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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1921, p. 6

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Cetral uG-,ai Temperance=st Opp. St. John We wish te announpce that we have be3ena Chevrolet Serice, St <W e have secured a firstcla.s8 mechanie'm repair al makes of cars. WELL STOCKED We carry a full supply of Ford, Chevrolet an parts, Gasoline, Greases and 0 is. je IIATEÊLY - The Garag Phone 44 and 114 'I The Performance Figure CEVRO0L) VALUE : PLU 25 Miles and More to the Gallon ol These figures speak for thems are the dollars and cents side of Chevi motoring satisfaction. But the outstanding menit for CI, formance lies beyond mere economy. easiiy, proven by riding In it at any tiny Comfort that rough roads do not spoi Control that is easily acquired Safety that is not a matter of skil Reliability that is perm~anent Ask for a demonstration and bi that the Chevroiet is the best ail-rouný market to-day. f. J. CLEMENS &SO"%N, BOWMANVILLE 'h. A GAIN The new "4" witha enctosed bodies has es --motor-car-value -with-ený and comfort. The spe( gear, the easy operated a gear set that can bc, make it the easiest opei range for demonstration WM. J. CHALLIS, Bom Moffatà,% The New Garage Phone 915 BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 27th.,. 1921. SAVE CH[LDMREN'S TEETH IIj S E KN _________________Dr. 3. S. Phillips, Oshawa, Gave A BYLG SmEARlt% OBITUARIES. Practical Address to Mothers., RK OM KRKATIC FRAN HOMý KRKRARI I Ma's. Elizabeth Gillespie, Toronto.' Too much importance cannot be ra Udr r- iven t care and preservation of 1Cpyihtd The death occurred Thursday of cide'*eehwieteyaecid No. 5-PREPARATI N Mr. liabthGilspie, wif e of the ren. It means, health, [ofat a- Peaain1 eesr OrNffc late Peter Gillespie, at the home of pinessa and long life. ýWe have read ive pbi paig eoeasek PLi.. her son, Prof. Gillespie, 5 ae-terpr fa adesrcnl e-e ti eps upon the platform to ad- S C lircii port rd., Toronto. Deceased lady ivered by Dr. J. S. Phillips to Osh- dress an audience his purpose should was born in CromartY, Scotland, in awa mothers and think if Bowmý,ran- have been deterinined, his-thoughts 1843Î', and at the age of 5 came to villýe Wom en's Institute would bring c'learly defined, and arranged in de- appointed Canada with her parents, settling Dr. Phillips here for a~n evening soon finite progr 1ess toward lis pur pose1 or iu Grafton, Northumberland County, to talk to Bowmanville mothers they conclusion. If the speech represents where her father conducted a lour wotiid be doing a grand thing for a disarranged jumble of ideas the mill. In 1871 she m'nýýLËied Peter theýyouth of this town. speaker's delivery la unintelligible, Gillespie, and for two years lived at The Ontario Reformrer gave a re-j and the hearer's lseiguitli tattolit Vernonville, Ont. lier husband died, port of the address from which we gent. lseiguitli and Sirice then she had lived in C o- publish this excerpit: ~ItI wouîd« absurd if a hostess bourg and Grafton, and for the p3ast drs a w a ntds re ns t ~bo can wenty yers in Tront~. Se was a Dr. Phillips' splendid addrs a h a nie oefinst Who cela tPnsbyerinTrvng ae waoron "Dental Service in Relation to the dinner postponed the preparation of sons, Peter, professor of applied'mec- Healtb and Progress of the Chîld. the meal until after the guests were hanca Tornt Unvesît ad e stated that the true function of seated at the table. It is equally 01 Ginergeolivnoniersty re, Bow-thechool was to make healtby, bappy absurd to address an audience with-J mi Mxwel ninvile. uccessful citizeiis, and that those out preparation. ,nd Maxwll mnvile. hildren were best educated and .Thorough preparation, then, is nlec- trained who, are best prepared to essary for effective delivery. Vague- Prs. W. Adams. tk pteatv uiso lif e nesS spells confusion. Cleerness Priendsof Mps. W. .Adams Who when school days are over, to suc- antb eie rmosuîy left Oshawa with ber husband last cessfully fill their places in socîety Intelýigenrce from n, nintelligibility, ge M-ini archta spend her declining years and to live the if e of service. Nor- A, number of years ago I was a i*Mtn ch~er only living child, Mrs. W. mal children, came into the school memiber of a fishing party that set A.ý Kirby, Detroit, Mich., wilb witb healthy bodies, and it is the duty elutfor a çertain lake in the wildso Bowinanvitle' grieved to learn of her death which of the state to see that the child's -Northern, Ontario of which we had occurred in that city on Sunday, Jan. health la protected and his physica1 heard enthusiastic reports. We ar- 16th., the immediate cause cf lher powers developod. Every normal rived in due time at the hamlet near- demnise being a çancerç>us affection. child bad four powers--inental, phy- est ta our objective. Here we engag- of the stomach. The late Mrs. Ad- sical, emiotional and volitional-and ed a guide, a very old Indian. Our ams and ber husband were two of, he thought it a reasanable and sane guide had been over be route we the oldest and most highly respected proposition that provision should be were to travel many timies. Hie had citizens of Oshawa and wei'e well made for the nourishmenft cf these an unerring sense for direction and a known throughout the town, She in the school curriculum. In coni.- vivid recollection cf the different was born lu Mlwaukee and was 76 nection with such an ideal curricul- points, trees, baya, etc,, by which he years cf age. She settled in Port umi dental inspection would find an guided himself. Hie was thoroughlyý Hlope wben. she was very young and important place because we would prepared. W e reached aur destina- married Mr. Adams 44 years ago. then see the reiaýtionship, between tiOVI WUi tutBas of time. During hier thirty-five years residence physical health and mental and moral. Thîce years later I joined another here she was an active mimber cf progresa, an-d the relationship be- party bound fori the saine fishing Simcoe Street Methodiat Church and tween regular dental inspection and ground. We anrived at the sanie had lwas exrcied n c frgodba t I had been conclus- little hamiet, and I sought >out the good. When she came ta Oshawa ively proven that a healtby mouth guide cf aur former expedition. To from Port Hope, the deceased resid- means better health and regular den- my regret I was informed that hie ed on a fruit faim on the Ritson al inspection means a healthy mouth. bad died seme months previously. Road with Mr. Adams, and after In Marian School, Cleveland, Dr. There were two others who knew eigbteen years retired from these act- Phillips pointed out, the average ef- 'the route but they wereaway with ivities and built, a home on King ficiency cof the scholars in a test other *fisbing parties. One young Street East, where she lived until1 squad was increased 6 per cent. fellow told us that hie heard the he eatr o etroit. The re- by proper dental treatmient. route described se frequently that mais were laid to rest this afternoon This is the plan in Oshawa: Child- be feit sure that bie ceuld guide us. lu Detroit., Besides bier husband, the ren go te Dr. Phillips' Office on Tues- We accepted bis off er and set out. only surviving member cf the family day andl Tbursday frenoons xtrom We had no gone very f ar when it bier daughter, Mrs, W. A. Kiîby, 10 ta 12, ,witb tbe achool nurse, naîf ,became evident that we had hast our do 'lthle Mrs. W. E. Clarke of King Street, an heur being allowed fer each. ARI way. We ýbluudered along for a East, Oshawa, is a niece cf Mrs. Ad- fillings, with the exception of gohd, short time in a confused fashion, ams, and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Bow- wMl be provided free cf charge. and then returned. Our youtbful manvillp, is a niece of the deceased. guide did net bave clear images cf, Mr. O'Dell, a brother, la living in the the aid man's marks,, nor a know- E ~state cf Ohio, U.S.A. ledge cf tlie direction, lie blnd flot' ___________MILK FOR ENERGY been. over the route before. lie was. Thi, f nt prepared ta lead us. His vague-, Q Attckd b Athm. he ir Ti , the thirdofa seriesof ar- neas ended in confusion. It was an f earful sensation is cf suffocation, e nvlall ata ii sup- attempt of the blind to lead the blind., %Z) which heur by heur becomes more plied by the geod friend -of ail men- A public speaker is a mental guide.' desperate and hepeless. To sucb a the cew. F*very home sheulci adopt iej leads bhis audience step by step Gaslin cae te rlie afordd b Dr j.D.a genercua milk diet, especially where thrcugh a succession cf ideas te a ,f asoineKellogg's Asthnia Remedy is very theoe aei dien d e lerly eop le logical destination or conclusion. If grateful. Its help la quickly appar- -pople yting middl eaif can eat a-he is flot prepared, if each of these elves. They eut and accu the dreadful attack is inostanytn irtite ati thersonat stepg or ideas is net ciearly defined, mastered. The asthmatic who bas en antoetmoerto-m ootderan if bis thougbts are but vagueiy coni- roet owners' found eut the depeudability of thiseaatgthreemcfod ceived, if the bearing cf the individ- sterling remedy will neyer be witbout The doctors say se, se it is un- ual thoughts upon the conclusion is it. It is sold everyw,,here. deubtedily true, that milk gives ener- net clear, conifusion ifollows, lie !oses gy andj strength, especially dees it his way, the purpose of the speech is ievolt pr-energy for the needs cf the infant's nct acbieved, and the resuit is disas- It is a fact child an-d the aduit. Milk fat and We hear much about impromitu Lie. milk sugar (typicai fuel fooda) arei speaking., Impromitu speAkinlg is heuni ti în both faund in milk. A quart of usually impromptu bosb. R heu atewhoeý mlk ontinsabout 1, 1-31 Tberougb preparation, then, la ti ,,iia ~atcaNeualga. ounces cf fat. The milk sugar lu aR absolutleiy essential te effective quart cf either skim rnilk or wholespaigta speaking wbich is mnilk, would fil tbree tablespoons. based uipon a succession of ideas MiI>ç- proteins aise. add te the fuel leading unerringly and inevitably ta Te pea ' uply4 logicaI conclusion. The moat im- eA dollar spent for different kinds portant phase of sucli preparatien' Rheum ficcf food dees net yieid a jike quantity la the clear definition or individualiz- Cap-sules of fuel in ahi cases, any more than ation of each of these ideas, and an ýp ~dees a dollar spent for wood, ceai, ap-preciatien c f its bearing upen the ýe convinced gas, or electricity. Milk is a reas- conclusion. d car n the ave broiight gOOd onably cheap source cf body fuel. _______ id caron the b.ath to ha -m1flJoeiFor health's sake it is important uuferea.thàt miik sbould be fresh, dlean, and Announcement bas beeu made that wholesome. If you produce -yaur the late'Dr. Frank Warren, Whitby, A heathf l, mn Vigtemdý, awn miik, see that the ccws are h eal- bequeathed bis entire miedical library A eaithful, fo e i'-.arsg rey, thy and dean,. Keep the imilk dean, te MceGill University from which lha AgenIts b, sold by drut- 00d, coveîed and free frornallodors.grdtdovr5 or wite for a free trial package. wrongly, that ceauniesnadling Templetons. 142 Kiýng W., Toronto rmilk is as near te godlînessa l n oth er human way. Watch jealouslyl Local Agents, Jury & Lovell'a Drug temihk supplîed by your miilkmn- Store. see that it contains ne foreigu sedi- C menV. if. any la detected, report te yeur Board of liealth, as it is a part cf its duty te sea that public yen- dors supply geed, dlean, whche milk. If you are uncertain cf yeur milk - __________________________________________ supply, it is safeat te use paateurized jThe fellawing lu some epitomized1 1advice about the use cf milk: Milk is a good food for all.-A bab: will double and ofteu treble its ' weight lu six menths with no other ( - food. Almoat everyo4ue likes to ldrink ihk; but it is more than a bi ergei.isane ficient food. -1nanson, Bates&Co. Ltd., Toronto, STEAMSHIP TICKETS 4lotor Sales Linited 1TO.EA.RJAES~pcc 88 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. White Star Dominion, CUnard, Amer- lean. Ank fori nformiation. hu Aý short time ago the retail price -if Red'Rose Tea ý(Crimtson Label) was re- Iuced 10 cents a po3und,. 1 Whenever conditions permit, the price will again be reduced, but neyer ta stick ani extenit as ta lower the quaity. You will always find t>ie quality of Red Rose Tea ail youý expéct it to be- the same good tea for over 25 years. 1'. ýH. ESTABROOKS CO., Ltd.' Ste John -Toron'to Winnipeg Monitreàl Calgary Edmonton Hogg & Lytle, Limited. SEEDS'AND .GRAIN, WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of Seeds and Grain. Send or bring inyour samples for llighest prices., FEED Our stock of Feed, is compiete, including COTTON SEED, QIL CAKE, BRAN, SHORTS, etc., at lowestprices. Phone 203. USE IT. Ho )gg &CLUytle LIMITED Phone 2O3-Us'e it. Oshawa A titchln Tîrnef Even if ail kinds of Commodities are at Top Notch, it will pay to Keep Your Buildings In Good Repair And if you have not 8ufficient accommodation for either your famiiy , your stock or your implements, it will be a good proposition to EErect New Buildings of the Right Type. We are p repared to fnrnish estimates and supply material for any style of building you may require, and at prices as reasonable as yoa can get anywherel. Our Specialties llemlock, Spruce and B. C. Fir joists and studding; Hemlock, Spruce and B. C. Cedar Roofing and Sheeting; 1'ine, Spruce and Hardwood flooring; B. C. Red Cedar Shingles and Brantford Roofing; Canadian Portland Cernent, the very best in the market ; also doors, sashes and ail kinds of interior fiaish and trim. Caîl or write us your, inquiries and we will do our best to gyive you satisfaction. McCelan& CnayLiniited, King Street East Bewmanville Office Phone 15 - Residences 228 and 274 UCrearn Wanted! Prices of Creami are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream, --- Wè-Want Yours If we fait to cai on you we wouid appreciate a phonie cati or write -us. Orono Creamnery CO, ORONO t,- -'-t' i

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