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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1921, p. 2

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VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or egh Cals Promptly Attended To. offce, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 24$, MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL -Lest W. Fos.g-e ý-fflIGNER and DEALER ini Monu- motTablets, Markers, etc., in Graite and IMarbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M.G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.D. ýBAýRRSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Meney to lban on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. _F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mortgage Loans Arranged. Bonds orSale., Phone 102. Office, Bleak- >oy Block, Bowmanville. 4- AMUSEMENTS THE BUNGALOW IDANCES, RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, BANQUETS,- ENTERTAINMENTS, Full Equipment and ail Convoniences. For information, rates, or reservat- Ions, address Box 390, Bowmanville. MÉDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Goid Medaliat of Trinity University Tmoonte. Four years Attendinig Phy- giian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmnel Ho&pital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Rsýidence, Wellington street, Bov-. mauhvilj!ýe. phone 108. 86 Cý. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M., £-radjuate of Trîinité Medical College, 'Teronto, foqrmrerly of Eaaiskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- mnil.Phione 2,59. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREYf Grtaduate Toron-to University, year I andic haIfý resident phiysician and sur- genToronto General Ilospital (six menorthe Buxinside Maternity) two adhaif years Military- Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- maý,nville. Phone 143w. lO-lyr.* DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE MoÎnor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate &f the Royal iColýlege of Dental Surgeons of Ont- ai.Office King-st., Bowmanville. Ofiephone 40. House phone 22. ~DR. J. C. DEvrTT 'Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toot.Office, King-st East,. Bow- ýCr1rvMle. Office heurs 9,a. m. te 6 ý.n aily except Sunday. Phone eG.House Phone 90b. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. .otcomplete equipment. Sunday 1and night cals promptly attended te. Bowranville phones 10 and 34. Brnhat Orono. AUCTIONEER THEO, M. SLEMON laing secured a license as auction-1 erIamn prepared te take a limited nber of sales. For terme apply 3i Eniniâkillen P. O., or phone 197-rS. JUNK DEALERS- YPOULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, 2uke-st, jus^t hoppsite Canin Fa tory,,pays highest cahpricesfo ai kîd fpulr n unk. Phone WANTED.--Any HayGran, or Wool, Poultry, or Junký. Cali 289 in the rnoruings before 8 or after 6 p.. Js. oseavald, Bowmaaville. 32-tf CANADA' BUSINESS COLLEGE, OSHAWA. Ourwinerteri ommences January 3. Bnokkeeiplng, Shorthand, Typewrlting,c Cosaplete Commercial and Complete ,,tenograPhlc courses. >Cng Street Chambiers, Oshawa., P hone 917.' Easter Termt Opens Mrch 29t SChicago Unercelled dining car serice. Sleeping cars on night train~s and 1arior cars on the principal day trains Fu~ll information from ny rn WUi Tiekect Agent or (C. E on ,,5iatict Pamene Agent, Toronto. fo.78 Bo'oaavifl B0WMANVILLE,FEB. 17th., 1921. TOWN COLYNCIL Alarming Shake-Up Among 1Cor- poration Officiais. Fabruary meeting of ceuncil held on 7th was a busy one wben consider- able 'important business was tran- sactad. AUl members cf council ware presant, Mayor Quinn presided. Coun- Lcil rooni was filled to the doors with citizens who teck a keen interest la the proceadinge. Following applications were re- ceived and laid on table: For care- taker cf Cemtery-J. F.*Good, J. H. llighhaeld; Steward cf Fira Dept.- LF. H. Bounsaîl at salary cf $75 per year; Assessor-F. B. Whiting, Jas. McConnachie. H. Pawsoa offered te reat land arcuad dispesal works on came terms as Frank Bros. Rent was fixed at $75 payable October let. W. L. Stacey, London, asked for particulars as to building for tan- naery. Te Manufacturers' Cern- mittea to report. Daputation fron Bewnville Hos- pital askad council for ita annual gr 'ant and gave 'facta and, figures shewîng anumber of, patients wko had been treated there durîng the year, east cf saine, and the need cf finan- cmal assistance. Mr. Thos. Ted, Rev. D. W., Best'and Dr. J. C. Davitt spoke la behaîf cf hospîtal. Hlgate- Rehder moved that $500 be given hospital and tewn will provide for its indigent patients. Carried. .Principal, W. J. Morrison, Mrs. Edith V. Scebeil and Mr.ý James Dey- man pleaded for the usual graýnt cf $ý200 f o the 'Bcwmanville Public Lîbrary. Yates-M. J. Eiliott moved that grant be $150;, Merritt-Glan- villea movad that the grant be $200. Ameadmecn'int carried. G-raiits cf $10 each te Muskoka Free Hospital and Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, were passed with- out discusson. 1Finiance report was presanted by Deputy-Reeve Rehder and was adcpt- ed after Mayor 'had M-Nr. Bennett's, (Carlisle Ave.,) Hydre "account of $4.02 elhminated. Coun1. Yates prasented pay sheet cf Waterwerks Dept., whichÊ was adopted. Mayor Quinn read an intarinii re- port cf auditors from the finm of Therne, Mluilholilndi, Howson and Mc- Pharson, accouatants, Toronto, and îiniated that a f ull report vwilha presentedI at iiaxt re'kula r ameeting. By-law wvas passed appoiating van- varions tcwn offieiais: Johnl Lyle was, appoînted Clerk and Treasurer for one month, salary being at ratp of $1,400 per year. F. B. Whitingý was re-.appointed assessor at $200., Chief Rd. Jarvis will again be Col- lector at, $200. Othan positions conferned on thea veteran chief- without salary-includa Truant Offi- car, Fruit and oi ed Inspect- or. Positions cf Chief Constable'were laft la obayanca for one moath. No neason was givan for this delay, but' it is a wall known fact that dissat- isfaction is expnessed negarding this departmeat, panticularly in nefaerence to net checking violations cf Ontario Temperance Act. Carataker cf Cematery appoint- nient was also hald over for next meeting, savaral applications having bean received. Pater Newhouse will again >be Street Commissiloner at yearly salary cf $900. Othen appeîntniants were :-Special Constables--Archie Mathews, John Mohan, Harb. Creeper; Fence Viewers-Harry Allia, John Elliott, Win- Barrie; Pound Keeper-A. E. Belînian. Dr. A. S. Tilley's request for light in :front cf bis residence on Queen- et., was, referred to Public Prcperty Commiittee to report. Coun. Glanville drew attention of council te condition cf meeting reoni of- fireýman as it has net been put la proper onder siacýe a cyclone bit thie fire hall. Public Property Cemmnittee were empowared te fit rooni at cost net excaeding $25. The generous chainmaa cf Fine Dept. sald if it cs race tan hathewould pay it um- Merritt-Glanville mfove 1d thati advts he placed la Torento and local papers for a Secretary-.Treasurer for town. Carried. Reeve Holgate gave a timely ca- tion on the suhject of Eccnomy. H1e said ccunty rate would be higher than last year and asked Sçhool Boards aad other speading çm mittees to- ha as economical as,,pos-' sible. He referred to the uphoister- ed chairs, couch and ruga purchased for Public Sahool Board Rooni while the stage of Opera ilcuse could not WEST DURHAM OLD BOY. His host cf friends ahl over the- country will be glad te hear that on Sunday, Fýebruary 5th., 1921, Mr. John L. Power, a pioneer citizen of Cartwright township, passed the eighty-fifth annual mulastone cf bis if e, and stili hie is as active as many men tweaty yeara his junior. Mr. Power was bora la the year 1836, on the Base Line cf Darling-1 ton township, south cf Maple Grove, b is father b eing the late Edward G. Power. While a young man, four years (1856-59), were spIa)nt in teaching school at Maple Grove. H1e miovad te Cartwright in 1865 where ha lias lived te the present tume- "ýa tiller cf the soil."' During the week previeus. te bis birthday, lie cut dowa and trimmad a large elm tree, over thirty inches through the trunk, with the ]one aid cf bis heay axe. j WOMEN TEACHERS ET The Womea Taachers' Association cf Durhaam held a most enthusiastic, meeting Saturday, February Sth., la the'Lecture Roorncf St. Paul's Pres byterian- Church. The au cof this 1Association as a branch cf the 'Womien Teachers' Federation of On- tapie, is te raise' the status cf the teachiag profession. A splendlid progran was given con- aiating cf addresses by Misses M. Mc- Caughey, Cobourg, Myrtle A. Wil- son an~d A. E. McKowan, Bowman- Ville, ll cf whom stressed the idea that this is an organization intended Ito beaefit net onfly the teachiag pro- fession but te assist in~ training the pupils in a hîgher stard cr f Cania- dian citizenlship. A solo by Ms H. M. Poster, a formier teacher, was miuch apprecia- ted1. After the business session a social hour wsapent and a supper served by the Bowmvraaville Branceh. The officers cf the Association are: Presid'eat-Miss Flora Galbraith, Bownianville. Vic e-Presid ets-Misses M. 'Jen- nings, Bowmiaaville; Mary Stric<- land, Port Hope; Kate, Foster, Orono; Hlarr-iett A. Mason, New- cse;Mildred Sîsson, Bethany. Secretary-Treasurer-Miss Jessie M. Tuer, Port Hope. Correspondinlg Secretary-Miss Greta M. Wickett, Bowmaaville. To miake it possible te have fre- quent mi(eetings it was decided to have at least three centres--Bowmainville, Port Hope and Orono-whare the local teachers might fpregather at their convenience. SUN LIFE ENTERS JUBILEE YEAR WITH FINE RECORD. The Sun Lif e Azsurance Company of Canada En1ter. Thiz, its Jubilee Year With a P1roud Record. Twenty years ago the total aeur- ances in force w7,ith the Sun Life cf Canada were about half the new business actually paid for duriag the year, 1920, whea the new business reached 'the enormous amount cf over One Hundred and Six Millions. This great, Canadian corporation, after flfty years cf service tc the, assuring public, stands eut to-day as one cf the largest and mest success- fui life assurance cempanies in the world. The story cf the growth cf the Sun Lîfe, cf which ail Canadians are prend, is a record cf stupendous achievement. It la- plainly, told in the figures ccntained la the fiftieth annual report whicb fa published in a ,.nother part' cf this aewspaper te- day, It ie interestiag te acte that this Ccmnpaay since its inceptien la 1871 has paid eout te 'its policy-hoIders, or their beniificiarie,. over One Hua- dreçi Mtillion Dolars. The great benefit derived frei the distribution of this vast amiount cf imcney, paid when nmoney la mest needed, bardly needa to beyenlarged upen. The Dom inion of Canada bias pro- duced many institutions of wbich it la justly prcud, and wbich (do it hon- our, and'an-ong these the Sun Life Assurance Company cf Canadia, as one of the outatanding life assurance organizations of the wcrld, must take a prominent pae The great strength cof the Sun Life je evidenced by ise assets of' over $114,000,000, while business la force cf $486,000,000, attesta its tremen- idoua grçowth in aize. 7-1 indigent citizens didn't pan eut as well as anticlpated. Mîter cutting 202 poste for which $12.12 waa. paid, the mien quit and left ît te the Public Property Committee te find sonw other meane cf keeping the home fines burning. Waterwerks Dept. le looking for big business the ccming sunimer as they asked permission te purchase 30 water mnetere. Requsat gnanted. Archie, Matthews wants te conaect bis realdence wlth Hydre light, but mutst firet get permission te rua wires acrose G. T., R. tracka. Clerk wlb write Railway Bo.ard for permlission. Balance cf sesion was taken up lu disciieslng good roads. Cinders ce-uld ho seeured free frqmn C. P. R. and gravel arouad 35e a yd. Clerk will write Dept. Minister of[ Hlghways as to assistance towa mayl expect frein Goverament in paving King-sRt.1 wortb.Otris future grea,>ass de-, pends to a great extant on bier liva stock. By meains of thiis club we hcpe te intrc- duce good yung animais cf correct Sborthern type at a reasonahia pries anid perbapa a caîf unay do scniotling to intarest your boy in the fanr and balp toiaka bu a succassful farner. The calves will ha registerad la the boy's naina and while we hope avary one of the calves may ha kapt for years to comae, if any cf the boys ývants to sali bis in the faWliehacan do so ns Sh?rthorn fa- Imaies are always in great gernand at' gocd Fricas., Onecf our largast fiborthora breedars! in Ontario today wben hae madea bis start, bad te ha urgafi by onecf the breedars te purchasa bis first f amale. Now hie is about te, retira and bis sons ara carrying on. Ha is naver tiref cf, talling how haie was afraifi te taka the first stap and how hae bas always been indahtad te the man who gava hlm bis start.' A pure-brad caîf ownad hy your son may hava influences f ar greater than anythlng yen have aven daned to hope for.C We are aiming at reasonabla quality witb gcod pedigraa andi are looking for foundation stock fcr Durhami County boys tc build future bards cf Shonthorn Cattla. RU LES L. The Cil b ' -a1alaithe "Durhami County Shrhi 'aif Club." 2. The cbjacts cf the U"iub are:- (a) To creata a deaper interast in Pure Brefi Liva Stock.t (b) Prcvida a gcod lot cf Shcrthorn Haif ans with the hope that tbay wili ha usefi as foundation stock for a splendid bard cf Sborthorns. (c) Interaesting boys and Young man in the faading and braeding cf cattia. (d) Encouraging the propar car. cf stock and hast matbods cf feafi- ing. 3. The Club' wili ha directed hy a Coin- mittea "f Wast Durhami Agnicultur- ai Society, assisted by the Agricul-J tural Raprasantatives. Monay will1 ha advanced by thae Bank' c f Montreal, Bowmanvilia. 4. Membarship, boys andi young men cf 12 and undar 20 yeans cf age. 5. Ragistared Scotch Sbortborns will ha distributed and the membars wiil ha allotefi a caîf by dnawing for it. 6. AII calves will ha distributad frcni Bowmanvilla on the saine day. 7. Aillbaifans wili beciegisterad in the boy's naine. 8. A note for aight months will ha givan hy the mamber. 9. Wliau the note falîs due the caif mueut ha paifi for andi cannot ba sold ba- fore tbis is dons. 10. A show wilý bch arrangefi for sonie time in the faîl at wbich sevaral prizas will ha given. Ml Special, class will ha included in Priza IIst at West Durhami Fair, Bowmanvilla. for mambers of this; Club. Mambers will aIse ha entit- lad te enter thain animaIs lanage- lar classas at the Fain. 12. AIU heifans kapt by the boys must net ha bred tili approvefi by the Committea.f 13. The Dept. cf Agriculture will assist in any way possible by gtving in- formation on feading, cars, etc. 14. Only ona membar cf a faniily will he 15. The commýriittea rasarvas the right te lumit tha mnembarsbip, rai ect an application, on mrake any additional rules tbay deeaiafivisahia for the satisfactory conduct cf the club. 16. Applications considarafi in the ondar la which they ana receivafi. 1. Application for memharsbip closes Fehruary 2lst. 18. Calvas will ha distrihuted la March. Under the Direction of WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY And in Co-operation With ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE F. C. Paterson, Agricultural RepresentatiVe and BANK 0F MONTREAL, BOWMAN VILLE comm iTTErr- John Baker, . R. R, 1, Haminton, Ont. E. F. Weatherlit, - - Bowrrianvllie Alan Campbeïl - Bowmnanville, R. R. 2. APPLICATION PORM J. S. Moorcraft, Secly. W.D.A.S., Bowmnanvtlle, 1 herehy apply for cae Shorthorn IHelfer Calf. I agrete rules as outlilned. Name.........._........ ........ ....... Addresa............ Âge, March lat., 1021 ......... Slgn&ture of Parent or Guardïan.- Lot ...Con,...Townshlp ...... DURHAM COUNTY SHORTHORN CALF CLUB "ro the Boys and Young Farmers:- We believe in Durham County as a glinrtl-orn BreadJior ground. We believe that many cf the young men and boys in this County sbould be encouraged te commence the breeding cf high ctass Shorthorn Cattie. We ar e confident, you have the abiiity to make goofi and we hope the Caif Club as outlined will ap- peal te you. Puire Brefi Sborthorn Heif ars cf froin 8-13 months cf age wiii ha furnishad te the membars of the Club. Notes bearing interast at 7 per. cent wî ll ha accepted for a period of eight months. At tha tume the notes fali due the owner may pay for bis caif or ha may sali it andi î-edeemiîtheu nota. A show will ha heifi cOrne time during the fali at which al the caives wili ha sbown andi goofi prizes awarded. Thesa calvas are baing salected by a committea cf the West Durhami Agricul- tural, Society, co-operating with the Ag- ricuitural Representativa and only goed individuals cf Scotch breedîng wil ha selectefi. The cost is astimnted at froni $125 to $200 but it wil ha kept as low as possible Every animal will be insurýd for twelva months for full value se the members run ne risk until the caîf Le soid or paid for. The caives will ha distributed from Bownianviile and wili heaJalotted by drawing lots. Pricas will vary somewhat depending on age, but ail wili ha fairly valuafi according te quality and age. To the Parents:- This is oeaof the first Shortbora Caif lubs organizad in Ontario, but in' the Jnited States thay have provan their INSURANCE AGENCY 1 place all classes of in- sjirance, including Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Guarantee Bonds, Automobile (fire, theft, property damage, jinjuries to the public, col- lision). Ask me for quo- tations before insuring elsewhere. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeil Mr. Wîlbert J.Ioar Insùrance Agenits. Phone i8ç Bowmativille C-hiropractlc (Spinal Adjustments) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Kaif e. Ohir- epractors have remarkable suc- cess in removing the cause cf Appendicitis, Deafaess, Asthxna, Rheumaism, Lumbago, Lame Back,ý Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousaess lanmaey forins r'espond' readily te Chiro- practic. Examination Free at Officd. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 S'imce St. N. oshawa Phone 224. G. A. BRETHEN L AUCTIONEER NORWOOD-ONT Having secured a License fer Bowmanville District I will be pleased te-. conduct your sale REASONABLE RATES- Write for date. 50-t In all branches. First Class Companies Prom'ipt Service Feel Free to Consult me Iat-any- time -about Insurance in which mnay be interested you1 N. E, NEADS Insurance Agency Office Weliagtoni Street Phone 162 Bowmsaville TLOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2800 Winl purchase 7 room frame aouse on Church street, water., ewer. ,lectrlc light and $3000 will purchase 2 story brick bous1ce on Concession street, water, cewer, electrlc ight, furnace, garage ad ev6ry COn1velienee. $3500 will purchase 8 roomed brick house and office attached on Tem- perane etreet. $5000 will purchase 90 acre farm 4 miles from Bownianvlle, well fenced, geood buildings, about $1000 worth of standing timber, possession at once. $5000 WILL SUY-23 acres, 1 mile from town, 9 roomed brick residence, fine out buildings. Possession given wlthin 30 day.. McLaughlin Faran, consisting of 150 acres, joins vdi~Of Tyr-ýna wit-hï thre, ïtores, iîcslt hp colchurch and grist nmiii i1witii ihaif a,.lie of< tarin. The ýsoîl is'a i c dy loami, there ,,, over three miles of tile drains, The la d is level but rollirig, weIl fenced, about 8 acres of hardwood bush, andi one acrE&,of good cedar. Good tarin house and barns wlth stone stabling undler- neath. OMver twenty-four liundl;ed bush- eis of grain thr eshed on it this yýear. The first tenant on rhis tarin made anough money in tive years to purchase a tarin for himBeif. This i. one of the best bargains in the County and miust be sgold to wind up Estate. $20,000 wili purchase the Somers farm, containing 150 acres, just outside the cor- poration of the Town of Bowmanville, 'on county road, on wbich are erected an 8-roomefi brick hoose, commodious out- buildings, stone stabling for 40 bead of cattie ; the sou la a rich dlay loam, well fenced and watered; this is consideretl one of the best farms in the county. Ternis to suit the pi-rchaser. Ifsold byt March lst., possession will be given April' lat., 1921. $4,700 will purchase 101 acres, on con. 4, Darlington, 60 acres clear, 30 acres bush, 3 acres orchard, good buildings, running creek, two wells, bank barn, stable, driving ,3hed, chick- en house, 7-roonied house, with good cellar. 3 miles from station. L. A. W. TOLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT 35-tf Bowmarnil, Phone 41. Elliot Bros. Jewelers Oshawa T"HERE'S NOTHING SO OOOD AS GOOD BREADý Parents happy-children bright and cheerful, ful1 of pep and energy. All, the result of the proper food-TOD'S GOOD BREAD. Don't make any mistake about this; plain simple, nourishing food such as, GOOD BREAD has more to do with happiness, wholesomeness and cheerfulness, than anythîng else in the world. Plenty of exercise and, plenty of TOUS BREAD" THOMAS TOD "Baker and Confectioner i> Bowmanville BE PA'RTICULRR' You cannot be too paÉitîular abôut the insurance you choose. The 40 eom- pallies we represent will stand, the, acid test _of _investigationi. Fire Losses deaIt with very liberally and paid up with as little'delay as possible. Y(X) GET THE BEST W1HEN YOU INSURE WIIIi Je; J. MASON &cSON Real Estate and Iniurance Brokers Ph-one 50 Bômanviile, -- - -- - HAVE YOUR WATCH OR OTHER JEWELRY REPAIRED PROMPTLY eY HAVING IT DONE BY Jhey7ok îb 7orcef S Ewas so proud ofher first cake. Itwas so light so tempting! But her young bro- thers had an eye on it, too, and e You've simply got to hide the cakes and brrad when they're made from. Cream of the West Flour, MaýPle Leaf Milling Co., Lirnited Toronto, Winnipeg Brandon, 1îa3ifax do 48 'WALL PAPERS We have reeeived this week two large shipments of Canadian Wall Papers, bought' to seli at reason- able prices. They consistof the very finest quality and coloring ever brought to towrn, in ail tones, also chintz and fabrie effects ini every shade, suitable for Bed- noms, Sitting Rooms, î.alls, etc. Corne and see thern W. T.. Allen "BIG 20" BOWMANVILLE 3

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