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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1921, p. 1

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/ t Vol. LXVII. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANV-,LE,, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 17, 1921 $2,00 a Year In Advance 5c a COpy]o Opti ,cal S,ýervice THE WISE TAKE CARE 0F THEIR EYES. Corne in and let us fit you properly and stop worrying about the trouble and inconvenience of wearing glasses. PERFECT VISION-PERFECT COMFORT-PERFECT SATISFACTION Ail out work is absolutel% guaranteed. Ju ry & LcovgeI1 ~(Ch*cago Ophtîialmic College Graduates 'fi New York School of Opties Detroit Optical College 1Canadian Optica] College Phone 78 .KODAKS There is no other place in BOWMANVILLE Where you can get Genuine Kodaks and Supplies Do't get the idea that picture iiaking is strictly a summer sport. The woods, field s, streams, etc., -will provide some attractive scenes for winter photos. Then too, you ena take indoor pictures. Our line ,of PHOTO SUPPLIES is very com- ^plete. Rent a Camera 10e a day. JURY & LOVELL KANTLEEK BOT WATER BOTTLES They can't leak because they are made in one piece. Absolutely guarnnteed at any Rexall Store for, two years. Price ;3.50. Ask to uce the lin. to-day. JUR~Y & LOVELL When We Test Eyes it is Done Properly. CALF MEAL POULTRY FOOD STOCK FOOD We are 'headquarters for these gooda. 1It pays handsomely to feed Poultry Food when eggs are 25e a dozea. It pays twice as well now that Prices are so high. Caîl and ask about our guarantee, our money back offer. Its worth while. JURY & LOVELL Prevent Your Hair From Falling by using REXALL Ninety Three HAIR TONIC Any ordlnary affection of the "cap yields to this tonic. 14 oz. bottle $1.00 6 oz. bottle 50e Rexaîl Shampoo Paste 95e Harmony Liquid Shampoo 50c JURY & LOVELL Bowmaniville REXALL BEEF, WINE & IRON Makes Pale People Rosy. Makes Weak People Robust. You cannot have rich, red blood un- less you provide a sufficient amount of iron to build red 'cells. Rexal Beef, Wine and Iron supplies just the elements thatare needed to make the blood rich and pure. Every ingredient in this remedy ls easily and quickly assimilated and giood results from its use are felt almost immediately. Price $1.25. JURY & LOVELL DISINFECTANTS should be used freely to guard against Small Pox, Diphtheria, and other diseases. We can advise you what ies best for aay special -purpose FORMALDEHYDE CÂNDLES for funiigating. FECTO for houiehold disinfectlng. CREOLIN a general germicid. JURY & LOVEL RE-STOCK TAKING SPECIALS Prices Greatly Reduced An opportunity marked by unprecedented value-giving and big savings befitting the fame of this store. To meet the present market conditions we are greatiy redue- ingpices of these goods:ý White and Grey Cottons, Apron Ging- hamsr Shirtings, Sheetings, White and Colored Shaker FIannel. Furs at Wholesale Prices Every piece of fur left is being cleared at wholesale prices. Coats at Haif Pricé' Balance of our ladies' cloth coats going this week at exactly haif regular prices. Blouses Ail Silk Crepe de Chene and Georgette Blouses. Dresses Ail Silk and Poplin Dresses Skirts Ail Ladies' Dress Skirts. Couch, Johnuston & C ryderman, Bowmanville Phone 104> Linxltea N. B.-AIl stores in Bowmanville will be closed Wednesday after- noons in 1921, except during December. THE EDITOR TALKS After reading- Mr. J. Il. H. Jury'e letter in this journal the girls anè boys will go to theirË geographies tc find the location on the map of tii several British possessions to wbicîl he refers. We fancy that very f ev stiidents or other people have evei realized the great distances residentý of the BermuLdas, for instnce, musd travel on the sea to visit friends ir British Guiana. We are very glai that Canadians are makig efforti te work up a more extensive commer. cial trade with the West India Islands It will bc worth whule'to read the lit. erature of this interesting part of tii great British Empire. When Mr. ané Mrs. Jury retura he will be able tc tell any inquirers where they ma3 find such literature of recent publica. tion. _________ We were pleased to read in ýtb report of the opening of the sessior of Canada's thirteenth Parliament ai Ottawa on St. Valentine's Day thai Hon. NeWton W. Rowell, M. P., f oi Dunhamand Sir Sam Hug hes,' a dis- tinguished Durham County Old "Bo3 sit together ia the House of Comn mens. It is the Intention of Honý Mr. Rowell to sit on he Goverameni side as long as he stays in the House, which accordiag to bis letter to thE Durham executive will not be long, *Mr. George N. Gordon, M. P., foi West Peterboro, received 4,093 votes, beîng 1,282 over Mr. Denne tii Goverament candidate and 1,744 ove: Mr. Campbell U. F. O. candidate, This result in the five-corner contesi would seem to indicate that the twc old political parties are still verý * mucb alive ia urban centres, at least, Everybody may not agree with tii view of Thomas A. Edison but wE do. On his 74th birtbday he wa: asked by an interviewer wbat ad. vice be would give to young mer starting careers ini the business world, He answered laconically, "None.1 can't gîve advie on that subject. Who can ?. All I know is that ifa man bas reached the age of twenty- one and is dead mentally, no amount of advice, example or experience will ever change hlm la the slîghtest". Ia other words the inventor says of the young fellow on the street that if at seine period between the age of 12 and 16 a 1boy can be interested la some subject and become enthus- iastic be will advance and become a high type of maandc be worth wbile to the world, but if he fails to ifind a substantial foothiold in somne calling or vocatio3n he -will be a mnentaly dead one. MThZ._ goes OsIer eone but- ter but this is a rapid age. Boys, you had better lînk up to something wor- thy of your best talent. The lady teachers of this town and vicinity do well to organîze with the object of raising the status of their prof ession. It certainly should be done se that teachers shahl be recog- nized as a valuable asset to the State -equally as important as the minis- ter, doctor or lawyer. One thing o f which we are convinced is, that teachers. themselves must do the rais. ing'-of their social and proleisiona status whenever itis raised. Soi time ago we asked a public school inspecter why scbool teachers do nol receive equal recognition to members of other professions-?His reply was that in the firs ptlace, a higher stanl- that in the first place a higiier stan- dard is set f or Law, Medicine and the Ministry., The mai ority of lawyers, doctors and jreaehers have degrees and these after from two te five years professional training. ,A teacher often bas two or tbree years at High School and 'then perhaps eight months' professional training. A teacher's license is cbeap compared te a doctor's, lawyer's, or a minister's. Il, the second place a teacher is ý aid a salary and wbether he works ard or not hus salary remains the samne or nearly so. Ris salary does not increase lan proportion to bis initiative and self activity. Ia the third place a doctor and a lawyer are freer-more'independent. A teacher is subject to a seheol board -often ignorant of the diffilculties of teaching and indifferent to the wel- fare of the school. A minister is la a somewbat similar position and that is one of the chief reasons why teacb- ers and ministers are so scarce al over the world. ý A man witli a f amily wants to feel free and secure but no one can feel that way la teaching. ln a nutshiell this was his explana- tion. If this Durham old boy bas made a correct diagnosis it lB up to the teachers to endeavor to find an effective remedy. CANADA LANDED AND NATION-1 AN HOUR WITH FARMERS. Ad IVSMN OPN Some Who Taik in Canada'. Nation- ýo Reports Presented at Anuani Meet- ai Farm Weekiy. ýe ing Show Another Very Success- h f ui Year's1 Operations. The seff'or editor of this family v ________journal s4il likes to rend the farmi r papers-the result of haviag been sa -Dr. John Hoskin, Re-Eiected educated on a farm. To-night The et President. Farmnera' Magazine of this date, Feb. n__10,_f eaturiag the horse, bas greatly' -d We are, pleased to notice by the interested and iastructed., It is now report issued that the Canada Land-j a weekly magazine of bigb quality' ed and National Iavestment Company of paper, liberal illustration and real Limited, Toronto, of whicb Dr. John practical information for the farm- Hoskin, K. C., LL. D., D. C. L.,is er's bousebold. Here are some para- dPresident and witb whicb compaay lhe graphs taken from this issue: has been conaected for the past fifty One to two pages weekly will be years, bas had another very prosper- for women of the home. out n aifcoyyteer- A short story will appear weekly. ings being something over 16 per Coming scarcity of dreaugbt horses cent on the paid-up Capital. The Re- by Alex. Galbraith, Edmonton, is a ýe serve Fund Is now $150,000O more timely article: Farmers, have faith n than the paid-up Capital. During the la future horse breeding, raise, al tt past year they have not only paid the goo auhsy cnwtcret ýt haehodes te sua dvidndofconformation, good quality and r 10 per cent., but have laid aside soundness. Prices wlll assuredly lie 5- $50,000 as a reserve te cover any de- bigher next season. y preclation which may occur in gev- -erament and municipal Bonds and R. R. Ness, Horwiçk, Que., bas as, have carried f orward the substantialgreat falth la the future of the Lt sum of $50,506. Sncb a statemeat draught horse as in that of the dairy could not fail to be entirely satisfact- cew. Sory te botb shareholders and debent-J Unless the present rate of breed- ure holders of tuis Company and ing le incrensed good sound draft rwould not bave been possible if those horses will faîl far short of the de- 3, la charge of the Company's affaira Iuand, \says James Torrance,' Presi. e had net given it their moet oareful. dent Clydezdale Association, ýr and vigilent attention. l W. J. Bell says: 'The supply of ý1 Mr. W. B. Couch of Bowmanville good diraft herses la Ontario is very 't attended the annual generai metngsmia!l. Farmers need not fear to 0 of the shareholders of the Company breed aIl the good draft mares they Y beld in the Company's Offices, 23 bave te desirable draft sires. t, Toronto Street, Toronto, on Wednes- MavIXvnzie H14l1 writçseuethusias- day, tb February, 1921. Presenti' ticaîîy about. n distinguished Clydes- " John Hoskia, K.C., LL.D., D.C.%L.; F., dale mare owned by Frank W. Batty, " LeM. Grasett, M.B., F.R.C.S., j(Edin.)1 Brooklij, Ont., called "Newbigging ýs F. W. Harcourt, K. C.,; D. E. Thonip-, Beauty". Imported from Scotland -_ son, K.C., LL.D.; Chas. J. Holman, K. wben 2-yr old, she dropped hçr first i C., LL.D.; G. Tower Fergusson; Ed- foal laý 1910 and basn't missed a year ward Saunders; Win. Wishart; W. J. siace. She 18 now ilalber l4th year [Dickson; W. D. Gwynne; Alexander and bier carniage la as proud and lier Smith, T. W. Juil; R. J. Maclennan; appearance as pleasing as ilalber bon- a Herbert Langlois; H. Geo. Langley,1 niest days. Princess Palatine was - Chs. . Le, nd . CcI eeo recently sold for $1000. Mr. Batty' t Toronto and W. B. Couch of Bow- says: "Breeding a good animal lias a p avle decided attraction for me just as The President, Dr. John Hoskin, there is a keen iaterest in alI growing f having taken the chair, the Managing crops on a farm". ,t Director, Mr. Saunders, acting as Sec- e retary, the Report and Balance Sheet In Editorial Notes are some sound d were read from which the figures common sease, such as: Raise more -quoted above were taken. and botter herses; plan to sow pure a ~good seed oaly; A wieatbecr prophet la troing e adoption of the re- 'predicts a late Spriag and dry Sum-_ port the, vetera-ýn Presideat, Dr. lies- mer; Caniadian- borsemien need to kmin spoke as flos wake up; The geod old Short Hern GenleenInpresenting the An- and duel-purpose miileli cow on a minal Report for 1920 your Directors Canadian farm ïsli ard to beat; are con)fidenit that tothe Sh arehoîders Potatoes are down, wý%ool and hides and Debenture Holders the resuit of are cheap, ctte are a question wbîle -the year's eperations will be most sat- seeds are paralyzed-: Time aow fori isfactory. clothing, boots, groceries and build-i i Regard beîng Iiad to present finan- îgmtra oflo utpi-ei ciacndtote ietsargrt Now is the time to get ready for a al ondtinsth Diecorsar grt-big season's sugar and syrup mak-1 r ified to be able to submit for your in hr hr aempe; N consîderation a Statement wbich can- farmer is of real service te agri-i -rot but commend itseif to aIl concern- culture who waits for bis owa pocket- ed. book to be enriched before hie willi The exchange conditions reader it net. g mpossible te bring fuads from the Farmers' Magazine devotes much t other side for investment bere, but attention to Consolidation of Public w. re satiûe~d that when these -con- Shos 1ditioiis change we shaîl be able, as in NeleLMclg:Iikfa - Dthe peut, te obtain from our old-time Nat aayLtime; it :Is sncb a o t .1 Debeature Holders ail the fuads nec- natnytm;iisucajoo tessary for our purpose-in the men- plant the seed and see it shove is atime, as our Report shows, we are sat- little green nese up thru the soul. 1 aisfactorily carrying on the, affairs of "The Canadian Mother's Book" - the Company. Net, only have wwll be sent free. Apply te, Depart- - paid our 10 per cent. Dividend and! ment of Heaith, Ottawa. 1 set aside the sumn of $50,000.00 as àaý Geo. R. Belton: I arn here te. say freserve in case of dopreciation in the average Canadian farmer is a 3Goverament and other bonds held by wider-mîaded nýan than the aver- Sthe Company, but we have aise car- age city dweller-under a rougher nied f orward a substantial credit bal- &xtorior ho bas a broader seul; you sance. [finui a reasonable fellow in the aver- s Our securîties are of a Sounad andiugefarmer; lie is generally better satisfactory character. rend, wlder minded and wiser and i far better versed la the science of Again, it is our duty and privilegel Goverament.t te mention the coatiaued and success- 3fui interest and zeal of our Ediaburgb Mrs. Nellie L. McClung: Many 5Agents, Messrs. Hamilton, Kinnear & women owa and eperate their owa >Bea'-on, W. S. and Messrs. Bonar, farmns la the Okanagan Valley, B., C., 1 funter & Jehnstone, W.S., te whose, and very neat and businesslîke they utnited efforts the Comîpany is' mucii look la browa overails and top boots.V indebted for its saccess, and they are Tbey stay ladoors at midday and t en itled to the tl.aiils of the Manage- work outside wben the sua bas gene i aient and the Shareholders. bebiad the meuntain. The beauty 3' We submit the Certificate of your of the 'Okanagan appeals te everY-d Auditors, sbowing the corctes fone.t the 'Statement, also the Report of 1 Frank H. Cheley: A true and z the Inspection Committee. wise father believes it la a far great- OurManges ad taf, t te'er achievement for a boy te makea HedOfficeanWnnieg and ur b te'is lif e tell for a high ideal than for HeadOffce nd inniegandoura living. To be a successful father it Agent at Morden, bhave, as la the of beys is more te be desired than te past, faithfully discbarged their dut- be a successful business or prof es- a les and bave showa their interest lasoalmn the aff airs of the Company. sVnlmn I hae mch peasre i moing Mrs. J. K. Curtis: Every young i Ih aveptmubofpteasurtla movîngwomaa shouîd strive te develop a ti theadptin f he eprtwbcbtrairied intellect. Witb abundant t] motion will be seconded by the Vice- lieauead ulclbare ra Presdent Dr Thoson.* -fund of useful kaowledge lu free for The motion was nnios A-1a-yler -ng And-se- To-nw MISSIONARY SUNDAY Rev. E. W. Dean of The Conference Department of Finance, Toronto, Delighted Two Large Audiences. "One well organized church mission will do more towards world peace than a whole fleet of battleships," so, said Rev. S. W. Dean, Toronto, in his missionary address to the Methodist Coagregation on Sunday morýning. His subject was, "The Wisdom of seizing the strategic opportunity and the dangers of not doing this" and was based on the words of Esther 4, 14. Ris quotations from the words of Lloyd George, ex-President Wilson' and many other prominent men, em- phasized the gospel as the greatest power to, change the human heart, and to-day is the right time to, en- thuse the people about Christian Missions. The choir under direction of,1fr., D2. Nicholson sang the anthem "Sol- diers of Christ Arise," Mrs. (Capt.) J. B. Neale sang the solos, "A, Corner in the World" and "For Every Day" with much acceptance and pleasure to her hearers., la the evening Rey, Mr. Dean based bis remarks on Geni~ 12, 15. He called the et tritý» of his audience to the Immigration prob- lem whîch confronta Canadians to- day, diseussing the racial, physical, ecoaomic, social, politiçal and relig. iou$ p ases, and suggested whAt wus the çvrch'a duty. -Th e cholr rqndý. ered "Ho* lovely are the Mesaeng. ers"-a selection from Mendelssohn's Oratorio St. Paul and Mrs. H. M., Foster sang the solo with good effeet "After a hittle While"l. This is Rev., MVr. Dean's first visit to flowmanville and hie will surely be gladly welcomed back again. The off erings for the missionary fund were liberal. WORK CHURCHES DO. Ministers and members of churcee in old settled localities housed ini comfy residences rend this: Manses that are shacks-or rather, shacks that are manses,-are stilli to be found in the Canadian West. But they will disappear if everybody hýelps. On an Alberta field, thbe mis- sionary and his wif e found on arrival a one-room shack with a leaking sod roof. Fortunately the mîissionary h1ad learned carpeatry when a boy, and was3 therefore able to miake the little dwelling water-t'ight andf livable for the two0 years which elapsed un- til he, with his wif e and "Bab-y Ruth", m.oved into a two-roomi framne bouse, where they "'indeed feelril. Ia a certain place in Saskatchewan. is a Ladies' Aid, "1small in numbers" but "large in activity". Its twelve members contributed one hundred dollars towards the $2,000 aeeded to transform the manse. from a 'leak- ing shack" into a comfortable six- room bouse. Not sati*sficà -with his initial share in the enterprise, they raised $250 additional last Thanhs- giving Day and have also replace& the manse oil-stove by an up-to-date range. A Ladies' Aid Society in Southerik Saskatchewan, built a four-rooni. manse for their missionary. Parents who neglect to create iii their children regular atteadance every Sunday at church assume a. terrible responsibilîty. 1t; is sai that probably not more than tweaty- per cent of t he children are in attend- ance at regular church services. There are, ini addition, thousands of homes in Canada beyoad the reach of any- religious service, with bundreds of children and young people in them who are not being reached by the Church. The place of the children in the Church of to-day determines the place of the Church of to-morrow. LOWER FOOD COSTS HERE A reader of this paper said last week that the most welcome news in the paper last week was the lowering ia price of groceries announced by C. Md. Cawker & Son. No doubhit hua- dreds of other people though the saine bhing judging from the rush of citi- zens to, the Victoria Block Friday and Saturday, who took advaatage-of the sudden drop in prices. Althongh several lines of grocer- ies were eatirely sold out before Sat- ur&ay figlit this well-kaown fi=m hgain cornes to the front this week *ith more interestîag news w'hich neans a big saving to, its mny cus- tomers. Judge for yourself what these specials mean in real values: Pure Aylmer Raspberry Jam, 41b. tin ......................$1.10

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