pol No.. 3 11il00' C. F. Corden, Poil No. 4.. 9 001 Theû Semon, PoiliNo. 5 ...., I o0<1 Geo. F. Annis, Poili No. 6. ...ý il 00'. W. G. Smith, Poili No. 7, ... il <0 Sck Cildren's Hospital, grant 10o001[ lVuskoiça Free Hospital, grant 10 001, (Yuiii adjournd to meet Satur'- day January 29th., at1 P. Im. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Thie annuai rmeeting of West Durhain A1grcuturai So,,cety wili be held in the vouacil Boom, Dowrnanville, on' rIay, january 21st., at 1, P. m, to receivee ports of Drecýtôs for election of offiece and for general businjess. FRANK ALUN, J. SI MOORGAT BLACKSÏrOCK Sorry to hear. that Mr. Albert Hooey splintered an ankie bone and has been .confined tn bis beit ever since. . Mrs. Crawýford slipped on the "ce in front of the harness shop and broke hier ....... . Rev. and Mrs. Scott 'spent Monday evening at the Parsonage last week. ... Glad to re-J port that little Miss Ruth MUcQuaidl is improving .... Miss Corley spent the wveek-end with Mrs. W. A. an- Camp .... This is splendid wýýeather for skating-anid you wovuld appre- diate this fact if you had been at the rink Saturday ......... The thrashinig machine is still at work in the com-munity. There will be no scarcîty of cîover thîs Spring- we are sure .... The local Comm-n-unity Club are putting on a concert in the Town Hall, Friday night,,. '.On Jan. 25, the Women's Institute are bringiag the Tyrone Dramiatie Club, -who will present "Ten Nights in a Bar-room" ..Township S. S. Convention wili, be held at the chuarch .in Nestieton Statio9n, Wednesday afternoon and evening, January 26. Rev. T. A. Halpenny is to be the speaker. M Flx! Flax!? We, aro now prepared to make contracts with the f armiers for the coming Season's Acreage of Flax. As we will only be able to take a limnited amount this year, we would advise those intending to contract to see us'early.ý We have for sale a quantity of Flax Seed which is an excellent food for Cattie and Horses. Farmers know the value'of this food 'and shoiild not delay in isêcuring some. DU RHAM FLAX co,.'e Office next door west of Registry Office Bowmanville N te o Farmers As 1 arn just reoyering from an attack of typhoid fever I do not expect to do much driving this winter, and will not be, able to cail on you as formerly. 1 would ask those thinking of buying new farm implements or machinery to phone me at No. 232, orbetter still-call on me and get my prices-and inspect our superior class ofgoods before buyïig. 1 represent three very strong companies: MASSEY-HARRIS CO., o0f Toronto MaonufCaeturers of ail kinds of farmj machinery SPRAYER-MOTOR CO., of Lo ndon Manufacturera of hand and power sprayers. GEO._WHITE & SONS, of London _____-Frst quali-ty lin FTI'lresWig Machinies and Engines. LIST 0F SECOND-HAND MACHINERY We will have the fo1lowing good second-hand machines en display aîter 'February lat- One i 3-disç Grain and Fertilizer Drill' Combined One National Gang Plough On, No. 21 Walking Plougli WAREROOM~S and OFFICE-MAYER'S HÀRNESS SHOP <Phno 3) CorerKing and Silver Streetsýq, where ýcomplote i tockA of repairs are kept ln stock~ for above machines. S. .HN RYV IMPLEMENTS PHONE M3 BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE Monday andJa 24 5 -Tuesday2 ý2 2-FEATURE ACTS WITH Saluail Muriel, THE CARD KING THE WHITE MAHATMA Bert WITH MAGIC AND FUN SHOW COMPANY'S OWN ORCHESTRA M GîKIC-MYSTERY-MIRTHI and MUSIC VENTRILOQULSM, COMEDY, ILLUSIONS NOVELTY ACTS--BOX MYSTERY- STARTLINCZ REVELATIQNS Complete Change 0f Shôiw Nightly ADULTS 35c and 50c; ..CHILI) 25c. Aboire Prices are Plius Amusement Tax Show Starts At 8.15 p. m., Sharp. Come Early And T*-y To Get In. SOLINA. Mr. R. J. IMKesso'ck attended an Executive meeting 'recently of the Ontario Educational Associatioin at Toronto.... Messrs. Alfred Ayme, John Baker aad A. L. Pascoe are ex- Master Harvey Brooks returnedihomie from B 1owmi-aaiville Hospital Saturday -nearly as good as new again. .ý.. Reeve Geo. Smnith, Port Hope, visited Reeve Baker, municipally no doubt,.. .Mrs. Julia VanNest, Toronto, is 'visitinig her daughtem, Mrs. 'N. E. Wrgh. .11 r. Waltems, Meaford, is Vîsiti'bis aephew, Mr. Johin KIr- ell. . Mrs. S. Edgar Werry uniderweat ani operation, at Bowmnanville Hos- pital Saturday and la doing aiceiy *. -Rev. W. T. Wickett,, Tyrone, and Rev. G. T. McKeazie, Eaniskillea, assisted acceptably at the meetings here lat week.-,Mesma. McKessock and Stevens aýso aEWIsted. ... The Women's Institute and Farmers' Club have postponed their meeting tili Thursday night, January 27, and will debate on "Resolved that the Township Council ndopt the Govera- ment Rond Apt and abolish ti nttute Labor". Music will beprved MOTOR LICENSES. I have been'appointed Issuor of Motor Licenses. 1 also seli best makes ùf non- g lare lights, goverament passed, Sun- Ray, suitabie for anj,'<car-$3.00. M~acBeth gem top $6.00 pair and mnailed, Licenses and Lens Mailed. A. J. CHRISTIE. 3-t port 1Hope. SALE 0F HEREFORDS. The Victoria County Hereford Breeders' Association wîll seli by Pub lic Auçtioný at, Fanninga' Sales Stab-. les, Lindsay, Ontario, on. Tuesday, January 25th., at 1 o'clock, 45 'Pure Bred Polled and Horned Herefords,ý including 32 buils and 13 cows andl heifers, choice stock of an exception-i al clasa and qunlity. Terma cash and 8 monthis' credit on approved joint notes beaiag intereat at 4 per cent to purchasers desiriag the sainme. Catalogue on application. Geo. aild1 Ted Jackson, Auctioneers, Geo. W.1 Taylor, Secretary, Bobcaygeon, Ont. To Farmers in, Durham County:. In conenction with the Short Course in Ag- riculture at Bowmanville this month, arrangements have been made tcojhave a. number of men give special Lecture s. rach speaker is aspecialist,-,in his own line and will be able to give the ver-y beist information available regarding the varlous sub-, jects, as follows: Monda.y, January, 24th. 1.30 p. am., J. F. Francis, 0.'A. C., Guelph, Poultry. Tuesday, January, 25th. 9ý.30 a. ni., A. W. J. St. John, Uxbridge, Farm Power. Thur3day, January 27th. 1. ,30 p. am., Prof. Erne, Mil e,, O. A. C., Guelph, Bees. Th e Course is being held for the benefit of al who wish to attend. You are speciaily invited to corne to these special Lectures. Demonstration material, Lantern Slides, and ,Motion Pictures will be used by a number of the spe akers, Help to make the Course, worth while by attending ail or part of it. Ail meetings at the Bowman House,. Bowmani- ville, unless otherwise announceci.. F. C. PATERS ON. Departinent of Agricçulture, PortHoe R Ut1 4 Lower Priceý.? Then,-Patroniz Guaranteed ïManufacturers' Prices $5.00 Deposit will do it Your choice of hundreds of samples, also lengths of cloth at Manufacturers' Prices. OR,,DE-R NOW for Spring and gt your Spring Suit or Coat at any E ate-date y-ou-desire. ---- An Expert man to measure yýouý Sztisfacton Guaranteed. SAVE $10.00'TO $15-00 Ready-To-Wear Departient SUITS $10,00 Saturday, Jan. 22 only..Suits $10.00 With every Overcoat sold Saturday, January 22, yoiý can have your choice of any suit. in Our Store-$10.00-Dori't let ain opportity like thiàs sliplby. MEN'S WORK SHIIRTS Blue Chambray-Big Jumnbo-to clear $1.79 Black and White stripe, Haugh make, clear$1.65 WESES Head Quarters f ôr Manufacturers' Prices Phone 61 ..Bowmanville The Royal Bank etCanada by Renting a SafeWy fleposit Box, Deposit the couponsu eývery six mionths ini a aigsAccount ald earin intereýst upoi the bÇnd initerest at ', ý r annnmtll, comnpounided half-yearly. If this is done regularly witlx (say) a 15 year bond, you will accumulate more intere-st than principal. CAPIT[AL & RESEUVýS $33,000,000 T0IAL REsouRcES - s59#oumoc0 BOWtdANVILLE BRANOII K~ F. Aitchisen MANACER WEDDING Gower-WUiiarns. A quiet marriage was performied by the Rev. Murdoclc MacKinno-n, D. D., at the Knox Church Manse Ize- gina, Sask., on Thursday aftern4,,n, January 6th., 1921, when Miss Sarah Elizabeth Williams, youn)gest daugh- ter of the late W. H. Williams and Mrs. Williams of Bowmainille, Ont., was united in marriage with Mr. Edi- win P. Gower of Regina, Sask. $10 to $50 A WEEK At homn"' In Your Spajre Time.,, Increaseý your incomne at home mn yqur spare timne. You~ cana earn<$10 to $50 each week. No canvassing or soliciting. We teach you how and supply you steady work, Write today for full particulars. National Show Card School, Ltd., Room 42, 44 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Cana- da. 2-4 1 ý-L