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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1921, p. 8

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BO0WMAN VILLE, JAN. 27th., 19.21. ENNISKILLEN Servce e MtboistChurch Sun- day~ evening et 7 o'clock as usul.. Mr- andcrs A. L. Pascoe, Solina, recently visited' et 11r. James A. TYRONE Ouir ege netandEnnliskil- len and Hyo on Thui-sday even- ing. Dvotioeeercices 'weîe con-1 ucebyMi. A. A. Hi's efterwbc Mi. eynr ofHeyontoojk thce chair nd coadu tedtis fine igan The 4opic "ELvangeine" taken ini Gerred aid Mi C. Ae Mr.îeCd iaigs b'y Miss Vr ieoMis. Tbeo, Slimoin, Mi Hîvy MGi,;piano diuet by MUissý Helena -Weriy and Mis. UH, Annis; rousing choruses b-y En-1 ins!kilen adHadnLeegues and a short address by Pastor W,,. T. Wick- ett. A c ýontest prepered by Misses M'Aary RZichards anid Florence Geidin- eî made the sociel part of the.even- ing a delightfully pleesing success. éi . C. Bell iepreseited the Domnin- ' Qn Aliance on Sunday evening, and :2; , ieryearnest eddîess besed on Prov. '14:34. Rev. W. T. Wickett ,.asýsisted jen the service. Good music ~by thechor Th'e enniveisaiy services of Ty- ernM~ethodist Churcli wilI be held sxtSundey when Rev. A. K. Edmis- on, B.A., Orono, will preecli et 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Speciel music by the choir. A liberel off ering is esked oný bebaif of the Trustee Boad, SOLINA Faîmers' Club and WFonen's Iest- itute joint meeting on Tbursday niglit proises ea good tirne to those -wbo at- tend c. Good Music and e debete "'Resolved that the rural sohiools of to-dayr are better then that of oui fathers."I Everybody cone .... The Quart erly meeting will be beld here COURTICE Miss Pearl Morden, Shannoeville, visited et IMr. Fred Nichols'; Mr. and Mis. R. R. Gay end femily Sunda-yed et ber fei'rs, Mr. Thos. Jackson, Bowrnanvilleý,; Miss M~inie Brown. Keene, is guest of ber cousin, Miss MaI'belle Walter, the post oiffice; Mi. end Mirs. S. S. Brooks ere wýith hi daugliter, Mrs. M, Soules, Toronto; Misýs Ethel Brooks wes hom e over Sunldey; Mr. . R. £3o0urtice," Deputy Revis et 'Counities' CounIcil;_Mr. Storie, a returned Missionrry, recent- ly visited bis cousin, Mrs. (Rev.) W. ýS. P. Boyce; Mi. Roy N'ichoi01ls ba gonie to Toronto; Mfiss Leta 1Jacklson is Visi,,',ting ber Iýsister, -Airs. R. R. Gay.) MrsII. JmsShortt entertained! on Wednsdayevening, for Miss Dorothy Brok, aing a11cor o of lier O. D H.S rienids; 2Miss Lyle sore Toronito, week-ended et bone; Ms Levi Brunt is guest of Mis. oElien Hlapcock. MAPLE GROVE Visitors: Mi. Joe MecIntosb, Sask., visiting Mr. Fred. Leee; Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Freeman end children spent Sunday witb bis'brother le town ; Miss Ollie Cromsbury, Simcoe, home after a pleasant'visit with Miss Viola Stev- ens; Mis. W. J. Snowden hoine from visiting Toronto and Oshawa friends; Miss Gledys Allin and Mi. Ivison Munday with friends ie Oshawa on Sunday. .... Ebenezer Leegue visited our League lest week wben a splen- did program nwes given, consisting of readings, music, end eddresses. After the prograrn, oui Leegue served re- fîesbments and e very eejoyabIe time was spent by al.... Mi. and Mis. L. C. Snowden ettended the funeral of Mis. 1. M. Law on Sundey and also visited ber hister, Mis. Jî7 D. Hogartb ...A numnber fîom here attended the hockey match et Osbawa on Mon- day niglit. Mrs. O. W.* Roîpli, formeily Miss Vere MecDonald- received for the PASSING 0F MRS. IVAN LAW, A young lif e has somiewhet sud- denly gone t-olher reweîd in the per- son Jf Mrs. Ivan M. Lew, Solinia, wý;ho passed away fromi pneumonrie at Bowm-anville Hospitel on Friday norning, Jenueîy 21st., aged 35 yeers. Mrs. Lamw as e daughiter of Mi.1 SJ. Kelly end wesbore et Leskýard on Decem-ber 20, 1885. Her very early if e was spenit et PBuir's Fells, and her sehool days in P'ortPey end Breintford. liler fether mioved to Heiiton wh ýve11 she wes ab)out 16 years of egej,c, e ý_r berother diedl. Shie was eyer very strong eandle de'- feeet the wishe(s of ber '),di- cel advisor she rnoved to the couaitry where she lived with ber aunt, Mrs. S. Northcott, Taunton. On April 29, 1908, she was uinited je miarria ge wîtirh Mr. Ivan M. Law, Soline,,, and to them wr bore thnree sons, Mal- colm Douglas, aged 10, Gordon Dun- cen, aged 6 yeers, and Ross Ian, eged 4 yeers, who now with lier hus- bend mourn her eerly demise. When health permitted she neyer missed being present et church and Sunday Sehool and so consistent wes Îter îf e thet she wouid not merry un- til her husbend to be joiaied the church.* Rer femily hf e was ae hf e of love end devotion to ber femily and even when in iii heelth ber mein thought wes -how she might, be of help to others. She was' a good. compenion to ber husband, being a greet help le bis woîk es Secîetery of the Fermers' Club for the pest six yeers, and in the building and furishing of their new borne which she looked f orward to eejoying in future deys. The funerel service was held Sun- day efternoon, the interment teking plece je Bowmenville Cemetery. Ser- vice wes conduced by her petoî, Rev. J. O. Totton. The pail-beerers were 1Mr. Herbert Hooey, Burketon, Mr. A. J. Temblyn, Orono, Mi. Russell, Best, Orono, Mr. S. ïA. Nortbcott, Tauintoni, Mr. Will White, Hlamption, ,gnd Mr. Frenik Rolson, Oshawa. Thle floiyai offe1gs were beautifu Ll ineluding: wreaths, Husbend hl nd U. F. 0. MEETINIGS providence U. F. O. Club will mieet in Providence School bouse on Tues-ý day, Feb. lst., eit 8 p.m. Junior F-ar miers will furnish the progremn. S. Chas. ;Al1in, C. A. Wight, President. Secretery. Soutb Daîlini ton U.F.O. Club will, mIeet et Ebeneýzer on Mondeay, Jenl.1 3lst., et 2 p.mi. Mr. A. V. Rei oGf' Cleike, the U. F. O. candidate in the next Fedýerel Election, wilI give aIn eddress. Laidies cordfiilyT invited. A. Camnpbell, £Tru Power, Presidenit. Sceay PARM FOR SALE 10I5 arsin Darling-ftn Townshiip, on RingtonHighayjust eaist of Bowmian- vilefiet-lae alà oam, the property of tie late W.E. Jwlail workable, ever-runninig stream i n pasture, about 50 acres ready for crop, about five acres or- chard just starting to bear; buildings in good shape; being sold to wind upr estae possession April lst., 1921. For further particulars apply to the executors T. H. Clemence and H. W. Jewell or to Mrs. fldith V. S,.,bed, insuanc,, agent,' Bow- manville. 3-2 Balance of oui fers now being cleared et wholesele prices. Coucli, Johnston & Crydermen. MOTOR LICENSES. 1 bave been appointed Issuer of Motor Licenses. I also selIl est makes of nion- glaee iglits, government passed, Suin- Ray, suitable for an-yý car-$3.00. MacBe-th g-em top $6,00 pair and mil i1ed. Licenises and Len)s Maiiled A. J. CHRISTIE, 8-t Port Hope. AUCTION SL Tuesday, February 8-Mi. W.r H. Arg-ue, Tyrone, will seil a-)l of bis faim stock, implements, etc. Sale et 12.30 sharp. See bills. Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. Saturday, February l9th.-Tbe Ex- ecutors of the estate of the lete J. W. Brooks, lots 31 end 32, con. 6, Daîlington, will seil al] of bis faim stock, implements, etc. See bis. Sale et 12 o'clock sharp. Geo. Jackson, lauctioneer. Saturday, February 26-Mi. Wesley D. Bragg, lot 130, con. 2, _Clarke, (Bellwood Faim), will sell ail of bis faim stock, implements, etc. See bis. Sale et 1 p. m. Geo. Jackson, Auctioneei. mi Pure Cane LANTIC SUGAR in bags of 20 POUNDS While it lasts, clearing at EXTRA SPECIAL ELECTRIC WA.SHER TIME SAVER Regular $135.00 for $100.00 This is an- opportuniity wich thrifty 1el cannot afford to miss. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLÈANEÉS We are also offering special inducements- in El- ectrie Vacuumi Cleaneris which, ît will pay you to investigate THIS WEEK. Mason, & DaIe's hardware The'Store with the Big Ha rdware Stock. Phone 145 Bowmanville GUESSI "MY CANADA"' "MY CANADA!' ý3OO Cash Reward to any Person Who is Nearest'RigIg on 3,Guesses Fîenkly, we want to drew your attention to the enoimous importe of United States goods into Canada. We went you to reelize whet it âllmen Fiîst Prize, $100.00 Second Prize, $50.00 Third Prize-and the- next elev.. en prizes of $5.00 eaec to any person who makes ,and sends into us the eearest guess to the amount of money in goods that will be imported into Canada from the Unitedl States for FEBRUARY 1921, as wiIl be reported ýa, Zilr', end Coneties. Cer- aae ~erurns rnr ebtrUary,- ýfrienii,;; .... ý:"Gupýt-ýes Co la

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